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Sell Emblems of the Avenger for other WvW currency?

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Since there seems to be some confusion, the OP is talking about this item: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emblem_of_the_Avenger


The only way to get it is by killing 100 players in WvW, so it's not available in any other game mode. Currently it's **only** use is in upgrading the WvW legendary ring Slumbering Conflux to the version with effects. Which means anyone who plays WvW regularly is going to end up with far more of them than they need.


At the moment it can't be sold to merchants, converted into any other currency or used for anything except upgrading the legendary and deleting it requires you to type the name out, which makes extras annoying to get rid of. Adding the ability to convert it into a currency would solve that problem, and making it a WvW currency ensures you're not getting something you can't currently get from exactly the same activity which gives you the Emblem of the Avenger.

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I don't mind the various ideas and points here. But I don't think having WvW items being able to be converted into anything other than coins, karma, or WvW currencies (of indeterminate nature) is wise. You can't get raid tokens in Fractals, PvP, or WvW, and it's best that way. Keep endgame modes separate to allow them to be their own agencies.


But what do I know? I'm just the dork on the forums moaning about an emblem. XD

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> How about no. This will encourage bandwagon even more, overstacking of 1-2 servers to kill enemies 24/7, make huge profit, repeat. If you're on a European fight server, you can get 5+ of these in 2 hours after reset or on primetime.


People don't bandwagon for a few extra silver....

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OR ... just make the achievement two-time only, so you get them for your rings and make the "new" repeatable achievement drop no rewards.

This way you get your two emblems for your rings, your bank stays clean and ANet doesn't have to come up with some currency conversion, which inevitably will be a shot in the foot, because people always complain and/or find a way to exploit it.


Or take the easy way out and make them cost 1 silver, so we can vendor them.

Those things are NOT there to make money off of them. And intentional mass killing, zerging, feeding... should not get rewarded.

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> @"MidnightX.6294" said:

> play wvw if u want wvw currencies. but if you get what you want, then i want the raid currencies exchangeable for the loads and loads of wvw currencies i have.


You do know that emblem of the avenger is wvw currency right?

You get it for killing 100 players in wvw....

Which the op is asking to exchange it for other wvw currency...

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Well they're good for boasting how many kills you got.


Guess you should be able to trade 1 of them for same stuff as whats included in skirmish chests. Nothing like 50 memories of battle... That would crash the market.


Emblem of conqueror should be worth more tho. Kills are so easy to leech. You can easily get above 300 kills in 1 hour during good times. Same number for objectives is less than 15 (1 objective per 4 min, sentries don't count).

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Create A one time reward track that takes 10 of them each time to unlock.

Reward track should have a fairly decent loot table. I was thinking something with twice the amount of mystic clovers and some good material drops. Something similar to the "Glory To The XXXX Achievements" in No Quarter.

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I can sort of see where some people who are worried about the market are coming from, but I stand my ground on the Memories of Battle. The PvP equivalent is cheap as chips, and drop at the sneeze of a skritt. There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to have an alternative way to get more MoB.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> The awkward moment when I have no idea what these are.


It's a little gold item you end up with in your inventory when you kill 100 players in WvW. It can be used to make the new legendary rings. Many of us who play WvW a lot, now have more Emblems of the Avenger than we have ring fingers on all of our alts. Yes, we could take time to delete them (which is mildly obnoxious), but there is this fear that Anet will come up with something else that these might be used for. If items can be be sold to a vendor, then at least it 'feels' like we won't be hit later with another legendary item that might take a large quantity of these.


If say a legendary Avenger shield comes out that costs 2000 of these, and I've been able to get 5 copper from them, well then I can feel relieved that I at least got 20 silver out of the batch, and I can tell myself that I didn't want to spend a ton of gold on mats, anyway. However, if I cleared bank space the day before Anet announces such an item, it would be maddening. I have had Anet do that sort of thing to me, and probably so have others (I swear, Anet devs watch my account, and then giggle over how to mess with me..."See! She deleted them, yesterday! Let's announce that new legendary, today!" BUAHAHAHA)



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> @"Tibicia.8315" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > The awkward moment when I have no idea what these are.


> It's a little gold item you end up with in your inventory when you kill 100 players in WvW. It can be used to make the new legendary rings. Many of us who play WvW a lot, now have more Emblems of the Avenger than we have ring fingers on all of our alts. Yes, we could take time to delete them (which is mildly obnoxious), but there is this fear that Anet will come up with something else that these might be used for. If items can be be sold to a vendor, then at least it 'feels' like we won't be hit later with another legendary item that might take a large quantity of these.


> If say a legendary Avenger shield comes out that costs 2000 of these, and I've been able to get 5 copper from them, well then I can feel relieved that I at least got 20 silver out of the batch, and I can tell myself that I didn't want to spend a ton of gold on mats, anyway. However, if I cleared bank space the day before Anet announces such an item, it would be maddening. I have had Anet do that sort of thing to me, and probably so have others (I swear, Anet devs watch my account, and then giggle over how to mess with me..."See! She deleted them, yesterday! Let's announce that new legendary, today!" BUAHAHAHA)




I actually found out I had some of these already but it sort of blended in with all the other random garbage this game dumps on me. You don't want to see the inventory of a person who stopped giving a shit and only plays the game to kill players.

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