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Make worlds versus other worlds of their own skill level


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It's pretty much clear some worlds are filled with pve'ers but they still participate in WvW. This is creating an inbalance in WvW due to some world's being significantly better to other worlds and it just creates an unbalanced stomp. Each world should have their own rank and they should only compete against other world's of their own skill level. It's not really fair to put blackgate, a world filled with top tier pvpers against Henge of Denravi who are most likely 90% pve'ers. It's time to have some competitive integrity and reward worlds that are doing good in pvp with higher rewards but they must face other worlds of equal skill level, and the world's who are unskilled can be matched up against other worlds with low skill level in pvping.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> There is a wide range of skill levels in this game and too few worlds to make this work.


It's clearly obvious some worlds are just superior to others and if you're not in the winning world, people just won't play WvW because who plays video games to lose?

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> @"FizCap.6573" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > There is a wide range of skill levels in this game and too few worlds to make this work.


> It's clearly obvious some worlds are just superior to others and if you're not in the winning world, people just won't play WvW because who plays video games to lose?


A lot of it is due to numbers, coverage, and the commander(s).

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> @"FizCap.6573" said:

> It's pretty much clear some worlds are filled with pve'ers but they still participate in WvW. This is creating an inbalance in WvW due to some world's being significantly better to other worlds and it just creates an unbalanced stomp. Each world should have their own rank and they should only compete against other world's of their own skill level. It's not really fair to put ***BLACKGATE***, **a world filled with top tier pvpers** against Henge of Denravi who are most likely 90% pve'ers.


Sorry... I am not sure what world in the past 5 years anyone has called Blackgate ‘top tier PvP players’


Maybe top tier ppts, and yes, there are some excellent commanders, but all we ever hear is how horrible Blackgate is for fighting.



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Um....that's the point of one up and down each week.


I enjoy fighting BG because I have seen varied fights from them over the years and since with their coverage you can find fights at all hours, so this isn't a knock to them, but no I play HoD like I would BG. There are good and bad players every where. And no you will find new to WvW players even on BG.

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This issue and this thread, like many other issues and threads that people bring up here are directly tied to the #1 issues that have been known since forever.


The fact of the matter is that we have a ladder which has the sole purpose of grading servers based on their relative power and match servers up against oneanother exactly as the title of this thread suggests.


However, scoring is broken so this is not being done. As long as the system rewards score when the maps are not even close to equally populated the ladder is going to reflect coverage and player numbers much more than it is going to reflect "skill" or any sense of actually matched up content.


As long as scoring is broken like that it is going to propel servers who have a better presense at 5am than they do at 5pm towards the top where they will be absolutely smashed daytime only to fight against doors at night time. It is going to knock servers who are a two-ton menace down if they can not spread their presence over times where they are not even meant to be fucking playing, because people are meant to have jobs, go to school or be the fuck asleep.


This has literally been pointed out since 2012 and ArenaNet have at best made some halfhearted jabs at it.


We need Alliances so we can rebuild our playerbase and communities

We need Scoring to be fixed so we get the matchups that are intended

We need to do away with queues and other bull that stops us from playing


Nothing else matters

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> @"FizCap.6573" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > There is a wide range of skill levels in this game and too few worlds to make this work.


> It's clearly obvious some worlds are just superior to others and if you're not in the winning world, people just won't play WvW because who plays video games to lose?


That sounds like pver talk to me.

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How exactly is anet supposed to evaluate skill of players? Sometimes skill is a non-issue as well as numbers can beat the skilled group. I wouldn't say BG is top skilled pvpers. They have a good strategy and built the first bandwagon with decent coverage throughout the day. That and their link is the favorite bandwagon destination so you see things like Kain go from med to VH when linked w BG then back to med as the players transfer off and follow to Bg next link.


Reset happens. We all play 8-11 pm then log off. Then BG has a night group and you wake up to BG got a t3 smc and one t3 on your BL too. Then they still got 30 or so to defend that all day except for a small window of 4 hours maybe when someone like Indo will paper all their stuff. And they aren't as stacked at NA prime so they can lose skirmishes then too but because of that initail nightcap most just avoid attacking those t3 keeps because their is always someone scouting as well.

I put it like this. BG is the only server that cares about winning and created a strategy and coverage to do just that.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > How exactly is anet supposed to evaluate skill of players?

> The same way most people do, obviously. If you kill someone you're a pro and if you die you're a noob. Simple.


