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Can we have a direct player to player trading feature in Cantha expansion


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Anet have said they do not want it in their game and set the TP up to avoid ever going back to one.


Most requests are things that go on the table and may go into the game. This is one addition that will never even see the table.


Player to player trading carries too many problems and adds time to support tickets that just could be used on better things. It will not get added.

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> @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > > How about a compromise? Allow targeted sales and purchases between players utilizing the auction house. For example, a player can post an item to the auction house on offer to another player specific by name or account and said other player can either make the purchase or reject it. If the item is purchased it is mailed directly to the player and the payment is mailed directly to the seller.

> > >

> > > This would allowed the current system to persist as it is, scams will be avoided and the auction house will still take its fee, thus acting as a gold sink, and players will be able to perform direct and private transactions fairly.

> >

> > And this method is better then the current trading post how?


> It gives players that want to direct trade an avenue of doing so rather than relying on the mail system alone. As it stands now, you cannot see who you are trading with on the auction house and anything you post there is visible to and can be purchased by anyone. I see no harm in being allowed to specify a single buyer by name.


Your suggestion assumes that the reason for requests for direct P2P trade is to trade with someone specific. This is not usually the case. The real reason for almost all of such requests is to avoid the TP fees.


Sure, there's no _harm_ in being able to trade with a specific person. In fact, there is a system in game that allows this. Use mail. In the event that someone responds, "I can't trust the other guy to send the gold if I send the item.", I'd ask, "Why do you want to trade with a specific person you don't trust _unless you're trying to avoid the TP fees_."



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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.


It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.


> It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything


It's not a 'new thing'; many of those opposed experienced it in Guild Wars.

There are definite drawbacks to P2P trading; spam, scams and encouraging RMT just to name a few.

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I've done direct trading with friends and guildmates before. It's very easy to do — if you trust someone — using the currently available systems.


The TP is pretty good for low-trust trading because it's an instantaneous anonymous auction system and the built-in fees help to reduce price volatility and limit the power of speculators to manipulate the market with high-volume trades. I realize that might be boring for someone whose idea of "business" is wheeling-and-dealing, but the wheeling-and-dealing produces a massive amount of spam, public communication basically reduced to a bazaar where every petty merchant is yelling at you to buy their crap; that ultimately gets in the way of everyone else's fun time.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > > > How about a compromise? Allow targeted sales and purchases between players utilizing the auction house. For example, a player can post an item to the auction house on offer to another player specific by name or account and said other player can either make the purchase or reject it. If the item is purchased it is mailed directly to the player and the payment is mailed directly to the seller.

> > > >

> > > > This would allowed the current system to persist as it is, scams will be avoided and the auction house will still take its fee, thus acting as a gold sink, and players will be able to perform direct and private transactions fairly.

> > >

> > > And this method is better then the current trading post how?

> >

> > It gives players that want to direct trade an avenue of doing so rather than relying on the mail system alone. As it stands now, you cannot see who you are trading with on the auction house and anything you post there is visible to and can be purchased by anyone. I see no harm in being allowed to specify a single buyer by name.


> Your suggestion assumes that the reason for requests for direct P2P trade is to trade with someone specific. This is not usually the case. The real reason for almost all of such requests is to avoid the TP fees.


> Sure, there's no _harm_ in being able to trade with a specific person. In fact, there is a system in game that allows this. Use mail. In the event that someone responds, "I can't trust the other guy to send the gold if I send the item.", I'd ask, "Why do you want to trade with a specific person you don't trust _unless you're trying to avoid the TP fees_."


And if you do want to avoid TP fees then requesting a direct trade system is not the way to do it. The TP doesn't have fees because it has running costs that need to be covered, they don't actually need to pay their agents to stand in cities or feed the carrier pigeons or whatever. It has fees because Anet considers it an effective way to add a gold sink to the game to balance out the gold which is constantly entering the economy from drops and items being sold to NPC merchants.


If Anet did introduce a direct trading system it would almost certainly have the same fees, or maybe even higher fees so players are still encouraged to use the TP unless they especially want to trade with a specific person, which would make the idea useless for those wanting to avoid fees by trading directly.


> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.


I've never played WoW, but from what I can find online their system seems almost identical to the [system GW1 uses](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Trade_Window), in brief if you want to trade with another player a window opens which allows you both to drop your items and/or gold in, review what's being offered and then accept, so the trade only goes through when both sides are happy with it. That seems good at first glance, but there's a lot of ways it can be abused: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Scam#Trade_scams which is at least part of the reason Anet went with the TP design instead.


