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How do you play Fashion Wars 2?


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I have no problem playing zerk against all lab bosses...


...btw currently i still use HOPE with my thief ( dd staff + p\p . Swap p\p to sb when need aoe Tag or simply wvw ), and my armor is always the same ( magitech. Though now i changed Head skin to sunglasses ). Back always disabiled.


Sb i don't really care, and I couldn't find a skin which i like or suit my character. As for staff i change it sometimes, and currently i am using the hydra.


I am not really into skins.


Maybe the 3rd choice then, but magitech is cheap.

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I usually try and make my character as "lore-friendly" as possible, which usually means a lot of cultural and "low magic setting" stuff. If I could hide my chest armour, I'd walk around like this:


![](https://i.imgur.com/FndE5sl.jpg "")


However, I've recently gotten into raiding and made three out of the six pieces of the Legendary heavy armour and yeah.... I'll be wearing that from now on. I put too much blood, sweat and tears into getting it to simply not using it in the end.


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There isn't really a pick for me.


I made a Bifrost before HoT. I didn't like all the rainbow trails off my character as it obscured me as I was running. And honestly, it was a bit busy for me just standing around, so I use ascended staff skins, usually white, but I have a red/orange one now to go with my Halloween colors.


I prefer simple looking sets, and pretty much always hide everything I can (head, hand, shoulders). I have a character or two with a back piece showing. Most recently, the inviso-book went nicely on my Mesmer who uses the Myst-looking weapons (sword/sword and sword/shield) plus a ghost cat mini. Put Aurora on her as well, so she has a ghostly look about her. Have a Revenant in a Monk outfit with a 'walking stick' (staff) that has a low(er) level leatherworking back pack on, the small one with the bear pelt on the cover flap.


I also generally prefer simple looking weapons, as all my characters are small, and surfboards don't look much like weapons for them. My Guardian's two handed sword is a newbie skin. Maybe not quite the newbie-est, but maybe the 2nd skin you come across. It's really small, but it actually looks like a sword to her, and not wall paneling.


Generally don't like glowing things, as I then don't get to see my character behind a myst of goo. The Mesmer being the exception, largely because she's a Chrono, and ends up 'lighting up' pretty regularly in combat. Aurora isn't 'too' glowy out of combat, not much more than the myst-looking (i can't remember what they are called, you create them in the mystic forge with a lot of mats and ectos?) swords she has.


So with a hidden Bifrost, it's hard to justify working towards more legendaries, really. I don't really take advantage of the 'swapping' aspect, b/c it doesn't do me much good without changing the sigils. I carry a healing set on my main elementalist besides her zerker set, and just made an ascended healing staff to go with it, rather than swap stats on the Bifrost. So there it sits, reskinned and not really used to it's full potential.


But on the brighter side, it allows me to get things like Griffons and work on the new specialist weapons without batting an eye when they are made available. :)

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Matching skins around a theme, i tend to use fairly simple sets too since i find super flashy, glowing gear with moving parts hard to look at, just not my style.


I do like to use full sets though as i tend to really notice when textures don't match perfectly, its a pet peeve i guess, that might prevent me from fully enjoying Fashion Wars 2 but hey, i still manage to make my characters look nice (to me anyway.)


I only have 2 characters right now though. Finding it hard to justify making more right now but maybe later.


Teef : https://imgur.com/3EuUh6D

Engi : https://imgur.com/sNsMCTr

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> Matching skins around a theme, i tend to use fairly simple sets too since i find super flashy, glowing gear with moving parts hard to look at, just not my style.


> I do like to use full sets though as i tend to really notice when textures don't match perfectly, its a pet peeve i guess, that might prevent me from fully enjoying Fashion Wars 2 but hey, i still manage to make my characters look nice (to me anyway.)


> I only have 2 characters right now though. Finding it hard to justify making more right now but maybe later.


> Teef : https://imgur.com/3EuUh6D

> Engi : https://imgur.com/sNsMCTr


I'm rather the same. I like the simple sets over the super flashy stuff that kills my FPS. Part of why I won't finish Aurora - that doesn't fit any of my "simplistic themes".


Besides there's no reason to do anything other than [this on my thief](https://imgur.com/TaNsmBD). No trenchcoat!

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > Matching skins around a theme, i tend to use fairly simple sets too since i find super flashy, glowing gear with moving parts hard to look at, just not my style.

> >

> > I do like to use full sets though as i tend to really notice when textures don't match perfectly, its a pet peeve i guess, that might prevent me from fully enjoying Fashion Wars 2 but hey, i still manage to make my characters look nice (to me anyway.)

