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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > Now that Scourge is nerfed in WvW, can it please have its dps improved in PvE? Barrier scaling from healing power can be adjusted but PvE-Scourge needs a competitive dps option. Barrier support is not always desired so Scourge could use a solid dps build if barrier-sharing is minimal or turned off.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Why exactly do people treat especs as if it's another class than second espec and core?

> > > > > > > > > > I don't understand.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Yeah, from what anet say each spec brings a different style of play and Reaper is/should be the DPS class, Scourge is more on the support side or should be

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Scourge is barely a support. Most of their traits are geared towards damage and control. Their skills are a bit more supportive but not much more than what their core skills offer.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Control is support btw.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > But I disagree with the premise that scourge can't also be DPS. This argument is only ever brought up for scourge and never Firebrand which is basically everything scourge wants to be but better.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's not that it really "can't", it's that it doesn't need to be one for pve. "Scourge" isn't a separate class, it's still necro.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I guess that means a reaper is support. Since its got just as many control elements. Who would have thought?

> > > > >

> > > > > Ah yes, so nobody plays scourge anywhere since apparently reaper does everything better than scourge, ok. :)

> > > > > ...and control abilities are still a type of support whether you respond with sarcasm or not.

> > > >

> > > > Whether or not you think control is support is irrelevant as it doesn't practically function that way. Especially in raids. Why I said it was to point out the flaw in your thinking. Which, again, instead of admitting you're wrong you double down on it.

> > > >

> > > > Practically speaking, control is not the same as support. It might accomplish a similar goal in some situations but so does high DPS.

> > >

> > > Ah so you're limiting your opinion to one type of content in one of the modes (pve) and call it a day, cool. In any competitive mode control acts as support though. Apparently the "flaw in my thinking" was looking at the game as a whole.

> > >

> > > Yes, it's not "the same as support", as I wrote before, it's a type/part of support.

> > >

> > >

> > > And still this:

> > >

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > > > Now that Scourge is nerfed in WvW, can it please have its dps improved in PvE? Barrier scaling from healing power can be adjusted but PvE-Scourge needs a competitive dps option. Barrier support is not always desired so Scourge could use a solid dps build if barrier-sharing is minimal or turned off.

> > > >

> > > > Why exactly do people treat especs as if it's another class than second espec and core?

> > > > I don't understand.

> > >

> >

> > And the complaints of lack of support are mostly geared towards PvE. No one is denying that, but you always always make bad faith arguments which is why I both dislike you and am dismissive of you.


> Nah, I don't. Pointing out something that i disagree with or something I think makes no sense -rightfuly or because I didn't understand it- doesn't make it "arguing in the bad faith". You being dismissive isn't limited to me, it's the case almost anywhere someone tells you you're wrong about something, with a pretty strong example in form of your denial about necro spec (across the games) not being a set of mechanics, but rather a theme/flavor. I don't need you to like me, that was never the point or question for me, so not sure why you felt the need to mention that.


> >Which is exactly what is wrong with your second quote since no one is doing that. That's why I didn't respond to it because its nonsense.


> I'm not sure how you can claim that when we constantly see things like "scourge can't x", "core necro can't y", "reaper has dmg, but scourge doesn't!" as validation for buffs and changes requests. That's what my question was aimed at. Espec not being able to do something doesn't really matter imo.


Making arguments that are irrelevant to the conversation or to distract is what you do, you respond to people with irrelevant and try to hold another's perspective as someone else rather than responding to that individual's thoughts or feelings. My feels on the necromancer are numerous and varied. My thoughts on how it should be balanced is often in conflict with the prevailing views of other necromancer players. Of which we all agree there are clear issues in its design, we just don't agree with each other on those issues exactly or how to fix them.


You say "Why exactly do people treat especs as if it's another class than second espec and core?" when no one I've seen has made that argument and quote it at me as if I'm holding that view. Which is bad faith. You're trying to put yourself above the rabble, when you are most certainly not above it. Your perspective is just as flawed and reactionary as the rest of us. I've written essays over the years of the conflicts with the necromancer, and to assume that I somehow divorce reaper and scourge from the necromancer should honestly not even be worth addressing because of just how asinine the statement is. Yet here I am, responding to it because you seem to feel its a point even worth addressing. I don't feel it is.


