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will we ever get new dungeons ?


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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> If I remember correctly Anet have said they're not planning to make new dungeon as a separate thing, only Fractals. But they wouldn't rule out new releases including instanced content for parties of 5, which is basically what dungeons are.


so in other words what it sounds like u are saying is they will continue to make a new fractal lvl every now and than but they don't want to take the time to make armor and weapon skin sets for dungeons ,,, that's kind of disappointing

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I think that everything that dungeons can offer could also be offered with fractals, also in a better way.


However, I see that there is a community that loves to do dungeons so I think it would be cool to listen to them and at least fix dungeons bugs! Maybe one day we'll get another dungeon who knows.

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> @caveman.5840 said:

> will we ever get new dungeons ? I think it would be great to get some new armor/weapon skins and be able to get some of the new armor stats with dungeon tokens.


No, but the devs are working on fractals and raids for instanced content. You can get new gear stats from the available content.



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I think eventually they'll cave to pressure from the player base and start making them again. Open world content is great but it's apples to the oranges of instanced content and it can't take the place of all dungeon content, nor can FoTM on its own.


They were misguided and shortsighted when they eliminated their dungeon team. Mo needs to do some reorganization of the teams, because he clearly doesn't have a broad enough distribution or enough resources dedicated to a number of areas in the game - skill design, instance development, lw1 reintegration, wvw, and guilds to name a few. There's no reason all of these areas should be suffering at the same time - that's just poor game/development management.

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> @Sodeni.6041 said:

> I think that everything that dungeons can offer could also be offered with fractals, also in a better way.




I feel the opposite. Fractals are a downgrade from Dungeons from a community point of view. Fractals split up a community into many different tiers that cannot game together effectively. Dungeons had 2 modes, story and explorable, and after running story just once - everyone is in the explorable tier.



> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> I think eventually they'll cave to pressure from the player base and start making them again. Open world content is great but it's apples to the oranges of instanced content and it can't take the place of all dungeon content, nor can FoTM on its own.


It's been 5 years of pressure and no results... They were very big on showing off their dungeons pre-launch... but they didn't expect the power-glass-cannon-stack-in-one-spot meta... and as soon as players figured it out Dungeons here became too easy because this game lacks the "trinity" outside of rads... this is why they forced a "duality, semi-trinity" onto raids...


Rather than do that for Dungeons as well, they just gave up when they realized that Instanced constant with no 'trinity' or 'duality' (tank / DPS / Healer OR DPS / Healer) system... can't provide challenge.


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My understanding fractals are considered to be the expansions dungeons. Arenanet said raids will be added and I think fractals too when living world season 4 is out. So pretty much they are already giving it....


To show that fractals are dungeons read this the link I gave. First sentence shows arenanet wanted fractals to be a new type of dungeon. So upcoming fractals? Yes. Maybe coming in a month or 2.



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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> they first need to fix the current ones, they need to be more rewarding and made for a wider audience.

> i would like some new ones sure, but they need to be made well enough to be worth it.


There's no "fixing" fixing them for a couple of reasons.


For one, the original dev team that brought that content into existence was disbanded shortly after the game was launched so you'd have to throw together a new team to shuffle through the content and learn how it was put together before they can make changes to it.


Secondly, the dungeons were never normalized to adapt to the power creep that was introduced with the expansions which makes it perfect for newer players that are F2P or otherwise never purchased the expansions. Content introduced with expansions are appropriately balanced with their respective content. To date, dungeons are still an excellent source of Exotic gear, and the gold payout if not too bad.

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > I think that everything that dungeons can offer could also be offered with fractals, also in a better way.

> >



> I feel the opposite. Fractals are a downgrade from Dungeons from a community point of view. Fractals split up a community into many different tiers that cannot game together effectively. Dungeons had 2 modes, story and explorable, and after running story just once - everyone is in the explorable tier.



> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > I think eventually they'll cave to pressure from the player base and start making them again. Open world content is great but it's apples to the oranges of instanced content and it can't take the place of all dungeon content, nor can FoTM on its own.


> It's been 5 years of pressure and no results... They were very big on showing off their dungeons pre-launch... but they didn't expect the power-glass-cannon-stack-in-one-spot meta... and as soon as players figured it out Dungeons here became too easy because this game lacks the "trinity" outside of rads... this is why they forced a "duality, semi-trinity" onto raids...


> Rather than do that for Dungeons as well, they just gave up when they realized that Instanced constant with no 'trinity' or 'duality' (tank / DPS / Healer OR DPS / Healer) system... can't provide challenge.



Sure it can, it just requires proper iteration. This is essentially what they did with raids. Are you proposing that raids can't provide challenge?

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > I think that everything that dungeons can offer could also be offered with fractals, also in a better way.

> >



> I feel the opposite. Fractals are a downgrade from Dungeons from a community point of view. Fractals split up a community into many different tiers that cannot game together effectively. Dungeons had 2 modes, story and explorable, and after running story just once - everyone is in the explorable tier.



The community was even more split during the Era of Dungeons. It was often harder to tell before you joined a group.


> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > I think eventually they'll cave to pressure from the player base and start making them again. Open world content is great but it's apples to the oranges of instanced content and it can't take the place of all dungeon content, nor can FoTM on its own.


> It's been 5 years of pressure and no results... They were very big on showing off their dungeons pre-launch...

Sure, because that was the original plan. Unfortunately, they setup dungeons in a way that made them difficult to change.


> but they didn't expect the power-glass-cannon-stack-in-one-spot meta... and as soon as players figured it out Dungeons here became too easy because this game lacks the "trinity" outside of rads... this is why they forced a "duality, semi-trinity" onto raids...

Fractals are just as easy for the same group of people who thought dungeons were easy.


And there is still no traditional trinity inside or outside of raids. "Healers" in this game are expected to do other things, as do the "tanks", and even the DPS.



> Rather than do that for Dungeons as well, they just gave up when they realized that Instanced constant with no 'trinity' or 'duality' (tank / DPS / Healer OR DPS / Healer) system... can't provide challenge.

No, that wasn't why they gave up. They have spoken about this a couple of times. The problem has always been that dungeons were designed to be static, which made them difficult to adapt to changed circumstances. Fractals were designed from the start to be more modular (and with better tools), allowing ANet more flexibility in fixing bugs and in changing the challenges.


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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> No dungeons is the reason why i haven't done anything in pve since 2015. Without dungeons (difficult dungeons, not the ones you faceroll in under 10 minutes) an mmo has no pve **for me**.

Go do raids. Or high-end fractals. Raids are longer and challenging. High-end fractals are short and challenging. Neither can be easily "facerolled"



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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > No dungeons is the reason why i haven't done anything in pve since 2015. Without dungeons (difficult dungeons, not the ones you faceroll in under 10 minutes) an mmo has no pve **for me**.

> Go do raids. Or high-end fractals. Raids are longer and challenging. High-end fractals are short and challenging. Neither can be easily "facerolled"




I did fractals for 2 years straight. I've seen enough fractals for the end of times at this point. Raids are time gated and other than legendary armor, what special items do you get from the raid that could rival gw1 skins such as voltaic spear, froggy scepter, crystalline blade etc? There's nothing to chase for in gw2. Its just mindless killing with no goal.

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I hope we will. I find fractals really railroad me too much into one single way to do them. Dungeons let you approach issues with several tools and nothing is really forbidden. I like the freedom of doing a dungeon run, I like getting an exotic every 2/3 run, I also like the gold I'm making, and I like meeting players I normally never met in my daily routine using LFG for perfectly puggable content. Overall, I like dungeon much more than fractals and their "one true way from heavens" but they don't reward ascended gear and some bosses badly needs updated mechanics to make them feel less like a random one shot out of nowhere and more something you can play around - something fractals rarely have, except a couple ones.

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