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Warrior needs a buff

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > You balance towards the high end because as player get better and learn you start to see the massive glaring issues, and the internal workings in a class.

> You balance around the average because that's where the most players are. It's simple as that.


> Also, hurry up and trash your misconception that players get better and learn.

> Most don't.

> Most blindly copy builds they find online, whether they are beyond their actual skill or not - and they most likely fail to use them properly.

> They won't even care about the internal working.

> The fact that many people even look for builds online is proof enough that people don't care about learning their chosen profession by experimenting themselves.


> If you were to do the absurd and balance around the top end, even more builds requiring skill beyond the average pop up, people try them out - and fail - then leave pvp, because they can't find builds that suits them.


> > the low average end

> Try looking at some Gauß bells.

> The y-axis is the amount of players, while the x axis represents the player skill.

> Even hard-headed people should see that the average is around the **middle** and not at one end or the other.

> The low end is about as much of a low percentage as the top end and should be equally dismissed for balance.





I think the misconception here is you think players don't get better and improve, and then contradict yourself by saying most don't.(meaning some do) , that's easily why good players can read brainlet meta copy pasta builds played by average or bad players so easily, and outplay them even while playing meme builds. Which is why it shouldn't be balanced around the brainlet average, it should be balanced towards entry top end where there's at least some decent players that know how to play the classes decently and knows how it works. I don't even know how any of what you're spewing helps your reasoning why it should be balance towards the low average, but it looks like a lot of malarkey, grabbing for straws..


Is that some "Do your own research" sort of move?? I'm not the one bringing graphs into this to prove something, so best link/post your your own proof to support your argument, since you're the one trying to convince people why it should be balanced for people that don't know how to dodge and can't think for themselves, and never try to improve?

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > > You balance towards the high end because as player get better and learn you start to see the massive glaring issues, and the internal workings in a class.

> > You balance around the average because that's where the most players are. It's simple as that.

> >

> > Also, hurry up and trash your misconception that players get better and learn.

> > Most don't.

> > Most blindly copy builds they find online, whether they are beyond their actual skill or not - and they most likely fail to use them properly.

> > They won't even care about the internal working.

> > The fact that many people even look for builds online is proof enough that people don't care about learning their chosen profession by experimenting themselves.

> >

> > If you were to do the absurd and balance around the top end, even more builds requiring skill beyond the average pop up, people try them out - and fail - then leave pvp, because they can't find builds that suits them.

> >

> > > the low average end

> > Try looking at some Gauß bells.

> > The y-axis is the amount of players, while the x axis represents the player skill.

> > Even hard-headed people should see that the average is around the **middle** and not at one end or the other.

> > The low end is about as much of a low percentage as the top end and should be equally dismissed for balance.

> >

> >

> >


> I think the misconception here is you think players don't get better and improve, and then contradict yourself by saying most don't.(meaning some do) , that's easily why good players can read brainlet meta copy pasta builds played by average or bad players so easily, and outplay them even while playing meme builds. Which is why it shouldn't be balanced around the brainlet average, it should be balanced towards entry top end where there's at least some decent players that know how to play the classes decently and knows how it works. I don't even know how any of what you're spewing helps your reasoning why it should be balance towards the low average, but it looks like a lot of malarkey, grabbing for straws..


> Is that some "Do your own research" sort of move?? I'm not the one bringing graphs into this to prove something, so best link/post your your own proof to support your argument, since you're the one trying to convince people why it should be balanced for people that don't know how to dodge and can't think for themselves, and never try to improve?


He does have a point.

I mean, look at Meta battle, the place where average players go and get builds.


Not a single Berserker build, not a single core Warrior build.


The build on godsofpvp is a joke too, its just A BUILD, doesn't mean its great or meta, its just something thats the best for warriors right now.... Which isn't Great or Meta.... Which is why WARRIORS NEED A BUFF.


If warriors suck, no elite players are playing Warrior.

How you going to balance it? Nobody is playing Warrior. No feedback because no one is playing.


You KNOW the balance is bad when nobody is playing a Berserker.


They should just look at metrics instead of listening to elites or anybody else.

.01% people playing Berserker? Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF it.

Nobody playing core warrior too??

Of all the free to play players they chose NOT to play Warrior?

Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF the HECK outta it.


100 blades is a STAPLE Guild Wars ability. It should be as deadly as it sounds.

