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Do You Find The Game More Fun To Play Now Or Before Revamp


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It went slow, and marksman soulbeast went unplayable

We might see a Lil bit more diversity in classes and roles (more tanky dudes etc...) but it's pretty slow and it's easier to play, I mean we get balance patches and it's way better than directly after release


But condi thief and speed

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This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.


The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.

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to be clear, this patch has increased my KDR, win ratio, and I'm using a dead meme build from 2016, zerk gear with 7-70 damage skills kek

I cant kill a thief, I have no burst, no mobility, thief can 1 shot me, 9/10 thieves are bad, and kill their self porting in/out of a trap repeatedly

most fights I pay no attention, press all the buttons, double dodge, and cast anything coming off cool down, that would've gotten me killed pre 2/25, and has

fights have never been less skillful in the time I've played this game

I win in 3v3 only to realize I'm staring off into space, watching youtube on second monitor, licking nearest window, or not watching animations

it's a drool fest

I have a suggestion though, team chat needs a /command to ding so my team can get my attention when wanting me to press ok, as I miss their chat every time

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Lol. Posting these on a forum full of senseless complainers is really counterproductive.


The only reasonable reason to prefer old balance is if you're a Mesmer player. Otherwise, the game was completely unplayable since PoF launched with all its insane power creep.


Obviously, it's better now with a caveat that mesmers need some boosting. The balance now resembles late vanilla (golden age), and late HoT. Pretty good.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> I bet nobody will disagree if I said I don't want

> Scourge/Firebrand or

> 2 SA thieves or

> 2 Power revs or

> 2 Condi mirages or

> 2 fire/water weavers


Now it is just 4-6 condi rev with a sparkle of side Immortal noders. And still thief.


And before the patch, one shot was not even remotely a thing. During 2019 power damage got significant nerfs. We were at a point where the only 2 main things need was a reduction in boons and boon rip. Everything else that was done was not needed and ruined the sPvP experience.

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The poll compares apples and oranges.


What some players seem to forget is that the balance on the 24th February 2020 was over 2 years in the making. Before the game reached that (for some) acceptable point, PvP was plagued by a myriad of broken builds and abilities : Scourge/Firebrand duos, Minesweeper Holosmith, S/D Daredevil, Mirage, Rampage, Worldly Impact, etc. Even after the outliers were addressed dealing damage was still way too easy. Downing a player did not require any setup or cooperation, both of which I consider essential in an ability based multiplayer game.


Is this barely four months old state of balance perfect? Certainly not.


Is it better than the slug fest that was before? Absolutely yes.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Now it is just 4-6 condi rev with a sparkle of side Immortal noders. And still thief.


> And before the patch, one shot was not even remotely a thing. During 2019 power damage got significant nerfs. We were at a point where the only 2 main things need was a reduction in boons and boon rip. Everything else that was done was not needed and ruined the sPvP experience.


You and I have very different experiences

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The game is a hideous, slushy, unimpactful mess with more builds than ever that simply can't kill each other and stall out indefinitely, with power decay that's put damage, active defenses, mobility below what it was in even core-gw2. It hasn't fixed Path of Fire power creep, it's gone too far in the other direction to the point where every build is weaker than it's ever been. Full on Power Decay. GW2 Grey Addition. I've stepped away from the game entirely at this point.

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I´ll vote for before the 25/2 only cause of one reason. Tank condi spam meta! Sure the oneshot burst meta wasn't funny but at all it was left with more playable and variations of Builds than the meta now and all in all it was ways more skill needed.


BUT there are only 5 Builds that are out of controle and hopefully anet will do something against them with the following patches and hopefully doing something realy against this condi fiesta (condis need a real nerf). After all that i would enjoy PvP and coming back but at its now situation its worse than before 25/2 by far worse.

