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7 Examples ( and fixes ) showing most remaining balance issues are due to busted design/mechanics.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > 5. This sounds like a good way to prevent stunlocking, but stunlocking itself isnt the main issue, the abundance of cc and its ease of use is. Adding stab to every stun break would cause a huge drop in skilled gameplay.


> if the stab is 1 or 2 seconds long how exactly is that going to "impact skilled gameplay"?

Some builds rely heavily on CC. Part of the skill is anticipating the stun break and reapplying a new CC. They also tend to rely on being able to CC their opponent to survive. 1sec if stability is enough to get off another cast, which can significantly hamper the attacker. It may not seem much, but it's a substantial buff.

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Mechanic change #1 - Improve the quality of animations, strongly consider adding a UI option that lets you see the cast bar of nearby enemies.


- Personally I'm game for only having animations, however in crowded team fights having something like this would make it 100 times easier to see when big attacks are coming, so I'm kinda torn on what I'd rather have to be quite honest.


Mechanic change #2 - Change Quickness to stack intensity, up to 5 times. Each stack would grant "increases attack and action speeds by 10%"


- There's a few classes that quickness is given out like candy, so giving it stacks and nerfing it might be a interesting choice to see how it plays out.


Mechanic change #3 - Change condition removal to prioritize higher stacks first, instead of by order of application


- This would require a bit of work, not to mention new amulets to compensate for said changes. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, however conditions and power need to be equally viable, otherwise the game becomes stale very quickly. A-net tends to mix up the words "irrelevant" and "balance" when it comes to trying to fix something, which is quite scary thinking about this change. Because if they screw up, they wont fix said screw up for like a year after the fact.


Mechanic change #4 - Make "reveal on cast" the default behavior for using damage abilities from stealth, as opposed to "reveal on hit". Make the stealth outline graphic that is normally only visible to allies also visible to enemies in PvP if they are within a radius of 300 unit range. Double the duration of most stealth skills.


- I've been saying this for years, even made a video discussing this topic in detail, but yeah this is by far the best suggestion on your list. However doubling the duration of stealth for most abilities is overkill imo.


Mechanic change#6 - Drastically nerf downstate in competitive game modes. Make it no longer increase health pool, give it double bleedout speed, and reduce the healing by 60%


- This would give more impact to actually putting someone in downstate, but with this heavy of a nerf, stomping someone out would almost be trivial with these changes. This might be a bit too heavy handed, no health pool, double bleed out and reduced healing sounds like they would be cleaved out in half a second tops, making stomping a permanent thing of the past. Hell I doubt that you'd get a res signet off by the time they're perma dead lol.


Mechanic change#7 - Give a balance pass toward reducing the radius on many AoE skills.


- I'm not sure how easy it would be to adjust radius on a game wide scale just to be able to conform them specifically to SPVP.








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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > > 5. This sounds like a good way to prevent stunlocking, but stunlocking itself isnt the main issue, the abundance of cc and its ease of use is. Adding stab to every stun break would cause a huge drop in skilled gameplay.

> >

> > if the stab is 1 or 2 seconds long how exactly is that going to "impact skilled gameplay"?

> Some builds rely heavily on CC. Part of the skill is anticipating the stun break and reapplying a new CC. They also tend to rely on being able to CC their opponent to survive. 1sec if stability is enough to get off another cast, which can significantly hamper the attacker. It may not seem much, but it's a substantial buff.


bruh, if 1 sec stab is a problem, then your build is using cc spam. you can adapt i'm sure.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> bruh, if 1 sec stab is a problem, then your build is using cc spam. you can adapt i'm sure.

Sounds like someone doesn't know how the game works.


Put a 1sec stability on an end instant cast stun break and now my opponent can CC me back and I can't stop it, whereas they didn't di that before. It's pure power creep. CC heavy builds are valid as long as they also aren't heavy in damage and provide reasonable counter-play such as avoiding key abilities, using sun breaks at the right time, etc.


The problem is a few CC abilities which don't have good counter-play, not CC in general.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > bruh, if 1 sec stab is a problem, then your build is using cc spam. you can adapt i'm sure.

> Sounds like someone doesn't know how the game works.


