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Do Anet even care about WvW? (From Today's stream with WvW Devs on Twitch)


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Today Anet's stream on Twitch,

The devs only answer to questions regarding PvP, PvE, and Balance.

However, they didn't even bother or rather avoiding to answer regarding the current states WvW, such as lag, server balancing, alliance, and so on.

I was waiting more than an hour just to hear any of these questions about improving WvW.

Seems like people who are assigned to WvW (and its balancing) do not even worry about the game mode is dying out faster than they can possibly imagine.

I know many of you probably disagree with me, that is fine since it is my own thought about today's and few previous WvW related streams I watched.

It is almost been more than 3 years since we heard about "Alliiance"

I am tired to hear "when its ready" from WvW devs both in game or stream.

They probably ban my post like they did before on regarding similar issues we had to deal with WvW team and Anet.

But Anet, please there are still many people have hope for you guys to bring back the "Golden Days" of WvW few years back.

Please re-consider, and be honest with WvW community.


Thank you for reading this trash post.


Have a good one.

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> @"Ahnlok.3897" said:

> Today Anet's stream on Twitch,

> The devs only answer to questions regarding PvP, PvE, and Balance.

> However, they didn't even bother or rather avoiding to answer regarding the current states WvW, such as lag, server balancing, alliance, and so on.

> I was waiting more than an hour just to hear any of these questions about improving WvW.

> Seems like people who are assigned to WvW (and its balancing) do not even worry about the game mode is dying out faster than they can possibly imagine.

> I know many of you probably disagree with me, that is fine since it is my own thought about today's and few previous WvW related streams I watched.

> It is almost been more than 3 years since we heard about "Alliiance"

> I am tired to hear "when its ready" from WvW devs both in game or stream.

> They probably ban my post like they did before on regarding similar issues we had to deal with WvW team and Anet.

> But Anet, please there are still many people have hope for you guys to bring back the "Golden Days" of WvW few years back.

> Please re-consider, and be honest with WvW community.


> Thank you for reading this trash post.


> Have a good one.




![](https://i.imgur.com/n3xXFew.jpg "")


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They've already mentioned it a couple times alliance news will not come from the stream, but more likely in a forum post or blog.

Obviously server balancing to them will be addressed with alliances.

Lag can't be addressed with wvw devs that much is obvious, what do you want them to say yes they know about lag? mention the skill lag that has existed for 8 years? then what? Maybe they just need to use the amazon batphone hotline?



Playing on SBI. Not playing during prime time so obviously they won't get prime time lag.

Raymonds stream is lagging, spends 10 mins tweaking it, figures out backup process was lagging his system.

8:28 - Balance update, can't really say when next large update, few tweaks next week with condi thief and bird pets.

10:15 - Starts talking about getting tweaks in through patches.

13:08 - Mentions again next week patch tweaks on condi thief and bird pets on ranger.

19:12 - Raymond taking forever to load into ebg.

21:02 - Mentions pvp season starts next week, forum post went up for it.

22:45 - No alliance update, not expected to happen on a stream, but in a forum post or blog.

24:00 - Mentions again tweaks for condi thief and bird pets. More changes for every class in the larger balance updates, small changes they get in when they can to tune things that are over performing.

25:35 - Game play that happens on stream factors very little into balance considerations for wvw, not taking it seriously, playing to hang with chat, follow commander, not a true experience to gather feedback from, not the point of the stream.

27:10 - Tweaks next week primarily for pvp, pvp tends to mirror roaming more closely, but not completely the same. The condi thief and bird tweaks are primarily pvp changes but worthwhile to adjust in wvw at the same time. Damage on bird pets oversight from large update, the damage over performing in relative to what they want.

28:35 - Cal mentions getting crazy lag but thinks it's his pc doing something.

29:15 - Starts talking about pvp season, forum post.

35:00 - Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it. Obviously affect small scale more but it's the biggest difficulty to balance small and large scale at the same time. Cases potentially too problematic in small scale so may adjust even if not a problem for large scale, and let large scale adapt. But a lot more involved. Might happen during small tweak patches than large balance update.

37:48 - Siege and banners hot topics, they're looking at, can't say when for changes.

39:23 - GOT US moment.

