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Hacker/Exploiter reporting


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Today roughly 15 minutes ago 2 of us were fighting near Tower in Alpine Bordrland WvW map with Dragonhunter and Weaver. We killed the Dragonhunter, and Weaver used hack / exploit to flee from the fight to get right onto the wall. Blatant exploit. No teleport from Scourge, Mesmer or any other possible source of teleporting was seen. Still I was NOT able to report him as a hacker / exploiter, I had to use the option "Botting".


Im sure for 99,99% about that unfair player will never get even a single hour ban, its just like Im writing this post as a self-defense (see the ABSURDITY here ???!!! I found a hacker/exploiter, but still 7 years after game life I have to write self-defense post. Thats really ABSURD) , because there still does not exist the "Hacking/Exploiting" option in the report menu. I had to use the "Botting" option, and then I am forced to write this self-defense post on the forum, so I will not be accused of false-accusating someone about "Botting" , when actually even I myself know he was not botting, he was just using an exploit. Inbefore someone suggest writing a ticket - No, I do not trust untransparent secretive ticket method, a self-defense post is best written in publicity so everyone can see it. I also have a backup screenshot of this post, if some Forum Moderator decide to delete this post. so I will be able to write this exact thread again.


Also, there still does NOT exist any text window in Report menu, where I can write short explanation details WHY, WHO, and for WHAT exactly Im reporting someone. 200 letters text window should be enough.


TLDR for players: You can ignore this Thread. This thread/post is written simply for self-defense of mine and is meant for ArenaNet, so I will not be accused of false-accusing someone from "Botting".I was forced to use "Bottting" option, because "Exploiting" option still does not exist in report menu.

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Botting is the right section to report cheating under. Why anet doesn't just add another option for cheating (like every other game), I have no idea. Most people when I am with others who see someone port hacking etc they never know that you can report under botting so they never send any, many don't even believe me when I tell them it's the right option in game.

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Botting is the correct category to report these. Mind you afaik these reports are not checked by persons but adds probability to the algorithms detecting malicious behavior. So algorithm detects a malicious behaviour and gives a percentage of certainty about hacking, and if that player is also reported, that percentage goes up. Every several months ANet bans players above a certain percentage of malicious behavior altogether, and the reason they don't outright ban the player as soon as they reach the treshold is they don't want players to know which certain action caused them to get banned.

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NO action will be taken, regardless of how many people use "botting" to report the player. The only way to even get a temp ban of the offender, is to submit video directly to anet. Even then, it usually takes multiple videos, and the offender will be back on within a week or so. Same people have been using exploits for years, and they keep getting 1 week bans and then log back in with their accts. Some of these known offenders are mithril and diamond rank, yet anet never perma bans them, so they keep on exploiting.

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I recall I was trying to target a mesmer telehacker going thru walls and all over the place really quickly... couldnt keep him targeted long enuf to block/add or submit a report, he was suddenly out of range (target lost), then back in range (repeat). I believe he was doing that on purpose to avoid being reported.


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I remember downing a thief and decided to finish by rapid fire . Half way through the rapid fire sequence the thief disappeared and the arrow began firing in a sweeping motion like I was shooting a moving target. Thief never reappeared .

This is not the only encounter where rapid fire revealed really odd movement behaviour of stealth-ed characters or other opponents .

For example when I have a clean shot on and opponent and do make a hit but suddenly my shots start shooting straight down into the ground obstructed. I learned what this hack is after firing on an opponent crossing a bridge. My arrows were clearly shooting below the bridge and the suspect took damage when they should have been obstructed.

Learning what is being used and how these engines work by reading and You Tube has helped me tell the difference between hacks and legitimate skill use.

Whether or not the Servers have an extensive log of the movements of characters in the game I can't say. Probably not considering the amount of data storage that would require but I could be wrong.

I don't care if the person may be having connections issues or what. If I see strange behaviour of an opponent over an extended period of time I report it and let ANET sort it out. Most of the time I just couldn't be bothered.

If you suspect that a lot of hacking is occurring It may be to your benefit to video capture the period of time you are playing and submit the video to ANET. Video will show much much more than a screen capture.

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I've seen this too, downed a thief inside bay, he rapidly ported 5x to the stairs, up them, over wall onto water, was porting across water, luckily I used F1 to reveal him and had judges intervention, sword 2 and enough range to kill him before damage was nerfed on 2/25, wouldn't be enough now as not even mount could travel that fast.

when I was playing ranger for about 2 years, I found other rangers, I'd cripple them, see them running super speed with cripple animation, start rapid firing from point blank range and they would outrun my arrows.