> Put a 1sec stability on an end instant cast stun break and now my opponent can CC me back and I can't stop it, whereas they didn't di that before. It's pure power creep. CC heavy builds are valid as long as they also aren't heavy in damage and provide reasonable counter-play such as avoiding key abilities, using sun breaks at the right time, etc.


> The problem is a few CC abilities which don't have good counter-play, not CC in general.


cc is def a problem in team fights. I would sacrifice the occasional stab cover cast for better team fight potential.

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4 has the same issue as every other suggestion about stealth. It hits the wrong thing. The problem with stealth is its usage out of combat to sneak up on and burst someone without them being aware of your presence. While in-combat stealth is weak and could use a slight buff to be actually useable for thief. Your suggestion *destroys* in-combat stealth, but makes out of combat stealth *even better*. Its awful.

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Lots of good stuff in the OP. I agree with most of it, especially the cast bars part. Any new player I've tried to bring into this game always gets angry that they can't tell what the enemy is doing because everything looks the same to them.

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So here is what I think of each suggestion... Trigger warning, I got tired of reading and became mean towards the end.


> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:


> **Mechanic change #1 - Improve the quality of animations, strongly consider adding a UI option that lets you see the cast bar of nearby enemies.**


Not having castbars is one of the central design points of GW2. They have to make a total 180 on this to be implemented. (They did with Cantha, so it's not totally impossible, it's just very very unlikely). Just remake/readjust animations so that important skills have flashy ones, and the not so important ones don't cover half of the map (I'm looking at you renegade summons).



> **Mechanic change #2 - Change Quickness to stack intensity, up to 5 times. Each stack would grant "increases attack and action speeds by 10%"**

> Having quickness stack intensity means a lot of quicknesss granting skills like elixir U and Phase traversal can now be properly balanced by making them grant only 2 stacks in PvP for +20% speed. Still useful, but a lot less oppressive for damage spikes and a lot less enabling of the "save everything for quickness lol" playstyle.



That would be an insane nerf to quickness. To make quickness still a viable boon worth playing with, there would be reworks needed all around. Didn't Morpheus say at the start of your post that no classes need to be touched upon?


> **Mechanic change #3 - Change condition removal to prioritize higher stacks first, instead of by order of application**


And this change would eviscerate all condibuilds that focus on stacking 1 or 2 specific condition, but have way less of an effect on those with more diverse condi output. Another round of rework needed if this get's implemented, because the balance would be thrown off real bad.


> **Mechanic change #4 - Make "reveal on cast" the default behavior for using damage abilities from stealth, as opposed to "reveal on hit". Make the stealth outline graphic that is normally only visible to allies also visible to enemies in PvP if they are within a radius of 300 unit range. Double the duration of most stealth skills.**


> The current mechanics of how stealth works in GW2 completely lack any meaningful interaction or counterplay. It can infinitely reset fights. It can be used to make any animation invisible and therefore carry with it the same design problems of instant cast skills. It can be used as a get out of jail free or an engage. And the biggest problem of all, it allows mistakes to go unpunished. Say you are stealthed playing a P/P thief and you shoot a guardian using Shield 5. Guess what? This doesn't reveal you since your attack didn't hit and was blocked by shield 5s projectile block effect. Just one of many of the silly mechanical issues that comes with reveal on hit instead of on attack. This is not good PvP game design. This makes stealth reliant builds neither fun to play as ( unless you don't feel insulted by the blatant hand-holding ) nor fun to play against.


> Most other PvP games usually have built in restrictions to stealth that require the use to actually require some thought and have some sort of counter to them. Such as making stealth visible within a certain distance, putting hit confirm on stealthed players, or putting a delay between unstealthing when can you can attack. GW2 has none of these restrictions, leading to stealth being a mechanic that is almost impossible to balance right. This proposed change would make stealth last longer, but have restriction in place to prevent the abuse/mindless gameplay that the current system enables.


Good luck landing a Backstab while basicly being visible... As the one "being attacked" you can straight up go on the offensive, after all you see the enemy. Also "reveal on cast" will be a huge nerf to any stealth using build on top of this: 4 seconds of reveal for nothing is really punishing. Also tracking damage numbers... what? So you cannot go close to melee range without being seen, you cannot take the aegis off of a guardian without revealing yourself, and if thats not enough, they can use the ticking damage numbers of something as benign as one stack of bleeding to see where you're hiding, no matter how far you run.