_Technically_ the trade window allows people to avoid all those scams by giving them time to review everything carefully before accepting, but in practice it's extremely common that players don't do that, they're excited because they think they're getting a good deal/finally getting that thing they've wanted, they don't want to seem rude by taking too long or they just don't think about it. It's easy for scammers to make their victims feel flustered or under pressure to complete the trade as fast as possible too. For example offering an item at price which seems too good to be true (because it is), adding unnecessary but believable hassle to the process and then claiming the buyer has to act fast because they've got other people whispering them with better offers.


Maybe over the years WoW has found ways to prevent scams using a trade window like that, like I said I've never played it so I don't know. But all I could find through an online search was their support pages for what to do if you've been scammed, which makes it seem like they haven't got an actual solution beyond hoping customer support are able to fix it after it's happened.

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> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.


> I've never played WoW, but from what I can find online their system seems almost identical to the [system GW1 uses](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Trade_Window), in brief if you want to trade with another player a window opens which allows you both to drop your items and/or gold in, review what's being offered and then accept, so the trade only goes through when both sides are happy with it. That seems good at first glance, but there's a lot of ways it can be abused: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Scam#Trade_scams which is at least part of the reason Anet went with the TP design instead.


> _Technically_ the trade window allows people to avoid all those scams by giving them time to review everything carefully before accepting, but in practice it's extremely common that players don't do that, they're excited because they think they're getting a good deal/finally getting that thing they've wanted, they don't want to seem rude by taking too long or they just don't think about it. It's easy for scammers to make their victims feel flustered or under pressure to complete the trade as fast as possible too. For example offering an item at price which seems too good to be true (because it is), adding unnecessary but believable hassle to the process and then claiming the buyer has to act fast because they've got other people whispering them with better offers.


> Maybe over the years WoW has found ways to prevent scams using a trade window like that, like I said I've never played it so I don't know. But all I could find through an online search was their support pages for what to do if you've been scammed, which makes it seem like they haven't got an actual solution beyond hoping customer support are able to fix it after it's happened.


The trading interface in WoW displays everything clearly had no room for exploits like GW1 seems to have as mentionned in the link. The game even has a crafting dicipline in which you can upgrade other players armor using the trading window. You can also request gold for it and everything in it works without issues.


WoW also has an interesting feature which allows you to sell an item via ingame mail by allowing you to request gold for the item you send and the buyer won't be able to take the item if he doesn't pay. If the buyer takes too long time to pay the gold, the item will automatically return to you.


There are many interesting ideas that GW2 can take from WoW but It feels that Anet is trying hard to avoid becoming another WoW clone MMO. This ideology also has its good side and with it, Anet managed to create a beautiful unique way to play an MMORPG.

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.


> It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything


It's not a new thing. it was in GW1 and caused Anet a big enough headache in support ticket queues and sortings out that they designed the TP to avoid having to moderate player to player transactions. Now Anet's stance is "at your own risk" since they have provided the necessary and incredibly easy to use and perfectly functional (and superior) tool to use instead. I cannot possibly believe many players would prefer support lead times to increase dramatically for sorting out disputes instead of being focussed on genuine account related issues (like not being to login etc)


Whether players reject it or not is irrelevant. Anet do not want it and have said so since the beginning of GW2

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> it works for the original GW and unless you have a stroke while trading scams are almost impossible, so i really see no reason why not.


Yet it happend all the time and CS was flooded with support requests.


I personally had it once (and yes I was an idiot). I traded for the item Nicholas the Traveler wanted and the icon was the same of another item. I did not read carefully and accepted the trade. I am very happy that support took actions but even more pleased that GW2 offers more protection let alone stopped the spam. It definitely didn't work in GW1 and it was a pain to trade.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.

It already did. It's called the Trading Post.


In general, direct trading has only few "advantages" over the current system


1. It allows you to bypass a TP price cap

2. It allows you to trade with a specific person

3. It allows you to skip the TP tax

4. It lets you transfer wealth to someone else while bypassing the weekly caps on gold transfer.

5. It removes competition, allowing you to exploit less experienced players for better deals

6. It allows scamming.


Of those, 1, 3, 4 let you bypass limitations that are there for a reason - i don't see Anet introducing a direct trading system that would let you skip those. 5 is a boon for a limited number of players, but at a cost to everyone else - there's no benefit to the community as a whole. 6 i don't think i need to comment on.

