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Struggling with Revenant


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This post isn't the typical new to "X" class where people have difficulty dodging red circles or how to deal with certain classes PvP wise.


Where my issues stand is with managing energy/cooldowns with Herald (I'm open to other builds/elite spec or core). I currently run the standard roaming build devestation/invocation/Herald with zerker armor with golemancer runes/weapons and diviners trinkets. (Sword/sword-staff). The runes are non meta, just a place holder for now and a damage soak for ranged damage while I learn rev without drastically affecting it's DPS.


From what I gather, you need to be constantly legend swapping to maintain energy in combat, however even in doing so, it feels like you either have to choose after swapping to a new legend whether you are going to be defensive or offensive for that 9~ seconds you are locked within that or you're left with no energy to attack or defend yourself.


I decided to jump into WvW and learn the hard way by outnumbered roaming and I feel like I'm not progressing skillwise with this class. I wasn't expecting to win the fights off the bat, but I was hoping to get better the more I played which just isn't happening for me on revenant.


One example in a 1v2 against an immob druid and rifle deadeye in their camp, I engaged with Shiro teleport on the druid, and defeated him pretty quickly (he was pretty bad and didn't dodge/backpeddled) - while being shot at by the deadeye. After killing the druid, I ended up in a 15 minute stalemate against the deadeye, knocking me down to near death and barely sustaining myself up again. In terms of energy management, I was pretty consistent in breaking his stealth with the aoe reveal on glint, I used gap close with Shiro teleport followed up with sword 2/F2 boon rip/sword 4. Yet still the deadeye would be down to only 40% health, would back off (that's where I'd legend swap to glint and try to reveal), and follow up with sword 5 port to gap close again. Before each legend swap, my rev would be out of energy, I'd be unable to secure the kill (or really put the deadeye in any critical danger). After 15 minutes the zerg from spawn came so the deadeye disengaged from me.


I also went up against a holosmith and reaper and this time I had to more rapidly defend against the heavy hitters/stun break and had very little room to DPS due to being out of energy. It feels like there is not enough energy to do both, if I stun break and use staff block I have to hope my legend swap is available since you can't counter pressure. I died pretty fast there, getting only the reaper down to a bit less than half health. Situations like this I wouldn't have a problem on with ANY other class in the game.


I know these are just two examples and it's hard to imagine all this without a video, but I'm reaching out to you guys for advice on managing your energy, how to burst properly, how to properly use Shiro (it's the most commonly used legend but I struggle to have energy for anything with it), and just any advanced tips that would make PvPing with it easier to learn. Thanks in advance.

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Let's be clear: in this game if you run a PvP build against an equally capable PvP build normally you won't be able to defeat more than a single foe, assuming similar skill level. Most of the 1 vs many videos out there do reflect a large disparity in skill between the player alone and the ones which outnumber him. The more experienced and skilled your foes are the less chances you will have to win in a 1 vs 2+, and this is specially true with Rev due it lacks access to stealth, which is the main tool to grant good bursts, prevent enemy damage or (in worst case scenary) to reset a figth gone wrong.

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I recommend learning Rev in PvP since there is a lot of broken shit in WvW. As a burst combo, try to land sword 4 to immobilize the opponent so he can´t dodge, then sword 5 (hits like a truck) and sword 2. You can activate impossible odds for extra damage on sword 4 for example. Also don´t waste riposting shadows as its ur only stunbreak on shiro and pretty expensive. And keep in mind that if you use phase traversal you usually don´t have a lot of energy left, it is risky when u can´t swap to Glint.

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Sorry to dash yur dreams but alot of 1vX videos are like few among many many many deaths where they get utterly stomped by 1 or 2 skilled players.


Also, WvW is super silly for montage making because someone may have "Diamond Invader" in their name, but could have been a hardcore zergling for 5 years straight decked out in zerg gear, making them less skilled in several ways compared to someone who has roamed all their life.

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Deadeye is one of those matchups in WvW where they really shouldn’t lose to any class 1v1 unless they let themselves lose/are bad. The insane amount of stealth and mobility that class has, including the ability to nullify reveal, makes it one of the best 1v1 specs when played well since it can just nope the fuck out of pretty much any bad situation provided the deadeye doesn’t overcommit. If you can get them to overcommit though you can win these fights as a power rev, but that to me just means they’re a bad deadeye. The good ones won’t ever die, even if they can’t kill you.

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The whole point is to not immediately engage after you swap shiro if you feel like you are going to get focused hard.

kit a bit, bait some with like f2, sword 2 3 4 5 are all great and not energy consuming or you can even cancel jade for bait, then you can engage with phase traversal after when you feel safe to engage or close to glint.


most noobs prime mistake is swap to shiro and immediately phase traversal and eat up all your energy and you have no energy to defend yourself and glint is on cooldown and you get killed easily.

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rev is like ele or engie when you swap legends kits w/e you have to already know where your fingers need to go so take your time and get comfortable pushing the buttons while classes like warrior or thief are very much learn as you play and the harder the better rev is more learn soft then play hard.


also Charged mists helps alot when learning when to swap legends.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Sorry to dash yur dreams but alot of 1vX videos are like few among many many many deaths where they get utterly stomped by 1 or 2 skilled players.


> Also, WvW is super silly for montage making because someone may have "Diamond Invader" in their name, but could have been a hardcore zergling for 5 years straight decked out in zerg gear, making them less skilled in several ways compared to someone who has roamed all their life.


You underestimate how wide open people leave themselves when they outnumber someone.

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I would avoid holosmiths as a revenant. shiro can do decent damage but nothing compared with the strudiness and burstiness of a decent builded holo, their overheat is also a joke as "drwawback".


Shiro IMO for pvp combat is somewhat weak, its a +1 (plus oner like DH due how easy its to counter them on most classes)

One can use its traitline as 2-2-2 or 2-2-1 IMO, the legend itself i wont recomend,

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