Do you honestly think stealth as a mechanic could be useful for ANYTHING like this? You clearly do, as your Morpheus just told us that no class reworks are necesseary.... Hard pass. This section was unbeliveably bad.



> **Mechanic change #5 - Add roughly 2 seconds of stability to most stunbreaks in the game, but only if the ability succesfully breaks a stun similar to how the Revenant trait "Glaring resolve" works.**



This is your only point worth considering. Stunbreaking often has 0 effect when you get CC-d 2-3 times every second. This could be a potential solution(amongs many other) to the CC epidemic. 1/7 lets go!


> **Mechanic change#6 - Drastically nerf downstate in competitive game modes. Make it no longer increase health pool, give it double bleedout speed, and reduce the healing by 60%**


No. You're overdoing it with the nerfs, this is basicly the deletion of downstate from the game. It could no longer be the tactical tool it is now. Dumbing down the game is bad.


> **Mechanic change#7 - Give a balance pass toward reducing the radius on many AoE skills.**


> This one is a bit controversial because it could make PvE players sad, but the reality is GW2 has too many skills that hit the entire point, and too many balance changes that actively encourage this sort of playstyle.



Another rework needed, yay. Also disagree, AoE denial is a tactical tool that some builds must have access to, it's needed for several playstyles. You could argue about X or Y builds are overdoing it, in need of being toned down, which could maybe involve one or two skills getting a radius reduction but... a game wide radius reduction on AoE? No thanks.


I appreciate the time you took to type all this out but... most of your proposed changes would just hurt the gamemode.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > bruh, if 1 sec stab is a problem, then your build is using cc spam. you can adapt i'm sure.

> > Sounds like someone doesn't know how the game works.

> >

> > Put a 1sec stability on an end instant cast stun break and now my opponent can CC me back and I can't stop it, whereas they didn't di that before. It's pure power creep. CC heavy builds are valid as long as they also aren't heavy in damage and provide reasonable counter-play such as avoiding key abilities, using sun breaks at the right time, etc.

> >

> > The problem is a few CC abilities which don't have good counter-play, not CC in general.


> cc is def a problem in team fights. I would sacrifice the occasional stab cover cast for better team fight potential.


The problem is that you're making the abilities far too strong in small scale fights in a poor attempt to modify teamfights.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> The problem is that you're making the abilities far too strong in small scale fights in a poor attempt to modify teamfights.


nah I think you're overreacting. 2 stun breaks with stab on a pretty decent cd isn't going to break the system, and having that extra time to dodge or use a heal would do wonders for team fights.

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First off I should point out that this thread is more about calling out mechanics as the main culprit of balance problems currently in the game, rather than "numbers nerfs" that we keep getting. A lot of these issues could probably be fixed by a different method, what I gave for each issue is just one of many possible solutions.


On #1 / animations-


The cast icon would only be visible to the target you have selected, but really cast-bars are just one thing they could do. The real problem is too many skills that don't look much different than an auto attack, or animations that don't play until the skill is already done casting.


On #2 / Quickness- @"Cerioth.7062"


The maximum stacks of quickness would provide the exact same buff that quickness currently grants. The point of the rework is to nerf quickness without deleting it from PvE. And no, it would not be an overnerf to quickness. Quickness in it's current form is just vastly boosted and overperforming in all possible ways it can overperform. 2 stacks of quickness for +20% action speed would still be very useful.



On #3 / Condi cleansing @"AliamRationem.5172" @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" @"Exedore.6320"


Yeah, I figured this suggestion would get the most pushback and yes it does pretty much make any build that solely relies on conditions nonviable. But that's kind of the point. The way condi currently works as a stat just can't be reasonably balanced without resulting in condi-bunkers, and condi-bunkers have always been a thorn in the side of GW2 balance forever. Not once has a condi bunker ever added anything of value to the meta. But they have on more than one occasion ruined the game, and arguably bunker builds in general are to blame for the loss of esports league.


An alternative solution would be a major balance pass that drastically reduces the duration of all condis in competitive game modes, and then reintroducing expertise as a stat so that condi builds would require condi+expertise for best potential. Other solutions include a balance pass that re-evaluates each and every passive condi trait and asks the question "does this need to be in the game?" ( spoilers: the answer for at least half of them is 'probably not' )


On #4 / Stealth @"UNOwen.7132" @"Bazsi.2734"


There seems to be a strange misconception some people have about stealth being bad in-combat. This is only true until you realize that one of the biggest benefits that stealth grants in this game is that it is a **de-target that prevents subsequent re-target.** This makes stealth extremely useful mid combat when you know how to use it, as it can actually interrupt many skills being cast on you that require a target. It's basically a psuedo evade.