41:00 - Raymond talks about balance patches. Long discussion starts about balance and goals.

43:42 - Cal talks about balance patches, thinks done good job with more frequent patches in general, definitely less opportunity to tune things in wvw, obviously not all wvw focused, wvw problems generally more complicated.

47:09 - Cal still talking about balance. GOT US moment.

48:00 - Raymond talking about balance goals and metas.

48:35 - Cal personal goal with balance to provide as much viable options as possible, obviously going to have a dominate strategy. Goal is to provide as much options players will figure out the best to use.

56:00 - Mentions again no update on alliances and again will most likely be in a forum post or blog post first.

56:35 - Pvp format gearing and stats in wvw, Raymond brought up to the team and community ages ago, team said community was not excited about it at the time. Doesn't know if sentiment is still true. Wants to figure out if there's a way to provide an easier build play for wvw, which is great for pvp for experimenting with builds. Thinks it would be unfair to ask people to get an entire set of legendary to do that. It's something they want to figure out.

1:01:15 - Doesn't think making a separately zone to test builds would really work because of different group sizes needed to test it. They don't control what's in the gem store.

1:06:26 - Cal doesn't do any real work on pve balance, doesn't know when a large balance update will be.

1:16:15 - Talks about funny bug with thick healthbars which were bugged on mesmer clones. Funny enough with the dodge nerf they got rid of most mesmers in wvw anyways.







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>Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it.


...Said who?

Almost every commander I know is complaining and hates it.

"It's not a problem" is mostly just because scrapper exists in its current state.


I still don't understand the resistance to removing dire/TB gear. It'd make condi bunkers way less durable and less-appealing to run with how selfish their defenses are while normalizing small-scale, because power coefficients are too low to effectively kill off these builds as a whole.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> >Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it.


> ...Said who?

> Almost every commander I know is complaining and hates it.

> "It's not a problem" is mostly just because scrapper exists in its current state.


> I still don't understand the resistance to removing dire/TB gear. It'd make condi bunkers way less durable and less-appealing to run with how selfish their defenses are while normalizing small-scale, because power coefficients are too low to effectively kill off these builds as a whole.


He said 'organised' not pug Comms.


On a more serious answer, the organised groups who don't have issues with it are the guilds that run a Tempest and Scrapper in every party and cleanse the conditions before they even tick...

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Well he said organized groups, so probably the ones boon balling and constantly clearing conditions every sec so it doesn't matter to them anyways. Small group is obviously were more of the problem is with conditions and they might look into it. Also a fair amount of conditions can also come from corruption, how do you deal with that without nerfing necros too much while not making boon balling even more effect than it is.


Also you say condi bunkers less durable, yet there are some power builds just as durable, that's why there's like more reapers around now(and don't say they hit like wet noodles cause they don't), same problem with warriors before their auto traits got nerfed. The immobilize spam will need to be toned down at the same time.

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A team with scrap/shout war/tempest/rev in organized groups have no issues with condis. Because they are organized but pugs? You got to be a special fuck to do your job by observing the com and ppl around you if not in coms.


A good players know if things engaged, he knows the counter is definitely xyZ. A good player has a rotation ready to solve the 90% attack. But a good player is either in coms or very experienced of which only a few servers have a lot of these. Meaning,5% of the wvw population of a pug server.


Counter to condi? Well, the problem isn't condi itself but burn . It's the new bleed. When I'd play my favorite class rev. I can pain absorb 50 to 80 burn ticks. While on resistance . And that can kill you in 2 seconds on full minstrel

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> They've already mentioned it a couple times alliance news will not come from the stream, but more likely in a forum post or blog.

> Obviously server balancing to them will be addressed with alliances.

> Lag can't be addressed with wvw devs that much is obvious, what do you want them to say yes they know about lag? mention the skill lag that has existed for 8 years? then what? Maybe they just need to use the amazon batphone hotline?




> Playing on SBI. Not playing during prime time so obviously they won't get prime time lag.

> Raymonds stream is lagging, spends 10 mins tweaking it, figures out backup process was lagging his system.

> 8:28 - Balance update, can't really say when next large update, few tweaks next week with condi thief and bird pets.

> 10:15 - Starts talking about getting tweaks in through patches.

