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Imho, Rata Sum is the worst city and need to be upgraded/revamped [Acknowledgement]

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Incoming huge wall of texts, you are warned. Before starting, I will use maps, green signify a living area well stuffed and executed. Yellow signify a meh area, close to green, but it has cons, generally areas making bridges between two or with npcs sometimes. Orange is a bad area, badly executed, not enough npcs, assets or just no soul. Red bars = Wasted area, unused, forbidden. I used wiki maps with zones limit to do so.


To start, I have to do an analysis/review of each city to lead to the conclusion that rata Sum is the worse, I will take several parameters in account: It is realistic? It is well populated? Are the npcs here seems to have fun? Nice place to explore? Nice to RP? Many things to discover? Ambient dialogue?

I have to sort them, from the best to the worst.




# **1- Black Citadel** Key word: Realism




-The living core is the north-east, Iron legion arsenal, prep deck and praetor canton make a great link between them three: You have the war aspect of the charrs with the weapons depot, the reparation space and at the extremity several houses/niches welcoming several citizens and their cubs.

-That feeling is extended to the Hero canton: It's a fantastic place to chill with charr friends, you can imagine several charrs inside sitting on the chairs while a random dude is making a concert or a feast. And then, you have the east part feeling like quarters: Ton of beds to let the troops sleep, and ton of furniture. The outside isn't abandoned and feel like a training camp.

-Canton factorium and memorial quadrant show a more industrial look, with all the commons services and crafting stations.

-Gladium canton is a very cozy place too, and i like the design with metal floor tiles everywhere, water coming out of pipes, plants and hammocks around. And Imperator's core reflect perfectly the feeling of authority, the jail is nicely done and the tower/sphere building is filled with offices, citizens and soldiers wandering, several sofas and plants.

-The south ruins, definitely feels like a nice playground for cubs. So to sum all of that, I think the black citadel greatly share the feeling of industrial revolution, mechanics, of an industrial race but which also cares about its cubs. I definitely feel something while wandering in the city as a charr. And I can easily have my eyes attracted on something in the previously listed zones and just sitting here, enjoying the environments.

-Good ambient dialogues.



-The greatest one would be Ligacus Notos zone. There is nothing to do here, and not much npcs nor ambient dialogue. The swamp/pond/humid grounds feels very useless too, because of no activities happening here or anything. The major con of the city. The smelter has the same issue. About Nolani academy, what bother me is that the foes can't be fought, but can understand due to the fact it's a city, but maybe players could use a charr cannon and shoot on them? Would introduce them to environmental weapon... Or a rally, a charr car race...

-Unexplorable/unused areas are always an issue, but it isn't a major one here, there is ton to explore within the very living cantons zones.




# **2- Hoelbrak** Key word: Warmth




-So, first big plus, trade commons. It host all the services, but in same times it's a place where you could just drink all night while looking at the landscape. It feels welcoming and warm. The caverns in the north-east feels the same but they are emptier.

-The lodges are massive and it's impressing, I like a lot the architecture. Again, you have big braziers, you just want to come in and say hello to everyone.

-The svanir caverns are nice too, they are in the city, doing there rituals and living like others through they look like pest, they could wander in might and main or trade commons sometimes to trade or drinking a few beers too.

-The last spotlight is frost basin. It's realism, it's dumb, but it makes sense that the citizens have to sleep and should have houses somewhere for them and kids.

-Yellow areas have some npcs visiting them and some dialogues it's a nice touch. Tons of assets, like trees and huge pillar braziers and bushes.



-The lake area is neglected compared to the rest. I concede there is the activity keg brawl here, but outside the instance, it's just empty, not even kids ice-skating, no snowball battles...

Maybe what is missing is hot springs, like you can found in wayfahrer foothills. And as said in previous paragraphs, npcs and dialogues. Not enough ambient dialogues I think.

-The unused place could host those springs, but as said for black citadel, it doesn't lower the charm of the city.




# **3- Divinity Reach** Key word: Exploration




-Definitely the amount of houses, big ones, small ones, mansions, strange ones, elonian ones, palace ones... awesome places to explore and to RP in. Many of them are open and explorable and that's a big plus. Ton of npcs and dialogues within the streets, the ambience is at the rendez-vous.

-The ministry waypoint and the aquarium corridor are nice. It's a nice spot to AFK or just chilling.

-The architecture and variety of styles of building is gorgeous, and so it adds to the other pros.