My suggestions towards stealth do not remove this de-target functionality. Even the part with the outline graphic being visible withing 300 range, this just means a visible animation. I did not say you could target people in stealth. In my idea, stealthed players would always remain untargettable and their names hidden until actually revealed. The goal is to make stealth more interactive ( since hunting down a stealthed player by trying to find their animation would give some level of awareness to the game ) and to reduce the efficiency of "lol I instant cast 90% of your health in one hit from stealth" builds.


On #5 / Stab on stunbreak. @"Exedore.6320"


Remember, there is a planet-sized difference between having stability on stunbreak, and having stability on a **successful** stun break. The former gives on demand stab whenever you want it and thus adds to the "pop stab spam abilities" problem, the latter does not and really only creates a problem for people who are spamming multiple CCs in a row.


On #6 / Downstate. @"Paradoxoglanis.1904"


Some people think downstate is fine. Others want to completely remove the mechanic from the game. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105940/downstate-has-got-to-go#latest )


The thing I consider bad about downstate is that the way it currently works it gives an unneeded advantage to team comps with tons of bunkers and support. All you need to do to res someone is be tanky, which is very easy to do. Nerfing the amount of healing done to it and the amount of health it has is a sort of compromise. It leaves downstate in the game, with just less of an impact and less of a "Team A wins because they have a support that insta-resses" issue.


On # 7 / AoE radius.


Didn't really notice anyone disagreeing here, and I'm not too surprised. Power creep in this direction is out of control. Another possible psuedo-solution is increasing the sizes of points but that trades one issue for another.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > The problem is that you're making the abilities far too strong in small scale fights in a poor attempt to modify teamfights.


> nah I think you're overreacting. 2 stun breaks with stab on a pretty decent cd isn't going to break the system, and having that extra time to dodge or use a heal would do wonders for team fights.


can you immagine fighting ranger? 2x low cd stun removing tools that give stability on top of heroic that gives stability, legit unable to be controlled, 2s is way too long.

make it 2 stacks for 0,25s, if you wanna avoid followup CC use dodges/other tools

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> First off I should point out that this thread is more about calling out mechanics as the main culprit of balance problems currently in the game, rather than "numbers nerfs" that we keep getting. A lot of these issues could probably be fixed by a different method, what I gave for each issue is just one of many possible solutions.


> On #4 / Stealth @"UNOwen.7132" @"Bazsi.2734"


> There seems to be a strange misconception some people have about stealth being bad in-combat. This is only true until you realize that one of the biggest benefits that stealth grants in this game is that it is a **de-target that prevents subsequent re-target.** This makes stealth extremely useful mid combat when you know how to use it, as it can actually interrupt many skills being cast on you that require a target. It's basically a psuedo evade.



Its not a misconception, its the simple truth. First, it only prevents further targetting. Any skill launched before you fully enter stealth will continue to hit you until said skill ends. So a Rapid Fire started just before you stealth up will keep hitting you for the fully 2.5 seconds. Second, in order to access stealth mid-combat, you have to lock yourself in long and obvious animations that the enemy can trivially easily punish. Whether thats by CCing you and then killing you, or just killing you. And lastly, even if somehow you were able to avoid the first 2, you will still be tracked through cleave and AoE skills. While you are unable to fight back. Its not even remotely close to a pseudo evade.


> My suggestions towards stealth do not remove this de-target functionality. Even the part with the outline graphic being visible withing 300 range, this just means a visible animation. I did not say you could target people in stealth. In my idea, stealthed players would always remain untargettable and their names hidden until actually revealed. The goal is to make stealth more interactive ( since hunting down a stealthed player by trying to find their animation would give some level of awareness to the game ) and to reduce the efficiency of "lol I instant cast 90% of your health in one hit from stealth" builds.



That doesnt matter. You basically prevent melee stealth attacks from ever functioning, and you nerf in-combat stealth. While "lol I instant cast 90% of your health in one hit from stealth" is basically untouched (not that it really exists nowadays).

