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Guild representation

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I now belong to two guilds and I find that I cannot interact with the respective Guild Treasurer unless I am representing that guild, which I can only do by clicking on one or the other. Is it ok to do this, i.e., switch representation between guilds? What does "100% representation" mean, then?

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100% representation means you are representing them all the time. Either you're not in any other guilds at all or they're something small and specialist like a private guild to give you access to the bank.


Whether it's ok to change which guild you're representing is up to your guild leaders, so you'll need to ask them. Some guilds do not care at all and at the other extreme I've been in one where if the leader saw you stop representing at all for any reason you got 1 warning that he'd seen you and if you didn't immediately swap back you were kicked. (I said I hadn't realised their rule was that strict, then left the guild, because that would never work for me and I was already unhappy about some of their other rules.) A lot of guilds are somewhere between the two - they'll allow you to swap for specific reasons but want you to represent them most of the time, or they want you to represent them some of the time but don't mind when or where. It really depends on the guild.


This game gives guilds a lot of flexibility in how they're run, so if you're not sure about something it's always worth speaking to the leader or officers, because chances are they're the ones who decide.

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Speak to your guild leaders/officers and ask them. They may have specific rules about it.


Personally I feel guilds that require rep are living in the past. Pre HOT it was how guilds received influence they could use towards upgrades and boosts. They got it when you did an event while repping them.


If your in a guild that requires it ask yourself if you really want to be there. Rep a guild because you want to, not because your told to. There's to many good guilds that don't require repping to ever be in one that does.

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The 100 % representation guilds still exist, some are even more restrictive nowadays. As the others already pointed out, this is pointless BUT there are a couple of important reasons to represent a guild:


- Access to the guild-bank of that specific guild (as @"Ardyth.9286" already found out)

- Access to guildhall features, as they only work if you represent the guild that owns the guildhall

- Waypoint discount. If the guild has unlocked 5, 10 or 15 % waypoint cost discount, it only applies when you represent that guild. If you feel fancy and represent another guild which does not have that upgrade unlocked, joke is on you. Is it worth it? Depends on the content and how much you play. In a year it saves me ~ 10-20 gold.

- WvW claiming stuff, depending on the upgrades which have been unlocked in the War Room. Claiming stuff is important, as you apply Objective Auras to the place, which result in improvements for all allied players who visit it. If you have the correct rights, you are also able to use your guilds WvW storage to build upgrades at claimed objects.

- Message of the Day (MotD). Some guilds just leave that empty, while others use everything. Some contain vital information about guild structure, discord/TS adresses, passwords. Others have helpers for dailies, with links you can just click on. If you want to refresh the MotD of a guild, just uncheck and check the representation of that guild. The MotD will instantly pop up in your guild-chat tab.


Note: I use the MotD in another way. Got myself a personal guild a few years ago, only requires 2 gold and a free guild-slot. So I can use the MotD as an ingame notepad/link collection.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> The 100 % representation guilds still exist, some are even more restrictive nowadays. As the others already pointed out, this is pointless BUT there are a couple of important reasons to represent a guild:


> - Access to the guild-bank of that specific guild (as @"Ardyth.9286" already found out)

> - Access to guildhall features, as they only work if you represent the guild that owns the guildhall

> - Waypoint discount. If the guild has unlocked 5, 10 or 15 % waypoint cost discount, it only applies when you represent that guild. If you feel fancy and represent another guild which does not have that upgrade unlocked, joke is on you. Is it worth it? Depends on the content and how much you play. In a year it saves me ~ 10-20 gold.

> - WvW claiming stuff, depending on the upgrades which have been unlocked in the War Room. Claiming stuff is important, as you apply Objective Auras to the place, which result in improvements for all allied players who visit it. If you have the correct rights, you are also able to use your guilds WvW storage to build upgrades at claimed objects.