If you don't understand it, ask for clarity on the statement and don't look for a point to interject and argue with the person which is what you prefer to do. I didn't address your point about control as support with real nuance because its a semantics argument and worthless because we would be talking past each other since what we both want from it are extremely different. I pointed out how it doesn't work in practice and you move the goalpost and how your perspective could be used to say everything is support because of its break down of what people mean.


If you don't know what people mean when they say support I'll be happy to explain it to you, but you need to not trying and move the argument to YOUR understand of support you need to understand theirs! Otherwise you're only going to aggravate other people and offer absolutely nothing constructive to the conversation, like you are doing now.

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**Okay, so there are problems with the RANGER in WWW.**

I'm running on GS/LB on almost **9 years, daily.** Main Char.

Tried many different builds for DPS and all of them lacks DPS... Or when has some, it seriously lacks survability, which is a huge suicide in WWW roaming.


FYI, a Ranger's Skirmishing would be to be a balance between Warrior and Thief. The trait lines are just rubbish for this... If you specialise on 2 weapons at once, LB + GS in my case, there will be a lot of sacrifices. And whatever dmg we deal, will be outhealed. We're destroyed by conditions in matter of seconds, since cleanishing takes ages, meanwhile some random stupid kid just spamms torments and bleeds with chilled and fears, which means we're on uncontrollable row of stucking and skills recharging (even DEFENSIVE skils omfg) to counter them...

Reapers, they're the worst. Can kill any ranger in 2 seconds, no matter what. Once locked, poof dead. Spinning that scythe dealing twice the damage of our total HP and even the conditions.... Because what? We should have nice condition resistances anyway.


**It's NOT okay that some dude always cry on WWW Balance forums and Rangers getting nerfed to the ground!! Kitten not okay!**

Is there any actual devs that knows rangers and playing it a lot? Sure there isn't any...

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@"RoyalPredator.9163" IMO issue with rangers is that beastmaster was suposed to be a new gimmick to "FIX rangers" core and please to those who wanted to remove pet, nor balance nor nerfs wont work well in a class just to be a gimmick upgrade, beastmaster is quite decent atm for what is being used to, but its just a stronger core ranger nothing more.


Most issue in this game are due class design, that conflicts with its core or some other spec where ending overshodowing other class or still be useless.


IMO there are 3 classes that were awfully bad designed since they were made to carry at release, wich were DH, Scourge and Beastmaster, IMO this 3 spec losted all its theme since they were INITIALLY awfully designed to be OP and when that receives the balance hammer..... what was made to the class exist is no longer there.


DH (coulkd wipe 5 players due its daze on traps and very high damage on traps, i once managed to win 1 vs 10+ due how broken traps were on a mace focus veruy blocky build, the daze was really broken...)

Scourge was killing entirelly the melee combat, note the range is not 900 cause the circle top is at 1200 range while 900 is the center of the shade, it was not short in range as most think rhey could outrange them...

Beastmaster, DPS easy gimmick similiar to DH, offers nothing to the teamplay and nowaydays cant do nothing alone, ended being just a upgrade from core.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @"RoyalPredator.9163" IMO issue with rangers is that beastmaster was suposed to be a new gimmick to "FIX rangers" core and please to those who wanted to remove pet, nor balance nor nerfs wont work well in a class just to be a gimmick upgrade, beastmaster is quite decent atm for what is being used to, but its just a stronger core ranger nothing more.


> Most issue in this game are due class design, that conflicts with its core or some other spec where ending overshodowing other class or still be useless.


> IMO there are 3 classes that were awfully bad designed since they were made to carry at release, wich were DH, Scourge and Beastmaster, IMO this 3 spec losted all its theme since they were INITIALLY awfully designed to be OP and when that receives the balance hammer..... what was made to the class exist is no longer there.


> DH (coulkd wipe 5 players due its daze on traps and very high damage on traps )

> Scourge was killing entirelly the melee combat, note the range is not 900 cause the circle top is at 1200 range while 900 is the center of the shade, it was not short in range as most think...

> Beastmaster, DPS easy gimmick similiar to DH, offers nothing to the teamplay and nowaydays cant do nothing alone, ended being just a upgrade from core.