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> On #3 / Condi cleansing @"AliamRationem.5172" @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" @"Exedore.6320"


> Yeah, I figured this suggestion would get the most pushback and yes it does pretty much make any build that solely relies on conditions nonviable. But that's kind of the point. The way condi currently works as a stat just can't be reasonably balanced without resulting in condi-bunkers, and condi-bunkers have always been a thorn in the side of GW2 balance forever. Not once has a condi bunker ever added anything of value to the meta. But they have on more than one occasion ruined the game, and arguably bunker builds in general are to blame for the loss of esports league.


> An alternative solution would be a major balance pass that drastically reduces the duration of all condis in competitive game modes, and then reintroducing expertise as a stat so that condi builds would require condi+expertise for best potential. Other solutions include a balance pass that re-evaluates each and every passive condi trait and asks the question "does this need to be in the game?" ( spoilers: the answer for at least half of them is 'probably not' )


I'll continue to defend the value of bunker builds as a viable strategy, and that most of bunker build complaints come not from bunker build themselves, but from the conquest game mode and how it works.

Aside from that, a simpler and less troublesome solution to your condi problem would to simply reduce the coefficient for condis, so you need more condition damage stat to deal as much damage, thus making condi bunkers less damaging and full condi builds more reasonable. Could even throw condi builds a bone and increase condi duration as you reduce the damage coefficient, to keep in line with the "damage over time" theme that condis were supposed to be.

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> @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > On #3 / Condi cleansing @"AliamRationem.5172" @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" @"Exedore.6320"

> >

> > Yeah, I figured this suggestion would get the most pushback and yes it does pretty much make any build that solely relies on conditions nonviable. But that's kind of the point. The way condi currently works as a stat just can't be reasonably balanced without resulting in condi-bunkers, and condi-bunkers have always been a thorn in the side of GW2 balance forever. Not once has a condi bunker ever added anything of value to the meta. But they have on more than one occasion ruined the game, and arguably bunker builds in general are to blame for the loss of esports league.

> >

> > An alternative solution would be a major balance pass that drastically reduces the duration of all condis in competitive game modes, and then reintroducing expertise as a stat so that condi builds would require condi+expertise for best potential. Other solutions include a balance pass that re-evaluates each and every passive condi trait and asks the question "does this need to be in the game?" ( spoilers: the answer for at least half of them is 'probably not' )


> I'll continue to defend the value of bunker builds as a viable strategy, and that most of bunker build complaints come not from bunker build themselves, but from the conquest game mode and how it works.

> Aside from that, a simpler and less troublesome solution to your condi problem would to simply reduce the coefficient for condis, so you need more condition damage stat to deal as much damage, thus making condi bunkers less damaging and full condi builds more reasonable. Could even throw condi builds a bone and increase condi duration as you reduce the damage coefficient, to keep in line with the "damage over time" theme that condis were supposed to be.


You can't "simply" reduce coefficients for condi. This is not PvE, where enemies don't cleanse. Pressure matters and condi builds already struggle to pressure due to cleansing as it is. This is, in part, why condi builds must run bunker stats. The other part of it is that power/condi hybrid deals less damage than either power or condi by themselves, which would need to be fixed in order for these types of plans to work. The usual suggestion for handling this is to tone condi down to a supplemental form of damage and more or less remove cleansing. And the same people will complain about "passive" gameplay as conditions end up wearing them down in attrition battles against bunker builds.


Round and round we go. This is just a waste of time.

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Yeah the aura animations need to be redone again, for sure. Also magnetic wave has no animation for when it is engaged which is really bad for a competitive standpoint. Also, with stealth being a mechanic in the game, I'm not sure the global cast bars would be fairly implemented.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> can you immagine fighting ranger? 2x low cd stun removing tools that give stability on top of heroic that gives stability, legit unable to be controlled, 2s is way too long.

> make it 2 stacks for 0,25s, if you wanna avoid followup CC use dodges/other tools


sure. the duration really doesn't matter as long as you can get off a dodge.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> First off I should point out that this thread is more about calling out mechanics as the main culprit of balance problems currently in the game, rather than "numbers nerfs" that we keep getting. A lot of these issues could probably be fixed by a different method, what I gave for each issue is just one of many possible solutions.



