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At which AP are you allowed to raid

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I don't know because I've seen people with just 1k AP raiding and I've been playing since 2012 which seems unfair as these new players are allowed in hardcore content even though raids in gw2 are piss easy these days as casuals complain all day.

I remember when there was an AP requirement even back in dungeons.

So why are these people allowed?!

For your info: I have all legendary armors, 12 legendary weapons and know EVERYTHING so don't judge me!

I'm probably better than 90% of this casual playerbase!


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I assume this is a troll. In case its not or if anyone else would like to know, AP is not used as proof of experience in content anymore. Instead guild decorations from each boss, and LI are used. The provide a much more accurate idea if a person is experienced or not, although its still far from perfect. If a new player manages to get enough LI/kp to meet the requirements of a group, they will be allowed in. Most low AP raiders however are alt accounts.


No raid group cares if you are new. They care if you can do your job you join as without fucking up. Thats all.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I don't know because I've seen people with just 1k AP raiding and I've been playing since 2012 which seems unfair as these new players are allowed in hardcore content even though raids in gw2 are kitten easy these days as casuals complain all day.

> I remember when there was an AP requirement even back in dungeons.

> So why are these people allowed?!

> For your info: I have all legendary armors, 12 legendary weapons and know EVERYTHING so don't judge me!

> I'm probably better than 90% of this casual playerbase!



Cool. Wanna raid?

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> @"Matze.8429" said:

> This Post is just a flex nothing else.


But do they do so on metabuilds? No big feat if the build itself is 10 times stronger than some casuals use.

Meanwhile...*outdps's 98%+ of the playerbase with rifle berserker at 9,5k AP and 16 bank tabs of ascended armor*


Flexing is fun and real flexors don't do it by showing pure superiority. Real flexors do it by voluntarily restricting themselves to serious handicap and then beating the people who's being flexed on by good margin. :3

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I remember when there was an AP requirement even back in dungeons.


That horrid era is long behind us thanks to the advent of dps meters and "kill proofs". There is no need to "exclude" players based on their AP, profession, specialization, build, weapons and armors anymore. You can exclude players without experience by asking for proof of experience. And dps meters made sure that more builds are actually viable (there is still lots of trash) and Necromancers, Engineers and Rangers have a place in groups. Players are "excluded using information and data, not arbitrary numbers.


> For your info: I have all legendary armors, 12 legendary weapons and know EVERYTHING so don't judge me!


That doesn't make you a good player. You need to put your claims to the test ;)

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I don't know because I've seen people with just 1k AP raiding and I've been playing since 2012 which seems unfair as these new players are allowed in hardcore content even though raids in gw2 are kitten easy these days as casuals complain all day.

> I remember when there was an AP requirement even back in dungeons.

> So why are these people allowed?!

> For your info: I have all legendary armors, 12 legendary weapons and know EVERYTHING so don't judge me!

> I'm probably better than 90% of this casual playerbase!



Thats all you got?


-laughs in 18k playhours-


For reals though, AP is not a measurement of skill. I have seen 40k+ AP people play badly in strikes and raids, and 3-5k AP people doing the mechs and performing well.


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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I don't know because I've seen people with just 1k AP raiding and I've been playing since 2012 which seems unfair as these new players are allowed in hardcore content even though raids in gw2 are kitten easy these days as casuals complain all day.

> I remember when there was an AP requirement even back in dungeons.

> So why are these people allowed?!

> For your info: I have all legendary armors, 12 legendary weapons and know EVERYTHING so don't judge me!

> I'm probably better than 90% of this casual playerbase!



I mean, most come from other games and want to dive straight into the hard content. 80% of them dont even know what tehy are doing but there are some who do their research.

I think everyone should do raids to get better at the game instead of standing in LA 90% of the time. I would say the real problem is people who come to raids, dont know mehanics, fake their LI (make them split the stack to see if they can and you will realise how many there are that do this bs), then they get kicked from ''elitists'' like myself. 10 Minutes later you see them posting about toxic elitists here on the forums.

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> @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> I mean, most come from other games and want to dive straight into the hard content. 80% of them dont even know what tehy are doing but there are some who do their research.

> I think everyone should do raids to get better at the game instead of standing in LA 90% of the time. I would say the real problem is people who come to raids, dont know mehanics, fake their LI (make them split the stack to see if they can and you will realise how many there are that do this bs), then they get kicked from ''elitists'' like myself. 10 Minutes later you see them posting about toxic elitists here on the forums.