> 13:08 - Mentions again next week patch tweaks on condi thief and bird pets on ranger.

> 19:12 - Raymond taking forever to load into ebg.

> 21:02 - Mentions pvp season starts next week, forum post went up for it.

> 22:45 - No alliance update, not expected to happen on a stream, but in a forum post or blog.

> 24:00 - Mentions again tweaks for condi thief and bird pets. More changes for every class in the larger balance updates, small changes they get in when they can to tune things that are over performing.

> 25:35 - Game play that happens on stream factors very little into balance considerations for wvw, not taking it seriously, playing to hang with chat, follow commander, not a true experience to gather feedback from, not the point of the stream.

> 27:10 - Tweaks next week primarily for pvp, pvp tends to mirror roaming more closely, but not completely the same. The condi thief and bird tweaks are primarily pvp changes but worthwhile to adjust in wvw at the same time. Damage on bird pets oversight from large update, the damage over performing in relative to what they want.

> 28:35 - Cal mentions getting crazy lag but thinks it's his pc doing something.

> 29:15 - Starts talking about pvp season, forum post.

> 35:00 - Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it. Obviously affect small scale more but it's the biggest difficulty to balance small and large scale at the same time. Cases potentially too problematic in small scale so may adjust even if not a problem for large scale, and let large scale adapt. But a lot more involved. Might happen during small tweak patches than large balance update.

> 37:48 - Siege and banners hot topics, they're looking at, can't say when for changes.

> 39:23 - GOT US moment.

> 41:00 - Raymond talks about balance patches. Long discussion starts about balance and goals.

> 43:42 - Cal talks about balance patches, thinks done good job with more frequent patches in general, definitely less opportunity to tune things in wvw, obviously not all wvw focused, wvw problems generally more complicated.

> 47:09 - Cal still talking about balance. GOT US moment.

> 48:00 - Raymond talking about balance goals and metas.

> 48:35 - Cal personal goal with balance to provide as much viable options as possible, obviously going to have a dominate strategy. Goal is to provide as much options players will figure out the best to use.

> 56:00 - Mentions again no update on alliances and again will most likely be in a forum post or blog post first.

> 56:35 - Pvp format gearing and stats in wvw, Raymond brought up to the team and community ages ago, team said community was not excited about it at the time. Doesn't know if sentiment is still true. Wants to figure out if there's a way to provide an easier build play for wvw, which is great for pvp for experimenting with builds. Thinks it would be unfair to ask people to get an entire set of legendary to do that. It's something they want to figure out.

> 1:01:15 - Doesn't think making a separately zone to test builds would really work because of different group sizes needed to test it. They don't control what's in the gem store.

> 1:06:26 - Cal doesn't do any real work on pve balance, doesn't know when a large balance update will be.

> 1:16:15 - Talks about funny bug with thick healthbars which were bugged on mesmer clones. Funny enough with the dodge nerf they got rid of most mesmers in wvw anyways.








Bird Pets?? What about Bird Pets! There's nothing wrong with Bird Pets!! This game is getting ridiculous!!!

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> @"Jabronee.9465" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > They've already mentioned it a couple times alliance news will not come from the stream, but more likely in a forum post or blog.

> > Obviously server balancing to them will be addressed with alliances.

> > Lag can't be addressed with wvw devs that much is obvious, what do you want them to say yes they know about lag? mention the skill lag that has existed for 8 years? then what? Maybe they just need to use the amazon batphone hotline?

> >

> >

> >

> > Playing on SBI. Not playing during prime time so obviously they won't get prime time lag.

> > Raymonds stream is lagging, spends 10 mins tweaking it, figures out backup process was lagging his system.

> > 8:28 - Balance update, can't really say when next large update, few tweaks next week with condi thief and bird pets.

> > 10:15 - Starts talking about getting tweaks in through patches.

> > 13:08 - Mentions again next week patch tweaks on condi thief and bird pets on ranger.

> > 19:12 - Raymond taking forever to load into ebg.

> > 21:02 - Mentions pvp season starts next week, forum post went up for it.

> > 22:45 - No alliance update, not expected to happen on a stream, but in a forum post or blog.

