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Should there be player housing in GW2?

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Yes but we already have home instances and thats enough for me. What fits more to the game is more emphasis on guildhall customization, make it more reliable and give players more reasons to be there, maybe even have a personal instance there aswell. After all this is what the game lore is about, guild wars. Guild mission are great, I like that touch, but the more the better.

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I've decorated parts of guild halls, but I can't say the same for everybody. Guild hall decorating can have trust issues with newer or casual members. The only way to be able to contribute in terms of decorating is to climb the rank ladder through participating in guild events every time or to contribute so much to the guild storage in terms of decorations that it would feel unfair for you not to be able to use the decorations. When you do put resources into a guild hall, there's still the chance that you could eventually be either kicked from the guild and you lose access to the decorations you've produced for them or the guild could just naturally die and then the decorations just sit there. Keep in mind that most decorations cost several gold pieces to produce. There's also a lack of reasons to visit the guild halls, other than the world portal and also the reward booster boon from the guild bar. People need someplace they can prove their creativity and put their faith into when it comes to time investment.


A player housing system, if it allowed for visitors to easily access them, could work pretty well. Maybe tie it into guild halls. Let guild members access the homes of online members. Make it so players need to visit this portal in the guild hall to access their home, to encourage players to visit guildies. Maybe make the portal thing like a guild hall upgrade. There are ways to get guild halls to be a bit more active through this kind of feature.

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Girls would pay for housing shinies for sure.

> But such a feature is pretty time-consuming to develop. And absolutely decorative, NOT important.

> While we have much more important things to spend dev's time to. First of which is insane lags in certain situations


that's technically calling everyone in here who would like it a girl (i'm a girl myself but its not a must for me tbh). ok that you dont find it important but let the''girls'' out of it next time.... gender doesn't say a thing about what ppl like

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There is definitely a demand. I dunno about others guild but in mine we have like 17 homes, understand 17 players decorating their little plot spending gold they have for decos, we are even planning to get that expensive dragon hologram generator.

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Girls would pay for housing shinies for sure.

> But such a feature is pretty time-consuming to develop. And absolutely decorative, NOT important.

> While we have much more important things to spend dev's time to. First of which is insane lags in certain situations


What a sexist comment. By this reasoning, GW2 only needs one armor set and one weapon set, because in the end, all fashion wars are shinies.

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I don't know,

on one hand, it would add a new time sink, and it would add a new reward type (which the game badly needs),

but on the other hand, it would take a lot of time away from other projects, if they add customizable homes I would be very happy, but I don't want it to just be another system they add and never touch.


I would rather the time be spent updating guild halls, PVP, and WvW.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > Something like Rift/Wildstar housing would be nice.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think that people who want housing like these games should just play those games.

> >

> > "should have played" those games.


> Thanks for making my point ;)


What point? The MAJOR reason Wildstar died was because it stupidly decided to pander exclusively to the vocal minority of _hardcore gamers_ to the detriment of everyone else, and the housing was the only reason people even stuck around until it was completely dead. I don't know much about Rift, but the postmortem is lack of identity beyond trying to take down WOW was what did them in, not player housing, of which there are several easy to find articles praising the feature.


Yeah, I realize you're being sarcastic, I just think it's ridiculous to even imply that GW2 will fail like those games did if they introduced player housing of all things.

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i voted yes but thats because i liked the idea of it in FFXI, each city you can pop into your house, sleep, change your equipment and job role, loads of storage but then i thought about it further and there really isnt any point in GW2, you can already access your storage in each major city, you can change your outfits (but not the skin for free) and its not possible to change your job role, so as others have already mentioned we can have home instances and guild halls - so not, its just not worth it

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It’s the only major feature I feel the game is lacking - or more specifically the only major feature I’ve been wanting since I joined, technically there’s no end to features they can add. I could easily see myself spending hundreds on lots and decorations

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> @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > > Something like Rift/Wildstar housing would be nice.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think that people who want housing like these games should just play those games.

> > >

> > > "should have played" those games.

> >

> > Thanks for making my point ;)


> What point? The MAJOR reason Wildstar died was because it stupidly decided to pander exclusively to the vocal minority of _hardcore gamers_ to the detriment of everyone else, and the housing was the only reason people even stuck around until it was completely dead. I don't know much about Rift, but the postmortem is lack of identity beyond trying to take down WOW was what did them in, not player housing, of which there are several easy to find articles praising the feature.


> Yeah, I realize you're being sarcastic, I just think it's ridiculous to even imply that GW2 will fail like those games did if they introduced player housing of all things.


The point, dear reader, is not that housing will kill Guild Wars, but rather that it isn't worth the effort. The people that wanted housing didn't bother playing games that had it, and those who did were not in statistically significant numbers. What makes ANet think it will be different here? Why spend the resources and (more of) NCSoft's money adding a feature people didn't justify making the first time? or the first *three times*?


