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Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > With the confirmation that the other dragons are now free to move in and out of the mists it could really be any one of them if that's what takes us to Cantha.

> Which confirmation?

> Jormag gained its Mists magic via absorbing Spirits of the Wild.

> Kralkatorrik gained it by absorbing Balthazar's magic, all of which was absorbed by Aurene after Kralkatorrik died.


> How would Primordus or Selbbub gain access to the Mists?

> It's more likely that Selbbub just crosses the sea, or already is in Cantha.

> Primordus also could just burrow through the ground (like it did before).




Aurene didn't absorb all of Kralk's magic. Drakkar gained some of the magic released when Kralk was killed, which means Jormag ultimately did. If Jormag did all the way up there, it's reasonable to assume that the others did as well.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > With the confirmation that the other dragons are now free to move in and out of the mists it could really be any one of them if that's what takes us to Cantha.

> Which confirmation?

> Jormag gained its Mists magic via absorbing Spirits of the Wild.

> Kralkatorrik gained it by absorbing Balthazar's magic, all of which was absorbed by Aurene after Kralkatorrik died.

No. Kralkatorrik might have gained it from Balthasar, but when he died, _all_ still surviving elder dragons, not just Aurene, shared in this power. It was already explained that this is how it works - when an elder dragon dies, his powers get absorbed by _all_ the remaining dragons. Not just the closest one.


Jormag "absorbed" spirits of the Wild long ago, when she first chased Norn out of their original Shiverpeaks homes. Yet, she is able to move through mists only now, after Kralky is dead.

(also, there are signs that the relations between Jormag and Spirits may well be way more complicated than we originally thought - by that point i wouldn't be surprised, if the spirits in fact _all came from her in the first place_)


> How would Primordus or Selbbub gain access to the Mists?

The same way Aurene did. By sharing in the magic Kralkatorrik released when he died.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > > With the confirmation that the other dragons are now free to move in and out of the mists it could really be any one of them if that's what takes us to Cantha.

> > Which confirmation?

> > Jormag gained its Mists magic via absorbing Spirits of the Wild.

> > Kralkatorrik gained it by absorbing Balthazar's magic, all of which was absorbed by Aurene after Kralkatorrik died.

> No. Kralkatorrik might have gained it from Balthasar, but when he died, _all_ still surviving elder dragons, not just Aurene, shared in this power. It was already explained that this is how it works - when an elder dragon dies, his powers get absorbed by _all_ the remaining dragons. Not just the closest one.


> Jormag "absorbed" spirits of the Wild long ago, when she first chased Norn out of their original Shiverpeaks homes. Yet, she is able to move through mists only now, after Kralky is dead.

> (also, there are signs that the relations between Jormag and Spirits may well be way more complicated than we originally thought - by that point i wouldn't be surprised, if the spirits in fact _all came from her in the first place_)


> > How would Primordus or Selbbub gain access to the Mists?

> The same way Aurene did. By sharing in the magic Kralkatorrik released when he died.




All of the dragons getting the magic was when they were spread out. The magic went all over the place, it didn't have someone right there ready to soak it all up like a sponge.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> It wouldn't surprise me if some stuff which was due to come out as part of Icebrood Saga got held back when it became clear players weren't happy without another expansion in the works and Anet decided to make one. That's basically how the entire of HoT worked - they released almost nothing for 9 months so they could bundle up what was effectively a Living World season and sell it as an expansion, but somehow that was better than releasing it gradually for free.


I really wonder what happend behind closed doors. They announce IBS, like 2 months later Mike Z the game director we all know LEAVES without saying goodbye, the raid team is disbanded and a OH btw an expansion is coming. Makes me think NCSOFT said nah you're an MMO you need expansions WTF are you doing and shook shet up.

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No. It is good that they release so much content for an old game, with no subscription fee, but this is not expansion worthy. Look at expansions in the past, new land masses, new professions, gliders, mounts... Factions, Nightfall, Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire - those are expansions. This is nice filler, though.


But so far only the prologue was any good. It started out so well, and fizzled quickly. Hopefully they do something in the next chapter?

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet


> Where WvW is concerned;

> * There was ZERO content for WvW in the Path of Fire "expansion",

> * Therefore ZERO content IS expansion tier content.



I am not in the loop of WvW at all.

What do you mean by zero content? Did you guys got nothing at all in those expansions?

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Don't really know how to answer the posed question because you really gotta define "expansion-like content."