That leaves only 2 as a potentially reasonable point - but this can already be done with mail trading. After all, if you do care about whom you;re trading with, you are extremely likely to trust that person enough to use mail trading. And if you don't trust them, then you will likely not care if it's that specific person that trades, as long as everything else about transaction (so, price and trade object) stays the same.


So, again, why do we need that direct trade system for?

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.


> It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything


New thing? Sorry, but no. This system exists in GW 1. It's deliberately not here because it causes tons of chat spam where players are trying to sell items, and it can get to the point that you can't see anything else but the spam. It helps gold sellers, in that it allows them to also spam chat, and trade with their intended ~~victims~~ , er, customers. It enables a whole new level of trade scamming, and people looking for ways to exploit it. So no, it's not new, it's been around for a very long time, and it's refreshing to not see "buy my junk" in all the hub maps.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.

> It already did. It's called the Trading Post.


> In general, direct trading has only few "advantages" over the current system


> 1. It allows you to bypass a TP price cap

> 2. It allows you to trade with a specific person

> 3. It allows you to skip the TP tax

> 4. It lets you transfer wealth to someone else while bypassing the weekly caps on gold transfer.

> 5. It removes competition, allowing you to exploit less experienced players for better deals

> 6. It allows scamming.


> Of those, 1, 3, 4 let you bypass limitations that are there for a reason - i don't see Anet introducing a direct trading system that would let you skip those. 5 is a boon for a limited number of players, but at a cost to everyone else - there's no benefit to the community as a whole. 6 i don't think i need to comment on.

> That leaves only 2 as a potentially reasonable point - but this can already be done with mail trading. After all, if you do care about whom you;re trading with, you are extremely likely to trust that person enough to use mail trading. And if you don't trust them, then you will likely not care if it's that specific person that trades, as long as everything else about transaction (so, price and trade object) stays the same.


> So, again, why do we need that direct trade system for?


You asked the question which you already have already answered in 1, 2, 3, 4. and I could also add that this black market trading allows more communication between players and helps those who need gold in a hurry.


I could accept the gold limit established by Anet and give up on 1 and 4 by having a limit to the gold you could trade but your point 5, 6 are invalid because 5: the percentage of people who do that are low and 6: most of WoW players who are willing to pay the the monthly fees are generally more experianced than GW2 players.

WoW also has a helpful interface which allows new players to understand where to get gear and ingredients. The 6th point is not correct because the trading system in WoW does not allow scamming if the player knows what he's doing.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.

> > It already did. It's called the Trading Post.

> >

> > In general, direct trading has only few "advantages" over the current system

> >

> > 1. It allows you to bypass a TP price cap

> > 2. It allows you to trade with a specific person

> > 3. It allows you to skip the TP tax

> > 4. It lets you transfer wealth to someone else while bypassing the weekly caps on gold transfer.

> > 5. It removes competition, allowing you to exploit less experienced players for better deals

> > 6. It allows scamming.

> >

> > Of those, 1, 3, 4 let you bypass limitations that are there for a reason - i don't see Anet introducing a direct trading system that would let you skip those. 5 is a boon for a limited number of players, but at a cost to everyone else - there's no benefit to the community as a whole. 6 i don't think i need to comment on.

> > That leaves only 2 as a potentially reasonable point - but this can already be done with mail trading. After all, if you do care about whom you;re trading with, you are extremely likely to trust that person enough to use mail trading. And if you don't trust them, then you will likely not care if it's that specific person that trades, as long as everything else about transaction (so, price and trade object) stays the same.

> >

> > So, again, why do we need that direct trade system for?


> You asked the question which you already have already answered in 1, 2, 3, 4. and I could also add that this black market trading allows more communication between players and helps those who need gold in a hurry.

Perhaps i wasn't clear enough. I don't consider attempting to circumvent intentional limitations of an existing trade system to be arguments for direct trading. Quite the opposite, i think they're good arguments _against_ it. So, we can scratch points 1,3 and 4 as valid arguments for introducing such a system.


> I could accept the gold limit established by Anet and give up on 1 and 4 by having a limit to the gold you could trade but your point 5, 6 are invalid because 5: the percentage of people who do that are low and 6: most of WoW players who are willing to pay the the monthly fees are generally more experianced than GW2 players.