Shouldn't be a SQUISHY necro facetanking it (not in lich form) because 100blades right now IS A JOKE.

Just like Warrior in general.


Squishy Necro (NOT IN LICH FORM) facetanking a Warrior going HAM on it. Perfectly okay

Tough, Fierce, Majestic Warrior facetanking a Necro while going HAM on it. Not ok. Run away. TOUGH TANKY Warrior is NO match to be in a Necro's face.

**Necro doesn't even have to move, it OWNS the Warrior going 100b and throwing everything at it. THEY OWN WARRIORS so much, no movement necessary**



Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warrior


Because Warriors are in such bad shape



I mean Warrior can't get in the face of a Necro???

What's the purpose of them then?

Just be worthless?

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> I think the misconception here is you think players don't get better and improve

Let's look at Arah explorable mode: Most players couldn't beat it and gave up trying, rather than improving - eventually it got nerfed before even Season 1 of the living story started.

How about HoT? It was too hard for many and they didn't improve, so eventually it got nerfed.

Raids are empty except for the top less than 1%. Why? Because most people (who tried them) failed at them and chose to not do them, rather than trying to improve in order to beat them. Not even the aspired stepping stones into raids, Strike Missions, fared well. The very easy ones are done by a lot of people, why the rather medium ones (Whisper of Jormag and the Frost Legion one) are shunned by many people that do the very easy ones. Meanwhile, Boneskinner is shunned by everyone but those that already raid anyway.

Strike Missions failed as stepping stones into raids, causing no significant growth in the raider community and turned into proof that most people don't try to improve.

Outside of GW2, FF14's Alliance Raid Roulette is another great example.

Many people go the extra way to remove their equipment (and thus lower their item level) to ensure they get into the easier alliance raids) instead of even taking the risk having to do the more challenging.


These are a few examples of how significant amounts of players don't bother improving or even attempting challenging content. Do you have any examples of significant amounts of players improving?


> that's easily why good players can read brainlet meta copy pasta builds played by average or bad players so easily, and outplay them even while playing meme builds.

And those players are very few in comparison.


> Which is why it shouldn't be balanced around the brainlet average, it should be balanced towards entry top end where there's at least some decent players that know how to play the classes decently and knows how it works. I don't even know how any of what you're spewing helps your reasoning why it should be balance towards the low average, but it looks like a lot of malarkey, grabbing for straws..

And why would you want to make the game decent for less than 1% again?

Why should less than 1% enjoy the game, while the vast majority receives even less enjoyment than they do now?

How does it make sense to please the minority of your customers, when you _could_ do well for the majority?


> Is that some "Do your own research" sort of move??

Your comment about "low average end" and how you think people want to cater to the worst players made it seem like you don't know about Gauß' normal distribution and how it's applicable to player numbers and skill, so I tried to give you a visual hit that how the average and the low end are two different entities in this discussion.



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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > > > You balance towards the high end because as player get better and learn you start to see the massive glaring issues, and the internal workings in a class.

> > > You balance around the average because that's where the most players are. It's simple as that.

> > >

> > > Also, hurry up and trash your misconception that players get better and learn.

> > > Most don't.

> > > Most blindly copy builds they find online, whether they are beyond their actual skill or not - and they most likely fail to use them properly.

> > > They won't even care about the internal working.

> > > The fact that many people even look for builds online is proof enough that people don't care about learning their chosen profession by experimenting themselves.

> > >

> > > If you were to do the absurd and balance around the top end, even more builds requiring skill beyond the average pop up, people try them out - and fail - then leave pvp, because they can't find builds that suits them.

> > >

> > > > the low average end

> > > Try looking at some Gauß bells.

> > > The y-axis is the amount of players, while the x axis represents the player skill.

> > > Even hard-headed people should see that the average is around the **middle** and not at one end or the other.

> > > The low end is about as much of a low percentage as the top end and should be equally dismissed for balance.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I think the misconception here is you think players don't get better and improve, and then contradict yourself by saying most don't.(meaning some do) , that's easily why good players can read brainlet meta copy pasta builds played by average or bad players so easily, and outplay them even while playing meme builds. Which is why it shouldn't be balanced around the brainlet average, it should be balanced towards entry top end where there's at least some decent players that know how to play the classes decently and knows how it works. I don't even know how any of what you're spewing helps your reasoning why it should be balance towards the low average, but it looks like a lot of malarkey, grabbing for straws..