> > 24:00 - Mentions again tweaks for condi thief and bird pets. More changes for every class in the larger balance updates, small changes they get in when they can to tune things that are over performing.

> > 25:35 - Game play that happens on stream factors very little into balance considerations for wvw, not taking it seriously, playing to hang with chat, follow commander, not a true experience to gather feedback from, not the point of the stream.

> > 27:10 - Tweaks next week primarily for pvp, pvp tends to mirror roaming more closely, but not completely the same. The condi thief and bird tweaks are primarily pvp changes but worthwhile to adjust in wvw at the same time. Damage on bird pets oversight from large update, the damage over performing in relative to what they want.

> > 28:35 - Cal mentions getting crazy lag but thinks it's his pc doing something.

> > 29:15 - Starts talking about pvp season, forum post.

> > 35:00 - Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it. Obviously affect small scale more but it's the biggest difficulty to balance small and large scale at the same time. Cases potentially too problematic in small scale so may adjust even if not a problem for large scale, and let large scale adapt. But a lot more involved. Might happen during small tweak patches than large balance update.

> > 37:48 - Siege and banners hot topics, they're looking at, can't say when for changes.

> > 39:23 - GOT US moment.

> > 41:00 - Raymond talks about balance patches. Long discussion starts about balance and goals.

> > 43:42 - Cal talks about balance patches, thinks done good job with more frequent patches in general, definitely less opportunity to tune things in wvw, obviously not all wvw focused, wvw problems generally more complicated.

> > 47:09 - Cal still talking about balance. GOT US moment.

> > 48:00 - Raymond talking about balance goals and metas.

> > 48:35 - Cal personal goal with balance to provide as much viable options as possible, obviously going to have a dominate strategy. Goal is to provide as much options players will figure out the best to use.

> > 56:00 - Mentions again no update on alliances and again will most likely be in a forum post or blog post first.

> > 56:35 - Pvp format gearing and stats in wvw, Raymond brought up to the team and community ages ago, team said community was not excited about it at the time. Doesn't know if sentiment is still true. Wants to figure out if there's a way to provide an easier build play for wvw, which is great for pvp for experimenting with builds. Thinks it would be unfair to ask people to get an entire set of legendary to do that. It's something they want to figure out.

> > 1:01:15 - Doesn't think making a separately zone to test builds would really work because of different group sizes needed to test it. They don't control what's in the gem store.

> > 1:06:26 - Cal doesn't do any real work on pve balance, doesn't know when a large balance update will be.

> > 1:16:15 - Talks about funny bug with thick healthbars which were bugged on mesmer clones. Funny enough with the dodge nerf they got rid of most mesmers in wvw anyways.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Bird Pets?? What about Bird Pets! There's nothing wrong with Bird Pets!! This game is getting ridiculous!!!


Yeah, keep telling yourself that 4k auto attacks from AI on top of your entire class is perfectly fine when every other damage got nerfed.

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ok, I put my vision too:

> @"Ahnlok.3897" said:

> Today Anet's stream on Twitch,

I don't look twitch at all, it too much lag my pc.


> The devs only answer to questions regarding PvP, PvE, and Balance.

AS for me we have good balance changes on pvp, if accept it as changes, and don't wait some magic "balance"


> However, they didn't even bother or rather avoiding to answer regarding the current states WvW, such as lag, server balancing, alliance, and so on.

there is no lag on wvw, use good cable connection, check pc, and **settings. **On my low pc I have lag on Twitch, but on same pc I play wvw wihtout lag.


> I was waiting more than an hour just to hear any of these questions about improving WvW.

pips on EOM?


> Seems like people who are assigned to WvW (and its balancing) do not even worry about the game mode is dying out faster than they can possibly imagine.

as for my we have to much people on wvw, especially on weekend, so I as as wvw player will be happy of part of them dissapear . But how I see they still online :angry:


> It is almost been more than 3 years since we heard about "Alliiance"

I am not sure that this is good changes. Who want change server can do it now. Wihtout any "Alliiance". Ok, may be we will see it aafter 3-5 year. If someone think that feature can come after few weeks or few years - this is strange vision for me. As for me it can come after 10-12 years, on expansion 4. Why not?