> >

> > I only have 2 characters right now though. Finding it hard to justify making more right now but maybe later.

> >

> > Teef : https://imgur.com/3EuUh6D

> > Engi : https://imgur.com/sNsMCTr


> I'm rather the same. I like the simple sets over the super flashy stuff that kills my FPS. Part of why I won't finish Aurora - that doesn't fit any of my "simplistic themes".


> Besides there's no reason to do anything other than [this on my thief](https://imgur.com/TaNsmBD). No trenchcoat!


Lol, i personally like the trenchcoats lol but i do agree variety wouldn't hurt in leather gear.


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> @Griever.8150 said:

> Lol, i personally like the trenchcoats lol but i do agree variety wouldn't hurt in leather gear.


I'm fairly indifferent on the matter. But I would enjoy more pants in medium and light all the same. Sadly, most pants that do exist look... weird. That set I have had on my thief for about four years now has been perfect though. Both fits her character as I see it, and looks nice.

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My theme is usually "what would this character realistically wear based on their personality, race, background, level of adventuring, and culture?" I have people in dull rags, people in swashbuckling gear, people in fancy clothes, people in leaves .... my theme tends to be more a general color palette that each one prefers. For instance Donari likes greens, blacks, and golds; his sister likes blues and creams. My charr ele is into oranges and browns; my human ele likes rich dark reds and golds. My sylvari guardian does off-whites, browns, soft golds; my sylvari warrior is more into green and silver. Etc.

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I don't use legendaries just for the sake of it but I've tended towards a "celestial" theme for my Mesmer over the last year or so.


That means gold/silver dyes (ie sun/moon), things like the priory focus key skin, gold fractal weapons, the chronomancer's sundial shield and things like astralaria and bifrost because they all fit the theme.

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Thief's theme: Look like something I would wear. Close to normal clothes.

![](https://i.imgur.com/o1dNs9t.png "")


Necro's theme: Me as a grim reaper (no, I don't play Reaper. I play Core Necro... I just reaaaally like the hood and I can't put on a "normal" look anyway with the horrible selection of choices light armour have...)

![](https://i.imgur.com/kVdsrxE.png "")

Note: Not using the Reaper's hood for now due to Halloween and all.

Note 2: Same character as my Thief as once again supposed to be me (was also my 1st character made until I discovered Thief and liking it almost as much as Necro making them both the same character.


Mirage's theme: Her name is Middna and I aim to make her kind of look close to the character she's based on.

![](https://i.imgur.com/BTkXrux.png "")

I don't have any "skin" clothing just yet so she's temporarily using the pirate outfit... just like...


Guardian: "Normal"-ish clothing as while she's a Sylvari, she's based on a Majin I created many years ago in Dragon Ball Online and then recreated a while back in Xenoverse.

![](https://i.imgur.com/9Io0WdZ.png "")

She (and Thief) would use Jungle Explorer Outfit... IF I HAD IT!

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I just use whatever I think looks good at the time. I don't go out of my way to use rare/"impressive" or flashy skins but I don't avoid them either. I wouldn't rule out any skin or combination, but only if I think it looks good.


I do have 2 legendaries (The Dreamer and The Bifrost) and I use both, with the original skins. But I spent a lot of time thinking about it before I started making them because I wanted to be absolutely sure I wasn't going to get bored with them, or sick of them. (Yes I like rainbows and bright colours.)


This is my main character's current look, and one of my favourites for her. This is probably also one of the most expensive/difficult to get combinations I use: Ascended coat (which I made because I like how it looks), Holographic Shattered Wings (which were essentially free for me since I was going to get the achievement anyway), Fire God's Vambraces from the HoM, Buccaneer Leggings (mid-level karma unlock), and Carapace boots.

![](https://i.imgur.com/xvzqThem.jpg "")


The downside of this is I 'only' have 9 characters, and there's a lot of skins I like for one reason or another which don't suit any of them. Or at least don't fit as part of any outfit I'd ever put together for them. And I'm not quite to the point of being willing/able to create dozens of additional characters just to use all the skins I like.




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Ever since setting Char Model Quality to lowest, I have enjoyed the nice FPS boost in the game. Unfortunately (for all of you) I now see your chars as generic gray models. Some players don't even show (just name and title) at all because I also have set Model Limit to lowest. I prefer the game this way. I get nice FPS almost everywhere :-)

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I have big problems finding a lot of different "armours" (I can't call a pair of leather boots "armour") that I can wear, but I basically have two sets of which I switched back and forth between. They all match my Asura's hair, eye and skin colour, even with the ~~cute ~~pattern on his skin.