-I like the ideas of the different crafting professions to be in different wall niches on the lower central promenade, but I would have spaced them all around the promenade, because north doesn't have any crafting station. But compensated by the orders HQ in the city and the books carts.

-Ton of ambient dialogue even in very unexpected areas.



-The biggest one is that horrible crown pavilion. It brings nothing, and it ruins the whole quarter and make a great difference compared to all the others ones.

Having a cantha district would be very awesome and would make it definitely better. The eagle and the hole doesn't feel like they belong here.

-The second big con is the low roads: Only one is fully made and attracting: Dwayna Low road. The others ones are dead, and nothing push you to visit the other ones.

-All the places are also useless. Just here as POI and Vistas. Only Lyssa/Dwayna are used but only to welcome map portals. The royal garden is underused, was nice to use it during lunar new year but outside of it, there is kinda nothing here.

-The last issue is Mina's shooting stand, that keep saying we can play it whereas we can't. Now that we have shooting mechanics, like the shooting balloons events in grothmar, can't an adventure be added there? You spawn in with the same rifle bundles, and you shoot and popping target. That's all.




# **4- The Grove** Key word: Surroundings




-Everything is concentrated in different places, giving purposes to several structures around. There is also houses, and again, makes it more living to me.

-Nursery and commons are the main living areas with Quester's Terrace also equipped with houses.

-The bottom level is the better, the home instance feels like a restaurant/dormitory with its terrace and ramps. Also nice bamboos around and mangrove trees.

-There are many terraces that acts like meeting points, it's a good idea to have put the orders near each others and to make the places have specific roles. There terraces are nice places, can imagine someone coming and playing flute or a meeting eating local food-plates.

-Also some good ambient dialogues.



-A thing I didn't cared about before became a very important issue: Wasted/forbidden areas: They cover around 50% of the map! It's 50% of grounds we can't explore, hosting 0 assets.

Whereas the name sound good: Gardens, a bay and sea. A shame it's unused. But depends where you consider the limit of the map.

-The whole city is nice due to the setting: It's because it's a tree, that there are vines and plants that the place feels better, but remove the tree, the roots and plants and the city is now nothing and uninteresting.

-There is a difference of quality between levels, the deeper one is okay, but some corner of the middle one/top one are empty and feels abandoned.




# **5- Rata Sum** Key word: Cube




-Using a cube is a good idea, it's a shape allowing ton of possibility to design the interior. The three colleges are here and the evil megakrewe too.

-The landscape, is also inspiring, having a bay, with foggy abrupt mountains and ability to trade through the seas.

-The attracting locations are the arcane council, the accessium for services and colleges unions due to the crafting stations.

-Asura has wonderful assets: Consoles, crystal pillars, golems, floating cubes, light sources... they are globally nicely used around the city.

But hey! Only while using environment setting on "high"! Put yourself anywhere, pass from low to high to see.

-Ambient dialogue is awesome and interesting. And it adds a little something. But they aren't many.

-There is few spots in the city that are very great: The little bar with Tippi! The aquarium! The peacemaker office! The progeny with the golemite.

-The cube has a good organization, good use of ramps, spaces, bridges and staircases. The structure in itself is polished and practical.

-Every services is close to each other at accessium and the home instance can be rapidly farmed.

-Jail is a nice easter egg. Cells prisoners are... interesting.



-Badly made, feel rushed. It is unacceptable to have, 7 years after now, fake peacemakers in home instance! Those are non-animated statues with grass textures on them! Nightmare fuel!

Don't let me start about all the fake golems you put in golem mines level! Same issue! No animation, basic statues without collision too!

-The home instance and zojia/snaff labs feels like cemeteries, kinda like the bottom floor of the cube: Large spaces but nothing in them, really empty.

-Around 70% of the map is wasted and unused!! Polymock arenas: Seriously, do something with it or delete it to replace it with explorable area. The gate engineer is exploited for 7 years now.

-The realism and caring about the in-game npcs is gone. Remember all the times I spoke about kids, family, citizen having a home and orders having a proper location for them?

Asura are hobos. Living in a slum. I choose those words for a specific reason: There are 0 asuran houses or beds assets in the whole Cube. And having closed dormitories is another bad point. The orders are treated like nobodies, not even having a tent, tables and chairs. There isn't even vents to clear the air like in uncategorized fractal...

