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Friendly-Fire WvW event week

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As you, mister Anet, did Coreswap, No-Downstate event weeks in WvW, would it be possible to do Friendly-Fire week also?

Could attack and kill your own server players, just as usual and normal like with enemies.


Only way friendly-fire wouldn't work - is between people in same party or squad.


Would love to kill my own server without transfering out or playing on an alt account, thnx.

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I would still like this more:



How about a weaker form of friendly fire (which has to many negative side-effects)

Every Friend in your AoE Area count against your AoE-Limit

So if you put AoE onto an area with 5 friends you do no damage. I guess this will take out all teeth of the Blob-Stacking Meta.

This will make single-target skills more valuable as single target skills will be the only way to hit enemies in your blob.

It will make small groups valuable that can “hide” in the enemy blob.

Both could need an upgrade for large-scale fights.

Generally I would propose the following priority in AoE target selection:

Invisible Friends > Invisible Enemies > Visible Friends > Visible Enemies

I.e. you only hit a visible enemy with AoE, if there there are less than 3/5 friends or invisible enemies in your target area, you only hit invisible enemies if there are less than 3/5 invisible friends in your target area. The higher priority for invisibles is needed as you cannot target them with directed skills.

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The practical effects of this, would just be that 99% of players wait out the event. With a few roamers standing around wondering why the game is even emptier than usual.


I can see the amusement in the idea, but it really wouldn't do anything interesting to the game mode. The majority of players in this game mode are either people that enjoy "mass combat" or are just there to farm Gift of battle anyways, and both would just go "Nope!" to this and go do something else instead.


It would make more sense to have specific areas on the map, or specific map states that triggered this, so it became more uncertain/surprising. But I really don't see how they'd add that, or really why.




My old short list for how to utterly ruin wvw:


* Enable friendly fire

* Enable body block

* Make AC do +2% damage per target it hits

* edit: Don't scale rewards, divide them equally between all friendlies nearby

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No, this would just mean everyone pirate ships and never engages because they'll all kill each other. If you make it squad dependent, whoever is in squad isn't affected, then you will just encourage more blobfests.


This would also give trolls everything they could ever ask for by attacking players on their side. Got friends on an enemy server? Get a few gank classes and attack your allies for them. Hard pass.

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So what you are saying is you don't want roamers in the game anymore? As your last statement shows what your intent is, that being those in the same party or squad, meaning everyone is going to ball up even bigger, because if you don't you are going to die, if not from the other two servers, then from your own.


This will also make trolling out of hand, those spys who troll tactics etc? Well now they are not in your party and sitting in your keep his real server is attacking and can now cause all sorts of problems from the inside.


This honestly ranks pretty high up there for worst idea.

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Sure, fun for hour, then everyone logs out for rest of the week. Let me show you some examples about fun event design:


- Breakbar event: Every player has a breakbar (~3s knockdown/stun worth)

- "Need a plumber?": All lord rooms are filled with water

- Ultrasonic: Permanent superspeed

- Together-in-death: Special ability skill that allows you to link with an ally, you share incoming damage, barrier and healing 50-50 (based on max health)

- Going camping: Camps spawn omega golem in them every 5 minutes

- "Where did the walls go?": All outer SM/keep gates/walls have all mysteriously disappeared.


Pretty simple stuff

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Sure, fun for hour, then everyone logs out for rest of the week. Let me show you some examples about fun event design:


> - Breakbar event: Every player has a breakbar (~3s knockdown/stun worth)

> - "Need a plumber?": All lord rooms are filled with water

> - Ultrasonic: Permanent superspeed

> - Together-in-death: Special ability skill that allows you to link with an ally, you share incoming damage, barrier and healing 50-50 (based on max health)

> - Going camping: Camps spawn omega golem in them every 5 minutes

> - "Where did the walls go?": All outer SM/keep gates/walls have all mysteriously disappeared.


> Pretty simple stuff


Simple to say, but for our part time intern to make? HAH



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So why should you be able to hide in a squad for this?

If you want friendly fire, then make it free for all, squads and groups disabled for the event.

Better yet just reverse it and make everyone in your squad has friendly fire to those in the squad, that way people who want to play with friendly fire can do so without bothering everyone else wanting to play World vs World vs World not Squad vs Rednames.


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**just no.** the format doesn't even work balancewise yet, and there are so many really new players around, this would be brutally bad. last thing we'd need are friendly fire stuff. btw funny that this comes not long after someone cries about "boring sustain blob". those especially would be buffed by kinda event by 300% since it gets harder for enemies to stack up while u cannot hit yourself with retal.


i sometimes ask myself if the people in this section do even play Wvw?


better options would be what @"Threather.9354" posted. while still, the work that goes into Wvw is really not much, would be kinda wonder if anything alike would happen.

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Friendly Fire one-week event in GW2 WvW? My guesstimation of result is:

For the first 15 minutes: - Free-for-All bloody massacre pew pew chaos

For the rest of the week: - Empty servers, with some casuals unaware of the event wondering "Uh, oh, wtf? Where are players? Any comms on map? Well, anyone anywhere at all? Is this final death of WvW or what?" And after 10 minutes of no response at all: "Pfff, no one to play with or against, fck this, Im gonna log off too."


// edit: the word " w..t..f " is censored too? hehe, nice censorship robot kitty kitty script : ))

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