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> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> Today roughly 15 minutes ago 2 of us were fighting near Tower in Alpine Bordrland WvW map with Dragonhunter and Weaver. We killed the Dragonhunter, and Weaver used hack / exploit to flee from the fight to get right onto the wall. Blatant exploit. No teleport from Scourge, Mesmer or any other possible source of teleporting was seen. Still I was NOT able to report him as a hacker / exploiter, I had to use the option "Botting".


> Im sure for 99,99% about that unfair player will never get even a single hour ban, its just like Im writing this post as a self-defense (see the ABSURDITY here ???!!! I found a hacker/exploiter, but still 7 years after game life I have to write self-defense post. Thats really ABSURD) , because there still does not exist the "Hacking/Exploiting" option in the report menu. I had to use the "Botting" option, and then I am forced to write this self-defense post on the forum, so I will not be accused of false-accusating someone about "Botting" , when actually even I myself know he was not botting, he was just using an exploit. Inbefore someone suggest writing a ticket - No, I do not trust untransparent secretive ticket method, a self-defense post is best written in publicity so everyone can see it. I also have a backup screenshot of this post, if some Forum Moderator decide to delete this post. so I will be able to write this exact thread again.


> Also, there still does NOT exist any text window in Report menu, where I can write short explanation details WHY, WHO, and for WHAT exactly Im reporting someone. 200 letters text window should be enough.


> TLDR for players: You can ignore this Thread. This thread/post is written simply for self-defense of mine and is meant for ArenaNet, so I will not be accused of false-accusing someone from "Botting".I was forced to use "Bottting" option, because "Exploiting" option still does not exist in report menu.


surprises the forum mod didnt delete this post, normally he is overzealous in these

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The policing in the game is so lax the hackers dont even try to remain inconspicuous. I've had thieves and other squish classes tied to my magebane and the dont even try and dodge they just do that mocking tap forward judging movement while u burst on the doing like 5% dps to their hp bar over the next 8 hits than they say "lol" while they stand there and take it mean while on other tankier built thiefs etc the damage downs or close to downs them. Sometimes I wonder if at least some of the nerf thief threads are due to players meeting these players. Seriously imaging hacking gw2 of all games lol.

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A player recently accused me of hacking. When I asked why he thought that I learned that he didn’t understand the casting delay effect on Binding Shadow and had gotten knocked down after he went behind LoS.


That said, I’ve run into a few players who wall hacked into towers they didn’t own. Like @"Psycoprophet.8107" said, it’s a bit pointless to hack in GW2. But it does happen.


The only consolation I have is most people have trouble controlling their hacks and can’t win fights. I can’t remember the number of times I’ve killed a hacker by keeping up with his jumpy teleport-like movements with real teleports and just finished them off.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> The policing in the game is so lax the hackers dont even try to remain inconspicuous. I've had thieves and other squish classes tied to my magebane and the dont even try and dodge they just do that mocking tap forward judging movement while u burst on the doing like 5% dps to their hp bar over the next 8 hits than they say "lol" while they stand there and take it mean while on other tankier built thiefs etc the damage downs or close to downs them. Sometimes I wonder if at least some of the nerf thief threads are due to players meeting these players. Seriously imaging hacking gw2 of all games lol.


Yeah the worst part is that they do it in plain sight, because they know Anet does nothing. I've reported the same bot in PvE for close to 4 years now, and I have a screenshot from each report, and it's still there. There are more and more bots in WvW lately running the exact same rounds every single day too. Been reporting them, nothing happens. I've had thieves glitch through tower walls a few weeks ago and spamming /laugh, right in front of 10 people standing inside defending. Everyone reported it. Nothing happened. Downed players glitching to a spot under the ground so you can't finish them? You bet. Kind of destroys the point of having walls, and victory points and scores and... you know, WvW. But nothing happens, so yeah.

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> Yeah the worst part is that they do it in plain sight, because they know Anet does nothing. I've reported the same bot in PvE for close to 4 years now, and I have a screenshot from each report, and it's still there. There are more and more bots in WvW lately running the exact same rounds every single day too. Been reporting them, nothing happens. I've had thieves glitch through tower walls a few weeks ago and spamming /laugh, right in front of 10 people standing inside defending. Everyone reported it. Nothing happened. Kind of destroys the point of having walls, and victory points and scores and... you know, WvW. But nothing happens, so yeah.