> - Message of the Day (MotD). Some guilds just leave that empty, while others use everything. Some contain vital information about guild structure, discord/TS adresses, passwords. Others have helpers for dailies, with links you can just click on. If you want to refresh the MotD of a guild, just uncheck and check the representation of that guild. The MotD will instantly pop up in your guild-chat tab.


> Note: I use the MotD in another way. Got myself a personal guild a few years ago, only requires 2 gold and a free guild-slot. So I can use the MotD as an ingame notepad/link collection.


Another good use of private MotD is to put build links so you can bypass the need to spend gems on template spots.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> There’s a difference between representing a guild just for the time that you’re trying to use a feature (e.g. guild bank, claiming in WvW, check out MOTD, guild hall feature, etc) versus representing a guild 100% of the time.


Is it acceptable to switch to the non-100% rep Guild while using the Guild Bank, etc., and then switch back to the 100% rep Guild?

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> @"Ardyth.9286" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > There’s a difference between representing a guild just for the time that you’re trying to use a feature (e.g. guild bank, claiming in WvW, check out MOTD, guild hall feature, etc) versus representing a guild 100% of the time.


> Is it acceptable to switch to the non-100% rep Guild while using the Guild Bank, etc., and then switch back to the 100% rep Guild?


I assume most allow that. The point that I was making was that there’s little reason to represent any particular guild.

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How to say it nicely...

100% Rep Guilds have egocentric maniac leaders that have no right to control my game outside of the things I do with a specific guild and are a 100% NO go for me.


Yeah it's their Guild, their rules... I hope they loose members and die out. Simple


I only deal with Guilds without Rep requirements or with low requirements as in "rep when we do things as a guild"


Other than that... I rep my private guild when I want to...


I don't need stalker guild leaders that want to know where I am and what I do 100% of the time.


Edit to ad:


To work around the issue is actualyl extremely simple:

In Guild Panel, you can only see 3 states of a member.

1 Online and Repping Guild

2. Online and not repping Guild

3. Offline.


There is this handy anti-stalker option in your Contacts and LFG panel where you can switch your status between online, away and offline.

If you HAVE to be in a 100% guild, and HAVE to rep a different guild for Guild Bank etc... go offline. Problem solved!

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> How to say it nicely...

> 100% Rep Guilds have egocentric maniac leaders that have no right to control my game outside of the things I do with a specific guild and are a 100% NO go for me.


> Yeah it's their Guild, their rules... I hope they loose members and die out. Simple


> I only deal with Guilds without Rep requirements or with low requirements as in "rep when we do things as a guild"


> Other than that... I rep my private guild when I want to...


> I don't need stalker guild leaders that want to know where I am and what I do 100% of the time.


> Edit to ad:


> To work around the issue is actualyl extremely simple:

> In Guild Panel, you can only see 3 states of a member.

> 1 Online and Repping Guild

> 2. Online and not repping Guild

> 3. Offline.


> There is this handy anti-stalker option in your Contacts and LFG panel where you can switch your status between online, away and offline.

> If you HAVE to be in a 100% guild, and HAVE to rep a different guild for Guild Bank etc... go offline. Problem solved!


they can still see if your online even if offline. ( unless you never map change that is.)

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> How to say it nicely...

> 100% Rep Guilds have egocentric maniac leaders that have no right to control my game outside of the things I do with a specific guild and are a 100% NO go for me.


> Yeah it's their Guild, their rules... I hope they loose members and die out. Simple


> I only deal with Guilds without Rep requirements or with low requirements as in "rep when we do things as a guild"


> Other than that... I rep my private guild when I want to...


> I don't need stalker guild leaders that want to know where I am and what I do 100% of the time.


> Edit to ad:


> To work around the issue is actualyl extremely simple:

> In Guild Panel, you can only see 3 states of a member.

> 1 Online and Repping Guild

> 2. Online and not repping Guild

> 3. Offline.