I got extremely confused until I realised that with "beastmaster" you mean the "soulbeast" elite spec.

Is that how the spec is called when translated from your native language?

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@Kodama.6453 yes sorry, i tend to call it beastmaster cause soulbeast actually never cling to me, same has dragon hunter, the hunter that hunts nothing wich Anet said was based on wich hunters (its mindblowing how they reached that...)... names and specs and their themes dont make much sense to me lol...


Interesting now... im actually thinking instead of call soulbeasts spikes in comms i tend to say beastmasters. the sound is easyer to call it tho, since im not english main speaker.

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soulbeast has the best range burst after stupid lich form and before thief pewpew in pvp.

soulbeast is atm the best dps in pve before the dragon hunter.

in WvW it has some problem fighting bus because of retaliation. but its good at roaming and in target focus teams.


core ranger has actually a very powerfull sustain/dps build for pvp/WvW with the pet boonshare. (mera regen, nearly perma protec, etc) which is better than soulbeast at doing what it does. but soulbeast will have the better burst damage.

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I really like the warrior, but his greatsword weapon and his skills are very limited, there should be a buff at Gs and create new skills to replace WhirlWind and Hundred Blades...In my opinion these 2 skills spoil the warrior, a player who likes Gs will probably prefer Guardian than a warrior just for that factor.

An interesting skill for the warrior, would be like the Revanent's "Frigid Blitz" skill another interesting skill would be a skill that causes a high damage just by pressing a key and scoring a single hit like Gs "Hilt Bash" from Ranger.

And in order not to remain OP the exchange of weapons could take longer when the GreatSword is equipped, warrior must have a GreatSword at the Guardian level in this meta this GreatSword is obsolete.

The warrior needs only high damage and a little resistance. That's being a warrior, the current Gs warrior is more for a Barry Allen known as Flash

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> @"Escanor.8157" said:

> I really like the warrior, but his greatsword weapon and his skills are very limited, there should be a buff at Gs and create new skills to replace WhirlWind and Hundred Blades...In my opinion these 2 skills spoil the warrior, a player who likes Gs will probably prefer Guardian than a warrior just for that factor.

> An interesting skill for the warrior, would be like the Revanent's "Frigid Blitz" skill another interesting skill would be a skill that causes a high damage just by pressing a key and scoring a single hit like Gs "Hilt Bash" from Ranger.

> And in order not to remain OP the exchange of weapons could take longer when the GreatSword is equipped, warrior must have a GreatSword at the Guardian level in this meta this GreatSword is obsolete.

> The warrior needs only high damage and a little resistance. That's being a warrior, the current Gs warrior is more for a Barry Allen known as Flash


You don't play a "weapon", you play a "profession".

The high damage skill is supposed to be the "burst" skill which on GS warrior do reasonably high damage. As for _whirlwind strike_ it's a very useful skill due to it's evade frame (It was one of the best tool of the warrior when running dungeons was still a thing). _Hundred blade_ is an heritage from GW, I doubt it will be removed. All in all, the strength of the warrior's GS lie in it's trait, allowing him to build pretty quickly 25 might stacks and maintain fury in optimales conditions.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

> Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.


> And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

> Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.


Nope, for WWW 1v1 and hunting. Not zergs.

**Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.


I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Escanor.8157" said:

> > I really like the warrior, but his greatsword weapon and his skills are very limited, there should be a buff at Gs and create new skills to replace WhirlWind and Hundred Blades...In my opinion these 2 skills spoil the warrior, a player who likes Gs will probably prefer Guardian than a warrior just for that factor.

> > An interesting skill for the warrior, would be like the Revanent's "Frigid Blitz" skill another interesting skill would be a skill that causes a high damage just by pressing a key and scoring a single hit like Gs "Hilt Bash" from Ranger.

> > And in order not to remain OP the exchange of weapons could take longer when the GreatSword is equipped, warrior must have a GreatSword at the Guardian level in this meta this GreatSword is obsolete.

> > The warrior needs only high damage and a little resistance. That's being a warrior, the current Gs warrior is more for a Barry Allen known as Flash


> You don't play a "weapon", you play a "profession".