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bad decision just nerfing all dmg by 50% lookslike a duel of disabled when 2 bunkers cant kill each other, but pure dps went to garbage, and u cant now punish bunkers like necro, gamepley of what is just catching everything with its face, or symbolbrand/core/dh cymbolbuilds. The only way to do some damage is only condi, cuz power now has no sustain, and no burst. its kinda infair when u have to play better on some classes to beat others with a primitive rotation.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > Those who enjoyed prepatch game simply played specs with high sustain and burst dmg combined in a single build ...low risk=high reward builds

> >

> > -25 might spam spellbreakers

> > -soulbeast/core rangers

> > -holosmiths

> > -condi mirages, mirages in general

> > -daredevils, deadeyes

> > -symbolbrands

> >

> > These specs had it all with a single build : condi clear/dmg and sustain with 3 traitlines enough to teamfight-sidenode-duel with a single build ( spellbreaker-holosmtih-symbolbrand-soulbeast/core ranger- condi mirage) or roam/duel like thieves.

> >

> > Some like to mention "fire weaver" which at the time had already been nerfed with sword water/earth increased CD and primordial stance dmg nerf; by Feb 2020 the spec was already out of meta and barely played up to plat1 , relegated to "good" section on metabattle...


> What are you talking about, look at warrior less might now, it does noodle damage, just because it gets 25might it's op. lul

> holosmith was already replaced by power rev before feb 25th

> condi mirage was already nerfed before feb 25th and it will just need a bit more shave

> daredevils deadeye was not played but core thief

> symbolbrand is less durable compared to now


> spellbreaker dies to condition, specially when s/d condition daredevil existed, spellbreaker dies in 10 seconds. my s/d condition daredevil used to kill plat 3 warrior side node 1v1 with 100% health.

> holosmiths was a budget power rev and also dies fast to condition build.

> and power rev dies to condition

> and soulbeast/core is more burst then side node and also dies to condition

> core thief was also more vulnerable to condi then daredevil

> you know why condition s/d thief was strong and was nerfed? because people die to condition.

> These builds did not do everything,


> your logic is way too flawed, because you have to determine a meta, power or cheese or bunker or mobility, and one thing becomes meta it will sure become the you so called "does everything" that's why it become meta. you just have to choose the meta that takes more skill and more fun. because there will always be "meta" aka "does everything" compared to non meta, when "does everything" aka "meta" does not exist, is when there's no skill involved but counter builds, win lose are determined by what build you choose at the start, because no build is optimal, then you may as well just play strategy games.



Dont mind him, he seems to have a crusade against just about any build that kills him. Without even knowing those builds at all, or the meta. The fact that he complained about *Deadeye* (a build that was never even viable) kinda gives it away.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Every class was viable competitively pre feb patch. Many specs and classes are just completely useless atm.


> The current meta is very tanky and bunkery. So, the people that enjoy playing this patch would've enjoyed what first killed GW2's PvP scene years ago.


pretty much this.....


this game feels fucking boring as hell that even playing prot holo or holo in general is dumb. The nerfs that came in with the patch has made so many builds useless and pointless.


The game is literally dog shit at the moment with so many stupid brain dead builds going around it just isn't even worth logging in anymore. Condi Rev, Prot Holo, Ranger, Condi Thief, Core Necro and fb. All those classes have braindead specs at the moment that makes it boring to play..... maybe necro doesn't belong on the list but whatever.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Every class was viable competitively pre feb patch. Many specs and classes are just completely useless atm.

> >

> > The current meta is very tanky and bunkery. So, the people that enjoy playing this patch would've enjoyed what first killed GW2's PvP scene years ago.


> pretty much this.....


> this game feels kitten boring as hell that even playing prot holo or holo in general is dumb. The nerfs that came in with the patch has made so many builds useless and pointless.


> The game is literally dog kitten at the moment with so many stupid brain dead builds going around it just isn't even worth logging in anymore. Condi Rev, Prot Holo, Ranger, Condi Thief, Core Necro and fb. All those classes have braindead specs at the moment that makes it boring to play..... maybe necro doesn't belong on the list but whatever.


