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[3 months later] Requesting communication about future design changes


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Dear Anet,


It has been 3 months since you nuked pvp scene with important changes by lowering the damage and sustain on all the classes. Main goal was to have longer fights, which should feel less spammy.


Of course some build happened to overperform in this new scene and we have been promised fast patches to solve that. These patches are indeed happening but we can already regret their low frequency. How long did lich form, pet damage, condi thief, condi, etc. plague the pvp until properly fixed ? These problems were quite easily fixable, as they only require slight coefficient adjustements.


More problematic is the lack of communication about skills and traits that got murdered in the process (300s cd traits/warrior hammer/etc.). Do we have to expect changes for these, or do we have to accept the actual state as "permanent" ?


Finally, this patch revealed some "burried" bad design on the game. Who would have thought a reduction of damage would make revivals way more powerful ? That the reduction of sustain would lead to people spamming their 0 damage CC skill, leading you to an inevitable death ? That conditions build, although not especially meta (they do have weaknesses-, would feel so rewarding ? Do we also have to accept these as "permanent", or do you acknowledge the problem and are working on it ?


Huge work was started few months ago but now it feels like it has totally stopped. No communication is made, and the only changes we are seeing _3 months later_ are minor changes that we should have seen _the first few weeks_ .


We would understand simple communications like "pvp is not mandatory atm, we are fully deployed for expansion/new pve stuff/wvw thingies" or "due to world apocalypse our changes are delayed, but we are indeed focusing on this, that and that". However we can't even bite to that ...


And here we are, waiting in a middle of a gamemode plagued by unhealthy design, waiting in silence.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> Dear Anet,


> It has been 3 months since you nuked pvp scene with important changes by lowering the damage and sustain on all the classes. Main goal was to have longer fights, which should feel less spammy.


> Of course some build happened to overperform in this new scene and we have been promised fast patches to solve that. These patches are indeed happening but we can already regret their low frequency. How long did lich form, pet damage, condi thief, condi, etc. plague the pvp until properly fixed ? These problems were quite easily fixable, as they only require slight coefficient adjustements.


> More problematic is the lack of communication about skills and traits that got murdered in the process (300s cd traits/warrior hammer/etc.). Do we have to expect changes for these, or do we have to accept the actual state as "permanent" ?


> Finally, this patch revealed some "burried" bad design on the game. Who would have thought a reduction of damage would make revivals way more powerful ? That the reduction of sustain would lead to people spamming their 0 damage CC skill, leading you to an inevitable death ? That conditions build, although not especially meta (they do have weaknesses-, would feel so rewarding ? Do we also have to accept these as "permanent", or do you acknowledge the problem and are working on it ?


> Huge work was started few months ago but now it feels like it has totally stopped. No communication is made, and the only changes we are seeing _3 months later_ are minor changes that we should have seen _the first few weeks_ .


> We would understand simple communications like "pvp is not mandatory atm, we are fully deployed for expansion/new pve stuff/wvw thingies" or "due to world apocalypse our changes are delayed, but we are indeed focusing on this, that and that". However we can't even bite to that ...


> And here we are, waiting in a middle of a gamemode plagued by unhealthy design, waiting in silence.


It's fine CMC said only the top "good" players play Rev. Any respect I had for him to do anything good for pvp has totally vanished.

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To have a clear direction in terms of design you need a leader, someone that takes the horse and rides it to a direction considering all the multiple factors and that keeps working on it with a clear vision. I doubt there is one in this game, because all patches become superficial solutions to deep issues, i mean, fuck, this game is like 8 years old and it suffers from issues noted years ago.


Considering that this game is old, that makes me think we will never see a deep change or rework on certain things because the game as it is brings money. I think there never was any kind of intention on fixing things and there never will, all those posts saying stuff like: "we promise you guys, this time we will have pvp and wvw improvements" were just lies to keep playerbase going on.


Think about this, if the next week, people stop playing, the playerbase just keeps going down and down, what would arenanet do? Would they say: "hey guys, we are doing real changes so come back because this time we swear for real we are fixing things!" or would they just drop the game because it is not redituable? I think they would drop it with no doubt because thats the kind of things ncsoft is famous for, thats also one of the reasons i think we wont see gw3 in years.


sorry for the rant

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> @"xWiroo.3841" said:

> To have a clear direction in terms of design you need a leader, someone that takes the horse and rides it to a direction considering all the multiple factors and that keeps working on it with a clear vision. I doubt there is one in this game, because all patches become superficial solutions to deep issues, i mean, kitten, this game is like 8 years old and it suffers from issues noted years ago.


> Considering that this game is old, that makes me think we will never see a deep change or rework on certain things because the game as it is brings money. I think there never was any kind of intention on fixing things and there never will, all those posts saying stuff like: "we promise you guys, this time we will have pvp and wvw improvements" were just lies to keep playerbase going on.


> Think about this, if the next week, people stop playing, the playerbase just keeps going down and down, what would arenanet do? Would they say: "hey guys, we are doing real changes so come back because this time we swear for real we are fixing things!" or would they just drop the game because it is not redituable? I think they would drop it with no doubt because thats the kind of things ncsoft is famous for, thats also one of the reasons i think we wont see gw3 in years.


> sorry for the rant


Ncsoft is far from the monster depicted or have at least changes their ways or this game would have been canned by now.

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> @"skillze.7689" said:

> > @"aelska.4609" said:

> > Dear Anet,

> >

> > It has been 3 months since you nuked pvp scene with important changes by lowering the damage and sustain on all the classes. Main goal was to have longer fights, which should feel less spammy.

> >

> > Of course some build happened to overperform in this new scene and we have been promised fast patches to solve that. These patches are indeed happening but we can already regret their low frequency. How long did lich form, pet damage, condi thief, condi, etc. plague the pvp until properly fixed ? These problems were quite easily fixable, as they only require slight coefficient adjustements.

> >

> > More problematic is the lack of communication about skills and traits that got murdered in the process (300s cd traits/warrior hammer/etc.). Do we have to expect changes for these, or do we have to accept the actual state as "permanent" ?

> >

> > Finally, this patch revealed some "burried" bad design on the game. Who would have thought a reduction of damage would make revivals way more powerful ? That the reduction of sustain would lead to people spamming their 0 damage CC skill, leading you to an inevitable death ? That conditions build, although not especially meta (they do have weaknesses-, would feel so rewarding ? Do we also have to accept these as "permanent", or do you acknowledge the problem and are working on it ?

> >

> > Huge work was started few months ago but now it feels like it has totally stopped. No communication is made, and the only changes we are seeing _3 months later_ are minor changes that we should have seen _the first few weeks_ .

> >

> > We would understand simple communications like "pvp is not mandatory atm, we are fully deployed for expansion/new pve stuff/wvw thingies" or "due to world apocalypse our changes are delayed, but we are indeed focusing on this, that and that". However we can't even bite to that ...

> >

> > And here we are, waiting in a middle of a gamemode plagued by unhealthy design, waiting in silence.


> It's fine CMC said only the top "good" players play Rev. Any respect I had for him to do anything good for pvp has totally vanished.


That means you have had any respect, lucky you :D


But guyss, chill, theres murderous virus around, its tough time for gaming companies, im 200% sure that when its all over we gonna get promised balance patches, its just a matter of time!


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Rumour has it that the skills team didn't approve the pace of CMC's changes and slowed him down. If that's true I can't tell, but looking at the horrible revamps/tradeoffs they did in the past and the consequences these had for PvP balance, I can definitely see it being true. Whoever was doing those seemed completely out of tune with PvP, with the recent ones being a bit better, despite still adding some borderline strong mechanics.

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