> >

> > Is that some "Do your own research" sort of move?? I'm not the one bringing graphs into this to prove something, so best link/post your your own proof to support your argument, since you're the one trying to convince people why it should be balanced for people that don't know how to dodge and can't think for themselves, and never try to improve?


> He does have a point.

> I mean, look at Meta battle, the place where average players go and get builds.


> Not a single Berserker build, not a single core Warrior build.


> The build on godsofpvp is a joke too, its just A BUILD, doesn't mean its great or meta, its just something thats the best for warriors right now.... Which isn't Great or Meta.... Which is why WARRIORS NEED A BUFF.


> If warriors suck, no elite players are playing Warrior.

> How you going to balance it? Nobody is playing Warrior. No feedback because no one is playing.


> You KNOW the balance is bad when nobody is playing a Berserker.


> They should just look at metrics instead of listening to elites or anybody else.

> .01% people playing Berserker? Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF it.

> Nobody playing core warrior too??

> Of all the free to play players they chose NOT to play Warrior?

> Hrmmm maybe you should BUFF the HECK outta it.


> 100 blades is a STAPLE Guild Wars ability. It should be as deadly as it sounds.

> Shouldn't be a SQUISHY necro facetanking it (not in lich form) because 100blades right now IS A JOKE.

> Just like Warrior in general.


> Squishy Necro (NOT IN LICH FORM) facetanking a Warrior going HAM on it. Perfectly okay

> Tough, Fierce, Majestic Warrior facetanking a Necro while going HAM on it. Not ok. Run away. TOUGH TANKY Warrior is NO match to be in a Necro's face.

> **Necro doesn't even have to move, it OWNS the Warrior going 100b and throwing everything at it. THEY OWN WARRIORS so much, no movement necessary**


> Usually.

> Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warrior


> Because Warriors are in such bad shape



> I mean Warrior can't get in the face of a Necro???

> What's the purpose of them then?

> Just be worthless?


You do realize his post is saying warriors are fine because the low end doesn't consider it under-performing, aka where all the average lower skill players are. So it doesn't matter if the top players consider it bad because balance shouldn't be dictated toward the top end spectrum, where a lot of what works stems from to begin with and gets posted to sites like this?


> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"felix.2386" said:

> > warrior is much much lower then Good tier, in many top player's eye


> And those top players, who make up a very small percentage of the playerbase, hardly matter in balance issues.

> The average, where the vast majority is at, is much more important.

> And there, Warrior isn't as underperforming as said very small percentage claims.





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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> You do realize his post is saying warriors are fine because the low end doesn't consider it under-performing, aka where all the average lower skill players are. So it doesn't matter if the top players consider it bad because balance shouldn't be dictated toward the top end spectrum, where a lot of what works stems from to begin with and gets posted to sites like this?

If you were to read my posts accurately, you'd release that my posts aren't about the low end, but about the **average.**

For the **average,** Warriors still are dangerous and that's fine.


If you can't distinguish between the average and the low end, you might want to look into improving that.

After all, your posts imply that you are one of the players that always try to improve themselves.


But rather than power-creeping warrior, other things should be toned down.

We don't need more builds that can just roll over players in seconds, we need less.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > You do realize his post is saying warriors are fine because the low end doesn't consider it under-performing, aka where all the average lower skill players are. So it doesn't matter if the top players consider it bad because balance shouldn't be dictated toward the top end spectrum, where a lot of what works stems from to begin with and gets posted to sites like this?

> If you were to read my posts accurately, you'd release that my posts aren't about the low end, but about the **average.**

> For the **average,** Warriors still are dangerous and that's fine.


> If you can't distinguish between the average and the low end, you might want to look into improving that.

> After all, your posts imply that you are one of the players that always try to improve themselves.


> But rather than power-creeping warrior, other things should be toned down.

> We don't need more builds that can just roll over players in seconds, we need less.



We already have less builds that roll over players.


Necro just stands there and whoops ANY warrior without even moving because they pretty good AND because Warriors are a joke.


With less builds that roll over players? Does this mean NO WARRIORS are good?

There should be a core build where if someone just stands and doesn't even move the Warrior should 100b that mofo down like he wasn't nothing.


Instead we have Warriors that have issues taking down Mist Champions.

I used the BEST version of Spellbreaker, which is good not Great not Meta.