> The high damage skill is supposed to be the "burst" skill which on GS warrior do reasonably high damage. As for _whirlwind strike_ it's a very useful skill due to it's evade frame (It was one of the best tool of the warrior when running dungeons was still a thing). _Hundred blade_ is an heritage from GW, I doubt it will be removed. All in all, the strength of the warrior's GS lie in it's trait, allowing him to build pretty quickly 25 might stacks and maintain fury in optimales conditions.


And yet that "burst" skill is weaker than the AA chain if you never hit the last strike...

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Looked good till i saw the necro update what dose this class get such a free ride?


> Being the bottom of the barrel for end game PVE has its privileges. I am fine with another professions taking that position.


I think you misread "necro" as "engi", and didn't read the second half of the statement?

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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

> > Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.

> >

> > And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

> > Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.


> Nope, for WWW 1v1 and hunting. Not zergs.

> **Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

> When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.


> I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|


You're running LB ranger and you can't deal with downstate necro life syphon?

I don't understand.


And what "tryhards" have to do with any of this? By definition(?), tryhards would pick the best, most efficient way to win the fights.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

> > > Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.

> > >

> > > And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

> > > Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.

> >

> > Nope, for WWW 1v1 and hunting. Not zergs.

> > **Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

> > When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.

> >

> > I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|


> You're running LB ranger and you can't deal with downstate necro life syphon?

> I don't understand.


> And what "tryhards" have to do with any of this? By definition(?), tryhards would pick the best, most efficient way to win the fights.


Imagine having the range of Ranger Longbow, and complaining about being downed by Necro down skills...

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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> **Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

> When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.


> I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|

- Does not know what tryhard means. (It's the oposite of what you think. When you are saying ranger is tryhard, then this means that ranger is so effective at roaming, that it is a must pick for people looking for a guaranteed win. Tryhard = maximizing chances)

- Says necro can deal 35k dps... and since this is not enough hyperbole: on a CONDI build! (Condi necro has the weakest damage of all condi builds - class-wide! - because it has additional corrupts to effectively debuff the target.)

- Confuses 2 seconds for 10k damage with 5 seconds in reality. (Btw. condi necro deals basically no damage with the downed siphon.)

- Lacks commons sense to outrange the 900 range siphon with his 1200/1500 range longbow. (That part hurt the most, when I read it!)

- In general: mixes up different builds (even condi and power), puts them all together and calls the class broken.


Fantastic! You should visit the other necro traits in the pvp subsection. You have a lot in common with the people there.


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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > When talking about WvW, then I guess you mean zerg fights in which rangers are not really optimal?

> > Doesn't mean that rangers are totally unwelcome in WvW, tho, it is just a roamer class just like thief.

> >

> > And saying that rangers are not really welcome in any game mode is obviously wrong.

> > Because of the unique buffs your class has, druids are **the** strongest meta healer for high end PvE like raids.


> Nope, for WWW 1v1 and hunting. Not zergs.

> **Rangers ARE laughtable** and only tryhards like me playing it, since there is no much success in it... better to roll something, like a Reaper that stucnlocks and does like **35,000 DPS with a single skill **meanwhile kittening **6 stack of Torment **on the oponent... all with **DOUBLE HP POOL.**

> When downed, Life Syphon drains like 10k Hp within 2 seconds anyway.... Even if stealthed.


> I'm obviously right. Just have to check it deeper, mates. :|


yeah i agree... its laughtable how easy it is to press LB2 and watch everything die from a huge distance :)

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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> **Okay, so there are problems with the RANGER in WWW.**

> I'm running on GS/LB on almost **9 years, daily.** Main Char.

> Tried many different builds for DPS and all of them lacks DPS... Or when has some, it seriously lacks survability, which is a huge suicide in WWW roaming.


> FYI, a Ranger's Skirmishing would be to be a balance between Warrior and Thief. The trait lines are just rubbish for this... If you specialise on 2 weapons at once, LB + GS in my case, there will be a lot of sacrifices. And whatever dmg we deal, will be outhealed. We're destroyed by conditions in matter of seconds, since cleanishing takes ages, meanwhile some random stupid kid just spamms torments and bleeds with chilled and fears, which means we're on uncontrollable row of stucking and skills recharging (even DEFENSIVE skils kitten) to counter them...

