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Arenanet. Seems to give up WvW. No news


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They are keeping it for 3th Expansion.

I mean the Alliances. So basically it will be synced with cantha and Luxon VS Kurzicks. And hoping for new map in border.

So it will be a Desert border, a Alpine border and a Cantha borderish...


Thats what im thinking. but ye it taking ages...

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Yea, they don't play the gamemode anymore. And seems they have big shackles places on them regarding responding on forums due to public image.


Only way to reach them is to get Teapot to comment something about WvW on his stream. But Teapot himself is casual regarding WvW so its hard for him to come up with anything that would actually make a difference himself. And not a single reasonable person would be willing to waste their time to echo the opinions of others.


The gamemode has been moving to wrong direction for years now outside some small QoL and skill changes. Objective gameplay is dead due terrible upgrade, siege and stat changes.

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> @"Lociaz.4027" said:

> They are keeping it for 3th Expansion.

> I mean the Alliances. So basically it will be synced with cantha and Luxon VS Kurzicks. And hoping for new map in border.

> So it will be a Desert border, a Alpine border and a Cantha borderish...


> Thats what im thinking. but ye it taking ages...


If the game survives to see the 3rd expansion. WvW is almost unplayable due to balance issues for classes, and for populations on each team. If I play late at night and want to get progress done, I almost can't because most people are either offline, doing something else, or they back away from making big moves so I cannot get anything done. I'm training a new character in there so I can't solo much yet in terms of roaming. People just aren't interested in WvW anymore, or the ones who are quickly lose that interest due to things that should be addressed. I actually think WvW should be removed entirely from the game. It's clear Anet doesn't care about it, and won't help fix things we've been asking about for years now. I love Guild Wars 2, but it won't last much longer if all they do is throw story updates at us. Ignoring the community destroys trust and ultimately kills games.

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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> > @"Lociaz.4027" said:

> > They are keeping it for 3th Expansion.

> > I mean the Alliances. So basically it will be synced with cantha and Luxon VS Kurzicks. And hoping for new map in border.

> > So it will be a Desert border, a Alpine border and a Cantha borderish...

> >

> > Thats what im thinking. but ye it taking ages...


> If the game survives to see the 3rd expansion. WvW is almost unplayable due to balance issues for classes, and for populations on each team. If I play late at night and want to get progress done, I almost can't because most people are either offline, doing something else, or they back away from making big moves so I cannot get anything done. I'm training a new character in there so I can't solo much yet in terms of roaming. People just aren't interested in WvW anymore, or the ones who are quickly lose that interest due to things that should be addressed. I actually think WvW should be removed entirely from the game. It's clear Anet doesn't care about it, and won't help fix things we've been asking about for years now. I love Guild Wars 2, but it won't last much longer if all they do is throw story updates at us. Ignoring the community destroys trust and ultimately kills games.


Id rather them remove raids, than remove WvW. WvW is the mode that keeps me vested in the game; Otherwise for me and my guild in its entirty we basically would be coming back for living world updates then not playing until the next one (I doubt even that.. Likely we'd move on to other games fully rather than the more passive playstyle we have now, its hard enough to get people on during the week.)


Guild war 2 has NEVER had vesting, interesting or even good PvE in the idea of traditional PvE end-game. The HoT zones had meta's, meta's are good and world bosses are great but their story-telling is not so much most of the time. (Its gotten better over time, Core/S1/S2/S3/HoT were all pretty bad, PoF was still bad. S4/Icebroodsaga has been pretty good thus far.) But its not enough. Open world PvE is not enough. Fractals fun as they might be are not enough, and Raiding is dead in the water and has very few people likely fewer than WvW in the player-base. PvP And Raiding likely share the same amount of players, but PvP can be resurrected if given the proper oomph it needs as could WvW.


WvW is RvR but it also has PvE elements in it. That is basically open world PvP with the idea of capturing NPC owned objectives/merc camps to strengthen ones faction and thus push toward a win. The issue is WvW lacks these fundamental features and it NEEDS them to survive, Alpine as a map needs to be made bigger and more like Desert in the sense you cant just set up a cata on a wall and knock inner/outter down without moving. Likewise Objectives/siege/upgrades need to mean something again and a guild claiming an objective needs to mean something.. Guilds need to mean something. We have all these systems and ideas here that were put in place to lead somewhere, and were abandoned and left to rot and people wonder why players leave the game? Why? Well with the progression curve being horizontal most RPG/MMO players don't really have goals once they hit end-game. Once you have ascended/legendary that is it~ No real reason to keep going outside of fashion wars but most of our fashion is only good looking on a very specific portion of the player base. (There is a real reason human female is the meta... its because out of ALL the races they look best in armor most of the time.) A-net really needs to take a good long look at the game and realize that their decisions to abandon content and having not listened, not spoken and not given us a lick of anything coming has NOT done them any favors. I have ZERO FAITH IN THEM to provide a good product anymore, let alone a good expansion and I waited with baited breath to be proven wrong. I WANT to be proven wrong because I LOVE THIS GAME. But love will not last when the game doesn't respect my time, nor do the dev's respect why I as a consumer play their product.