> There is this handy anti-stalker option in your Contacts and LFG panel where you can switch your status between online, away and offline.

> If you HAVE to be in a 100% guild, and HAVE to rep a different guild for Guild Bank etc... go offline. Problem solved!


The beginning is a little over the top! Our guild doesn't recruit in open chat like you normally see.


We do require 100% rep due to specific reasons. We don't recruit vets, mostly new players and we raise them. It is our time spent doing this and the candidate is made full aware of why.


I pretty much gave up on this due to the last one. Got them their espec, geared fully Ascended and...boom, they said they beat the game and quit playing.


I would prefer to have 10-15 people in our guild and know each one of them instead of 500 that are doing their own thing.


So your analysis can go both ways.



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To me this is just PvE culture.


If the PvE guild fulfill all your needs, why not 100% rep? If it doesnt yet demand it... well maybe you're in the wrong PvE guild.


For a mode such as WvW, this is basicly impossible to follow. Community guilds, raiding guilds, bank guilds cause we're all such rich bois from all the WvW loot, roaming/havoc guilds, literally your own guild when you want to solo rep, its a garbled mess and you can be in all of them - hell, you can even be in a PvE guild. Using the guilds as a function for communication is often more important than any percieved "home".

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> The beginning is a little over the top! Our guild doesn't recruit in open chat like you normally see.


> We do require 100% rep due to specific reasons. We don't recruit vets, mostly new players and we raise them. It is our time spent doing this and the candidate is made full aware of why.


> I pretty much gave up on this due to the last one. Got them their espec, geared fully Ascended and...boom, they said they beat the game and quit playing.


> I would prefer to have 10-15 people in our guild and know each one of them instead of 500 that are doing their own thing.


> So your analysis can go both ways.




I'd be interested to know what your guild name is. I have a lvl 80 DH/FB Guardian but for all intents and purposes, I'm very much a beginner who can't seem to coordinate movement and attacking.

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> @"Ardyth.9286" said:


> > The beginning is a little over the top! Our guild doesn't recruit in open chat like you normally see.

> >

> > We do require 100% rep due to specific reasons. We don't recruit vets, mostly new players and we raise them. It is our time spent doing this and the candidate is made full aware of why.

> >

> > I pretty much gave up on this due to the last one. Got them their espec, geared fully Ascended and...boom, they said they beat the game and quit playing.

> >

> > I would prefer to have 10-15 people in our guild and know each one of them instead of 500 that are doing their own thing.

> >

> > So your analysis can go both ways.

> >

> >


> I'd be interested to know what your guild name is. I have a lvl 80 DH/FB Guardian but for all intents and purposes, I'm very much a beginner who can't seem to coordinate movement and attacking.


We have 3 but the main is Tactical Killers (TK).

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In GW a guild could have a max no. of people of 100. If in a guild you had no choice but to represent that guild or leave it even though you may have friends in it. GW guilds helped bring a sense of community that most people who play like. In GW2 they gave us choices that were not there you can join up to 5 guilds and rep none if you want. You can rep ones when you want, because unlike GW the guild in GW2 actually helps your character along the way.

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If the first part is being seen as over the top, yeah maybe...


The main issue for me is simple:


I play a LOT... I also am loyal to ALL guilds I am member of.

I also have a private guild for my 3 accounts to exchange materials easier...

In case of a 100% rep requirement, my own Guild becomes obsolete.

In case of a 100% Rep requirement, the members can ALWAYS see where I am... (that is honestly a Design Flaw by Anet tbh)


Loyalty lies not in the REP amount.


It's also your Guild. You are free to have the rules you want. I will never deny that.

I simply will never become a member... even if I became your best friend.

100% simply never will work for me due to above reasons.


When I was new, I was recruited into a guild that had those rules.

I must say, my strong opening was pointed towards that experience.

It was utterly horrible.


My appologies if it offended you, but you're not the reason for that strong opening statement.



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