Mist Champion just running by me and feels like a tank because Warrior can't do jack squat for damage. This build uses berserker amulet too.


**Went from Warriors KING OF CLEAVE. KING OF DPS. Most wanted for CItadel of Flame runs.

You just want to stand there? Okay here comes the DPS. (now 100blades EPIC Guild Wars ability... doesn't even do squat worth talkin about)

To Warrior can't even do jack squat.** Squishy necro feels like a tank PLUS they ANNIHILATE Warriors with abilities. They don't even need to move, can't hurt em, and they DO BIG DAMAGE. (NOT EVEN IN LICH FORM).


It used to be Necros run from Warriors to avoid cleave.

Now its Warriors run from Necros, because even if they stand still... AINT going to kill em. Lich Form not necessary, too easy to even think about Lich Forming.


So we need less builds that roll over players?

Balance is when theres too many builds. There should be AT LEAST 3 builds where me as a Warrior. ESPECIALLY BERSERKER should be rolling over players like they aint nothing.


Instead, BERSERKER is a joke.

Warriors are a JOKE.

Warriors NEED. Not wanted. Not an option.


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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > >

> > > > You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.

> > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.

> > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

> > >

> > > Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

> >

> > What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?

> > Does it include Berserker?

> > Does it include core Warrior?


> Warrior is in a bad state right now, but using metabattle as a reference doesnt work because it'd unreliable and doesnt reflect the meta.


I would say support shout warrior is nearly a very decent state tbh

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> @"wevh.2903" said:

> > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.

> > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.

> > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

> > > >

> > > > Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

> > >

> > > What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?

> > > Does it include Berserker?

> > > Does it include core Warrior?

> >

> > Warrior is in a bad state right now, but using metabattle as a reference doesnt work because it'd unreliable and doesnt reflect the meta.


> I would say support shout warrior is nearly a very decent state tbh


That's true, it's not to bad and might actually be better for soloQing than the other support builds. In tournaments it gets outvalued by tempest to much tho

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Let me translate it for the rest of you guys:

> Warrior, Berserker, Spellbreaker doesn't smash enemy 100-0 when I smash keyboard with face. Warrior bad. Warrior unplayable. Pls buff. Me don't want think, me want smash. Smash is good. Good balance weak, smash face on keyboard stronk.


> No need to thank me.


I like Hulk class.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> There should be a core build where if someone just stands and doesn't even move the Warrior should 100b that mofo down like he wasn't nothing.

Warrior has the best stun lock capability in the game and stun + burst skill is possible frequently (that's even the freaking class mechanic!). ANet knows exactly why what you described is not possible. It would be the next big broken thing.


> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warrior

What a nonsense. Core necro is designed to be a tank, because it is slow and hits like a wet noodle with a 150s cooldown noob filter elite skill. And for reaper all you need to do is kiting it for a few seconds and his shroud is completely degenerated or he drops it by himself which does also make him vulnerable. The meta build doesn't even use speed rune.


The players that have issues fighting core necro are players with training wheel builds with a bad damage sustain ratio and the players that have issues fighting reapers are players that are too greedy to just move away from shroud for 5 or more seconds not wasting any cooldown besides the disengage or a cc. It's incredible how many players can't just move away for some time and will simply facetank shroud right from the beginning or come back after 3 seconds and then start to facetank. I dont get this.


Esp. for a warrior kiting a reaper is the easiest thing in the world. Half of your skills are mobility skills that even remove soft cc (traited). And your shield block has about the same cooldown as soul spiral. You can completely negate every single soul spiral.

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Strength spellbreaker is still in a fine spot. It's not great, but it's serviceable. My main gripe with war vs other classes is that war's skill animations are so much slower and obvious than almost all other classes. Warrior could have baseline quickness animations and it would still be easier to dodge the big hitting skills than it would against mesmer, rev, holo, etc. This is one of the reasons IMO that warrior is traditionally pretty good at the release of new expansions or other large skill balance changes. At that point in time, people get hit by things that they will reliably dodge in the future.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > There should be a core build where if someone just stands and doesn't even move the Warrior should 100b that mofo down like he wasn't nothing.

> Warrior has the best stun lock capability in the game and stun + burst skill is possible frequently (that's even the freaking class mechanic!). ANet knows exactly why what you described is not possible. It would be the next big broken thing.


> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Squishy classes shouldn't be standing and eating melee, but in GW2 squishy class like Necro is a great tank for Warriors. Lich form NOT NECESSARY when its a warrior

> What a nonsense. Core necro is designed to be a tank, because it is slow and hits like a wet noodle with a 150s cooldown noob filter elite skill. And for reaper all you need to do is kiting it for a few seconds and his shroud is completely degenerated or he drops it by himself which does also make him vulnerable. The meta build doesn't even use speed rune.


> The players that have issues fighting core necro are players with training wheel builds with a bad damage sustain ratio and the players that have issues fighting reapers are players that are too greedy to just move away from shroud for 5 or more seconds not wasting any cooldown besides the disengage or a cc. It's incredible how many players can't just move away for some time and will simply facetank shroud right from the beginning or come back after 3 seconds and then start to facetank. I dont get this.


> Esp. for a warrior kiting a reaper is the easiest thing in the world. Half of your skills are mobility skills that even remove soft cc (traited). And your shield block has about the same cooldown as soul spiral. You can completely negate every single soul spiral.


Easier said then done.

Berserker has a lot of CC?? They sure can't destroy anyone who doesn't bother to move at all because they know your class needs a buff and they win easily just blow for blow right in the Berserker's face.


The CC stuns on necro?

Easier said then done.


Thats like saying ele is best dps for raids because they do 47k+ dps on training dummy.

Then when they get to an actual boss. WHOLE different story.


You talking about CCing like you easily telegraph everything your opponent does. "oh you just cc it and you win"

Yeah okay. You get in pvp. WHOLE different story.

"This guy wont use that skill, HE KNOWS I'm waiting to counter it, HE KNOWS if he uses everything else I'll eat it and die"

"Oh you just counter that skill and easy win for Warrior they say"



In Stronghold.

Mist Champions vs Warrior. Why is this guy not going down. He doesn't attack you, you need DPS, CCIng him does nothing. Counter? They aint even attacking you.

Warrior USELESS in Conquest. EVEN MORE USELESS in Stronghold.

Everyone else "I kill Mist Champions fine" Warrior "This Mist Champ has got some serious health, I aint doing squat to him and no more skills to press"

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.

> > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.

> > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

> > > >

> > > > Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

> > >

> > > What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?

> > > Does it include Berserker?

> > > Does it include core Warrior?

> >

> > Warrior is in a bad state right now, but using metabattle as a reference doesnt work because it'd unreliable and doesnt reflect the meta.


> What is unreliable about Metabattle? Are the builds they post a joke? Are the feedbacks a joke?


> What are some reliable PvP or WvW sources for GW2 builds then?


The problem with metabattle is that it's a very clunky site for content creation which results in it being extremely slow to pick up on things that have been well known in Plat+ games sometimes for months. Sometimes metabattle up to snuff until a new balance patch comes out and so the Conquest builds end up being horrendously outdated.


For instance, Renegade bow is actually a well known roamer right now, but metabattle still has it listed as "test" ( Wrong, it's already being used in ATs ) and the build they have for it has multiple inaccuracies.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.


> Do you play Warrior?

> Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.


Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.

Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

> >

> > Do you play Warrior?

> > Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.


> Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.

> Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.


Over tuned?

More like Warrior is under tuned, and Warriors need a buff.


You try killing a Mist Champion as a spellbreaker, the best version of Warrior right now? Unfortunately the best version isn't meta, and isn't great. Hence why it takes a Spellbreaker forever to kill what to them feels like a TANKY mist champ. But everyone else "Mist champs are squishy"


Yeah ok, your logic, others are overtuned but the lone profession, the warrior is decent.

Only because you can kill em and you dont want to struggle against them unlike engineer, necro, guardian, ranger, every other profession but warriors.

Make Warriors GREAT AGAIN.


"yeah they decent, no need to buff, they have a 'good' build on metabattle, so they decent" "ya ya just because every other class is great/meta *cough* I mean overtuned doesn't mean warrior is not bad *cough* I mean decent.


Decent in this game?

Fractals and Raids. Fractals "use the mist potions I dont care if you don't need em and decent, we want great or meta, so use the potions or you get kicked"



We talking decent????


I want to see Warriors. GREAT AGAIN

Anet needs to BUFF the JEEBERS outta warriors. They decent, people talkin decent.

You look at Necros, you look at engineer, guardian, rangers, etc. They taking advantage over warriors, they are doing GREAT.