Fisrt sorry for my english. The real reason is the people, not li, not kp, all the problems created by people, in my case I never kick ppl from squad, because this is just game and we play for fun, I know that player want to play, he or she want kill boss, I can try 100 time with fails, li is not important for me, I never write li kp requirements, for me important that player to be happy, not annoy, all these depends on ppl, but in sad most ppl kicks players, they require li and these is chain, so in most ppl there are something how to say fear when they join squad, when they speak with comm, they fear about kick, these is very bad thing in the game what raid forms in ppl, I always open lfg free chest after clearing wings and not write about donations, ppl this is just game dont be stingy, dont break hearts of the players xD, because you not know who plays, can be child and think what are you doing. The second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more, we know that pvp and wvw legendary armor is simple in design. İ want to say just => do not lose your humanity . And İ call all players to help each other in game and we can change all this problems, all this depends on us do these =>

1.When you clear wings mark chests on map and create lfg with free chests and do not require donations or not write donations welcome ( if you afk need )

2.Help new players and play for funs

3.Not write any li kp requirements

4.Do not kick ppl from squad

5.If player dps very low give them chance to trying 2 3 times and learning something


In most I had all issues about kick and others in most, but I know that there are good ppl, which helped me in beginings, and I am doing same.

Be human!



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > I mean, most come from other games and want to dive straight into the hard content. 80% of them dont even know what tehy are doing but there are some who do their research.

> > I think everyone should do raids to get better at the game instead of standing in LA 90% of the time. I would say the real problem is people who come to raids, dont know mehanics, fake their LI (make them split the stack to see if they can and you will realise how many there are that do this bs), then they get kicked from ''elitists'' like myself. 10 Minutes later you see them posting about toxic elitists here on the forums.

> Fisrt sorry for my english. The real reason is the people, not li, not kp, all the problems created by people, in my case I never kick ppl from squad, because this is just game and we play for fun, I know that player want to play, he or she want kill boss, I can try 100 time with fails, li is not important for me, I never write li kp requirements, for me important that player to be happy, not annoy, all these depends on ppl, but in sad most ppl kicks players, they require li and these is chain, so in most ppl there are something how to say fear when they join squad, when they speak with comm, they fear about kick, these is very bad thing in the game what raid forms in ppl, I always open lfg free chest after clearing wings and not write about donations, ppl this is just game dont be stingy, dont break hearts of the players xD, because you not know who plays, can be child and think what are you doing. The second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more, we know that pvp and wvw legendary armor is simple in design. İ want to say just => do not lose your humanity . And İ call all players to help each other in game and we can change all this problems, all this depends on us do these =>

> 1.When you clear wings mark chests on map and create lfg with free chests and do not require donations or not write donations welcome ( if you afk need )

> 2.Help new players and play for funs

> 3.Not write any li kp requirements

> 4.Do not kick ppl from squad

> 5.If player dps very low give them chance to trying 2 3 times and learning something


> In most I had all issues about kick and others in most, but I know that there are good ppl, which helped me in beginings, and I am doing same.

> Be human!


What you're asking for is essentially the reasons why raid trainings exist.

1. Asking for voluntary donations isn't a bad thing, one could say. The person with wing open for looting chests has done the clearing and saves the effort from people who come in which is a nice thing to do and why can't being nice be rewarded?

2., 3. and 5. Trainings are for that as they help the new players learn the boss mechanics and doing low dps there is somewhat ok (unless it's carry-levels like doing druid-tier dps which means they don't know their build at all. On easier bosses training shouldn't require LI/KP (not like they tell much about skill level on harder bosses either) but on harder bosses it can be somewhat justified as someone raiding for first time and not used to playing with raid squad would just hinder the squad from learning past first 10% of the boss due to wiping the squad again and again. Which is why 4. has its time and place but for the sake of getting forward with the training, sometimes can't be done as someone who hasn't done the basic groundwork to prepare for raiding can prevent others who've done that from progressing.

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > I mean, most come from other games and want to dive straight into the hard content. 80% of them dont even know what tehy are doing but there are some who do their research.

> > I think everyone should do raids to get better at the game instead of standing in LA 90% of the time. I would say the real problem is people who come to raids, dont know mehanics, fake their LI (make them split the stack to see if they can and you will realise how many there are that do this bs), then they get kicked from ''elitists'' like myself. 10 Minutes later you see them posting about toxic elitists here on the forums.