-There is no welcoming place/warm meeting place: 0 Cafeterias, 0 proper tavern, 0 proper concert stage or dunno, conference room. Everything, at any level feels confusing and out of place sometimes: Really, having lightning cannon as pillar, reversed benches as console supports: Two big examples, the same asuran rectangular holographic panel texture and the same pentagonal asuran console are copy pasted everywhere, just rotated and sometimes recolored, no proper different assets. Also: closed lab doors non-accessible to freshly arrived players. (Ketto lab and the unused other lab). Btw again, there is surely the possibility to make 4 other labs instead of walls at their locations.

-The harbor, a place that should be very busy; feels like it's dead, not much dialogues, almost none npcs. Same about Idea incubation lab, you have what, some tinkering with a cloud generator, some broken golem and that's all. Sad really depressing. In the whole city there isn't that much talk options.

-In addition of 70% of unused areas, if you wander in those you are teleported to jail? Is it nice, as a company, to repress and punish new comers for exploring? Instead of making everything under the cube forbidden, make it interesting to explore. Can't ton of labs and houses be put on all the coasts and mountains edges under the cube? Can't a promenade be made here with bridges and walkway assets you find all around metrica?

-The cube, has 6 floors, 2 are unused. Golem mines and the rubble filled bottom. Again, I am a new player, I visited all the other cities where I was able to explore around 100% of the maps, I arrive in Rata Sum, I am curious and succeeded in reaching the bottom, how am I rewarded? With a ground using fake 3D rocks textures! And 12 non-explorable tunnels!

-The cube is obviously the main structure and attraction of the city but it's the emptier place of the whole map: Colleges at surface levels doesn't even have workstations, only few npcs it feels very cheap when you see how nicely labs are rendered into metrica again. The three colleges should be more stuffed: Crystals, lab tables, big machines, running experiments what are they learning? Even progenies see more things outside the city! Speaking of which, there is ton of adult and elders... but no nursery, there isn't also any medic around the city. Rare progenies. I'm also very worried about how the city would defend itself, there isn't any golem assembly, no lightning cannons, nothing.




-> Cut of Rata Sum to explain the 6 floors.




Solution for that last one:

1-Remove Polymock Arena, obviously, nothing is planned for it. Make orders encampment instead, or a giant asuran tavern, market/trading place.

2-Open the dormitories and finish them: Add ton of beds and furniture, make it like charr hero canton dormitory. Replace the four walls with labs like ketto's one.

3-Fully render golem mines, extend those 12 holes in wall to proper places: library, gardens, restaurant or residential quarters with ton of asura houses!

4-Do something about those unexplorable areas, as said before, make a promenade, a path of labs whatever!

5-Fix those crappy fake asuras and golems put around the map and home instance!



For grove, would like to be able to follow a path leading to garden, bay or the sea, even if it's just a path with basic npcs walking along it. The hidden bamboo spot is a nice easter egg, sad there isn't more.


To conclude, every city has its little spark, the little thing that make you love them, making you explore or chilling, losing time there. But Rata Sum isn't even half finished. What picture it gives to a new player to see that this city compared to others have half of its zones forbidden? And some others like polymock and golem mines not even finished?

7 years, that the city has half of its real potential wasted. And frankly, nothing comes in my mind when somebody tell me Rata Sum.

I only stay for most of times in green coloured areas. And of course it's my feeling, but it's getting worse every year since 2013.

Old lion's Arch would have been surely second in my sorting, but since you destroyed it and damned its soul, would be surely just before Rata Sum, because nothing is worst than Rata Sum. At least the errors haven't been repeated with rata primus which is nice. The loading screen of Rata Sum doesn't even reflect the reality. It should be crowded and have stands like the loading screen. Even, think about krewes, an important decision in all asura lives, there isn't advertisement panels...


As an asuran lover, keeping saying Asura master race and all hail Inquest, it hurts me a lot to say that: Rata Sum is badly rendered and the worst of main cities. Even Amnoon beat Rata Sum easily.


If anybody, read this, and care about not letting things be forgotten and rotting, here is inspirations for replacing polymock arena and making the two remaining floors and the whole space under the cube: Notice that on all of those artworks, it's living, you have assets, structures aren't empty! There is also all days activities and occupations.

Also: All pictures are mini versions. To see better, right click "Show picture" then in the link at the top, remove the "m" before .jpg.


