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Why "Dominion?"


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Dominion means domain. Bangar's forces main goal was to take ground and hold it, these were literally Ryland's orders. In other words their entire purpose was to establish a dominion over north-east Central Tyria, then likely spread from there.


The Frost Legion is unrelated. that's due to Bangar being tricked ("persuaded") by Jormag and Drakkar's whispers.

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Bangar's goal is to establish a Charr Dominion, and one of his plans on doing so is to enslave the Elder Dragon Jormag.


Frost Legion is something which only recently happened when yu start seeing Charr being corrupted and integrated into Jormag's forces.

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD


To be fair, he basically beat Primordus and Kralk with relative ease albeit with technological help. He’d have got away with it too if it wasn’t for us pesky kids

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD


Eeeh... A: Techincally wasn't a god of war anymore. Former god of war. He also wasn't trying to enslave the dragons, but quite literally absorb their magic as they killed each other using the device. Then he hatched alt plan to kill Kralkatorrik and absorb his magic.


B: When have you ever seen a cat not think they are in charge of the world? :P


but seriously, Bangar is either A: operating off bad intelligence concerning the commander and Aurene's relationship (I kinda doubt this), B: not thinking entirely straight, with Jormag whispering to him (As seen in the icebrood saga trailer, confirmed by anet) and twisting his already somewhat extreme views into dangerous areas. We know for a fact something like the boneskinner was crawling around the roof of the Keep Bangar stayed in at Grothmar during the All Legion Rally.


So we can probably assume that Bangar's growing insane belief that he can control Jormag just like the commander "controls Aurene" is due to the whispers of Jormag. His voice is most likely not his own, to quote the Kodan.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Did I miss something? I don't remember them explaining why they are called "Dominion" forces? Is it just a placeholder until they reveal that they are the Frost Legion?


Frost Legion are part of the Dominion. There's no explanation for the new name out of nowhere, so you didn't miss something. It's just bad writing on ANet's part.


> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Dominion means domain. Bangar's forces main goal was to take ground and hold it, these were literally Ryland's orders. In other words their entire purpose was to establish a dominion over north-east Central Tyria, then likely spread from there.


> The Frost Legion is unrelated. that's due to Bangar being tricked ("persuaded") by Jormag and Drakkar's whispers.


A bit more than that. The faction is calling themselves Dominion, not just that they're holding a dominion, and Varinia calls the Frost Legion _part of the Dominion_.

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Bangar is a throwback to the old GW1 Charr who wanted to take over all of Tyria. "Dominion" ...one over all. The battle cry of "One Charr!" The confused lackeys think it means all Charr together as one, but make no mistake, it literally means just one Charr: Bangar.

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD



I think Jormag is the key difference, if Balthazar had come to Jormag, things could have been quite different

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD



> I think Jormag is the key difference, if Balthazar had come to Jormag, things could have been quite different


Because he's the elder dragon of persuasion and seems smarter?


He was the former god of war and fire though. As long as he resisted Jormag's temptations and whispers I feel like in terms of sheer magic/fight he would be well equipped to deal with Jormag.


With the most recent update to the Utopia lore it sounds like the Six may have abolished some corruptive/malevolent force of equal or more power that had destroyed an entire pantheon of gods. And the establishment of lore on an entire whole other pantheon of gods, even if far away in the mists, seems like it could be setting precedent for a lot more unknown moving forward, even within the confines of Tyria or even diving into the origins of the elder dragons.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD

> >

> >

> > I think Jormag is the key difference, if Balthazar had come to Jormag, things could have been quite different


> Because he's the elder dragon of persuasion and seems smarter?


> He was the former god of war and fire though. As long as he resisted Jormag's temptations and whispers I feel like in terms of sheer magic/fight he would be well equipped to deal with Jormag.


> With the most recent update to the Utopia lore it sounds like the Six may have abolished some corruptive/malevolent force of equal or more power that had destroyed an entire pantheon of gods. And the establishment of lore on an entire whole other pantheon of gods, even if far away in the mists, seems like it could be setting precedent for a lot more unknown moving forward, even within the confines of Tyria or even diving into the origins of the elder dragons.


What do you mean, Utopia lore? The old canceled expansion to GW1 that has no real bearing to canon?


I've long held theories that the Gods came from another world, devastated by war between the gods (and the resulting deaths of gods), and imprisoned gods eternally locked in cages like Dhuum and Abaddon were. And the Six came from that world bringing humanity with them to try to save humans. But that's all it is, theories really.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > > Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD

> > >

> > >

> > > I think Jormag is the key difference, if Balthazar had come to Jormag, things could have been quite different

> >

> > Because he's the elder dragon of persuasion and seems smarter?

> >

> > He was the former god of war and fire though. As long as he resisted Jormag's temptations and whispers I feel like in terms of sheer magic/fight he would be well equipped to deal with Jormag.

