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Thank you Anet! I love it!

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I guess in the first pic he was able to stay alive pretty long while in the 2nd pic we see torment being close to burning ... must have made an additional pressure on the health pool to kill him quicker.


Shows that burning itself is not enough. I think the main problem are some classes that can push tons of conditions repeatedly just with auto attacks or attacks with pretty short CD. They will keep 1 condition permanently up with a few stacks - if you cleanse regularly or dodge but you can't dodge and cleanse every auto attack. If not then that stacks will go up pretty fast and other utility skills might also help to keep up the pressure.


How do you read the "hits" on the stats? Does it mean "hit" = 1 individual tick (regardless of the stacks). Or does 1 hit mean = 1 stack per tick. (And 8 stacks ticking once = 8 hits?) If each "hit" meant 1 stack per tick ... then it would mean the conditions hit pretty hard. (I mean ...would mean more than 1k per stack in the first picture and if you take into account that it is easy with auto attacks to keep up a few stacks in addition ...)

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > So you are trying to tell me you have ONLY burn on you in a teamfight? Add 2 stacks of burn to 3 stacks of torment, 1 stack of poison, 4 stacks of confusion and we get into typical teamfight territory.


> That's like... no damage at all.

> 572 burn ticks, 366 moving torment ticks, 94 poison ticks, 1025 skill use confusion ticks.

> In total, 2k condi ticks considering you are using skills without any cast time and moving nonstop.


> I'll make you a favor and make it 10 poison. That's.. get ready... 3k condi ticks. Congratulations.


> 10 poison does 1k ticks lol.


lol. People use every logical BS to defend Op stuffs.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> I think the situation for PvP wouldn't be so bad if the GW2 devs were actually good at playing their game.


c'mon man, most of the people crying in this thread don't even know what skills apply the condis they are dying from. the PvP situation was always gonna feel bad for people with limited understanding of the game, can't be helped


like, if you have no idea why or how you died to something, thinking that makes it automatically OP is pretty foolish. maybe you just need to brush up on your game knowledge and have a think about your play


chances are if you think something is OP, but can't actually name any skills or explain what killed you, it's probably not. you just have no clue what you are doing

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand

> > >

> > > Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.

> >

> > Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.


> Maybe if it hits 7-8k you deserve it


> You need to avoid condi dmg in the same way that you have to do with power.


> If you have 14 stacks torment or 10 stacks burn, maybe because you do not move your kitten


Thats the thing. You cant avoid it the same way. With power, high damage skills are very telegraphed and dodgable. With conditions, not so much. Burn guard can stack over 7-8k burning crits all on a single *instant cast* skill. Which you cant avoid. Its instant. Others use on-X traits or effects, where the only way to not get condis would be to have 100% dodge uptime, which also isnt possible.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand

> > > >

> > > > Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.

> > >

> > > Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.

> >

> > Maybe if it hits 7-8k you deserve it

> >

> > You need to avoid condi dmg in the same way that you have to do with power.

> >

> > If you have 14 stacks torment or 10 stacks burn, maybe because you do not move your kitten


> Thats the thing. You cant avoid it the same way. With power, high damage skills are very telegraphed and dodgable. With conditions, not so much. Burn guard can stack over 7-8k burning crits all on a single *instant cast* skill. Which you cant avoid. Its instant. Others use on-X traits or effects, where the only way to not get condis would be to have 100% dodge uptime, which also isnt possible.


Question, why does this not happen all players?

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > > > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand

> > > > >

> > > > > Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.

> > >

> > > Maybe if it hits 7-8k you deserve it

> > >

> > > You need to avoid condi dmg in the same way that you have to do with power.

> > >

> > > If you have 14 stacks torment or 10 stacks burn, maybe because you do not move your kitten

> >

> > Thats the thing. You cant avoid it the same way. With power, high damage skills are very telegraphed and dodgable. With conditions, not so much. Burn guard can stack over 7-8k burning crits all on a single *instant cast* skill. Which you cant avoid. Its instant. Others use on-X traits or effects, where the only way to not get condis would be to have 100% dodge uptime, which also isnt possible.


> Question, why does this not happen all players?


It does. They just use Condi Cleanses. Which you have to run, but that in itself sucks.

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Showing death breakdown to prove a point is... bad. You have a huge downed healthpool and no way to mitigate damage, you can get revived while getting cleaved at the same time etc. Now condition damage might be a problem(I personally don't feel like it is, CC spam is way worse), but death breakdown does kitten to prove that point.

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Are you standing still? I've never seen these numbers. Maybe when PoF launched with all the power creep, that kitten was crazy.


Condis are in a really good place right now and nerfing condi builds would be a mistake. In higher brackets, power builds are still dominant but there are a couple of good and relatively balanced condi builds too.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Are you standing still? I've never seen these numbers. Maybe when PoF launched with all the power creep, that kitten was crazy.


> **Condis are in a really good place right now and nerfing condi builds would be a mistake**. In higher brackets, power builds are still dominant but there are a couple of good and relatively balanced condi builds too




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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Are you standing still? I've never seen these numbers. Maybe when PoF launched with all the power creep, that kitten was crazy.

> >

> > **Condis are in a really good place right now and nerfing condi builds would be a mistake**. In higher brackets, power builds are still dominant but there are a couple of good and relatively balanced condi builds too


> -10




I'm not watching that video, use words to get your point across. Condis being OP in the higher brackets is a hard sell to me.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand


Sigh. This reminds me of about a year ago they killed Anti-toxin Scrapper totally. My guess is the old balance team has left and when the new nerf team took over, they don't like what has been done, and killed almost everyone.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Are you standing still? I've never seen these numbers. Maybe when PoF launched with all the power creep, that kitten was crazy.

> >

> > **Condis are in a really good place right now and nerfing condi builds would be a mistake**. In higher brackets, power builds are still dominant but there are a couple of good and relatively balanced condi builds too


> -10




That's not even pure condition build. That's hybrid with 12k HP pool and almost no sustainability.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand


> Sigh. This reminds me of about a year ago they killed Anti-toxin Scrapper totally. My guess is the old balance team has left and when the new nerf team took over, they don't like what has been done, and killed almost everyone.


there are no old and new balance team. There are old Anet from Guild Wars 1 and a new Anet of Guild Wars 2


![](https://i.imgur.com/RhMr4Wg.jpg "")

Guild Wars 1>Guild Wars 2


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