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The only way to learn pvp in this toxic game


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The way to learn it: By playing it!

I would not compare it to boring games like LoL. And I doubt most players there will learn about hundreds of c hamps. (That is boring and bloating the game with so many champs is just a cheap way to make "content".)


For GW2 there are not many classes. The elite specs though made that a "few" more. I only played core classes of everything in PvE and from my main the scrapper. Not yet tried holosmith or any other elite of the other classes in PvE yet. Mainly tried core engineer, core necro and core ranger in PvP.


That is enough for me. It will hard to get pro without deeper knowledge of the other classes (and at least having tried all of them - at lest in PvE - to know about the skills and stuff) but for basic knowledge the knowledge about the core class is enough I think. Stuff like "oh Necro has an additional life force bar" is the same. (Just that for the one elite spec he does not go in shroud and use it as additional health bar.)


You can read up on Wiki and try to inform yourself if you die to one class a lot.


Full bunker/toughness is not necesarry to survive longer than 3 seconds.


Try to not run into more than 1 enemy by yourself. In 1 vs. 1 try to kite and run away if they seem stronger. Learn the map. Play strategically.That way you can do a lot. Personally I am weak at combat. I can dodge and run away from red circles. But I don't look at "animatons" too much. (I mostly ignore them busy looking at which skills are ready at the skill bar and the CDs.) I die super fast to conditions. (Not much to do if can't perma cleanse every few seconds and don't want to waste valuable utility slots. I just don't bring cleanse at all and try to avoid long 1 vs. 1 against such enemies. More toughness would not hel p at all here.) I can still stay alive longer than 3 seconds.


For enemies using a normal amount of conditions (every now and then and not full condition build) I get good 1 vs. 1 results in the lower/mid skill tier. And playing strategically keeping the map and nodes and secondary mechanics in mind I can do a lot to help the team - as long as I don't repeatedly run 1 vs. x (more t han 1) or 1 vs. 1 to the same guy that seems to be strong enough in 1 vs. 1 to kill me where I can't even stall until allies arrive to help.


You need to adapt to the situation.

I notice every new class I try it is pretty hard and using a build suggested in the forums ... pretty heard. So it also need some time. This isn't a game where you just use a build someone suggested to you and then just get in a win streak where you pwn everyone 1 vs. 1 from match 1 until you are top rank.


Edit: And the guys with the trebuchet in the match where they had been 150 points ahead (someone told this example above) that just left to "teach" someone a lessen are obviously noobs. Lost match because of then and the guy won't stop using the treb. Of course it can be helpful to stay a bit longer on the trebuchet. It depends on the situation. If you draw enemies to you it will have annoyed them (and they aren't capping points but trying to kill you at the treb). Balanced. Okay to be on the treb. If the enemy team has someone at the treb it also is "balanced". If you treb and the team aleady is combat strong 4 vs 5 enemies at mid somewhere ... why not help them a bit? :D (The problem is if people try to treb at empty nodes or nodes with 1 enemy ... when it is not possible to kill him and cap without at least 1 own guy helping nearby.)

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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> apart from that, guild wars 2 pvp is probably the most newcomer-unfriendly pvp i've ever met. everything is so fast that you can't learn anything during a fight. breaking it down during a game is impossible, watching it leads to nothing other than a "wow".


True. I started pvp in 2018 and remember how hard it was. The only way to really practice were the golems and NPCs. The latter could be so good if anet cared, like making different up to date builds, adapted to current meta. So you could actually improve in ranked and unranked by learning how to dodge key skills and learning about cc chains. The hotjoin was and still is just a clown and farm fiesta and useless to improve. You just feel left alone. Without the help of different websites, guides, discord and individual and great people I would still have no idea about rotations, skill-cancelling, weapon-stowing, using no port spots etc. Because it was never ever once talked about in game! On the contrary: some information is even kinda hidden. Ik so many starters who don’t know about weapon stow cus it’s deeply hidden in the options menu.



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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.


Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.


> Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?




good question. Psycoprophet, how about if they were drawn by word of mouth? as we know, word of mouth is an important marketing factor tool which plays a crucial roles in attracting new players.


To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.


they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2


We all have been there; thrilled and excited, energetic with having new bright ideas, feeling nervous at times but determined to try our best, until we meet Toxicity in its full disguise and than being told, the only way to play the game is to be Toxic, to stop complaining, to stop asking the same questions, figure it out yourself, be quiet or quit.


quite the heartbreaking marketing strategy right??

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"DMO.4158" said:

> > Is to turn off all sources of chat and just go. Pretend everyones an NPC.

> >

> > Who cares about the meta and everyone's REEEEEEEEEEEE? Nothing about any of it is encouraging or helpful for new players.