In the ideal world, raiding/WvW/PvP/Fractals/Strikes/Open-world-PvE/Story would ALL be getting content along with guilds/guild-halls/guild-missions and GvG as these are the core of what the IP from both the first and second game are. These are the pillars. You've ignored all but two of them for WAAAAAAY to long and its time you wake up, or just set this thing out to pasture and move on. Seriously we are EIGHT years in and the games direction keeps changing, classes and balance is in shambles and people have had to drop mains and re-roll classes or move to one they are less familar with because their "love-child" is worthless. Which harms moral as is and then content droughts in specific content area's also hurt. I want this expansion to be good, Cantha was were my journey began and I REALLY DONT WANT for it to be where my journey ends because of the lack of will or want of the dev's to provide me the experience I crave. You kept trying to chase WoW and other games, why dont you do what you're good at and be Guild wars and not every other MMO. You pride yourself on how different you are? How different really is this game? Oh you dont need to grind for power? You need to grind for convinance/fashion which are both the end-game. You dont have a trinity for your classes? Well the balance reflects this.


WoW's balance is horrible true, but right now guild wars 2's feels worse than ANYTHING I ever had to put up with there. And I had seen classes I loved gutted but they could still work, could still be played and when an issue arose they fixed it. Here its like Six months of being broken, unwieldy and worthless they MIGHT buff you but in the wrong way but more than likely you'll be nerfed AGAIN and it will push your class further into the toilet.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > it is so frustrating. it getting worst and worst. i dont know why is not switched sever from last week. we still need to deal with JQ this week and keep getting rxpe by them. this is suxk.

> I think one of the contributing factors of why there are still no alliances are the constant transfers. Why would they give up a source of revenue?


> If you want change don’t feed the beast in its current state.


> A friendly reminder: for the most part it’s the same on every server. There’s not much to transfer for, honestly.



Usually how this ends up working is you'll find that you have a handful of players on every locked server that are pretty much outsiders on all these locked servers. So what happens is they have to fix Anet's problems for them while supporting them at the same time so basically they get to sit back and do nothing while players inherit their problems.


So basically these people outside of tight knit groups of people that actually depend on you when they bite off more than they can chew you gotta cut them completely off and form 15-20 member guilds on a dead server like completely dead. Then once you have these guilds established you have to do some try hard ninja ppt but only for 2 weeks straight in the middle of a matchup but then completely drop everything and agree to meet back up once the re-linking occurs. So the metrics of Anet's system will establish the dead server as a server on the rise but better than the completely dead server full of pve pip farmers so you can start out not getting linked with them.


So after doing all this you've done half of Anet's job for them but now the hardest part is getting any of these people to not agree to just forming one big blob guild because when you do that they advertise their own downfall and people begin to bandwagon that original dead server. So you don't want to do Anet's job for them because in the end its an endless cycle of how they don't have to develop the game mode but yet one of their main sources of steady revenue. Its why they let tactics like this, bandwagon, and tanking which are basically in their own rights are just methods of matchup manipulation. So in the end its definitely bad to transfer because you then become part of the problem and then when monkey see monkey do and you've started a chain reaction and these same people wonder why they don't develop WvW when they are the ones who make it more profitable if they just sit and do nothing.

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> @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> it is so frustrating. it getting worst and worst. i dont know why is not switched sever from last week. we still need to deal with JQ this week and keep getting rxpe by them. this is suxk.


That I apologize for. A lot of us on JQ was not happy to still be in T4 when DB & MAG tied. We know we outnumber our opponents now. And a good bit of us is is wanting to face different servers. Cause I know it’s not fun getting locked down by a more dominant server. Been there and it after a while becomes demoralizing. Hopefully Friday we will move up and out of T4 and some semblance of normalcy can return to T4.


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> @"skarpak.8594" said:

> > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > But hey new fractail again. Weird thing is that i don't even know any players who play fractals.


> yeah pretty weird. i don't know anyone playing wvw or pvp, do those modes even exist? always though its just some lore for roleplayers.


Funny I dont know any players who are raiding anymore? Clearly its deed game mode and shouldn't exist right? Yea take those resources and go elsewhere with em. Preferably into pushing new class content and better E-specs. (Strikes count as raids, can't think of anyone I know actively doing those anymore either.)

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> i mean, even if i assume neither of u take that serious, this "i don't know" leads naturally to nothing, because you will mostly know players of the stuff u play, even if ur one of the 10 guys that does roleplaying with the NPC quaggans of some vanilla map exclusively.


yeah that was my point basically with the reply to the quote. its dumb af to "blame" other gamemodes. we all know how many updates in a year wvw, pvp, raids & fractals get. wvw just has it worst sadly.

just this "but hey, a new fractal again" from this dude...like its been nearly 2 years since the last fractal release, so kinda had to meme it.


as a raider / fractal player i can understand wvw players pretty good. the release schedule is basically a drop of water on a hot stone once in a while. hopefully you get your stuff soon.

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> @"SLOTH.5231" said:

> I've got a question. Every so often I see an anet tag in WvW. Now my question is are they actually playing the game for fun or are they playing to see some of the concerns voiced on the forum in regards to balance and so forth?


Likely a little of both, but more so playing to play.


I would like to believe it’s so they can see the ‘benefits’ of balancing. I REALLY want to believe that......

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Said it in another discussion as well but Anet should give an update on the future of WvW. now they are just ignoring their players which always backfires at some point.

I would rather hear that they are working on revamping siege, core map towers, and keeps but that it will take a year then having to wait a year to get 1 post on the forum saying next week we will do X :)

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I keep reading members here mentioned about Alliances may be in the 3rd expansion but that Cantha video teaser is just a very short animation presentation. ANet has nothing to show gameplay wise and that means Cantha is still far away. And since when did ANet announces that Alliances will be in the 3rd expansion? They have not said a word or dropped a hint or replied to the hundreds of queries over the past two years about World Restructuring and Alliances. None of their announcements even mention WvW. Not a word for two years. Doesn't that tell us something? Just because we want it, it doesn't mean we will get it.

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