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ticket farming guide?


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The only way to get faster tickets is to have higher rank or play on outnumbered maps if you aren't commanding. Don't play a single target weapon like longbow ranger. Also don't play heal scrapper since it is difficult to tag anything with it.

Play something with a lot of cleave that is wanted by commanders such as DPS scrapper (mainly hammer or bomb kit), spellbreaker (GS+hammer , axe x2+hammer, sword+warhorn + hammer support types, etc), scourge, tempest, herald (swordx2 + hammer), immob soulbeast (Greatsword+sword axe or axe+axe), boon rip chrono (Sword+focus , sword+shield, greatsword are all options), support firebrand (don't camp staff or tomes and you'll be fine), etc. Holosmith is okay if you play in a dead time.

Staff daredevil is okay if you are able to evade well (use shortbow to drop AOE and poison field ; s/p or d/p is an option for smoke fields as the secondary weapon for staff).


If playing a support build you need to do minimal damage to get credit, otherwise make sure your damage is decent (decent but still have survivability such as marauder gear). Test in armistice bastion.


Try to work the maps so that you can actually get things done , outnumbered gives +5 pips. Have wood level skirmish reward finished every week for +1 pip. Always have tier 3 or above participation.


When you reach mithril before weekly reset you can slow down and try to finish the last diamond chest. Repeating diamond does not give extra tickets.



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The problem with skirmish tickets is, that you can't "farm" them in terms of how you can farm things in PvE. You have to "play" WvW (everything @"Infusion.7149" has said is valid) for an extended period of time during the week, pretty much dedicating the vast majority of game time to WvW.

What WvW often ignore when they say "get to diamond chest" (for tickets) is that it takes a low/lower WxP ranked player way more time to generate pips to advance faster on the skirmish track.

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I've farmed a legendary armor and the ring. There's really nothing you can do to speed things up except for hopping around maps to maintain the outnumbered buff. It's usually the second largest source of pips by the time I hit the weekly cap.


As far as maintaining participation, it depends on how much effort that you want to put into it. The lowest effort would be to repair Stonemist Castle every 10 minutes assuming your server owns it and another server is trebbing the outer wall. Escorting a yak every 5 minutes is low effort and credit for it is based on how long you participated in it.


You can also flip a camp every 10 minutes. If you go that route, it's best to not aggro anything there until the Righteous Indignation buff on the Veteran Supervisor is gone as well as stacking in certain locations in order to pull the scouts together so they can be quickly killed. If you're proficient enough, you should be halfway to capping it by the time it shows as contested on the map. This minimizes the chances that a enemy will come to that camp unless they were already planning on going there anyway.

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Another thing you'll need to be aware of if you don't plan on crafting the Grand Master Marks yourself is , you only get 6 Grand master Mark Shards per week and it takes 10 to make one Grand master Mark . So it takes a total of 20 Grand Master Marks or 200 GM shards for a complete set . So really if you plan on not crafting your Marks ,you'll more than likely acquire enough claim tickets between armor piece purchases .Expect 33 weeks if yo don't want to craft your Marks . Also you'll need a substantial amount of memories of battle . I just finished my second set of legendary a couple days ago , so coming from experience you can expect long delays between each piece and lots of Materials .

And if you haven't already you will need to run the Triumphant reward track to unlock each piece . I would also suggest you run the Gift of Battle reward track eventually as well . you'll need six of those.

Have fun and good luck.

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To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

Testimonies and Badges you'll get enough of by simply playing, You don't have to worry about them.

Have the Gift of battle reward track selected when playing, you'll get the Clovers, Memories and Gift you need from this.

Materials you probably want to either farm in PVE or buy them since WvW is the least rewarding game mode, You'll get a lot more for your time by doing metas like drizzlewood.


This biggest obstacle in my opinion is the Tickets, You'll need them for the precursors and the legendries themselves. They're only obtained trough skirmish chests and locked to 365 a week so a minimum of 5/6 months before you get enough to make a set.

Best way to max out your tickets every week is to farm Pips, Stay on an outnumbered map and occasionally capture the camps near spawn to keep your participation above 3. It takes a while to complete the chests but Do this every week for 22/26 weeks and you'll eventually get enough.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > whats the most efficient way to farm wvw item to legendary armor? is there a guide/video?


> I got ya, buddy



And unsurprising, Conan is always bottom tier because he forgets the PPT, not to mention a terrible squad consisting of a thief that doesnt run stealth, a warrior whose fashion statement is a tail and an ele that fight by making faces. I dont count the other warrior that literally died from a single poison stack and failed to rally.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > > whats the most efficient way to farm wvw item to legendary armor? is there a guide/video?

> >

> > I got ya, buddy

> >

> >

> And unsurprising, Conan is always bottom tier because he forgets the PPT, not to mention a terrible squad consisting of a thief that doesnt run stealth, a warrior whose fashion statement is a tail and an ele that fight by making faces. I dont count the other warrior that literally died from a single poison stack and failed to rally.




If you read the books, later on he gets that kingdom.

And a better squad.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.


You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.


> You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.