> >

> > With the most recent update to the Utopia lore it sounds like the Six may have abolished some corruptive/malevolent force of equal or more power that had destroyed an entire pantheon of gods. And the establishment of lore on an entire whole other pantheon of gods, even if far away in the mists, seems like it could be setting precedent for a lot more unknown moving forward, even within the confines of Tyria or even diving into the origins of the elder dragons.


> What do you mean, Utopia lore? The old canceled expansion to GW1 that has no real bearing to canon?


> I've long held theories that the Gods came from another world, devastated by war between the gods (and the resulting deaths of gods), and imprisoned gods eternally locked in cages like Dhuum and Abaddon were. And the Six came from that world bringing humanity with them to try to save humans. But that's all it is, theories really.


They recently updated one of the artbooks with a section on Utopia that updates the lore to make it cohesive with current GW2, including things like Chronomancer, Asura architecture, etc.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> They recently updated one of the artbooks with a section on Utopia that updates the lore to make it cohesive with current GW2, including things like Chronomancer, Asura architecture, etc.


Is it actually confirmed to be canon, or simply them talking about stuff that was in the ideas for that expansion that got taken and adapted into GW2? Like the Chronomancer class and the buildings?

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > They recently updated one of the artbooks with a section on Utopia that updates the lore to make it cohesive with current GW2, including things like Chronomancer, Asura architecture, etc.


> Is it actually confirmed to be canon, or simply them talking about stuff that was in the ideas for that expansion that got taken and adapted into GW2? Like the Chronomancer class and the buildings?


It goes into depth about how Chronomancer the mesmer elite on Tyria is different than the magic they use in Utopia. As well as differences in architecture of Asura to the race of Utopia. A bunch of other stuff as well. I don't have the book but WP goes into a bit of detail about the various things that seem to make everything "canon."


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > Lol a literal god of war tried to enslave some elder dragons and consume their magic and he died... now a Cat is trying to enslave a dragon and think he can make it xD

> >

> >

> > I think Jormag is the key difference, if Balthazar had come to Jormag, things could have been quite different


> Because he's the elder dragon of persuasion and seems smarter?


> He was the former god of war and fire though. As long as he resisted Jormag's temptations and whispers I feel like in terms of sheer magic/fight he would be well equipped to deal with Jormag.


> With the most recent update to the Utopia lore it sounds like the Six may have abolished some corruptive/malevolent force of equal or more power that had destroyed an entire pantheon of gods. And the establishment of lore on an entire whole other pantheon of gods, even if far away in the mists, seems like it could be setting precedent for a lot more unknown moving forward, even within the confines of Tyria or even diving into the origins of the elder dragons.



I LOVED all that utopia and xotecha lore, but that was all the gods during a different time. Plus I didn’t say Balthazar couldn’t handle Jormag, just things would be different. But I realized things are also different because of the timing, there were more remaining elder dragons when Balthazar was doing his thing so Jormag May have reacted differently. Because right now Bangar is only getting as far as he has because Jormag wants him to

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > They recently updated one of the artbooks with a section on Utopia that updates the lore to make it cohesive with current GW2, including things like Chronomancer, Asura architecture, etc.


> Is it actually confirmed to be canon, or simply them talking about stuff that was in the ideas for that expansion that got taken and adapted into GW2? Like the Chronomancer class and the buildings?


Hard to tell, the Complete Art of Guild Wars book gives new lore in a lot of places. But Utopia, for whatever reasoning, is written as if it's still canon, and not simply talking about.


The notable lines for that are these three about golems, chronomancers, and the asuran/Xotecha structure designs:


_"Chronomancers, in opposition to the profession easily recognized in modern Tyria, used cantrips to enhance or manipulate their abilities, giving skilled individuals a clear advantage in battle."_


_"Colossal golems, far more complex and mysterious than the ones that the asura would later develop, were erected by the gods to guard Xotechans."_


_"The architecture of Xotecha is imbued with rich magic, giving it a distinctly inhuman appearance. To some, it may resemble the towering, illustrious structures that the asura are known for today."_


It's all written without breaking the 4th wall, from a seemingly in-universe perspective that narrates on present events. Like a history picture book. This has left many - myself included - curious if they're canonizing Utopia lore at long last. I've seen a few of such thoughts leading to believing that it's the setup for a post-Elder Dragon plot for GW2 to keep going forward, since we're at our last most-active Elder Dragon (yeah there's Primordus and the deep sea dragon but they've had so little influence in GW2 that they - especially the DSD - could end up ignored for a long time).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

>I've seen a few of such thoughts leading to believing that it's the setup for a post-Elder Dragon plot for GW2 to keep going forward, since we're at our last most-active Elder Dragon (yeah there's Primordus and the deep sea dragon but they've had so little influence in GW2 that they - especially the DSD - could end up ignored for a long time).

At the rate they are going, the Dragon plot wont be done until GW2 is like 14-15 years old. Most MMOs don't even make it that long, at least not with active content development.


Honestly, people should be more concerned about the game not being finished, then Anet needing to think up some sort of post-Dragon narrative,

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