> >

> > I'll figure out my own way to learn since Anet refuses to provide any kind of balanced learning environment. You're just tossed to the wolves and hope matchmaking doesn't RNG you.

> >

> > If you're trying to REEEEEEEEEEEEE me in chat. I can't hear you. You're just an NPC. A super unhelpful NPC.

> >

> > Every entitled, toxic brat that's ever had anything clever to say in chat is part of the reason many wont pvp. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

> > Both the gate keeping veterans and the developer that caters to them.

> >

> > Congrats for chasing off another customer.


> I love when new players are toxic like this, and you cannot even help them. Just before the EU servers went down, I used the time a losing unranked match gave me to explain to a newbie why hugging the trebucet on kylo is a bad idea. He started out defensive and hostile, he ended up saying that he understands my points and won't do it again. Guess what, if he turned chat off and treated everyone as an unhelpful NPC, he'd still be going treb and wondering why his team always loses on that map.

> Want to learn PvP? Get rid of this attitude first.


As with all things in life, the way you treat others makes or breaks an interaction. There's a huge difference between "ffs, get off the trebuchet you idiot" and "if you don't mind, the trebuchet is not that useful, you're better off playing on the ground". Most toxic people do not notice that difference and get even more mad when their "help" is falling on deaf ears.

Now I am not saying friendly advice will get the job done everytime, some people do not like getting advice at all and will either ignore it or be super defensive. But in that case being aggressive doesnt help either apart from irritating the rest of your team and bringing the mood down.

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.


This and ANet allowing match manipulation are the only two reasons I have for not wanting to get back into PvP. Instead of trolls being punished for this craptastic behavior my rating is punished. No point to playing Ranked, because IMHO PvE rewards are simply much better. Better to take my PvP needs somewhere else that don't have completely compromised environment.

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Tbh, play support if you want to learn what actually happens in a PVP game.


Support has to always keep track of the whole playing field, enemies, friendlies and themselves.

Many mysteries about this game and all other PVP games will become clear during one weekend of keeping your allies alive and conditions cleaned.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.


> Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?


Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.


> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> >

> > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.


> they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2


I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> The problem is that pvp is competitive gamemode and gw2 attracts all the casual players that do not want to learn every skill on every class or atleast the ones that they are going to face. They go in just to see a new type of gamemode but get destroyed by the competitive nature of gamemode and expectations of teammates that come with it. Sure, anet does not give tutorials so it isnt as easy to get into pvp but the core of the problem is always the mindset of new player. Asking other players to understand new players and not grief them etc does not work because of the nature of gamemode. Its fine if teammates afk'ed if new player kitten up the game. It is within the line of "toxicity" you expect in online pvp mode. But if they verbally harass new player or anything further than that and this starts to become a trend then its a problem. Btw i dont see that happening in gw2 so i think this is a non-issue.


The problem is both that new players are often way too sensitive and that there are quite a few players even in the high-end competitive scene that delight in tearing down everyone around them for not knowing the game as well as they do. The icing on the cake is that the player pool is so small these players are frequently playing in the same matches together when they should really never meet each other at all!


For a good example of this, I queued up with my friend for ranked. She's new and had never done any placement matches before. I'm not new, but I haven't done enough PvP to rank since HoT (and only one season at that!). And we got put into a game with a bunch of guys who are top 50 types. I am a solid fighter and I can hold my own in duels against some of these guys, but I am casual-level in my understanding of the conquest game mode. My friend obviously isn't going to stand a chance as a new player.


So what did these guys do? They talked trash the entire time and insulted us for every mistake we made. I don't think my friend has been back to PvP since! And it's not like she's afraid to fight and die. She loves WvW roaming! How do you manage to turn off a new player to PvP when they love to fight other players? Apparently, this is how you do it!


It can't even really blame them. I mean, I blame them for their trash attitudes, but I think they were under the impression that we were trolling or match manipulating. It probably never occurred to them that a new player would be placed into a ranked match with top tier players. It didn't help that I also got disconnected and made the mistake of logging back in, which I was unaware at the time was the wrong choice to make in a ranked match. So, they said a bunch of not-so-nice stuff and I said "I'm just trying to play with my friend here. Do you mind?"


Great intro to GW2 PvP, huh?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > The problem is that pvp is competitive gamemode and gw2 attracts all the casual players that do not want to learn every skill on every class or atleast the ones that they are going to face. They go in just to see a new type of gamemode but get destroyed by the competitive nature of gamemode and expectations of teammates that come with it. Sure, anet does not give tutorials so it isnt as easy to get into pvp but the core of the problem is always the mindset of new player. Asking other players to understand new players and not grief them etc does not work because of the nature of gamemode. Its fine if teammates afk'ed if new player kitten up the game. It is within the line of "toxicity" you expect in online pvp mode. But if they verbally harass new player or anything further than that and this starts to become a trend then its a problem. Btw i dont see that happening in gw2 so i think this is a non-issue.