This^ hopefully for the devs sake their expac is hugely successful and brings a lot of new players back and new blood the the game and all its modes or I fear it actually might be maintenance mode time. Right now during the pandemic the pve in this game has seen a definite increase in players which is great for the game but how long will those players stay after things normalize and their not stuck at home most days. Pvp modes have also seen a in crease for the same reasons and its telling that the pvp population still isn't great even with these circumstances. These are very bad times obviously but great for increasing a mmo's population.

This is the first time in 7 yrs I basically play few matches a week before loading something else up. Never been a fan of gw2 pve but the combat mechanics and flow of combat made up some what for the slow and poor balancing the pvp modes continuously recieved but the changes have been so poor lately dumbing the game down and promoting more spammy brainless playstyles throughout the specs are really starting to over shadow the great combat mechanics this game has and its potential.

Honestly and I know this is harsh but anet needs to clean house in the balance department and hire a group of experienced and passionate people that treat the balancing of the game as a full time job, this games pvp is so dynamic as are its classes and is what' is needed to somewhat reach its potential. I know a lot of fanboys will defend the devs etc but the balance and design team in this game are beyond lacking in performance.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.


> The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.


untrue, most people who prefer pre-patch are mostly active players i saw on the forum even before feb 25, and actually most people who like meta now, are people who i have not see any at all pre-patch in forum or in game pre-patch and even now.

this is not about holo/ranger/rev being too much sustain(in fact these builds die super fast if you pick the counter build). it's about not having any skill involvement in the game. see if they nerf sustain again, you people will again complain about too much damage. so these are really pointless, what's important is that if this meta is fun/skillful to play or fight in. which currently, condition rev is definitely the degenerate of power rev, and daredevil is degenerate of core thief, so is defense warrior, it's passive, it's boring and it lives too long and still does good damage, what's the different? skill/fun.


in fact ,i would like to think anyone who enjoys the current meta compared to feb 25th meta might be low tier players, since the only difference is basically now requires less skill to play and die slower.

also it is almost the same boring meta that killed pvp scene HoT, but you wouldn't know, while most people who dislike the current meta know because they played.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.

> >

> > The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.


> untrue, most people who prefer pre-patch are mostly active players i saw on the forum even before feb 25, and actually most people who like meta now, are people who i have not see any at all pre-patch in forum or in game pre-patch and even now.

> this is not about holo/ranger/rev being too much sustain(in fact these builds die super fast if you pick the counter build). it's about not having any skill involvement in the game. see if they nerf sustain again, you people will again complain about too much damage. so these are really pointless, what's important is that if this meta is fun/skillful to play or fight in. which currently, condition rev is definitely the degenerate of power rev, and daredevil is degenerate of core thief, so is defense warrior, it's passive, it's boring and it lives too long and still does good damage, what's the different? skill/fun.


> in fact ,i would like to think anyone who enjoys the current meta compared to feb 25th meta might be low tier players, since the only difference is basically now requires less skill to play and die slower.

> also it is almost the same boring meta that killed pvp scene HoT, but you wouldn't know, while most people who dislike the current meta know because they played.


You make a thread with a poll asking for an opinion...then proceed to call a "low tier" player anybody who disagree with your choice...nothing more than confirmation bias, although everybody agreed that before the patch there was too much sustain/dmg, everybody including the devs

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.

> > >

> > > The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.

> >

> > untrue, most people who prefer pre-patch are mostly active players i saw on the forum even before feb 25, and actually most people who like meta now, are people who i have not see any at all pre-patch in forum or in game pre-patch and even now.

> > this is not about holo/ranger/rev being too much sustain(in fact these builds die super fast if you pick the counter build). it's about not having any skill involvement in the game. see if they nerf sustain again, you people will again complain about too much damage. so these are really pointless, what's important is that if this meta is fun/skillful to play or fight in. which currently, condition rev is definitely the degenerate of power rev, and daredevil is degenerate of core thief, so is defense warrior, it's passive, it's boring and it lives too long and still does good damage, what's the different? skill/fun.