(GW2 Concept Arts)






(Cherrylight Artstation)





(Flora Silve Artsation)






Congratz, you read it until the end! (I hope that you have) Those are obviously not rants, but ton of suggestions to make the cities looks more attractive. Sure those are virtual coded entities, but they deserve to have proper houses and locations to occupy themselves. It also gives more interesting spots to explore, to RP in, to care off and have memories from.

And compared to other cities, you can do the whole visit of the city fairly easily. And can only encourages players to search on Artstation, google, deviantart arts about asuras or any races and to spot the differences between what peeps dream off and what is here, in our hands. It is very frustrating to see 12 tunnels in golem mines, that you seem to be able to pass through; to only face an invisible wall. It is also infuriating seeing polymock arena structure on the map and not being able to reach it and explore it as a fully coded and rendered place. Plus the whole under pond/basin, without boats, nothing.


I would really like to tell other peoples I know and who likes asura: "See how those labs are stuffed!", "See how they care about progenies through playgrounds and education!", "I can definitely see me here drinking at the pub with them." Or "I must show you the undercity!". But I can't. And even for the npcs, it seems to be a nightmare.

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I've mostly read the part about Rata Sum. Well I could say much now, but it could be controversal.


But... don't forget, that the Asura did not build Rata Sum.

> When the Great Destroyer drove them from their homes in the Depths of Tyria 250 years ago, they arrived at the ruins of some previous civilization, setting up geomystical generators for power within these already fortified confines and establishing the area as their new capital.


Maybe they're just very bad in decorating their home. Some people need months to unpack everything after they moved.

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Don't have much of an opinion on the matter, but the OPs effort deserves recognition.


Personally, I have my Home Instance toon parked in Rata Sum because I find it the most convenient home instance layout. But as for cities I prefer, I think I dislike The Grove the most, with Citadel at #2, and Rata Sum being #3.


None of that really matters for me though, since outside of my home instance toon, every other toon of mine is either parked at a specific farming spot / meta zone, or in the Mistlocked Sanctuary.

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> But... don't forget, that the Asura did not build Rata Sum.

> ...

> they arrived at the ruins of some previous civilization, **setting up geomystical generators for power**

> ...

I'd argue that the power supply is the most impressive thing about the whole structure. Also, they clearly know how to rebuild the whole thing given that Rata Primus seems to be just that. I'd also argue that Rata Sum was indeed build by the asura, just not by the ones who currently inhabit it. The Uncategorized Fractal shows an ancient asuran structure which seems to have been build in the same general style. I wouldn't be surprised if "our" asura aren't the only ones out there especially given all the asuran structures which can be found in the mists.

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Ok bookah.


Under conventional architecture, your assessment of Rata Sum may be more reasonable. However, the Asura have one critical feature that the other races are still trying to catch up on: the gate network. With the gate network, Asura have had far more freedom in distributing their facilities for residential, recreational, and workplace facilities. The phrase "thinking with portals" comes to mind as Asura would have more practice with incorporating gates into their architectural layout.


Asura are also originally a subterranean race; See Rata Novus in Tangled Depths as an earlier example of an underground city. It serves to reason that the majority of Asuran facilities would still be somewhere underground.

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Just wanted to update the topic with a relic I just found: From wooden patatoes. (Jump to 1:00)



This is the first version of Rata Sum, I wanted to say that it looks way far more interesting than the one we have now: And if you watch carefully, you will see that even the deeper levels are rendered which isn't the case with our version. The video author also visit the model and it's way far more detailed than what we have.

I think, that our rata sum has the best texture and is polished but the old one had proper coast and cube surroundings.



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Rata Sum and Lions Arch are the cities with the closest bank, trading post (around the central wp too) and crafting centers. From a player functionality standpoint, I think Rata is the best Racial city.


Plus asura prison is funny. Imagine being jailed for being a bear who thinks he's a Norn...


I agree that Tyrian cities don't feel very lived in though.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Rata Sum and Lions Arch are the cities with the closest bank, trading post (around the central wp too) and crafting centers. From a player functionality standpoint, I think Rata is the best Racial city.


> Plus asura prison is funny. Imagine being jailed for being a bear who thinks he's a Norn...


> I agree that Tyrian cities don't feel very lived in though.


None of them are big enough to deal with their populations. Neither are the various other settlements like bandit hideouts and places where the centaurs are living.

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^Wow didn't take long for someone to come into a thread about Asura to deliberately say something unnecessary, unhelpful, rude and hateful.