> Reapers, they're the worst. Can kill any ranger in 2 seconds, no matter what. Once locked, poof dead. Spinning that scythe dealing twice the damage of our total HP and even the conditions.... Because what? We should have nice condition resistances anyway.


> **It's NOT okay that some dude always cry on WWW Balance forums and Rangers getting nerfed to the ground!! Kitten not okay!**

> Is there any actual devs that knows rangers and playing it a lot? Sure there isn't any...


LoL. This obviously has to be a troll post

Ranger is number 2 best roaming class in wvw right after thief.

You can still do 18-24k dmg with one skill combo: one wolf pack + rapid fire.


Fun fact, you can deal the same amount of damage with 1500+ range autoattacks, that reaper on a normal (not full berserker) build does with it's autoattacks, but reaper has to go melee.

Reapers spin to win is like 10-15k damage. On a normal, not full glass offensive build, but that skill has a considerable cooldown, rapid fire has 1/3rd of the cooldown.


If you're getting killed by necros in general, that's just a learn to play issue, nothing else.



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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> You're running LB ranger and you can't deal with downstate necro life syphon?

> I don't understand.


> And what "tryhards" have to do with any of this? By definition(?), tryhards would pick the best, most efficient way to win the fights.

Well, tryhard is wrong word then. I mean, those who keep trying and trying and die until swaps to a "nice" META char and Win.

But yes, I have like 19k HP, and they syphon as hell. I'm ofc mostly berserk but have some survability up. They're Insane... Try with Ranger.

AND it's LB/GS. Downed with GS, there is no range all the time.


To the rest of you:

Tell me then I'm fighting with casual cheaters then. But I'll may put up a video, just to see that how OP they are.

It's quite ridiculous that some just cries on these forums and they're "the voice of the players", lmao.

Try that pewpew and see how you **FAIL**. _But NO EXCUSES please._


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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > You're running LB ranger and you can't deal with downstate necro life syphon?

> > I don't understand.

> >

> > And what "tryhards" have to do with any of this? By definition(?), tryhards would pick the best, most efficient way to win the fights.

> Well, tryhard is wrong word then. I mean, those who keep trying and trying and die until swaps to a "nice" META char and Win.

> But yes, I have like 19k HP, and they syphon as hell. I'm ofc mostly berserk but have some survability up. They're Insane... Try with Ranger.

> AND it's LB/GS. Downed with GS, there is no range all the time.


> To the rest of you:

> Tell me then I'm fighting with casual cheaters then. But I'll may put up a video, just to see that how OP they are.

> It's quite ridiculous that some just cries on these forums and they're "the voice of the players", lmao.

> Try that pewpew and see how you **FAIL**. _But NO EXCUSES please._



Optimized Builds vs Non-Optimized Build. Optimized wins...news at 11. This is the same regardless of profession. The video will not help your cause.


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> @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> Omg... We're talking about optimized builds, the best Rangers can do. Even if it's not THE Meta

why you think that the build optimization is good thing ? people and now can use any build on wvw. Classes should be different, otherwise there is no any point have more than one class.

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Now that I've been playing more... giving this a go.

* I main Rev with a side of warrior and ranger(Core ranger, ewww soulbeast)

>! * Revenant feels ok-ish, I mean it sure doesn't feel the best and honestly I feel like we need more core weapons. We need more ranged options and melee options in core the more you ignore it and the more you NERF OUR WEAPONS the more obvious it becomes. Axe sucks, Shield sucks, sword is really it and it honestly is ok. Its not the best but its ok, I dislike what you did to staff and I Dislike how ALL CC's don't do damage. So why not just remove them entirly? I mean clearly you DONT want them to be used, you DONT want people to think and just roll their keyboard and auto-attack predominantly. Revenant is ONLY it feels like strong for power when Impossible odds is proccing and your AAing. I mean its solid, Its still fun and you CAN MAKE IT WORK. But when you innevitably nerf condi (We know its gonna come soon.) What then? What are we supposed to do because I know you're just gonna nerf the condi weapon/s . You just need to do some serious reworks to these legends/traitlines in the spirit of CURRENT guild wars 2 heck Id say you need to do that to more than just rev.... but core rev needs work. (Herald and Ren seem fine, their problems are also linked to core. Fix core and you fix around 90% of the issues with the class.)