> WoW also has a helpful interface which allows new players to understand where to get gear and ingredients. The 6th point is not correct because the trading system in WoW does not allow scamming if the player knows what he's doing.

So in your opinion 5 and 6 are irrelevant. That means we can scratch them as well.


So, of the 6 points i mentioned, we're left with only one point (2) that can (barely) defend itself. Is that single reason good enough for implementing direct trading? Especially considering, that you can already use mail trading (and that arguments against direct trading system also exist)? I don't think so.



The list i brought up consists of all the points i remember people bringing up as arguments for the direct trading system. Yes, 5 (and even 6 - there _were_ people defending that one) as well. I'm yet to hear any argument outside that list, but if you have one, you're free to supply it, we could discuss that one as well.


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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.

> > It already did. It's called the Trading Post.

> >

> > In general, direct trading has only few "advantages" over the current system

> >

> > 1. It allows you to bypass a TP price cap

> > 2. It allows you to trade with a specific person

> > 3. It allows you to skip the TP tax

> > 4. It lets you transfer wealth to someone else while bypassing the weekly caps on gold transfer.

> > 5. It removes competition, allowing you to exploit less experienced players for better deals

> > 6. It allows scamming.

> >

> > Of those, 1, 3, 4 let you bypass limitations that are there for a reason - i don't see Anet introducing a direct trading system that would let you skip those. 5 is a boon for a limited number of players, but at a cost to everyone else - there's no benefit to the community as a whole. 6 i don't think i need to comment on.

> > That leaves only 2 as a potentially reasonable point - but this can already be done with mail trading. After all, if you do care about whom you;re trading with, you are extremely likely to trust that person enough to use mail trading. And if you don't trust them, then you will likely not care if it's that specific person that trades, as long as everything else about transaction (so, price and trade object) stays the same.

> >

> > So, again, why do we need that direct trade system for?


> You asked the question which you already have already answered in 1, 2, 3, 4. and I could also add that this black market trading allows more communication between players and helps those who need gold in a hurry.


> I could accept the gold limit established by Anet and give up on 1 and 4 by having a limit to the gold you could trade but your point 5, 6 are invalid because 5: the percentage of people who do that are low and 6: most of WoW players who are willing to pay the the monthly fees are generally more experianced than GW2 players.

> WoW also has a helpful interface which allows new players to understand where to get gear and ingredients. The 6th point is not correct because the trading system in WoW does not allow scamming if the player knows what he's doing.


What about the player that doesn't know what they're doing? It's funny though, when I see these threads, I always jump to 5.


Which begs the next question, more experienced at what? Is it your contention that WoW players don't play any other games? I wonder what percentage of players here, from launch to now, have played WoW? I don't know any here, but the multi game guild I was in playing Neverwinter played here, ESO and WoW too, off the top of my head.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > WoW has an interesting trading interface that protects people from getting scammed. Maybe GW2 should try to implement something similar.

> > It already did. It's called the Trading Post.

> >

> > In general, direct trading has only few "advantages" over the current system

> >

> > 1. It allows you to bypass a TP price cap

> > 2. It allows you to trade with a specific person

> > 3. It allows you to skip the TP tax

> > 4. It lets you transfer wealth to someone else while bypassing the weekly caps on gold transfer.

> > 5. It removes competition, allowing you to exploit less experienced players for better deals

> > 6. It allows scamming.

> >

> > Of those, 1, 3, 4 let you bypass limitations that are there for a reason - i don't see Anet introducing a direct trading system that would let you skip those. 5 is a boon for a limited number of players, but at a cost to everyone else - there's no benefit to the community as a whole. 6 i don't think i need to comment on.

> > That leaves only 2 as a potentially reasonable point - but this can already be done with mail trading. After all, if you do care about whom you;re trading with, you are extremely likely to trust that person enough to use mail trading. And if you don't trust them, then you will likely not care if it's that specific person that trades, as long as everything else about transaction (so, price and trade object) stays the same.

> >

> > So, again, why do we need that direct trade system for?


> You asked the question which you already have already answered in 1, 2, 3, 4. and I could also add that this black market trading allows more communication between players and helps those who need gold in a hurry.