> >

> > in fact ,i would like to think anyone who enjoys the current meta compared to feb 25th meta might be low tier players, since the only difference is basically now requires less skill to play and die slower.

> > also it is almost the same boring meta that killed pvp scene HoT, but you wouldn't know, while most people who dislike the current meta know because they played.


> You make a thread with a poll asking for an opinion...then proceed to call a "low tier" player anybody who disagree with your choice...nothing more than confirmation bias


? This is a poll thread, every body has the right to express their opinion, including the poster. just like people expressed how they like the current meta, i also have the right to express how i dislike it. not because i'm a poster i get strip off the right. your comment would only make sense if i represent arena net.


i also did listed reason why i think they are "low tier" if you really have a point, then try to counter argue instead of just posting really nothing..

it's like i'm saying "these people are fat because they eat too much" you respond "wow you call them fat how dare you"

you can easily come say "hey they are all in fact thin(plat 3)" then i would happily retrieve that argument. i'm always happy to be wrong, but i really doubt that.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > This poll isn't accurate because anyone who disliked the old meta quit the game long ago and the majority of people around were already having fun in the old meta, so they're the ones voting.

> >

> > The only reason I'm back is because of the revamp. The game is a lot better now, but holo, ranger, and rev all have too much sustain and go against the entire design philosophy of the patch. Zero investment for tons of sustain = bad, and all 3 of those classes have far, far too much free sustain.


> untrue, most people who prefer pre-patch are mostly active players i saw on the forum even before feb 25, and actually most people who like meta now, are people who i have not see any at all pre-patch in forum or in game pre-patch and even now.

> this is not about holo/ranger/rev being too much sustain(in fact these builds die super fast if you pick the counter build). it's about not having any skill involvement in the game. see if they nerf sustain again, you people will again complain about too much damage. so these are really pointless, what's important is that if this meta is fun/skillful to play or fight in. which currently, condition rev is definitely the degenerate of power rev, and daredevil is degenerate of core thief, so is defense warrior, it's passive, it's boring and it lives too long and still does good damage, what's the different? skill/fun.


> in fact ,i would like to think anyone who enjoys the current meta compared to feb 25th meta might be low tier players, since the only difference is basically now requires less skill to play and die slower.

> also it is almost the same boring meta that killed pvp scene HoT, but you wouldn't know, while most people who dislike the current meta know because they played.


Quite interesting what you write about "basically now requires less skill to play" when in reality the meta before 25th didn't require much knowledge about classes/rotation/kiting etc. at all and you could just successfuly make a macro for wombo-combo from stealth and be successful with it.

I'm not the greatest player, but my ranking was between G2 and P2 with Holosmith alone and I wasn't even bothering much with kiting around points with sneaky places or tryharding with proper rotation, I was just smashing things on left and right and they were dying easily, cause it was powercreeped beyond belief.

In current state of balance, my ranking was still between G2 and P2, nothing much changed.

I also believe that people that prefer pre-patch state of the game are those that want super easy fights without actual thought.

Actually, what killed PvP scene, was HoT itself aka powercreeped speces that were much stronger than core classes which made a lot of people quit this game for very long time(reason why you "i have not see any at all pre-patch in forum or in game pre-patch and even now"), which some are coming back to the game which is still much healthier than HoT release state.

You may like it or not, but there's still a lot of stuff to nerf.

In most cases, elite specializations aren't even properly designed, good example is Firebrand, overstacked e-spec.

You guys compare PoF with HoT balance-wise and think everything is dandy, which in reality you should compare HoT and PoF with Core, since it's the starting point for every class and e-speces should be made around them as another way to play, not a straight-up upgrade to carry them.

Welcome in reality I guess.

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