>! * Warrior: GIVE IT CC DAMAGE BACK DANG IT! WHY DOES THIS NEED TO BE SAID!!!!! Warriors are predominantly physical combatants, a lot of them have to get close because their ranged weapons are laughable. Like seriously warrior ranged? Psh. But Ranger melee yeeeeeea boi thats the good stuff. A RANGER CAN BE BETTER IN MELEE WITH THE SAME STATS AS A WARRIOR, BOTH COULD ATTACK AND THE RANGER WOULD BE THE BIGGER THREAT!? (Soulbeast) What even IS THIS. A warrior is someone you SHOULDN'T want to get in melee range of, because they will do what hulk did to loki. Guardians are even better at melee, heck Im sure everyone right now is better now don't get me wrong I love my warrior. And I still make it work. But It feels a Billion times more challenging to fight people of equal skill, and a lot of the time it feels like they just have more tools than I do. (Why does full counter do no damage? That is the WHOLE POINT OF SPELLBREAKER?!)

>! * Core ranger needs love. No seriously it does. Core is in a ok-ish borderline poopy place where soul-beast and druid FAR outclass it. Honestly I thought you said E-specs were ALTERNATIVES not that they are necessary for your class to function at tip-top. I am not the best player, nor do I claim to be in that category of player or even close to it but im ok. I haven't touched my ranger since PoF because I loathed soul-beast and it once had become my main because I like HAVING A PET. And all you've done is make it worse, and worse and punished me time and again for liking the idea of an animal companion. All the core pets need a rework, all of them need to be fixed and brought up to date with Expansion pets and this is something that should take priority. Stop dinking with core ranger, when a lot of the issue comes from soul-beast and druid... Druid shouldn't have a Perma-root build but it does. Soul-beast shoudn't be the go to for anyone not wanting to be a druid, sure I play core and I make it work and I Can get it to work as could anyone determined enough to make their class work the way THEY want to play. Which you sold the game as.


Honestly I feel like ALL of the core classes need to be reworked, and remade in the spirit of MODERN day guild wars 2. Why? Well a lot of them have outdated mechanics and weapons. (Necro staff/daggers, nuff said.) And some E-spec weapons and so on even have fallen behind, You need to consolidate and ensure all of modern guild wars 2 is within the aspects of the game going forward. You need to essentially touch up the core product, because sitting there piling on all this extra within the E-specs only takes away from the core game and the core classes. Rev, Ele and engie all need more core weapons this is something you gotta do. All of those classes feel horribly behind, and under-equipped compared to the others. Sure Rev and Ele both have ways to make sure they have more utilities, but why does that matter when aspects of those classes have been abandoned and stripped down to negligible levels? It doesn't. Stop making excuses and get it done.... Im tired of sitting here wondering what could POSSIBLE be going through the balance teams mind when they make X change.


Also... clearly there is class bias, the dev's must have favorites. Because the only classes/specs that seem to be untouched.... well you can fill out the rest.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Now that I've been playing more... giving this a go.

> * I main Rev with a side of warrior and ranger(Core ranger, ewww soulbeast)

> >! * Revenant feels ok-ish, I mean it sure doesn't feel the best and honestly I feel like we need more core weapons. We need more ranged options and melee options in core the more you ignore it and the more you NERF OUR WEAPONS the more obvious it becomes. Axe sucks, Shield sucks, sword is really it and it honestly is ok. Its not the best but its ok, I dislike what you did to staff and I Dislike how ALL CC's don't do damage. So why not just remove them entirly? I mean clearly you DONT want them to be used, you DONT want people to think and just roll their keyboard and auto-attack predominantly. Revenant is ONLY it feels like strong for power when Impossible odds is proccing and your AAing. I mean its solid, Its still fun and you CAN MAKE IT WORK. But when you innevitably nerf condi (We know its gonna come soon.) What then? What are we supposed to do because I know you're just gonna nerf the condi weapon/s . You just need to do some serious reworks to these legends/traitlines in the spirit of CURRENT guild wars 2 heck Id say you need to do that to more than just rev.... but core rev needs work. (Herald and Ren seem fine, their problems are also linked to core. Fix core and you fix around 90% of the issues with the class.)