> I could accept the gold limit established by Anet and give up on 1 and 4 by having a limit to the gold you could trade but your point 5, 6 are invalid because 5: the percentage of people who do that are low and 6: most of WoW players who are willing to pay the the monthly fees are generally more experianced than GW2 players.


That does not make the points invalid though. It merely states that the amount of players this affects might be limited, to which extent we can only speculate. We can make assumptions though, based on the fact that there was a deliberate omission of a p2p trading system in this game, it was enough that this decision was taken.


Even if only a small fraction of the player base is affected, that is already more affected compared to the status quo now without a p2p trading system. So I fail to see how this is in any way a point.


As to your assumption that WoW players are more experienced. That is a pretty bold statement to make, which you have not yet backed up and suffice to say, given how many MMORPG players have played multiple games, including WoW, is a pretty ignorant assumption.


> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> WoW also has a helpful interface which allows new players to understand where to get gear and ingredients. The 6th point is not correct because the trading system in WoW does not allow scamming **if the player knows what he's doing**.


You basically "invalidate" a point only to then contradict yourself. Congratulations, yes the lack of a p2p trade system in not there to protect the aware, engaged and experienced players. It is literally there to protect the unaware, exploitable and less engaged players.


The issue with WoW having a better guide system to acquire gear is absolutely irrelevant to this discussion. Suffice to say, WoW has it's share of scams believe it or not.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.

> >

> > It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything


> New thing? Sorry, but no. This system exists in GW 1. It's deliberately not here because it causes tons of chat spam where players are trying to sell items, and it can get to the point that you can't see anything else but the spam. It helps gold sellers, in that it allows them to also spam chat, and trade with their intended ~~victims~~ , er, customers. It enables a whole new level of trade scamming, and people looking for ways to exploit it. So no, it's not new, it's been around for a very long time, and it's refreshing to not see "buy my junk" in all the hub maps.


it would certainly make the game feel more alive since not a single soul speaks in chat

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> @"linkym.2069" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > > @"linkym.2069" said:

> > > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.

> > >

> > > It would be awesome but i dont see Anet doing it anytime soon. As you can see most people dont like new things and reject everything

> >

> > New thing? Sorry, but no. This system exists in GW 1. It's deliberately not here because it causes tons of chat spam where players are trying to sell items, and it can get to the point that you can't see anything else but the spam. It helps gold sellers, in that it allows them to also spam chat, and trade with their intended ~~victims~~ , er, customers. It enables a whole new level of trade scamming, and people looking for ways to exploit it. So no, it's not new, it's been around for a very long time, and it's refreshing to not see "buy my junk" in all the hub maps.


> it would certainly make the game feel more alive since not a single soul speaks in chat


That's hyperbolic, at best. While I'm in LA, the chat's a constant stream. I rarely see more than 5 or 6 minutes w/out a chat message in the OW either. Then there's the people that are actually running around, doing their things. Given a choice, however, I'd prefer chat be a ghost town to constant spamming of "buy my stuff".


...and, LOL, the "you have a reply" popup hit just as I loaded into the forum, scared the kittens outta me, thought I was in trouble for something... :p

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > it works for the original GW and unless you have a stroke while trading scams are almost impossible, so i really see no reason why not.


> Yet it happend all the time and CS was flooded with support requests.


> I personally had it once (and yes I was an idiot). I traded for the item Nicholas the Traveler wanted and the icon was the same of another item. I did not read carefully and accepted the trade. I am very happy that support took actions but even more pleased that GW2 offers more protection let alone stopped the spam. It definitely didn't work in GW1 and it was a pain to trade.


actually it does work, the problem is simply the identical item icons GW1 suffers from, AFAIK GW2 doesn't have that problem.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > it works for the original GW and unless you have a stroke while trading scams are almost impossible, so i really see no reason why not.

> >

> > Yet it happend all the time and CS was flooded with support requests.

> >

> > I personally had it once (and yes I was an idiot). I traded for the item Nicholas the Traveler wanted and the icon was the same of another item. I did not read carefully and accepted the trade. I am very happy that support took actions but even more pleased that GW2 offers more protection let alone stopped the spam. It definitely didn't work in GW1 and it was a pain to trade.


> actually it does work, the problem is simply the identical item icons GW1 suffers from, AFAIK GW2 doesn't have that problem.


First, the fact that similar icons made scamming easier does not in reverse mean that there is no scamming at all, even with differing icons. It only means less players might be affected.






You were saying about same icons?

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