Yes, *you* want it. There are maybe a few dozen more on the forums with a similar passion. But the mass appeal they would need to justify designing a *completely new game* and grafting it into this one simply isn't there.


This is a statement of fact, not sarcasm. Hard truth.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > > > Something like Rift/Wildstar housing would be nice.

> > > > >

> > > > > Personally, I think that people who want housing like these games should just play those games.

> > > >

> > > > "should have played" those games.

> > >

> > > Thanks for making my point ;)

> >

> > What point? The MAJOR reason Wildstar died was because it stupidly decided to pander exclusively to the vocal minority of _hardcore gamers_ to the detriment of everyone else, and the housing was the only reason people even stuck around until it was completely dead. I don't know much about Rift, but the postmortem is lack of identity beyond trying to take down WOW was what did them in, not player housing, of which there are several easy to find articles praising the feature.

> >

> > Yeah, I realize you're being sarcastic, I just think it's ridiculous to even imply that GW2 will fail like those games did if they introduced player housing of all things.


> The point, dear reader, is not that housing will kill Guild Wars, but rather that it isn't worth the effort. The people that wanted housing didn't bother playing games that had it, and those who did were not in statistically significant numbers. What makes ANet think it will be different here? Why spend the resources and (more of) NCSoft's money adding a feature people didn't justify making the first time? or the first *three times*?


> Yes, *you* want it. There are maybe a few dozen more on the forums with a similar passion. But the mass appeal they would need to justify designing a *completely new game* and grafting it into this one simply isn't there.


> This is a statement of fact, not sarcasm. Hard truth.


_Where_ in my post did I say I want it? Don't assume. I'm just annoyed that this is the second time Wildstar's failure as been used as a smug "gotcha" in service of rejecting player housing like that has anything to do with why it failed. I do not care if there's player housing in GW2 or not. The literal only MMO I've ever played is this and Gw1, I don't have enough experience with it to form any opinion either way on it.

You clearly ignored the entire point I was making by stating they didn't bother to play them... are you seriously suggesting nobody plays SWTOR, LOTRO, ESO, EQ2, FFXIV, Ultima Online and BDO!? Even WOW is teasing with the idea of player housing. In spite of the failure due to its other flaws, every time someone mentions player housing, Wildstar comes up as an example of doing it right (from people who obviously played it) while those other more popular games often tacked it on. Even if an enterprise ultimately fails it does not mean every idea was bad.

Also, I apologize for the confusion but it wasn't even your comment I was referring to being sarcastic.

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Should we have housing? Maybe. But you might as well ask if we "should also have" new elite specs, weapon types, countless new raids, huge PvP updates, WvW alliances (lol) and so much more.

The question you need to ask is: Should ArenaNet put in the resources required to make this happen and the effort to then turn it into something that isn't abandoned soon after? Probably not.

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I voted no. We already have Sun' refuge (abandoned), outposts, guild halls, home instance, Eye of the North, .... It goes in all direction. Please don't create more! =)


Rather select one of the existing feature, give it priority and optimize/finish its concept fully (including an extended housing if possible). :3

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> @"Trise.2865" said:


> The point, dear reader, is not that housing will kill Guild Wars, but rather that it isn't worth the effort. The people that wanted housing didn't bother playing games that had it, and those who did were not in statistically significant numbers. What makes ANet think it will be different here? Why spend the resources and (more of) NCSoft's money adding a feature people didn't justify making the first time? or the first *three times*?


> Yes, *you* want it. There are maybe a few dozen more on the forums with a similar passion. But the mass appeal they would need to justify designing a *completely new game* and grafting it into this one simply isn't there.


> This is a statement of fact, not sarcasm. Hard truth.


There are people running around collecting armor models that they may never use. Do you think that not enough people will want collect furniture and trophies to be worth it? Will the price of Linseed Oil finally crash below 30 silver and allow me to craft as much guild hall furniture as I desire?

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Only if there is minimal grind involved. Maybe no grind at all and just gem store items to fill it. It sounds like fun but I have zero desire to grind out achievements if they tie it to that. It would have to be easy for me to have any interest in it. There is more than enough grind and rng content in this game already. Make this gem store only please so you "optional subscription" people have another outlet.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Only if there is minimal grind involved. Maybe no grind at all and just gem store items to fill it. It sounds like fun but I have zero desire to grind out achievements if they tie it to that. It would have to be easy for me to have any interest in it. There is more than enough grind and rng content in this game already. Make this gem store only please so you "optional subscription" people have another outlet.


Now this might have some merit with a tweak or two.

Housing and everything that can be added to it will be cash/credit card only (no in game gold to gem purchase) from anet directly. That way it will have no affect on the game (other then take dev resources) or add any grind. Those that want housing can go ahead put up the cash.

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