> On #4 / Stealth @"UNOwen.7132" @"Bazsi.2734"


> There seems to be a strange misconception some people have about stealth being bad in-combat. This is only true until you realize that one of the biggest benefits that stealth grants in this game is that it is a **de-target that prevents subsequent re-target.** This makes stealth extremely useful mid combat when you know how to use it, as it can actually interrupt many skills being cast on you that require a target. It's basically a psuedo evade.


> My suggestions towards stealth do not remove this de-target functionality. Even the part with the outline graphic being visible withing 300 range, this just means a visible animation. I did not say you could target people in stealth. In my idea, stealthed players would always remain untargettable and their names hidden until actually revealed. The goal is to make stealth more interactive ( since hunting down a stealthed player by trying to find their animation would give some level of awareness to the game ) and to reduce the efficiency of "lol I instant cast 90% of your health in one hit from stealth" builds.


I don't know why you tagged me, as this isn't really an answer to me. But I'd like to add that stealthing interrupts 1 skill to my knowledge:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unrelenting_Assault - (smokescale has basicly a copy of this skill)


Pointing out how stealth would still retain SOME of its previous perks is irrelevant to my concerns. The game is balanced around a stealth that makes you completely invisible, and does not break unless you deal direct damage to an enemy target. You want to upset that balance with no compensation mentioned.


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> condi builds are boosted by flat out having superior stats as there is very little reason for them not to monkey-up with rabid/sage/etc.

> This means that in order to do optimal damage as condi, you could no longer get away with running nonsense such as "Rabid amulet + every defensive trait in the book" and would instead have to run Sinister/Destroyer just like how power builds are forced to run Berserker for optimal damage. This has been a serious balance problem in GW2 for a very long time. Power builds need all Power/Precision/Ferocity to work. Condi builds just need Condition damage, leading to the problem of "Condi + Vitality/Toughness/Healing amulut + defensive traits / weapons" being chosen. This is why "Condi bunker" builds in GW2 have always been very monkey / low skill low effort high reward and why every condi meta always ends up feeling extremely degenerate and spammy.


This alone states you know nothing of this game and just want something new to play with. Just take a break. But here is a mythbusters episode:


* Conditions scale badly with condition damage, unless you stack a lot of them. Confusion's DoT doesn't even scale with condition damage, it always does 10 damage per second flat.

* Most of the condi amulets in this game have power which means they are hybrid. Condi thief does pretty decent initial power damage because carrion is just 100 power less from demo/mara and d/p 3 has a 1.5 coefficient. Burn guard does decent damage because for some reason torch 4 throw has 1.5 coefficient.

* There is no "1200 condition damage, 900 toughness, 900 vitality" amulet btw, there is only rabid. I lol'd at sage, it's like avatar amulet. Reminder: 0 ferocity crit chance is a 1.5 modifier.

* If condi was bad people would cry about toughness amulets.


I'm tired of explaining just how wrong this "one stat" thing is.

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The stealth change is probably one of the worst things I have read on the forums. I will use WoW as an example. Stealth has the near you detection etc because it is free to use whenever with an unlimited amount of time until you decide to break it. Stealth in GW2 is not free. As a thief you have to spend initiative to stack it or burn a cooldown. Your change would mean that stealth could be broken by an enemy trait randomly blocking while fighting a teammate. With your change stealth would not be worth using at all. That on top of skill lag would be horrid and so clunky.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> This alone states you know nothing of this game and just want something new to play with. Just take a break. But here is a mythbusters episode:


> * Conditions scale badly with condition damage, unless you stack a lot of them. Confusion's DoT doesn't even scale with condition damage, it always does 10 damage per second flat.


I legitimately cannot tell if you are trolling.


The entire point of confusion is that it deals more damage with skill usage than the DoT. Of course the DoT is bad. It's supposed to be bad. The DoT doesn't scale because it only exists as a visual indicator that you have confusion on you.


The damage on skill activation however, absolutely does scale with condition damage.


>Damage on skill activation (Player):


(0.0975 * Condition Damage) + (0.575 * Level) + 3.5 damage per stack.

(0.0975 * Condition Damage) + 49.5 damage per stack.


You will do 3x more damage with a 1200 condi amulet. Unless you have a very weird concept of what "bad scaling" is, as you didn't objectively define what you meant by that, 300% is not "bad scaling".






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