Make em GREAT again.


You see this?

You stand still and fighting a warrior. You die. Noobs haven't learned lesson in video, they die fast.

Warriors back then, one trick pony (get in face and SMASH) (counter by **not stand still and dodge bullrush**)

Warriors today, no tricks. (**counter warrior by smashing every ability you have**, if you have enough META/GREAT abilities, you can stand still too)


Today, stand still, NOT EVEN TRY, you OWN warriors because they decent AND OTHERS ARE GREAT.

Has nothing to do with scourge doing secret move, core necro doing secret move. They spam every ability (no need to try hard and do the secret combo killer) and woop a warrior trying too hard.



And you got that one dude saying "just time and wait for them to do that one move and then you start stunning".... yeah only if the others abilities they have were DECENT... that one move you stun.... Thats a META move. The other moves they are GREAT.

GREAT trumps DECENT anyday.

"stun heck outta em... meanwhile Mist Champ, feels like a tank, they don't attack you so you can stun the heck outta em.... Decent warrior not so decent anymore now are they"

One trick pony decent warrior can't do its trick, no more decent they are. worse than decent they are now.



Meanwhile one trick META necro.. can't do its trick? No more META they are... Great they are now...

Great beats Decent anyday.


"no buffs warrior they decent"

"nerf meta necro, oh hes great now, still beats decent"

All these other professions are meta/great but warrior. they good shape, decent.


Necro you can play 3 ways, Scourge, core and Reaper (GREAT GREAT GREAT AND META.

Warrior only spellbreaker is decent, berserker and core, not playable (DECENT, UNPLAYABLE, UNPLAYABLE).


But you know, warrior is decent they say, and no buff them they say.

Dude says "balance around pros... no pros playing berserker no pros playing core... reaper, core necro and scourge sure they play sometimes"

Dude says "balance around avg joes, the avg joes will be using meta battle (pros says meta battle sucks and use soemthing else, well, thats why these guys are avg joes they use metabattle), no berserker, no core.... scourge, reaper, and core necro YES YES YES.


Warriors are decent, no need a buff they say.

Balance around pros they say

Balance around average joes they say


All the ways you look at it. Warriors remain decent.

Decent better than GREAT? NO

Decent better than META? NO


Strat for playing with warriors back then, get all the enemies together and let the WARRIOR GO HAM.

HO HO HO you can't move, in my face.... ONE HUNDRED BLADE OWNAGE TIME. Enemies "holy crap I ate the entire 100 blades I have no health left"

Strat for **playing with warriors today, cross fingers** because they not great, meta... NO PERKS. They decent.

eats a 100 blades like it didn't do squat to him. (today, classic Guild Wars skill... turned into a joke) "give me a couple more 100blades please, I'll eat all of it too"

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

> >

> > Do you play Warrior?

> > Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.


> Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.

> Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.


No sense talking to someone like him. Either he's hard trolling or he's that delirious.

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

> > >

> > > Do you play Warrior?

> > > Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.

> >

> > Just because the other professions are way too over-tuned, doesn't make Warrior any less decent.

> > Warrior doesn't need buffs, the others need to get shaved.


> No sense talking to someone like him. Either he's hard trolling or he's that delirious.


Yeah, he says others. Which he could have said everyone but warrior.

What makes you think everyone but warrior is overtuned?


Look at it glass half full or nearly full instead of glass half empty or nearly empty.

All you do is BUFF warriors and NOW BALANCED.


Why adjust 90% when all that is needed is 10% to be adjusted???


"yeah the other classes (AKA ALL BUT WARRIOR) not balanced, warrior tho, its decent"

yeah ok.

Warrior doesn't FIT ALL the others, it aint balance.

It doesnt fit them because the others are overtuned you say?


"nah we want to nerf all the other professions" "we like negative thinking"

Why nerf EVERY SINGLE ONE BUT WARRIOR, so much work, so much to change for balance. When all you had to do was....

Make WARRIOR GREAT AGAIN by buffing the heck outta them.


This is what Warrior should be like

You want to fight on node with Warrior? You want to fight warrior head on? Ok your death.

You want to shoot warrior and kill him from range? Oh wow, warrior death. Thats balance.

You fight from distance YOU BEAT warrior. You fight from melee YOU LOSE to warrior. THATS BALANCE.