Putting a lot of effort in matching my personal attitude, the attitude of a thief and the attitude of the race (Asura) and it works, but it's also pretty simple in the result. _No Mickey Mouse BS around, no titles, no auras, no minis._ A sniper and/or thief is simply not supposed to be seen and to blend into the shadows, so I even use my aviator shades less to covery my shiny, silver-ish hair under my mask. Even though nobody cares, I think it's kinda funny that no other player could call my actual skin colour because I am usually covered in black and grey - that's what I expect from my profession. Even in close-up, you could only identify me on my eyes and ears.


I am matching my clothing to the purpose. For example, as Daredevil (agile) I was using the noble set pretty often in a gentleman-like Hitman style, especially when going Dual Pistols and Dual Daggers, often engaging with Steal and then punch Mordem into their crotch..I mean, use Fist Flurry in melee. Now, as Deadeye, I avoid _ANY_ bling bling. It started when I re-watched "Léon The Professional" on the rooftop, calling Mathilde to care for reflections of the scope, so I put on my mask to keep everything as unsuspicious and camouflaged as possible. Since PoF also has some harsh contrast filters on it, especially at night times, I often blend really into the shadows.


So, in general, I am seeing myself as some sort of mercenary/assassin type of guy, taking the jobs and missions because I can and want, getting thrills from it and make a living, but I am not here to please anyone, make friends or to be the shiny, semi-god hero type. Actually, I think my Asura is the real opposite: A lone wolf trying to survive. That type of Asura that sits on a camp fire at night, eating kidney beans from a can, only trusting his rifle, pistols and daggers... (Maybe a polite and educated from of League of Legend's [Kled.](http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Kled/Background "Kled."))


![](https://i.imgur.com/YsyDGyQ.png "")

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Excelsior.


> I have big problems finding a lot of different "armours" (I can't call a pair of leather boots "armour") that I can wear, but I basically have two sets of which I switched back and forth between. They all match my Asura's hair, eye and skin colour, even with the ~~cute ~~pattern on his skin.


> Putting a lot of effort in matching my personal attitude, the attitude of a thief and the attitude of the race (Asura) and it works, but it's also pretty simple in the result. _No Mickey Mouse BS around, no titles, no auras, no minis._ A sniper and/or thief is simply not supposed to be seen and to blend into the shadows, so I even use my aviator shades less to covery my shiny, silver-ish hair under my mask. Even though nobody cares, I think it's kinda funny that no other player could call my actual skin colour because I am usually covered in black and grey - that's what I expect from my profession. Even in close-up, you could only identify me on my eyes and ears.


> I am matching my clothing to the purpose. For example, as Daredevil (agile) I was using the noble set pretty often in a gentleman-like Hitman style, especially when going Dual Pistols and Dual Daggers, often engaging with Steal and then punch Mordem into their crotch..I mean, use Fist Flurry in melee. Now, as Deadeye, I avoid _ANY_ bling bling. It started when I re-watched "Léon The Professional" on the rooftop, calling Mathilde to care for reflections of the scope, so I put on my mask to keep everything as unsuspicious and camouflaged as possible. Since PoF also has some harsh contrast filters on it, especially at night times, I often blend really into the shadows.


> So, in general, I am seeing myself as some sort of mercenary/assassin type of guy, taking the jobs and missions because I can and want, getting thrills from it and make a living, but I am not here to please anyone, make friends or to be the shiny, semi-god hero type. Actually, I think my Asura is the real opposite: A lone wolf trying to survive. That type of Asura that sits on a camp fire at night, eating kidney beans from a can, only trusting his rifle, pistols and daggers... (Maybe a polite and educated from of League of Legend's [Kled.](http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Kled/Background "Kled."))


> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/YsyDGyQ.png "")


I LOVE IT. You, sir, have excellent taste. Your asura has such swag. I'll post my characters later.

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None of those really fits what I do. Unless you count focusing on their personality and what they themselves would wear as a theme. I can't get my human necromancer to wear anything that shows skin. She prefers cute outfits like Cabalist gear. My norn ranger prefers cultural clothing. The sylvari necromancer doesn't seem too picky. My asura mesmer is the worst to dress, since pants are a no go and that's the majority of the bottoms. It needs to be fancy, pretty, and stylish. So while I'm still leveling her, she's running around in the wedding outfit. When she's 80, she'll be wearing the carapace top with winged bottoms.

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