Well then somedays I'm a noob and some days I'm pro. And sometimes I'm a noob and pro in a 2 minute span. I can win a 1 v 3 then watch a ranger kb me I gap close get him to 80 he smoke scale or roots me lb 3 oh there he is 1500 range away again I'm dead. Don't think my skill can prevent death in that instance unless I use Trevors just los everything great advice.

Anet can't even match us up in fair even links and time zone coverage and even if they do transfers ruin that nevermind start filtering us by skill level.

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Restrict transfers to once every 2 months.

Change the matchup every single day, 2-3 days at most.

Change the links every week, two weeks at most.

Lock out maps during off-hours to avoid complete takeovers.

Add EoTM as overflow to EBG so PPTers don't spawn camp out of boredom.

Don't allow T2/T3 upgrades on foreign soil, or at SMC.

Strengthen walls to bring back gate assaults, instead of safer cataships.

Automate everything e.g EWP messages.


Take these steps and the up-down and link systems will actually work at balancing servers against each other.


The biggest problem right now is there's just not enough going on. WvW is slow, there's huge stalls in everything. It all lasts too long. its not dynamic enough, It can't adjust to pressure spikes. only long-term outcomes. Most imbalances are brought on by events that last a few hours, or at most less than a day, and there's no compensation for this whatsoever.


Especially noticeable is the lack of automation, sometimes it feels like playing Everquest back in '99.

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> @"FizCap.6573" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > There is a wide range of skill levels in this game and too few worlds to make this work.


> It's clearly obvious some worlds are just superior to others and if you're not in the winning world, people just won't play WvW because who plays video games to lose?


losing is part of the learning process, else how would there be improvement? sad most people wont get it


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> @"FizCap.6573" said:

> because who plays video games to lose?


I know I do. I enjoy playing when outnumbered because it means the fight comes to me. I don't have to go as far to find action and I can harass the tail of zergs to my heart's content. It's also exciting trying to prepare objectives for defense and making sure everyone communicates so we can rally as quickly as possible.


I find winning all the time to be a lot more boring. Like what has been happening the last two weeks because both NSP and Mag are full. It's lame when we own everything 99% of the time, there's no one to fight and nothing to do. PvDing empty structures sucks.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > How exactly is anet supposed to evaluate skill of players?

> The same way most people do, obviously. If you kill someone you're a pro and if you die you're a noob. Simple.


"If you're not dying you're not trying".


I know you were kidding but more seriously, fighting to the death in a group fight is often more helpful than running away before it ends. It's important to know your limits and when there's an opportunity to recover, but too often I see people who straight up abandon a fight when it starts to turn over.

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So how exactly do you determine the rank of a server based on the thousands of players on it?


Winning in wvw is also determined by the amount of players and coverage, not by their skill levels. This was figured out even before the game came out 8 years ago, and funnily enough, Henge of Denravi was stacked for coverage by Titan alliance on day one.


Also, Maguuma has more skill than BG, always has always will, /shrug/grin just sayin.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"FizCap.6573" said:

> > It's pretty much clear some worlds are filled with pve'ers but they still participate in WvW. This is creating an inbalance in WvW due to some world's being significantly better to other worlds and it just creates an unbalanced stomp. Each world should have their own rank and they should only compete against other world's of their own skill level. It's not really fair to put ***BLACKGATE***, **a world filled with top tier pvpers** against Henge of Denravi who are most likely 90% pve'ers.


> Sorry... I am not sure what world in the past 5 years anyone has called Blackgate ‘top tier PvP players’


> Maybe top tier ppts, and yes, there are some excellent commanders, but all we ever hear is how horrible Blackgate is for fighting.




Yeah the irony of that server is that they eventually weren't good by any means. Its just that some of us were able to find ways to profit from their delusions of being the best players. I mean even with map queues having outnumbered buffs by ways they were able to manipulate match ups it became easy to get all tickets for the week on reset night. Not only thing but they rigged the system so much that those of us who understood how rev's worked early on were able to use them as a precursor farm and made a crap load of gold making them think they were winning lol :D That was the real reason why Anet for a time brought the end of condi's until they could fix that easy gold farming. Plus I've had times where I might have had like 3-5 people with me and they bring a map blob only for them to barely survive the fights. As far as pvp skill all they did was add a body to fights to spread out the target limitations to win a war of attrition there isn't anything more than that to their abilities. Which when condi spamming died for awhile it brought them to deal with reality that they are horrible at this game so their exodus just filled every server with players who had no idea how to play the game so right now if you can get into an organized guild with a decent comp you can farm people without any real resistance. The big nerf they did was just an attempt try to level out the playing field to allow players to still survive even if they make huge mistakes.

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