I saw one of them still running around yesterday, they gaining ap at silverwastes now from 800 to 1.5k+ since they started on another new acc heh. No consequences at all even after being super blatant. Guess they feel like they can devote to that account since nothing done.

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > The policing in the game is so lax the hackers dont even try to remain inconspicuous. I've had thieves and other squish classes tied to my magebane and the dont even try and dodge they just do that mocking tap forward judging movement while u burst on the doing like 5% dps to their hp bar over the next 8 hits than they say "lol" while they stand there and take it mean while on other tankier built thiefs etc the damage downs or close to downs them. Sometimes I wonder if at least some of the nerf thief threads are due to players meeting these players. Seriously imaging hacking gw2 of all games lol.


> Yeah the worst part is that they do it in plain sight, because they know Anet does nothing. I've reported the same bot in PvE for close to 4 years now, and I have a screenshot from each report, and it's still there. There are more and more bots in WvW lately running the exact same rounds every single day too. Been reporting them, nothing happens. I've had thieves glitch through tower walls a few weeks ago and spamming /laugh, right in front of 10 people standing inside defending. Everyone reported it. Nothing happened. Kind of destroys the point of having walls, and victory points and scores and... you know, WvW. But nothing happens, so yeah.


I honestly believe half the bots in gw2 are anets as a way to give the illusion or feeling of a decent population due to how many players continually say f it and leave. The last 3 yrs its felt like this company literally has been taking the least effort approach to all aspects of the game and its showing through more and more ever year and as players catch on the population has steadily declined, rightfully so imo.

Honestly if ncsoft want this game to have a future all the management etc needs replaced with people who can manage teams and actually get the teams to produce quality development on a far more regular basis. Honestly the games failing hard right now and cantha better be one heck of a huge expac with a lot of content to have any chance in at least temporarily postponing this game decent into maintenance mode.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > Yeah the worst part is that they do it in plain sight, because they know Anet does nothing. I've reported the same bot in PvE for close to 4 years now, and I have a screenshot from each report, and it's still there. There are more and more bots in WvW lately running the exact same rounds every single day too. Been reporting them, nothing happens. I've had thieves glitch through tower walls a few weeks ago and spamming /laugh, right in front of 10 people standing inside defending. Everyone reported it. Nothing happened. Kind of destroys the point of having walls, and victory points and scores and... you know, WvW. But nothing happens, so yeah.


> I saw one of them still running around yesterday, they gaining ap at silverwastes now from 800 to 1.5k+ since they started on another new acc heh. No consequences at all even after being super blatant. Guess they feel like they can devote to that account since nothing done.


Ha! Yeah I noticed they moved to gaining ap for a bit since I added them to my friends list to see if Anet would actually take any action, but no they're still there. One of them I reported doing the same path over and over and over in WvW had 300-ish ap then, a few weeks ago, and now it's running around in Silverwastes doing the rounds there with about 1.200. Are they upping their ap in PvE to be less conspicuous you think, or is it just that they got enough from WvW to move on,

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > > Yeah the worst part is that they do it in plain sight, because they know Anet does nothing. I've reported the same bot in PvE for close to 4 years now, and I have a screenshot from each report, and it's still there. There are more and more bots in WvW lately running the exact same rounds every single day too. Been reporting them, nothing happens. I've had thieves glitch through tower walls a few weeks ago and spamming /laugh, right in front of 10 people standing inside defending. Everyone reported it. Nothing happened. Kind of destroys the point of having walls, and victory points and scores and... you know, WvW. But nothing happens, so yeah.

> >

> > I saw one of them still running around yesterday, they gaining ap at silverwastes now from 800 to 1.5k+ since they started on another new acc heh. No consequences at all even after being super blatant. Guess they feel like they can devote to that account since nothing done.


> Ha! Yeah I noticed they moved to gaining ap for a bit since I added them to my friends list to see if Anet would actually take any action, but no they're still there. One of them I reported doing the same path over and over and over in WvW had 300-ish ap then, a few weeks ago, and now it's running around in Silverwastes doing the rounds there with about 1.200. Are they upping their ap in PvE to be less conspicuous you think, or is it just that they got enough from WvW to move on,


Maybe that's the same person, the ap was around there. I had them in my userlist too, just to keep track of them.

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