> Fisrt sorry for my english. The real reason is the people, not li, not kp, all the problems created by people, in my case I never kick ppl from squad, because this is just game and we play for fun, I know that player want to play, he or she want kill boss, I can try 100 time with fails, li is not important for me, I never write li kp requirements, for me important that player to be happy, not annoy, all these depends on ppl, but in sad most ppl kicks players, they require li and these is chain, so in most ppl there are something how to say fear when they join squad, when they speak with comm, they fear about kick, these is very bad thing in the game what raid forms in ppl, I always open lfg free chest after clearing wings and not write about donations, ppl this is just game dont be stingy, dont break hearts of the players xD, because you not know who plays, can be child and think what are you doing. The second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more, we know that pvp and wvw legendary armor is simple in design. İ want to say just => do not lose your humanity . And İ call all players to help each other in game and we can change all this problems, all this depends on us do these =>

> 1.When you clear wings mark chests on map and create lfg with free chests and do not require donations or not write donations welcome ( if you afk need )

> 2.Help new players and play for funs

> 3.Not write any li kp requirements

> 4.Do not kick ppl from squad

> 5.If player dps very low give them chance to trying 2 3 times and learning something


> In most I had all issues about kick and others in most, but I know that there are good ppl, which helped me in beginings, and I am doing same.

> Be human!


Make and command your own squad every week, and sustain the routine with least one boss kill for least 3 months to prove your point valid.


So many commanders gave up this method simply because not only did this not attract cooperative players, but also encourage so many bad behaviors (Leechers, Quitters, Trash Talkers for "being told what to do")



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > I mean, most come from other games and want to dive straight into the hard content. 80% of them dont even know what tehy are doing but there are some who do their research.

> > I think everyone should do raids to get better at the game instead of standing in LA 90% of the time. I would say the real problem is people who come to raids, dont know mehanics, fake their LI (make them split the stack to see if they can and you will realise how many there are that do this bs), then they get kicked from ''elitists'' like myself. 10 Minutes later you see them posting about toxic elitists here on the forums.

> Fisrt sorry for my english. The real reason is the people, not li, not kp, all the problems created by people, in my case I never kick ppl from squad, because this is just game and we play for fun, I know that player want to play, he or she want kill boss, I can try 100 time with fails, li is not important for me,



Im not talking about no Li groups. I also did ''ping nothing'' groups and kicked people that came in pinged 250 li and kicked them because they cant read and we did the raid perfectly fine. But i agree with you. the problem is the people that dont respect the group owner.


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > The second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more


> It's weird then that 3 of the Raid wings do not award Legendary Armor. I guess nobody plays those?


To be fair, tons of people raid(ed) solely for the legendary equipment. Only portion of those players keeps clearing afterwards. So as long as there is no new rewards or incentive to raid, we will only lose players. Although I doubt we will ever experience NA raiding scene in EU :relaxed:

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> @"DirtyDan.4759" said:

> > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > the second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more


> Do you truely believe the ONLY reason everyone plays raids is for the armor?



Yes this is only the reason that ppl wants raid, you think why to waste time after legendary armor in raids, so you can say that some ppl farms li after legendary, yes I am agree they farm li for future, can be update or something new item which will require li and this is reason, all the activities associated with the items and news.

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> What you're asking for is essentially the reasons why raid trainings exist.

> 1. Asking for voluntary donations isn't a bad thing, one could say. The person with wing open for looting chests has done the clearing and saves the effort from people who come in which is a nice thing to do and why can't being nice be rewarded?

> 2., 3. and 5. Trainings are for that as they help the new players learn the boss mechanics and doing low dps there is somewhat ok (unless it's carry-levels like doing druid-tier dps which means they don't know their build at all. On easier bosses training shouldn't require LI/KP (not like they tell much about skill level on harder bosses either) but on harder bosses it can be somewhat justified as someone raiding for first time and not used to playing with raid squad would just hinder the squad from learning past first 10% of the boss due to wiping the squad again and again. Which is why 4. has its time and place but for the sake of getting forward with the training, sometimes can't be done as someone who hasn't done the basic groundwork to prepare for raiding can prevent others who've done that from progressing.

We all begin from 0, and all had fails in first, you say about trainings, but in most common I saw trainings which require more than what trainings need, I did not want call this trainings, how you begin ? what you did in first ? I am still learning details and in some cases I lead squad and create my own, I saw new players which better than player with more li, this mean what you need is brain not li, this li just ticket to get faster squad for raid and nothing more.



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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > The second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more


> It's weird then that 3 of the Raid wings do not award Legendary Armor. I guess nobody plays those?

For to farm more li you need play all wings.


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My opinion in general that I saw aggressive ppl and this is very very bad and I saw more ppl feel bad, I want only to change this, no matter for me li legendary and another, I saw that only raid system is reason and raid system create this situation and changes ppl to be agressive and annoy.

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"DirtyDan.4759" said:

> > > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > > the second reason that ppl want play raids is only legendary armor and nothing more

> >

> > Do you truely believe the ONLY reason everyone plays raids is for the armor?

> >

> >

> Yes this is only the reason that ppl wants raid, you think why to waste time after legendary armor in raids, so you can say that some ppl farms li after legendary, yes I am agree they farm li for future, can be update or something new item which will require li and this is reason, all the activities associated with the items and news.


I know you're trolling, but I will say it anyway: Some people play for fun.

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