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Why do you make decent changes and then screw it all up?!? (Warclaw's Blessing mount mastery)

K THEN.5162

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Ever since you introduced that balance abomination you call the warclaw to WvW, you have divided this already tiny playerbase. Apart from the numerous bugs, glitches, exploits and generally unfun capabilities of the warclaw (9k health, multiple dodges, decreased player interactivity etc...) the addition of it **MASSIVELY** increased the barrier to entry of new players. This was mostly due to them being left behind by all the dedicated WvW players you quite frankly don't deserve. These slower, newer, inexperienced players looking to give this forgotten game mode a chance were promptly forced into the mercy of gankers, roamers, and pursuing enemy zergs.


Now the solution to this, that you actually implemented, was to obviously give the new players the ability to travel at mountspeed like their companions. Of course this was added in the form of the [Warclaw's Blessing ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw%27s_Blessing) mastery for the WvW abilities. Let's take a look at what this does shall we:

> Warclaw's Blessing is granted to nearby players on foot from another mounted player with at least two ranks in the Warclaw mastery. The player on foot must be near the mounted player for at least 10 seconds to receive this effect.

Now everything almost seems ok, almost tolerable, almost commendable for your consideration of these poor new players. BUT WHY THE ACTUAL $%^* DID YOU MAKE IT ONLY ACTIVATE IF THE PLAYER STANDS NEXT TO SOMEONE FOR 10 SECONDS?!?!? By 10 seconds that mounted player is gone and the new player is once again left behind. Why would you go through the effort of attempting to solve the lack of warclaw issue and then add something that completely destroys its whole purpose.


The solution is literally this simple: **Just have the mount grant the bonus movement speed to players out of combat.** That's it. That's all you had to $%^*ing do but you can't even be competent enough solve a problem without causing the same problem again.

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I do see a lot of mounted players not really caring for those who don't have mounts - they don't really notice the no mount icon nor do they stay to give the buff. In fact, most of the time someone is mounted, they usually do the dodge jumps leaving the non-mounted player out of the buff zone and out of the 10s requirement. I also still see a lot of players not aware of warclaw's blessing, I've had to paste the buff in chat for the non-mount players.

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I deliberately dismount in our zergs and I always have the buff on me. It's really not that hard. Also people without mounts will always find time to catch up. Maybe they should start talking in chat or group up when the zerg is gathering - which always happens dismounted.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I deliberately dismount in our zergs and I always have the buff on me. It's really not that hard. Also people without mounts will always find time to catch up. Maybe they should start talking in chat or group up when the zerg is gathering - which always happens dismounted.


If you're already in the mix of the zerg it's fine, but newer players most probably have zero idea about where to be, what to do, and what is going on. Those are the ones I feel really bad for who are trying to get acquainted with the mode and also too afraid to ask stuff, and when they do there is sometimes someone there to troll them (especially on weekends). In any case, they could probably adjust this better, or do the alternative rental thing (where it only gives the speed buff, nothing else, no dodge/hp/masteries/etc).

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I did not realise that they changed the buff. What is the point of changing this? Who would know and mount up to tag those without mount for 10 secs? 10 secs?? And also, most of the players have their mounts and sometimes they just want to run to the Keep. I do that. Maybe show an indicator of some kind, an icon or a marking on those without mount. If i run pass them i will tag them for 10 sec.

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I might get flamed and called an entitled noob for this, but I thought I would share my experiences. I used to play WvW quite a lot and it was by far my most favourite part of the game. After the warclaw was introduced, however, I would find myself constantly getting left far behind in groups where most of the players had warclaws, even though some of the groups were nice and allowed me to stay despite being left behind. This made me eventually stop playing WvW and the game overall much. I tried unlocking the warclaw but the objective to capture a keep was very difficult to complete as it was hard to find a large enough or skilled group to do it.


I am very pleased to see warclaw's blessing added and it might make me play WvW again. However I would love to see it fixed so that groups or other players will actually help players to get the buff. Or the warclaw could be made a little bit easier to get. I understand that players who have the warclaw have worked hard to earn it, but the warclaw has been available for a while now and wouldn't it be great to have more players to play with that won't be letting the group down?

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> @"ArcticSirius.6075" said:

> Wait I have to sit around for 10s for an unmounted player to gain the buff? I thought it would be a radius around the warclaw or even a lower time than 10s.


Yeah it takes a bit of time to give it to them especially when they are the last of the tail or just joining tail.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Yeah it takes a bit of time to give it to them especially when they are the last of the tail or just joining tail.


I understand so a player if a player is getting ganked (and just been dismounted by the lance or what-have-you), another player can't just run up to them with their own warclaw and make a speedy get away for the two of them leaving the ganker fiddling their fingers, but still 10s seems a bit harsh. Plus, the scenario I described is't too likely to happen. Push the wait time to 6-8s would be my suggestion if they aren't going to change how the buff is applied.