> The problem is both that new players are often way too sensitive and that there are quite a few players even in the high-end competitive scene that delight in tearing down everyone around them for not knowing the game as well as they do. The icing on the cake is that the player pool is so small these players are frequently playing in the same matches together when they should really never meet each other at all!


> For a good example of this, I queued up with my friend for ranked. She's new and had never done any placement matches before. I'm not new, but I haven't done enough PvP to rank since HoT (and only one season at that!). And we got put into a game with a bunch of guys who are top 50 types. I am a solid fighter and I can hold my own in duels against some of these guys, but I am casual-level in my understanding of the conquest game mode. My friend obviously isn't going to stand a chance as a new player.


> So what did these guys do? They talked trash the entire time and insulted us for every mistake we made. I don't think my friend has been back to PvP since! And it's not like she's afraid to fight and die. She loves WvW roaming! How do you manage to turn off a new player to PvP when they love to fight other players? Apparently, this is how you do it!


> It can't even really blame them. I mean, I blame them for their trash attitudes, but I think they were under the impression that we were trolling or match manipulating. It probably never occurred to them that a new player would be placed into a ranked match with top tier players. It didn't help that I also got disconnected and made the mistake of logging back in, which I was unaware at the time was the wrong choice to make in a ranked match. So, they said a bunch of not-so-nice stuff and I said "I'm just trying to play with my friend here. Do you mind?"


> Great intro to GW2 PvP, huh?




I am very sorry about what happened with your experience, especially with your new player friend. I am sure she was happy and thrilled to see what the game was all about. Her experience was waiting to be amazed with your help in guiding her and teaching her the in-out of the PvP experience until Toxicity made itself known that those who seek healthy competitive experience do not belong here.


i myself with the guild players have lost many new players because of it and many of us have stopped in doing so. I am not discouraging anyone from doing so but be prepared for the unexpected Toxic treatments by the majority of its players.




Yeah, this is also why i continue to defend new players because we the players can go so far to help them but at the moment, Anet decide that there is absolutely wrong with the experience, resulting in players with new players suffering even more, while those Profession players continue to feel entitled of creating an unhealthy non-competitive experience for everyone.




when good players are not around to be a positive influential role model, who is there to teach them what is good and what is bad? what to do and what not to do? how to learn from mistakes and learning new strategic counters to become a better player?!!

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pvp has been dying since inception and will continue to do so. some reasons why:


- like WorldofBay said, pve doesn't prepare you in the slightest for combat

- conquest is a bit complicated to start off on, combined with combat it can be overwhelming

- leaderboard/ titles/ rewards may have boosted population by a small amount, but they are unlikely to cause growth cuz of the methods (perceived or real) used to obtain them

- development came too late or wasn't followed up on (other modes)

- power creep of especs and the inability to balance them


I think anet can turn things around if they want to. balance is still pretty up/ down but is better imo. they can still build some other working modes. make some decent tutorials and allow player mentors to interact in them. this would be a good start.

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> @"Burnfall.9573"



NA streamers. You can watch Naru or Nos throw a temper tantrum any night of the week on Twitch. They lose first fight and AFK/Rage while intentionally throwing. There is no punishment or consequences for their behavior. So of course the people watching them want to emulate them and their shit attitudes trickle down.

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I get toxic all the time for not playing the meta carry-me-builds-so-i-dont-have-to-think-and-win-rewards.


Plat1/Plat2 - mainly everyone running the same-old copy and paste builds.


Yet i can 1vs1 most and give some support to teammates, i get blamed for losing "not using meta".


Even bots are running burn gaurds these days (fart to burn).


Lol and move on, as these people usually fall back down into the bottom after a balance update (reason why they are so angry).


Play how you want to play, dont let these toxic people put you off, you will be forgotten by them when they rage at someone else lol

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"DMO.4158" said:

> > Is to turn off all sources of chat and just go. Pretend everyones an NPC.

> >

> > Who cares about the meta and everyone's REEEEEEEEEEEE? Nothing about any of it is encouraging or helpful for new players.

> >

> > I'll figure out my own way to learn since Anet refuses to provide any kind of balanced learning environment. You're just tossed to the wolves and hope matchmaking doesn't RNG you.

> >

> > If you're trying to REEEEEEEEEEEEE me in chat. I can't hear you. You're just an NPC. A super unhelpful NPC.

> >

> > Every entitled, toxic brat that's ever had anything clever to say in chat is part of the reason many wont pvp. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

> > Both the gate keeping veterans and the developer that caters to them.

> >

> > Congrats for chasing off another customer.