ANY Version of Necro today I'd own ANY VERSION warrior regardless if he wants to fight from distance or in my face. THIS IS NOT BALANCE.



Yall so negative, NERF NERF NERF.

No bro.



Negative negative negative. Think positive. Quit complaining about negatives, so many negatives. **Just buff one and all complaining goes away.**

NERF aint always the answer.






Meanwhile in PvE, Dev "hey we made fractals a bit tougher since everyone does more dps"

NERFS incoming to all but warrior because people think NERFS will bring balance.

"fractals so hard now, please tune down"

"say what? people said all but warrior was overtuned, hrmmmmm.... now I must do even more work, tuning 90% for balance took a lot outta me, now I gotta tune all these fractals too"

"I should have listened to the dude saying BUFF not NERF"


In PvP

"wow now I see why that guy asked if Mist Champs are too tanky, didn't realize warriors don't do squat to them, and now the ALL BUT WARRIORS are on par with warrior, now we all see why these mist champs are too tanky"

"should have just BUFFED the warrior, now you gotta make MIST CHAMPS LESS TANKY because you listened to NERFS not BUFF"


You have 90% and you want to say its overtuned?

No bro,



The secret to balance is listening to the right people. Go ahead and nerf 'others' like the wrong people suggest.

**_Game is already built around 'others' "overtuned"_**

You want to NERF 'others' because they "overtuned"? What about the game "overtuned", oooh now you gotta nerf all that as well.

**_You want to balance by fixing 90% rather than fixing 10%. Ohhhhh ok I see how you balance things._**

Oh wow now the PvE things are overtuned you nerfed 'overtuned'

All you had to BUFF warrior to bring balance into the 'others' "overtuned 'PvE aspect overtuned'


Look at Fractals, they the same as when they was when it was just core? Nope, its 'overtuned' now.

Just buff the warrior, make the correct decision.


Good greif these 'others' are so "overtuned"

NERF em, it will look good in patch notes.


Patch notes makes games #esports, the longer they are, the more #esports they become.

It has nothing to do with... game just being good and no patch notes even needed.


"gotta show the boss I'm working hard, I'm going to nerf because I get more patch notes outta nerfing than just buffing the warrior and putting an END to balance"

"I gotta make anet feel like they will always need me, I can't be like Diablo2, they dont even do balance patches anymore, 3 years into the game they didnt do a single balance patch"

"I gotta feel always needed, make sure game is never balance, can't listen to this smart guy saying buff warrior, he's just too true"

"these necros going around like gods, all because the class thats suppose to keep em in check *warriors* are decent"

"I hate people showing that 5 warriors ownage video because it just goes to SHOW a BALANCED WARRIOR TO NECRO. WARRIOR IS SUPPOSE TO TURN THAT NECRO INTO SARDINES.




Oh you arent suppose to stand in front of a necro, they eat you alive.

Well if Warriors were BUFFED, OTHER WAY AROUND, that necro knows better than to go face to face with a WARRIOR.



Shroud is very juicy and full of health, aint nobody good at cleaving melee.

Oh here we go warrior is balanced, they DESIGNED to cleave in peoples face.


That juicy shroud, gone in seconds, because warrior ate it all. You still want to stand in front of him like you do to everyone else?

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> hitman 2.0


Spellbreaker is defensive/support(if removal of boons is support KEK) spec, so it shouldn't deal much damage.

Berserker is dmg spec, which still some skills need shaves(range of GS F1, daze on Rifle F1 need to be removed).

Warrior finally require brain to use and proper timing, no more random kitten like bullscharge hitting for over 6k even though you "evaded" it(rush need kitten fixing though with this bs). The class itself still does randomly pops like 6k+ crits from skills beside F1.

It was self-carry class since 2012 which was hitting like a truck while still being tanky af thanks to traits/skills.

The valid complain you can only make is: Warrior doesn't have proper "role", since Spellbreaker is "defensive/support(KEKW)" and Core competes with Berserker for "dps" role.

Also, if you want to deal dmg, try investing traits/skills/gear to get it, stop thinking that going full Menders and defensive traits should allow you to deal 10k+ dmg for pressing whatever button.

Also no.2 stop comparing Warrior to Necromancer.

Necromancer posses 2 true elite specializations which actually C H A N G E how you play it, on the other hand you have Warrior with specializations, which are Warrior+ and Warrior+moredef, they don't change a kitten how you play war in the slightest.