> I am tired to hear "when its ready" from WvW devs both in game or stream.

I think 12 years. This is my prediction. No joke.


> But Anet, please there are still many people have hope for you guys to bring back the "Golden Days" of WvW few years back.

this "Golden Days", as I think, only in some people head. wvw nice today. Ofc me to much people, but it is still playable.



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Yeah, keep telling yourself that 4k auto attacks from AI on top of your entire class is perfectly fine when every other damage got nerfed.

why we should worry about his? As for me birds damage can be 2x bigger. It give only fun.



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> ok, I put my vision too:

> > @"Ahnlok.3897" said:

> > Today Anet's stream on Twitch,

> I don't look twitch at all, it too much lag my pc.


> there is no lag on wvw, use good cable connection, check pc, and **settings. **On my low pc I have lag on Twitch, but on same pc I play wvw wihtout lag.


Ok. But what if you don't have a potato, can stream twitch AND play any other resource intensive game without your PC breaking a sweat, but during primetime you get ping spikes up into the 3k's?


Maybe there's just not lag in your match or timezone.




> > But Anet, please there are still many people have hope for you guys to bring back the "Golden Days" of WvW few years back.

> this "Golden Days", as I think, only in some people head. wvw nice today. Ofc me to much people, but it is still playable.



This I agree with, viewing the past through rose colored glasses is pretty endemic in Human society. Most people tend to think of the days when their class was OP as the good time and nothing more.

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It doesn't really matter if they cater to organized groups at this point. There's what, like 15 guilds total for NA that run regularly with 20+ people? With the lag being this bad skillful play goes out the window and the groups that win just have more people that can press 1.

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My anwer to the main thread question is: Yes, ArenaNet care about WvW. I should especially mention the latest really usefull (in my personal opinion) additions implemented into WvW game mode was when commanders tags were changed from soul-bound to account-bound, introduced three new colors for commander tags (at first, commander tags had only one possible color - blue), and also at the same time commander effect "boon" which was visible even by enemies (commander sniping was a real thing back at these days) was finally removed (all these changes were introduced into game with September 2014 Feature Pack).

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Even if they did communicate, what would they say? What possible communication could ever get beyond the fact that they have invested nothing into this game mode? Alliances are a perfect example of how ANet operates. Promise something and then never deliver, then ghost your players. Over and over again. It's how they do business and no matter how many times they promise to change that, it never happens. Disappointing, but exactly what we've come to expect.

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> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> My anwer to the main thread question is: Yes, ArenaNet care about WvW. I should especially mention the latest really usefull (in my personal opinion) additions implemented into WvW game mode was when commanders tags were changed from soul-bound to account-bound, introduced three new colors for commander tags (at first, commander tags had only one possible color - blue), and also at the same time commander effect "boon" which was visible even by enemies (commander sniping was a real thing back at these days) was finally removed (all these changes were introduced into game with September 2014 Feature Pack).


Sounds like 2014 was a banner year for WvW...

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Ok. But what if you don't have a potato, can stream twitch AND play any other resource intensive game without your PC breaking a sweat, but during primetime you get ping spikes up into the 3k's?

I never try stream, my potato not for this... But if someone put setting at maximum, use wifi, and after that say "ou, I have lag" - this lag only that someone problem.


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They're nerfing birds now? O.o

Lol, just keep lobbing those darts at the board to meet the monthly nerf ranger quota. It's to the point where I'm running a core ranger with a wolf and smokescale because they keep making the fun things on the elite specs less potent/viable (especially druid).

My daredevil and reaper are keeping me entertained, at least.


~ Kovu

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> It doesn't really matter if they cater to organized groups at this point. There's what, like 15 guilds total for NA that run regularly with 20+ people? With the lag being this bad skillful play goes out the window and the groups that win just have more people that can press 1.


It's not the people pressing 1 though, it's the boons and condis bogging down the system. You can have a full map and things are fine, but the moment a meta blob gets on...

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jabronee.9465" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > They've already mentioned it a couple times alliance news will not come from the stream, but more likely in a forum post or blog.

> > > Obviously server balancing to them will be addressed with alliances.