> I love when new players are toxic like this, and you cannot even help them. Just before the EU servers went down, I used the time a losing unranked match gave me to explain to a newbie why hugging the trebucet on kylo is a bad idea. He started out defensive and hostile, he ended up saying that he understands my points and won't do it again. Guess what, if he turned chat off and treated everyone as an unhelpful NPC, he'd still be going treb and wondering why his team always loses on that map.

> Want to learn PvP? Get rid of this attitude first.


What an entitled, dismissive and toxic comment, and exemplifying the very problem he was describing.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> >

> > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?


> Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.


> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > >

> > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

> >

> > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2


> I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.


It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > >

> > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> >

> > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

> >

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > >

> > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

> > >

> > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

> >

> > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.


> It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.


...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.

And I don't think I've ever seen anyone sit on a treb whole game :D

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > >

> > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > >

> > > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

> > >

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > > >

> > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

> > > >

> > > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

> > >

> > > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

> >

> > It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.


> ...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.


So why would someone sit on a treb for entirety of the match? Just wondering the reasoning behind such a action.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > > >

> > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > >

> > > > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

> > > > >

> > > > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

> > > >

> > > > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

> > >

> > > It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.

> >

> > ...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.


> So why would someone sit on a treb for entirety of the match? Just wondering the reasoning behind such a action.


I've literally never seen anyone sitting on treb whole game. And the post you've answered to just mentioned that they had 150 point lead, someone went to treb so "2 veterans afked for the rest of the game". People sitting on treb whole game just seems like a fictional scenario.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

> > > > > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

> > > >

> > > > It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.

> > >

> > > ...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.

> >

> > So why would someone sit on a treb for entirety of the match? Just wondering the reasoning behind such a action.


> I've literally never seen anyone sitting on treb whole game. And the post you've answered to just mentioned that they had 150 point lead, someone went to treb so "2 veterans afked for the rest of the game". People sitting on treb whole game just seems like a fictional scenario.


Yeah and? My comment was based off my experiences not urs, I'm glad u haven't experienced it yet cuz it is indeed frustrating to say the least. I've had multiple matches where a player goes to treb right at match start and stays there all match unless forced off.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I don't think there's a good way to prepare players for PvP without actually having them fight other players. Toward that end, the free-for-all arena, PvP browser, WvW, and guild hall arenas give a variety of options for players to get some practice fighting other players without queuing up for a PvP match.


i do think there is, it is rather easy to make some enemies in a side story instance reactive, give them low hp for pve (20-30k), a reasonable defense, 2 dodges and a block and program them to be reactive on their evades to use them as soon as you attack them. furthermore make them not wait 2 secs after each attack but attack constantly. then make them gradually harder during that instance by giving them stronger (but telegraphed) attacks and gradually higher dmg and/or hp with the veteran/elite/champ system.


or give us bosses we can actually cc normally. a boss that makes people learn what blindness is and how it helps.


also change the aggro system in such areas. attack glasscannons or supports first, leave tanks alone. ignore pets, illusions and other adds but not clones (as they look like the actual player). add more team healer like the ascalon nuns that have to be focused down while evading the dds. there are lots and lots of ways to bridge the gap between pve and pvp. of course you can never teach someone pvp by giving him pve content, that is clear. but you can make the transition smoother by providing some pvp mechanics in pve.


not in a dungeon. not in a raid. not in some meta event.

_in a story instance._

the place is important.

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> @"AldKai.9712" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > @"DMO.4158" said:

> > > Is to turn off all sources of chat and just go. Pretend everyones an NPC.

> > >

> > > Who cares about the meta and everyone's REEEEEEEEEEEE? Nothing about any of it is encouraging or helpful for new players.

> > >

> > > I'll figure out my own way to learn since Anet refuses to provide any kind of balanced learning environment. You're just tossed to the wolves and hope matchmaking doesn't RNG you.

> > >

> > > If you're trying to REEEEEEEEEEEEE me in chat. I can't hear you. You're just an NPC. A super unhelpful NPC.

> > >

> > > Every entitled, toxic brat that's ever had anything clever to say in chat is part of the reason many wont pvp. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

> > > Both the gate keeping veterans and the developer that caters to them.

> > >

> > > Congrats for chasing off another customer.

> >

> > I love when new players are toxic like this, and you cannot even help them. Just before the EU servers went down, I used the time a losing unranked match gave me to explain to a newbie why hugging the trebucet on kylo is a bad idea. He started out defensive and hostile, he ended up saying that he understands my points and won't do it again. Guess what, if he turned chat off and treated everyone as an unhelpful NPC, he'd still be going treb and wondering why his team always loses on that map.

> > Want to learn PvP? Get rid of this attitude first.


> What an entitled, dismissive and toxic comment, and exemplifying the very problem he was describing.


Oh yes, veterans explaining tactics to newbies is the height of toxicity. LoL what?

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