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Perma stealth in keeps?


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How long is this gonna be a thing? Put some kind of restriction on it or remove the damn Shadow Portal from WvW. Annoying as fuck having some deadeye perma stealth in a T3 keep for 30 minutes only to port in his buddies all sneaky and cap it without anyone noticing. This can't be working as intended?

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> @"Calle.8746" said:

> How long is this gonna be a thing? Put some kind of restriction on it or remove the kitten Shadow Portal from WvW. Annoying as kitten having some deadeye perma stealth in a T3 keep for 30 minutes only to port in his buddies all sneaky and cap it without anyone noticing. This can't be working as intended?


Till the end of time or the release of Alliances take your pick remembering at all times it is Anet.

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Let me get this right.


So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.


Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.


When did this happen or did you just dream it up?



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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Let me get this right.


> So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.


> Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.


> When did this happen or did you just dream it up?




Lol are you shitting me? Avoiding reveals are easy as hell. And since when is WvW about the entire group trying to find 1 stealthing thief? This happens on a weekly baisis. I even do it on my thief whenever I play it.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> What makes no sense is that the portal lasts as long as the cooldown, and resets instantly. The portal shouldn't exist at all, but there is no justifying a skill that essentially doesn't have a cooldown when used.


No idea what you're talking about bud, the skill aboslutly have a cooldown lol. 60 seconds if I'm not misstaken

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> @"Calle.8746" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > Let me get this right.

> >

> > So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.

> >

> > Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.

> >

> > When did this happen or did you just dream it up?

> >

> >


> Lol are you kitten me? Avoiding reveals are easy as hell. And since when is WvW about the entire group trying to find 1 stealthing thief? This happens on a weekly baisis. I even do it on my thief whenever I play it.


So you don’t sweep for thief and Mesmer after? Like, sure, one reveal is easy. Several over the span of 10 seconds will be much much harder to stick around and stay alive.


If you can’t be bothered then that thief and the group deserve that cap imo.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Let me get this right.


> So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.


> Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.


> When did this happen or did you just dream it up?




This happens quite often. There is nothing to justify here, perma stealth should not exist.

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> @"Calle.8746" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > What makes no sense is that the portal lasts as long as the cooldown, and resets instantly. The portal shouldn't exist at all, but there is no justifying a skill that essentially doesn't have a cooldown when used.


> No idea what you're talking about bud, the skill aboslutly have a cooldown lol. 60 seconds if I'm not misstaken


You drop the exit, leave keep. When the minute is up you port back in to the keep. AND, can instantly drop it again and repeat the process. The timer should not be from when it is first placed, but from when the link is made (which is how the mesmer portal is).

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Calle.8746" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > Let me get this right.

> > >

> > > So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.

> > >

> > > Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.

> > >

> > > When did this happen or did you just dream it up?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Lol are you kitten me? Avoiding reveals are easy as hell. And since when is WvW about the entire group trying to find 1 stealthing thief? This happens on a weekly baisis. I even do it on my thief whenever I play it.


> So you don’t sweep for thief and Mesmer after? Like, sure, one reveal is easy. Several over the span of 10 seconds will be much much harder to stick around and stay alive.


> If you can’t be bothered then that thief and the group deserve that cap imo.


I've seen full squads sweep for 10 - 20 minutes and not find a good perma thief.


What you are forgetting:

- most classes do not have a reveal, so the actual classes which can reveal are far less in squad

- some of the structures are LARGE, especially on Desert Border

- even when revealed, a DE can simply cleanse the reveal and re-stealth, reposition and start the entire goose chase over, keeping the entire squad busy far longer than 1 player should be able to

- reveals are limited in charges on reveal classes with warrior having 2 and engineer having a large range single reveal


Sorry but if keeps where the sizes of towers, sure that might be fine. Even mesmer are fine because they lack the amount of access to stealth AND the ability to cleanse reveal debuff. Perma stealth DE are a problem in the current setup, and it's not even due to the perma stealth but rather the ability to cleanse the reveal multiple times.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > Inbefore broken minded clowns come defending broken mechanic \o/


> Use reveal, and some reveal and lastly reveal


We had a thieve inside our keep yesterday... he got chased by some decent roamers which tried reveal for sure but he was able to stealth again and again... it is broken and should not exist in this way .. simple as that :)

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What a lot of people fail to do is immediately interrupt the theif upon reveal. Yes it's easier said than done but I see a lot of people who throw a reveal and then attempt to aoe the place. Most successful way is to drop cc/stun. The amount of times I revealed a de with "sight beyond sight" and use bulls charge with successful results is a lot more than 5 people just dumping random aoe there. Cc them, everyone has a range/melee cc


Again, I repeat this is easier said than done but it's the best thing to do.