> > > Lag can't be addressed with wvw devs that much is obvious, what do you want them to say yes they know about lag? mention the skill lag that has existed for 8 years? then what? Maybe they just need to use the amazon batphone hotline?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Playing on SBI. Not playing during prime time so obviously they won't get prime time lag.

> > > Raymonds stream is lagging, spends 10 mins tweaking it, figures out backup process was lagging his system.

> > > 8:28 - Balance update, can't really say when next large update, few tweaks next week with condi thief and bird pets.

> > > 10:15 - Starts talking about getting tweaks in through patches.

> > > 13:08 - Mentions again next week patch tweaks on condi thief and bird pets on ranger.

> > > 19:12 - Raymond taking forever to load into ebg.

> > > 21:02 - Mentions pvp season starts next week, forum post went up for it.

> > > 22:45 - No alliance update, not expected to happen on a stream, but in a forum post or blog.

> > > 24:00 - Mentions again tweaks for condi thief and bird pets. More changes for every class in the larger balance updates, small changes they get in when they can to tune things that are over performing.

> > > 25:35 - Game play that happens on stream factors very little into balance considerations for wvw, not taking it seriously, playing to hang with chat, follow commander, not a true experience to gather feedback from, not the point of the stream.

> > > 27:10 - Tweaks next week primarily for pvp, pvp tends to mirror roaming more closely, but not completely the same. The condi thief and bird tweaks are primarily pvp changes but worthwhile to adjust in wvw at the same time. Damage on bird pets oversight from large update, the damage over performing in relative to what they want.

> > > 28:35 - Cal mentions getting crazy lag but thinks it's his pc doing something.

> > > 29:15 - Starts talking about pvp season, forum post.

> > > 35:00 - Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it. Obviously affect small scale more but it's the biggest difficulty to balance small and large scale at the same time. Cases potentially too problematic in small scale so may adjust even if not a problem for large scale, and let large scale adapt. But a lot more involved. Might happen during small tweak patches than large balance update.

> > > 37:48 - Siege and banners hot topics, they're looking at, can't say when for changes.

> > > 39:23 - GOT US moment.

> > > 41:00 - Raymond talks about balance patches. Long discussion starts about balance and goals.

> > > 43:42 - Cal talks about balance patches, thinks done good job with more frequent patches in general, definitely less opportunity to tune things in wvw, obviously not all wvw focused, wvw problems generally more complicated.

> > > 47:09 - Cal still talking about balance. GOT US moment.

> > > 48:00 - Raymond talking about balance goals and metas.

> > > 48:35 - Cal personal goal with balance to provide as much viable options as possible, obviously going to have a dominate strategy. Goal is to provide as much options players will figure out the best to use.

> > > 56:00 - Mentions again no update on alliances and again will most likely be in a forum post or blog post first.

> > > 56:35 - Pvp format gearing and stats in wvw, Raymond brought up to the team and community ages ago, team said community was not excited about it at the time. Doesn't know if sentiment is still true. Wants to figure out if there's a way to provide an easier build play for wvw, which is great for pvp for experimenting with builds. Thinks it would be unfair to ask people to get an entire set of legendary to do that. It's something they want to figure out.

> > > 1:01:15 - Doesn't think making a separately zone to test builds would really work because of different group sizes needed to test it. They don't control what's in the gem store.

> > > 1:06:26 - Cal doesn't do any real work on pve balance, doesn't know when a large balance update will be.

> > > 1:16:15 - Talks about funny bug with thick healthbars which were bugged on mesmer clones. Funny enough with the dodge nerf they got rid of most mesmers in wvw anyways.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Bird Pets?? What about Bird Pets! There's nothing wrong with Bird Pets!! This game is getting ridiculous!!!


> Yeah, keep telling yourself that 4k auto attacks from AI on top of your entire class is perfectly fine when every other damage got nerfed.


Its <1-1.5k auto. The F2 that does 2-4k and its inconsistent. Birds get killed easily anyways. Ranger class mechanics already beaten to death.

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> @"Jabronee.9465" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > They've already mentioned it a couple times alliance news will not come from the stream, but more likely in a forum post or blog.

> > Obviously server balancing to them will be addressed with alliances.

> > Lag can't be addressed with wvw devs that much is obvious, what do you want them to say yes they know about lag? mention the skill lag that has existed for 8 years? then what? Maybe they just need to use the amazon batphone hotline?