As far as I can tell, the only things that stick out as things we only got in an expansion until IBS were:

1. E-specs

2. some sort of _new_ gimmick thing that the content utilizes specifically (struggling to find a way to describe gliders and mounts basically)

3. new mastery point type


We got the new IBS specific mastery type so there's that. Haven't really gotten anything new like the concept of mounts or gliders. Eh, unless you count the waystations. Not really sure if they count for this category, but I at least wanted to see more masteries that weren't just map specific one-offs and the waystations do give utility almost anywhere in the game. So I'll give that point a "sort of."


That just leaves E-specs as the only real missing thing I can think of and I thought it was pretty obvious we weren't getting those. Like, how the heck would they even release them? But if that's the only thing you count as "expansion like content," then no, we haven't gotten that with IBS. But I've personally really enjoyed what we have gotten so far.


I also personally get the impression that Anet was more trying to get at the structure of IBS being different from previous living world in that like...it had a prologue episode, looks like there will be these Visions episodes interspersed throughout, there will be more than just 6 total episodes, etc. But people keep clinging to that "expansion-like content" statement...


Edit: Also, forgot but...we have gotten new emotes, probably doesn't matter to some but it's definitely something new and I've enjoyed at least. Also happy to see things like the Otter Enrichment that's a big shiny thing you work toward instead of hoping for a one in a million drop or paying exorbitant prices for. To each their own though.

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet

> >

> > Where WvW is concerned;

> > * There was ZERO content for WvW in the Path of Fire "expansion",

> > * Therefore ZERO content IS expansion tier content.

> >


> I am not in the loop of WvW at all.

> What do you mean by zero content? Did you guys got nothing at all in those expansions?



* Heart of Thorns - there was oodles of content for WvW, much of it misjudged and ill-fitting. Sadly, the developers had to fix some things after the fact, and they REALLY hate going back over old content, they are [design sharks](


* Path of Fire - there was nothing whatsoever for WvW.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet


> Where WvW is concerned;

> * There was ZERO content for WvW in the Path of Fire "expansion",

> * Therefore ZERO content IS expansion tier content.

Or, you may look at it the other way, and say that _WvW_ is not an expansion tier content.



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No - had no poll pop up. Anyway, no. Big no. Living world season at best. Expansion quality? Not found. No new race. No new abilities , no new bug brain ideas. It's the same mill they been spinning since lws2. Got an enemy? Jormag. Got new maps. Got new mastery that is basically useless. No new features (wait, maybe parachuting). A new SaK - okay maybe it is expansion level? J/K still say no.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > > Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet

> >

> > Where WvW is concerned;

> > * There was ZERO content for WvW in the Path of Fire "expansion",

> > * Therefore ZERO content IS expansion tier content.

> Or, you may look at it the other way, and say that _WvW_ is not an expansion tier content.




What is that in english please?

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> @"Kameko.8314" said:

> No - had no poll pop up. Anyway, no. Big no. Living world season at best. Expansion quality? Not found. No new race. No new abilities , no new bug brain ideas. It's the same mill they been spinning since lws2. Got an enemy? Jormag. Got new maps. Got new mastery that is basically useless. No new features (wait, maybe parachuting). A new SaK - okay maybe it is expansion level? J/K still say no.


Poll is on the 1st site.


No idea why it doesn't carry over to the following pages

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I enjoy the content, but the half map chapters are really lacking.


What defines expansions and Living World?:

Expansion level content usually has overarching and connecting maps, collections that take time rather than big money, and the ever important elite specs.


Living World regularly added a legendary and interesting one shot masteries that sometimes effect the rest of the game.


Icebrood Saga:

-No interconnecting maps.

-Basic crafting collections that is less earning and more money sink.

-No legendaries despite money sink.

-No elites specs.

+Waypoint stations.

+Mount stealth.


I'm leaning heavily to, "No. This is not expansion level content."

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > One of the points people make is that "Expansion like Content" is judged by the players not declared by A-Net.


> Why make a senseless poll about things that are incomplete?



If you would read past the 1st line you would know that the purpose of the poll is to have 2 parts.

The first until right this point and one at the end.

Then compare the polls against each other.


But thanks for your senseless comment

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If all stuff.. strike missions. 5 new maps. New masteries. New mount skills. New skins. New achievements. 50 hour story. Cooking 500. The new lightpuzzles. New adventures. And whatever new stuff will come out. All was released at once. You guys would have said this was expansion level content. Put the content side by side and you will see only a few differences..

You all wanted stuff like HoT and PoF. Well.. I still think LS4 was twice as better as PoF. PoF story was rushed and short because it had to released too quick. Balthazar was quickly defeated no indepth story and there was no great rewards or something.. PoF and HoT and all LS are just the same. So for me for gw2 yes this is expansion level content.


Real Expansion level content like gw1. Thats what i miss. New professions. Twice the existing map. Different kind of story. Guild content. New races

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