Anyway OP is right, and should say it-- I have felt the same way and appreciate the effort and articulation in this thread despite it obviously going over some folk's heads in here. There is no excuse for the area being so small, punishing exploration and curiosity (Walk off the play area and get kicked from instance in your own lab!) and so filled with low-poly nightmares when in no other racial city do I encounter denizens whose literal seams are showing on the model until I crank the visual settings up-- and even then they have this uncanny look to them. There are so many areas that are just arbitrarily closed off with no promise of further development. And come on, having portals doesn't excuse the lack of set dressing in the actual college areas or the numerous closed doors with Asura telling you to go away in some form or another! Vetendi Academy looks more scholarly than any of the so-called colleges of Rata Sum with actual lecterns and student seating. When I saw the fahrar play area in Black Citadel, I knew instantly what it was. This game KNOWS how to dress a set when they actually bother, and Rata Sum is a letdown in that area because you'd be forgiven for not realizing it's an educational campus. I do not FEEL like I am in a hub of Asuran education and invention. I feel like it's a near empty promenade clogged with kiosks in a half-dead mall, or a subway station. If the POI didn't flash what college I'm allegedly standing under(?) when I'm on the top level I wouldn't even know a college was here, and there's no discernible difference between any of them despite the narrative telling us there totally is. When so much of the area is barred off or sends you to jail or you are rebuffed by NPC's telling you to buzz off, it doesn't make me feel like there's something back there, it's an obvious shortcut to not put effort into those areas like how for years the comic artist Rob Leifeld infamously drew objects in front of everyone's feet to avoid drawing them because he was bad at it. Even _he_ learned how to draw eventually, and it's because of people noticing and pointing it out and criticizing the lazy choice-- not because people contrived some lame excuse with lore within his work or said "I hate his art anyway so I don't care if he improves".


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I actually hate going to Hoelbrak and Black Citadel because they're a giagantic mess. Rata Sum is my choice of city because everything is piled neatly around a central area.


Asura are geniuses because they understand function over form.


Lion's Arch IMO is the worst city. It's a soulless tourist trap after the rebuilding with too much traffic and nothing too colorful.

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Your passion is incredible and refreshing to read after all these long years of the community stagnating in to reticence about things long thought to be unchangeable.

You've explored, but have you explored Rata Sum and it's denizens via the lore as well? Have you gone to Rata Sum on a non-asura?


Asura are known to be unfriendly and unwelcoming, even to each other - tending towards rivalry unless collaboration suits them, especially if profit is involved. If you explore on a non-asura and speak to a certain npc on the top level you'll find out they don't want you there; there are height restrictions and laws about body odor lol! On the lowest level you will find Plikter's, with an assortment of seating areas scattered around it. Off to the outer edges, there is a library with seating as well. I believe that's as sociable as you will find in Rata Sum.


Rata Sum is not a home so much as a center for the colleges. Asuran homes are presumably scattered across Metrica. (I implore you to explore the upper levels of Desider Atum, and the upper levels of the structures in Soren Draa. The Building in Voloxian Passage has cots on the top level)


With all of that being said; when I was new, I had the same feelings as you. Where were the homes? The seating and meeting areas? Where did they eat and sleep? I felt there wasn't much to explore in Rata Sum. It was very utilitarian.


I feel since launch their culture should have evolved a little, and maybe changes should have been made. Lion's Arch has been attacked so many times, but with the meddling of the Inquest and the asuran government body being directly involved, you would think Rata Sum would at last be blasted out of the sky; that some upheaval would happen that would finally change it...but no.


One can only hope, and perhaps wonder - Some parts of the game are unchanging, despite a "living world" story.

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I haven't read through this whole thread or anything, but I saw this on google's suggested "news" and was so offended by the title alone, rata sum is actually the BEST city, it serves the most utility, period. No other city compares.

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> @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

I made this post long time only now, I already explored brisban, metrica and even caledon. There is no homes. Brisban big one is a weapon R&D, but it also welcome some progenies. Metrica is essentially labs , big facilities are a destroyed reactor, a power plant and a forum (soren draa).

All cities have houses apart Rata Sum.

Asura do care of each other, sure there is krewe rivalry but you don't have hateful dialogues all around Rata Sum.


Also some here seams to confound utility with how living the city is. Of course Rata Sum is practical, but this isn't what I rate.