> >! * Warrior: GIVE IT CC DAMAGE BACK DANG IT! WHY DOES THIS NEED TO BE SAID!!!!! Warriors are predominantly physical combatants, a lot of them have to get close because their ranged weapons are laughable. Like seriously warrior ranged? Psh. But Ranger melee yeeeeeea boi thats the good stuff. A RANGER CAN BE BETTER IN MELEE WITH THE SAME STATS AS A WARRIOR, BOTH COULD ATTACK AND THE RANGER WOULD BE THE BIGGER THREAT!? (Soulbeast) What even IS THIS. A warrior is someone you SHOULDN'T want to get in melee range of, because they will do what hulk did to loki. Guardians are even better at melee, heck Im sure everyone right now is better now don't get me wrong I love my warrior. And I still make it work. But It feels a Billion times more challenging to fight people of equal skill, and a lot of the time it feels like they just have more tools than I do. (Why does full counter do no damage? That is the WHOLE POINT OF SPELLBREAKER?!)

> >! * Core ranger needs love. No seriously it does. Core is in a ok-ish borderline poopy place where soul-beast and druid FAR outclass it. Honestly I thought you said E-specs were ALTERNATIVES not that they are necessary for your class to function at tip-top. I am not the best player, nor do I claim to be in that category of player or even close to it but im ok. I haven't touched my ranger since PoF because I loathed soul-beast and it once had become my main because I like HAVING A PET. And all you've done is make it worse, and worse and punished me time and again for liking the idea of an animal companion. All the core pets need a rework, all of them need to be fixed and brought up to date with Expansion pets and this is something that should take priority. Stop dinking with core ranger, when a lot of the issue comes from soul-beast and druid... Druid shouldn't have a Perma-root build but it does. Soul-beast shoudn't be the go to for anyone not wanting to be a druid, sure I play core and I make it work and I Can get it to work as could anyone determined enough to make their class work the way THEY want to play. Which you sold the game as.


> Honestly I feel like ALL of the core classes need to be reworked, and remade in the spirit of MODERN day guild wars 2. Why? Well a lot of them have outdated mechanics and weapons. (Necro staff/daggers, nuff said.) And some E-spec weapons and so on even have fallen behind, You need to consolidate and ensure all of modern guild wars 2 is within the aspects of the game going forward. You need to essentially touch up the core product, because sitting there piling on all this extra within the E-specs only takes away from the core game and the core classes. Rev, Ele and engie all need more core weapons this is something you gotta do. All of those classes feel horribly behind, and under-equipped compared to the others. Sure Rev and Ele both have ways to make sure they have more utilities, but why does that matter when aspects of those classes have been abandoned and stripped down to negligible levels? It doesn't. Stop making excuses and get it done.... Im tired of sitting here wondering what could POSSIBLE be going through the balance teams mind when they make X change.


> Also... clearly there is class bias, the dev's must have favorites. Because the only classes/specs that seem to be untouched.... well you can fill out the rest.


Cmc mains warrior these days and warriors well.......not so great so a dev maiming a class really doesn't mean much, especially if they've made it known what class they play.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" dev bias can show in multitude of ways, for example warrior main dev might keep warrior bad to not look biased in the first place

and in the end rev is class played by the best and best tend to win the monthly, moreover grenade holo is the type of innovation we like to see in players

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> @"Psycoprophet.8107" dev bias can show in multitude of ways, for example warrior main dev might keep warrior bad to not look biased in the first place

> and in the end rev is class played by the best and best tend to win the monthly, moreover grenade holo is the type of innovation we like to see in players


Lol ur right, my last statement about if a dev has admitted to playing a class was kinda a point towards what u said but I was forgetting that it still falls under bias. So what I said above about dev bias not being a thing is definitely wrong, was a short sighted comment on my part.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"RoyalPredator.9163" said:

> > Omg... We're talking about optimized builds, the best Rangers can do. Even if it's not THE Meta

> why you think that the build optimization is good thing ? people and now can use any build on wvw. Classes should be different, otherwise there is no any point have more than one class.


Seems like you're clearly NOT playing the game... Or your server may be so rubbish on WWW pairing that you don't get skilled players as enemies?

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