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I mean, let's be honest. For anyone that has been playing Guild Wars since 2005, it certainly doesn't come as any surprise. They've been making questionable balance and design choices for 15 years. Who here remembers the Guild Wars 1 skill "Smiter's Boon (PvP)"? Not to say they're not capable of making great balance and design choices, but it seems to me, their "fixes" are often worse than what they're trying to "fix". It's why I stopped doing WvW over three years ago, and from what I've seen lately, I'm glad I did. Every "fix" has made the mode worse, and worse. It's kind of hilarious.


ArenaNet has "Smiter's Boon'd" WvW.

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> @"ArcticSirius.6075" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Yeah it takes a bit of time to give it to them especially when they are the last of the tail or just joining tail.


> I understand so a player if a player is getting ganked (and just been dismounted by the lance or what-have-you), another player can't just run up to them with their own warclaw and make a speedy get away for the two of them leaving the ganker fiddling their fingers, but still 10s seems a bit harsh. Plus, the scenario I described is't too likely to happen. Push the wait time to 6-8s would be my suggestion if they aren't going to change how the buff is applied.


Yes the problem is that it is very slow and the player we want to give the buff to will fall out of range repeatedly. Also, they won't be able to get it in combat (this is for other reasons, so it's not used as a combat advantage - think stealthed groups with one on mount giving stealthed group warclaw blessing).

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Yes the problem is that it is very slow and the player we want to give the buff to will fall out of range repeatedly. Also, they won't be able to get it in combat (this is for other reasons, so it's not used as a combat advantage - think stealthed groups with one on mount giving stealthed group warclaw blessing).


It's bad enough that I see new players struggling to get the mounted player to stand next to them for 10 seconds but they also easily lose the buff from the mount getting out of range due to the dodge dash


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At first I really liked it because I thought "finally I can run with my group while getting my guardian mantras going after a wipe" but no, unless I already get super speed from an engineer as I pick up the buff, I am gonna be trotting along behind doing my precasts. It's a shame because it could be a benefit to both mounted and unmounted and getting backto a fight quickly - out of combat it should happen immediately in my opinion. I do sometimes use it when running on thief with mounted roamer buddies because it makes a nice hiding place - enemies will typically lance an ally instead of go for me but talk about specialized uses... and not the intended use at all.

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It's even worse than the OP stated. The Warclaw was released on April 23, 2019, and on April 23, 2019, comments were made on the forums and Reddit that weeks/months in the future, players new to the game mode would have a hard time keeping up without access to a mount. The most common suggestion made at the time was to add an NPC who would 'rent' a Warclaw to the player, similar to what you saw starting to appear at festivals for the Roller Beetle.


10 months later.....on February 25th 2020, ANET implemented the change the OP is talking about. The concept is fine imo, but the execution is lacking, as the OP describes...and that took them 10 months to implement.

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> @"ArcticSirius.6075" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Yeah it takes a bit of time to give it to them especially when they are the last of the tail or just joining tail.


> I understand so a player if a player is getting ganked (and just been dismounted by the lance or what-have-you), another player can't just run up to them with their own warclaw and make a speedy get away for the two of them leaving the ganker fiddling their fingers, but still 10s seems a bit harsh. Plus, the scenario I described is't too likely to happen. Push the wait time to 6-8s would be my suggestion if they aren't going to change how the buff is applied.


They could just make it not work if you are already in combat

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I returned to the game about a month ago, thought I would give WvW a try this week because I remembered enjoying it occasionally. I don't have the mount and am trying to get it. Have been trying for 2 days. I can barely get any reward track progress because I can't keep up enough with the zergs to even get credit for anything (Stuck on tier zero participation, aparently fighting and losing to enemy players doesn't even count as participation). I honestly can't see me keeping at it long enough to ever get the mount at this rate. The amount of stuff you need to get it when everyone else is able to just run off and leave you in the dirt is a massive barrier to entry.

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> @"Kaida.1478" said:

> I returned to the game about a month ago, thought I would give WvW a try this week because I remembered enjoying it occasionally. I don't have the mount and am trying to get it. Have been trying for 2 days. I can barely get any reward track progress because I can't keep up enough with the zergs to even get credit for anything (Stuck on tier zero participation, aparently fighting and losing to enemy players doesn't even count as participation). I honestly can't see me keeping at it long enough to ever get the mount at this rate. The amount of stuff you need to get it when everyone else is able to just run off and leave you in the dirt is a massive barrier to entry.


You can go to an unpopulated map (usually Desert Borderlands) and do stuff like cap camps, sentries, and kill dolyaks for participation. If perhaps at a tower or keep, if the walls or gates get closed before you can get in, you can kill the guards and get participation without actually being present in the ring for the cap. Participation doesn't reset if you hop maps.


Also don't be afraid to ask on Teamchat (/t reaches all maps) to see if anybody can help with caps you need for the achievements. People are oftentimes pretty helpful with this. Usually Desert Borderlands is best for this. Otherwise perhaps try to get on a map at reset tomorrow where most likely a tag will at least be able to cap a tower and keep. If you are still trying to collect the pages throughout EBG and find yourself getting killed, I'd recommend you try on a class like Thief that has ample access to stealth and mobility.


There are things you can do to get what you need, it just isn't very clearly spelled out for new players.

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