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What's funny is, people spent all those years complaining about mesmers doing the same thing hiding in places, even though they had actual cooldowns on their stealth so they had to work more on hiding. Then they added in 5min reveals after a cap to finally fix the hiding problem... only to hand thieves a portal, with built in stealth, and a lower cooldown.


/slow clap Enjoy the class balance and complaining about their portal for years to come.


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> @"Calle.8746" said:

> Annoying as kitten having some deadeye perma stealth in a T3 keep for 30 minutes

He is not even in the keep most of the time. His portal exit is. :# He is waiting outside, portal exit remains 60 secs, thief ports in again and can immediately place a new portal exit for 60 secs and jump out of the keep again.


This is because portal cooldown and the time window to use the placed portal are both 60 secs and the CD starts ticking when the portal exit is **placed**, not used. And now comes the part with the luls:


Anet partly fixed that some days ago. . .


> May 26, 2020

> - Reduced preparation duration from 60 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.


. . . but only for **sPvP**, not for WvW xD


So that should answer your question:


> @"Calle.8746" said:

> This can't be working as intended?

No, its just a "we dont care cause its WvW" thing. :p

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Calle.8746" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > Let me get this right.

> > >

> > > So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.

> > >

> > > Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.

> > >

> > > When did this happen or did you just dream it up?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Lol are you kitten me? Avoiding reveals are easy as hell. And since when is WvW about the entire group trying to find 1 stealthing thief? This happens on a weekly baisis. I even do it on my thief whenever I play it.


> So you don’t sweep for thief and Mesmer after? Like, sure, one reveal is easy. Several over the span of 10 seconds will be much much harder to stick around and stay alive.


> If you can’t be bothered then that thief and the group deserve that cap imo.


No one what so ever has said anything about mesmer. Dont even try to compare the 2. I have no problem with mesmer at all. Sure they can hide but are easily found with "Sniff" or by just running around.


A completely different story when it comes to thieves who are permanetly invisible. And unless an entire zerg is chasing after me when I play my thief I wont be found. Doesn't matter the amount of reveal they have. Avoiding it is easy. You honestly just sound like a pathetic thief main who enjoy abusing broken mechanics because you lack skill.


Stop trying to justify broken mechanics.

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> @"Calle.8746" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > @"Calle.8746" said:

> > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > > Let me get this right.

> > > >

> > > > So your keep gets broken into, both outer and inner. Which you see because you are involved in the fight to defend. Then a thief who stayed behind spends 30 minutes stacking stealth and avoiding reveals from any number of people who are trying to catch them. Which, is because they lost the fight to take the keep and presumably are decently outnumbered.

> > > >

> > > > Then, after some time, up to 30 minutes of stealth stacking and avoiding reveals later they manage to bring some allies using Shadow Portal into inner. And then that group manages to beat the keep lord without anyone knowing about it.

> > > >

> > > > When did this happen or did you just dream it up?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Lol are you kitten me? Avoiding reveals are easy as hell. And since when is WvW about the entire group trying to find 1 stealthing thief? This happens on a weekly baisis. I even do it on my thief whenever I play it.

> >

> > So you don’t sweep for thief and Mesmer after? Like, sure, one reveal is easy. Several over the span of 10 seconds will be much much harder to stick around and stay alive.

> >

> > If you can’t be bothered then that thief and the group deserve that cap imo.


> No one what so ever has said anything about mesmer. Dont even try to compare the 2. I have no problem with mesmer at all. Sure they can hide but are easily found with "Sniff" or by just running around.


> A completely different story when it comes to thieves who are permanetly invisible. And unless an entire zerg is chasing after me when I play my thief I wont be found. Doesn't matter the amount of reveal they have. Avoiding it is easy. You honestly just sound like a pathetic thief main who enjoy abusing broken mechanics because you lack skill.


> Stop trying to justify broken mechanics.


If that Zerg was smart, they would use stealth traps all over the place. I'll file what you said under 'Things That Didn't Happen'.

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