> >

> >

> >

> > Playing on SBI. Not playing during prime time so obviously they won't get prime time lag.

> > Raymonds stream is lagging, spends 10 mins tweaking it, figures out backup process was lagging his system.

> > 8:28 - Balance update, can't really say when next large update, few tweaks next week with condi thief and bird pets.

> > 10:15 - Starts talking about getting tweaks in through patches.

> > 13:08 - Mentions again next week patch tweaks on condi thief and bird pets on ranger.

> > 19:12 - Raymond taking forever to load into ebg.

> > 21:02 - Mentions pvp season starts next week, forum post went up for it.

> > 22:45 - No alliance update, not expected to happen on a stream, but in a forum post or blog.

> > 24:00 - Mentions again tweaks for condi thief and bird pets. More changes for every class in the larger balance updates, small changes they get in when they can to tune things that are over performing.

> > 25:35 - Game play that happens on stream factors very little into balance considerations for wvw, not taking it seriously, playing to hang with chat, follow commander, not a true experience to gather feedback from, not the point of the stream.

> > 27:10 - Tweaks next week primarily for pvp, pvp tends to mirror roaming more closely, but not completely the same. The condi thief and bird tweaks are primarily pvp changes but worthwhile to adjust in wvw at the same time. Damage on bird pets oversight from large update, the damage over performing in relative to what they want.

> > 28:35 - Cal mentions getting crazy lag but thinks it's his pc doing something.

> > 29:15 - Starts talking about pvp season, forum post.

> > 35:00 - Talks about conditions in terms of organized team play, not a priority to look at because of feedback from the organized groups which don't have a problem with it. Obviously affect small scale more but it's the biggest difficulty to balance small and large scale at the same time. Cases potentially too problematic in small scale so may adjust even if not a problem for large scale, and let large scale adapt. But a lot more involved. Might happen during small tweak patches than large balance update.

> > 37:48 - Siege and banners hot topics, they're looking at, can't say when for changes.

> > 39:23 - GOT US moment.

> > 41:00 - Raymond talks about balance patches. Long discussion starts about balance and goals.

> > 43:42 - Cal talks about balance patches, thinks done good job with more frequent patches in general, definitely less opportunity to tune things in wvw, obviously not all wvw focused, wvw problems generally more complicated.

> > 47:09 - Cal still talking about balance. GOT US moment.

> > 48:00 - Raymond talking about balance goals and metas.

> > 48:35 - Cal personal goal with balance to provide as much viable options as possible, obviously going to have a dominate strategy. Goal is to provide as much options players will figure out the best to use.

> > 56:00 - Mentions again no update on alliances and again will most likely be in a forum post or blog post first.

> > 56:35 - Pvp format gearing and stats in wvw, Raymond brought up to the team and community ages ago, team said community was not excited about it at the time. Doesn't know if sentiment is still true. Wants to figure out if there's a way to provide an easier build play for wvw, which is great for pvp for experimenting with builds. Thinks it would be unfair to ask people to get an entire set of legendary to do that. It's something they want to figure out.

> > 1:01:15 - Doesn't think making a separately zone to test builds would really work because of different group sizes needed to test it. They don't control what's in the gem store.

> > 1:06:26 - Cal doesn't do any real work on pve balance, doesn't know when a large balance update will be.

> > 1:16:15 - Talks about funny bug with thick healthbars which were bugged on mesmer clones. Funny enough with the dodge nerf they got rid of most mesmers in wvw anyways.

> >

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> >


> Bird Pets?? What about Bird Pets! There's nothing wrong with Bird Pets!! This game is getting ridiculous!!!


They listen to really the most uneducated QQ from really bad players. I mean, these people are losing fights with AI that are often weaker than and lose fights to a regular PvE mob. Ranger is slipping badly and it's pets.


Even now my bird mostly hits around the 700 damage range and is so glass that if something looks at it wrong, it's dead - this is even worse against ascended armor foes.


I'm currently playing 90% ele and looking for another class that's fun enough to alt. As for the legendary gear I have, not sure if I'll end up throwing it on thief or engi as they're both kind of boring to play.

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