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Imagine spending developer resources every time someone doesn't like an art or map asset that has been in-game since launch. How do you expect them to ROI on such a revamp?


It's not like it's a minor clipping issue or a quick fix.


They'd need to have a map/environment creator and redo art assets.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Imagine spending developer resources every time someone doesn't like an art or map asset that has been in-game since launch. How do you expect them to ROI on such a revamp?


> It's not like it's a minor clipping issue or a quick fix.


> They'd need to have a map/environment creator and redo art assets.


It's not about an issue with just some map assets, there is several maps I don't like 100% but at least they are around 100% explorable! Do you justify a map, with 75% as unexplorable/forbiden zones as "clever choice" ? As some comments stated it above, they know how to design scenes and making a scene feel a way of another. For Rata Sum they simply not bothered designing the mountains around the cube. So would it require some environment creator? Sure. Redoing art assets? Not necessarily. If you break outside of map, or already saw videos of tyria3D you will see it is easy to create a room using existing assets by orientating them as example. there are already existing floors and walls assets. I do agree on the point: "It's here since launch". But again, my opinion, it's an issue to not look back of released map, kourna as example use only 1 of the three path in meta and the fortress render isn't even finished and so? Yes they never returned at it again. Here I'm speaking about a main city not a place where you go only when daily or to do few achievements. Again, it isn't about an asset bothering me, rata sum cube is beautiful, the city is practical with service at same location, but you can't ignore the emptiness around the cube.


I'm obviously not saying to remake the whole cube, keep as is it currently, but more npcs, labs and houses on mountains.. as I said in very first post.

And yeah sometimes you have to spend resources on old things to make them even better. And since it got some helpful I don't feels like I'm alone.

But hey, okay if they don't want to do anything, but then they should stop using words like "living world" "making you feel like you are here with them".


What would it change, for everyone here, that they add paths, labs and houses in Riven/Arkentia/Magus Valleys? You will still have your services and crafting station at the accesium and the cube will remain the same apart the very bottom floor!


As I tell me everyday, it's never too late to do something if you want to do it. See SAB is stasis since 7 years, it will continue. It's never too late to take care of something.

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Black Citadel is defintiely the ugliest of the city's for sure but out of all the cities I don't enjoy being in I have to go with Rata Sum..

Exploring that place is annoying, even after 8 years playing this game I still get lost there and turned around..


It's very nice to look at sure.. but the design is just akward.. vertical and messy which makes finding specific things like icons on the map or certain merchants annoying as hell.

So yeah, I too am not a big fan of Rata Sum's design either.

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> I've mostly read the part about Rata Sum. Well I could say much now, but it could be controversal.


> But... don't forget, that the Asura did not build Rata Sum.

> > When the Great Destroyer drove them from their homes in the Depths of Tyria 250 years ago, they arrived at the ruins of some previous civilization, setting up geomystical generators for power within these already fortified confines and establishing the area as their new capital.


> Maybe they're just very bad in decorating their home. Some people need months to unpack everything after they moved.


The whole cube is Asuran made. They did not find a floating cube.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> The whole cube is Asuran made. They did not find a floating cube.


Maybe not a floating cube, but the wiki page about Asura also stated "Since then, the majority made a home among the magical ruins found on the Tarnished Coast where they quickly learned how to harness the magical energies to advance their research and establish foothold above ground. "


So there were ruins, which could have been a cube as well. We don't know that for sure.

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > The whole cube is Asuran made. They did not find a floating cube.


> Maybe not a floating cube, but the wiki page about Asura also stated "Since then, the majority made a home among the magical ruins found on the Tarnished Coast where they quickly learned how to harness the magical energies to advance their research and establish foothold above ground. "


> So there were ruins, which could have been a cube as well. We don't know that for sure.


The place exist in GW1, there is no cubes, asura are already at that settlement that they called Rata Sum.


Just some floating assets.


Cube is made by asura, they did rata novus one and rata primus too with a device: (Look incredible, kinda want to see that device in action in game)

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> oh boy, if rata sum is a problem, better not go into lobster land.....


I agree. It isn't Lion's arch anymore. Such a waste. Concrete everywhere... It reminds the workers of my city destroying any verdant place to put concrete instead. Many ask for an old lion's arch pass, there is a reason for that. They simply removed the pirates of caribean / corsairs feeling of the city. It's just an aquafun park now. I'm not fan of 20000 leagues under the sea or any things related to the deeps.


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