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Will there be balance update today?


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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> >Will there be balance update today?



Fixed an issue in which the Glyph of Overload could be used to exploit harvest nodes in specific circumstances.



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > Balance-dev at anet doesnt seem to be a stressful job^^


> I feel job is kinda the wrong word, hobby is more close I think but maybe even occasional hobby?


more like chore? kinda like forced party by your family, you dont like them. but once every 6-12months you go pretend to do anything and leave

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If u actually think about what this new teams done since we were told about their new philosophies that they were going to put in place regarding balance, fixes and communication is actually laughable. Id almost say the lack of meaningful changes was still actually better than the current situation. That big balance pass required zero actual work on the balance team side as it was just a decide on what coefficient drop u want and drop all skills by that %. A blanked patch like that is probably the least effort patch u could do regardless of it reaching all classes. Then we've had few tweaks ALL driven by forum and reddit qq's. Again I'm kinda thinking anet was not honest about hiring a " balance team" and instead employed a few people part time to make some changes when it fits into their schedules, maybe due to revenue issues.

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Last Patches ....


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103747/game-update-notes-april-28-2020#latest - touch up on some specs


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100269/game-update-notes-march-17-2020#latest - Very small touch up on some classes


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest - Big patch that changed / deleted some classes from being viable.


February 25th it is now June 16 and still not a single word or major patch drop yet. Within the 4 Months we had 2 touch up "balance" patches that didn't really do much at all or addressed the issue.


I'm expecting something today other wise if we don't I 100% lost confident in Cmc and what he could of brought to the table.


Unless they plan to wait till the 23 of june to actually drop a patch..... shit all out of loop with these people. I can not for the love of god understand their lack of communication on what updates they have in mind and whats going on at the moment with them. Legit anything would be fine with me. If their struggling to get things done because of the Virus then cool thanks for letting me know but if making a post and letting the players know is to much work then wtf the point in even having a forum?


Only game i ever played where the lack of communication is hard to read from the Devs.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> Balance is better than its ever been really. There's no need to rush out a patch.


not for mesmer & warrior


Also, just to remind you: Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Revenant got new and better designed specs (around a certain buff).

On the other hand, some especs got weird tradeoffs (druid, chronomancer, berserker). A balance patch is not a number change.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > Balance is better than its ever been really. There's no need to rush out a patch.


> not for mesmer & warrior

It's a shame about Warrior. I like Warrior, except for Rampage.


> Necromancer got new and better designed specs (around a certain buff).

That's the first time I see someone saying Scourge had good design. But if you think the massive aoe spam design of Shades were good design and not a complete brainfart then well, it's an opinion I guess. I wouldn't say it's a good one. The fact that it was stupidly strong doesn't mean it was a good design. Especially not considering how they had to hit it with countless nerfs to bring it in line. In the end, some specs just don't deserve to exist in PvP.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > That's the first time I see someone saying Scourge had good design.


> I meant Death Magic, Explosions, Devastation, Tactics.

Let's be fair though Death Magic had its rework long before the February update. But Death Magic also only really became a thing after all the nerfs to everything else in the February patch. It was pretty bad before that.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> Let's be fair though Death Magic had its rework long before the February update.


I never said anything about 25feb considering reworks have nothing to do with pvp team


> But Death Magic also only really became a thing after all the nerfs to everything else in the February patch. It was pretty bad before that.

I just want them to hurry up and do this rework thing on other classes as well, reread what I wrote in the beginning.

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