What you need is "defined role for Core, Berserker, Spellbreaker", not buffs. Additional points for nerfing broken classes.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You'll know they found the right balance when every profession is on Metabattle as a Meta build.

> > > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Meta.

> > > > > > Right now, no version of Warrior is Great.

> > > > >

> > > > > Metabattle is quite an unreliable source on what is good and bad

> > > >

> > > > What are the reliable sources then? Do they have Warrior in Meta or Great?

> > > > Does it include Berserker?

> > > > Does it include core Warrior?

> > >

> > > Warrior is in a bad state right now, but using metabattle as a reference doesnt work because it'd unreliable and doesnt reflect the meta.

> >

> > What is unreliable about Metabattle? Are the builds they post a joke? Are the feedbacks a joke?

> >

> > What are some reliable PvP or WvW sources for GW2 builds then?


> The problem with metabattle is that it's a very clunky site for content creation which results in it being extremely slow to pick up on things that have been well known in Plat+ games sometimes for months. Sometimes metabattle up to snuff until a new balance patch comes out and so the Conquest builds end up being horrendously outdated.


> For instance, Renegade bow is actually a well known roamer right now, but metabattle still has it listed as "test" ( Wrong, it's already being used in ATs ) and the build they have for it has multiple inaccuracies.


I've made that template, had it up and ready since the shortbow changes. The moment I started seeing enough people using shortbow, I put it to test.


While you claim that it has innaccuracies, as it is. This is the modest survivability and highest DPS possible without making ridiculous trade offs that makes gameplay extremely passive.


SR is horrible in it's effective time compared ViS (even with RR and RR should only be used if conditions are heavy, so optional), finally why would anyone used Charged Mists to be damage in PvP, Revenant is predictable enough.


Constantly relying on upkeep makes for an extremely linear experience that limits options and the benefits of healing overtime does not beat doubling the health pool for 5 seconds that can effectively be paired 2k barrier on average which makes up to be 4k with the 50% bonus.


SotM is the great, provides better rewards instantly rather than having to use any skills that could be interrupted.


All of this is not even considering all the weakness that will be tossed around as well.


It's fine as it is for what it's meant to do. Variants can be added later, Vindication seems like a bad pick but the ramp up is easy with Brutal Momentum at 20 Might being the average.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.


> Do you play Warrior?

> Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.


I do play warrior, I am relatively new to the game but I have no problem putting up a good fight, however, the only thing that really hinders me insanely hard is the crazy amount of aoe with the constant conditions they apply.

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> @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

> >

> > Do you play Warrior?

> > Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.


> I do play warrior, I am relatively new to the game but I have no problem putting up a good fight, however, the only thing that really hinders me insanely hard is the crazy amount of aoe with the constant conditions they apply.


If you're core, give Cleansing Ire a try with Berserker Stance to compensate whenever a blind comes in play. I use Hammer burst to pretty much easily clear in an AoE myself which sets down for more damaging opportunities if well managed because Fierce Blow cooldown is extremely low and other CC's can be used for an easy Axe burst.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > > @"bringlotsofweed.2086" said:

> > > > I think the warrior is in a decent spot. I just think there is WAY to much aoe going on for them to be effective.

> > >

> > > Do you play Warrior?

> > > Can't say they in decent spot if all you do is play other professions and KNOW for a fact you going to rekt any Warrior that gets in your way.

> >

> > I do play warrior, I am relatively new to the game but I have no problem putting up a good fight, however, the only thing that really hinders me insanely hard is the crazy amount of aoe with the constant conditions they apply.


> If you're core, give Cleansing Ire a try with Berserker Stance to compensate whenever a blind comes in play. I use Hammer burst to pretty much easily clear in an AoE myself which sets down for more damaging opportunities if well managed because Fierce Blow cooldown is extremely low and other CC's can be used for an easy Axe burst.


thanks i might try this!

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Warrior is fine. Stop using 5 stuns in your skill bar and you will do damage.

Burst skills still do around 13k damage which is almost three times the hard hitting skills from other classes. Weapons do above average damage.


Stuns (and most importantly long stuns) should do 0 damage. It is not fun to fight against somebody who keeps stunning you while eating your health bar.


When Anet said some CC skills should do some damage sure they meant skills like path of scars, the pulls is in the second hit still the damage is nerfed for both hits.

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