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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

>but bear in mind Anet are not on our time zone. Their communication team prob aren’t even awake.


I should also point out that Anet are a global company and do have en EU branch. As someone who works in software, an issue of this magnitude is something people will get woken up for. There is no real reason that they have not even responded to say they are aware of the issue.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Prisms.6012" said:

> > > @"Eziair.2509" said:

> > > > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > > > > @"Eziair.2509" said:

> > > > > It's the one thing I really hate about GW2 - were the hell are the Devs?

> > > >

> > > > Payed by the monthly subscription, oh wait GW2 has none ...

> > > >

> > >

> > > How hard it is just to have 2 members of staff to work on the forums to keep us upto date when things go wrong?

> >

> > You forget they fired/let go 100 people last year. They're on a skeleton crew.


> Well no. They've still got a sizeable team and have been rehiring steadily since.


> I suspect they will alert us soon. Once they are awake and communicated with all necs teams at home. I get it is aggrevating to lack communication, but few games companies work a 24/7 communication policy


Call Palawa Joko, it's time that they be Awakened

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Here you go:



''Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020)

We've received many reports of account rollbacks, and are aware of the issue. We've alerted the server team at ArenaNet, and they are working on a resolution.


We will provide updates as soon as we receive more information.


In the meantime, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.''

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> I'm so glad I had to be offline this weekend. What is going on??


Out of the blue all of us on EU Servers had our accounts rolled back 2-3 days. If I had to guess the server gave way and we all went back to the last backup.

Apparently it's happened before and they were able to restore the missing days, hopefully it's the same this time around.

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> @"Floppy.4936" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >but bear in mind Anet are not on our time zone. Their communication team prob aren’t even awake.


> I should also point out that Anet are a global company and do have en EU branch. As someone who works in software, an issue of this magnitude is something people will get woken up for. There is no real reason that they have not even responded to say they are aware of the issue.


They have


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Wow, "alternate timeline".


It kind of is like this though. Imagine going online killing a treasure shroom and dropping the invisible boots, feels great right? Well, only until ANet rolls things back to when the error occured and you're boots are gone like it never happened.

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> Relax people. Everyone in EU will have to wait until Seattle woke up. As long as people who spent real money get their money/the items they purchased with it/the gems back, I'm totally fine. A bit of progress lost won't be the end of the world. And remember: we pay absolutely nothing for this game (except for the expansions).

> I'm sure they will fix this as soon as possible and tell everyone what happened. But right now it's night over there and the people that are awake and working on the problem have more important things to do than being on the forums. Maybe they don't know what exactly happened yet and they don't want to spread false information. Just give them time.


We pay with our time, like most F2P games the longer we are in game the higher chance of us spending something in the cash shop. If I've had 3 days of mastery point grinding and HoT storyline wiped I'm not exactly encouraged to continue playing and therefore definitely won't be buying those much-needed bag slots for my main.


While I agree the people who have spent cash are the most important, but the people who have given up their time to play this game should be considered as well.

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It is a problem if people play now and they are going to reset to the state before the unintentional rollback happened. (Then the progress from that last few hours will be lost.) Emergency 24h support should have the option to lock the game until the main deves in the US are awake and at work. They should give a statement then: Either the rollback can get fixed. Then game locked until they fix it. Or it can't be fixed. Then we just can play again.


I'm glad I mostly did only daily SAB runs (normal and not tribulation) and my dailies, daily PvP and daily S3. Still annoying since I had 3 glitched skins (yeah only worth a few gold ... still a lot for me since I don't actively farm atm). Waiting now and not logging in until further info.


Every minute now could be wasted - should they be able to restore.

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Doesn't matter. Only newly generated stuff within these lost days will be lost permanently (should they not be able to restore it). If you sold something and got gold ... when with the rollback you will have lost the gold but the item will be back.


If you do stuff now and they can fix that rollback ... then everything done now will be removed. (So ... not playing now until they fixed it or gave info - should it not be possible to fix it.)


The problem will be with stuff earnd in that last days. Imagine they can't fix this ... and someone got a precursor form some drop ...

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Is this for all players? NA and EU both?


Likely both, even if EU as NA have their own account DB, the TP is shared.


Must be really bad for those that transfered their account from NA to EU this weekend.

Moved away in NA, arrival in EU rolled back to non existance


But as NA and EU share the TP and do business with each other via TP, NA shouldn't use TP as well.


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I agree with Callumhutchy. Time is an important thing. Also customers playing the game for free most of the time might still paying every now and then. (+ They convert gold to gems making it interesting for richer people to guy gems to convert them to gold.)


So it is definitely important to also look at everything - not only at gem related stuff. (+ If this happens more often it can lower the trust in the company. Less people playing. Less money to be made.)

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> > @"Lottie.5370" said:

> >

> > Realistically we should just wait a few hours for Anet to make a statement on what happened/what is going to happen now.


> True.

> So just relax people. This is not the end of the world.


Or if they value their players just make the statement, you know rip off the band aid. These guys want to stay in business. Players keep them there. Time to step up to the plate or jump in the fire.

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Since for some ungodly reason they decided to put it on the issue tracker and not the forums which are currently on fire in regards to that topic, I figured i might as well put this here.

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It's a fishy rollback coz the guild that i created yesterday is still there but all the items, level, etc. are "rollbacked".


or the guildname database is separate from the massive database..


or yeah, fishy rollback...


(or the REAL Vikings showed up)


and it is advisable not to play your EU accounts coz likely it will be rollbacked after and restored to this date and any data that your accounts will incur will be reset anyway.

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