That's not quite correct . For the first time around . Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2 Ascended ) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1 exotic ) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. . You must acquire the T1 exotic before you can buy the T2 . Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased . T2 must be purchased to unlock T3 before you can purchase T3 . So yes you need Grand Master Marks to buy T2 before you can buy the T3 . But thankfully you only need to do this once per piece per armour set ( light ,Medium ,Heavy ). Once every thing is unlocked You can then you can skip directly to T3 for your second as long as it has been unlocked . For example : if you unlock T3 light armour only you can not purchase T3 Heavy unless it is also unlocked .

Only T3 and T2 can be converted to legendary . T3 looks a little different than T2 but not necessary for the legendary .

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > > To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

> >

> > You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

> >


> That's not quite correct . For the first time around . Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2 Ascended ) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1 exotic ) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. . You must acquire the T1 exotic before you can buy the T2 . Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased . T2 must be purchased to unlock T3 before you can purchase T3 . So yes you need Grand Master Marks to buy T2 before you can buy the T3 . But thankfully you only need to do this once per piece per armour set ( light ,Medium ,Heavy ). Once every thing is unlocked You can then you can skip directly to T3 for your second as long as it has been unlocked . For example : if you unlock T3 light armour only you can not purchase T3 Heavy unless it is also unlocked .

> Only T3 and T2 can be converted to legendary . T3 looks a little different than T2 but not necessary for the legendary .


You're missing the fact that the T2 is also in exotic which only requires tickets.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > > To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

> >

> > You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

> >


> That's not quite correct .


yes, it is correct.


> Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased . T2 must be purchased to unlock T3 before you can purchase T3 . So yes you need Grand Master Marks to buy T2 before you can buy the T3 .


To be able to buy the T3 ascended armor you have to unlock the T2 skin. For unlocking the T2 skin you do not need to buy the T2 ascended armor. You can unlock the T2-skin with the T2 exotic armor and the T2 exotic armor does not require grandmaster marks.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.


> You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.



If the original poster is after legendary armor there is no need to buy T3 ascended mistforged. You are able to make legendary triumphant hero armor.

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I feel your pain. I'm also building my legendary armor and the tickets are killing me. Then again I started last week. I was good that I had a lot of the mats I needed. I'm sitting at 1200 tickets now and I know I need 7k for the armor. I'm also low ranked at 63 so I think Im getting lucky. Also if you can do the warclaw skin track. It gives out 250 tickets plus clovers and obsidian.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Solanum.6983" said:

> > > To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

> >

> > You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

> >


> If the original poster is after legendary armor there is no need to buy T3 ascended mistforged. You are able to make legendary triumphant hero armor.


There is also no need to buy T2 ascended because you can make the legendary armor with the better T3-armor.


You can get a maximum of 3 grandmaster marks shards and 365 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets per week. You need 10 grandmaster marks shards for a grandmaster mark.


**Precursor T2 Ascended Armor**

A full set of T2-Ascended Armor (Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armor) costs 1310 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats 3.5 weeks) and 20 grandmaster marks (200 grandmaster mark shards, thats 66.6 weeks).


**Precursor T3 Ascended Armor**

A full set of T2-exotic armor (Triumphant Hero's Exotic Armor) + a full set of T3-ascended armor (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armor) costs together 3930 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats 10.7 weeks) and no grandmaster marks.


If you play WvW very often and intensely, use boosters etc., I guess, you can get around 100 ranks per month / 4 weeks, which means, that you would be rank 500 (requirement for the T3-chest piece) in around 20 weeks.


For a full set of the legendary armor itself you need also 6x Legendary War Insights, thats another 1095 x 6 = 6570 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats another 18 weeks for collecting tickets, but you also increase your rank and get grandmaster mark shards during this time).


So, for a new player that can not craft ascended gandmaster marks (requires level 500 crafting discipline, and requires a lot of extra-gold) it takes around 28-30 weeks with the better T3-ascended armor and around 67 weeks with the T2-ascended armor to get a full set of legendary armor.


Of course there are also a lot of additional costs for the legendary armor that are the same for both ways.


Only if a new player wants to spend a lot of money, the fastest way for a full set of legendary WvW armor is to go with the T2-ascended armor and to craft all grandmaster marks with ascended crafting.


I think, the most (cost) efficient way would be to use some T2-ascended (until you run out of collected grandmaster marks shards) and T3-ascended for all other parts. If you want the special effect of the armor, use the T3 ascended chest piece.


My advice to the OP: Start playing WvW and collecting WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets and grandmaster marks shards and look after a month how much of both you got and also how much you increased your WvW rank. And then base your own planning/estimations on your own numbers and play style and decide, if you want to continue this way.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> You're missing the fact that the T2 is also in exotic which only requires tickets.


T2 is not exotic , its ascended . Teir 1 is the exotic you receive doing the reward track .

Teir 1 (Triumphant armour) is exotic [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor)

Teir 2 (Triumphant Hero's armour ) is ascended [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) Which can be used for legendary

Teir3 (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour ) Is Ascended Similar to Triumphant Hero's armour but with a blue glowing animation [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) but not necessary for legendary .


Now look under Skirmish Supervisor Items offered Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor) " Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour. " These require Grand Master Marks

Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour " Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 3) piece **can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece has been purchased**, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour.YOU CAN NOT SKIP THE PURCHASE OF T2 and go directly to T3 on the first time around .

Once all T3 Have been unlocked once for your account Then you can skip T2

I've gone through this twice already for Medium and Heavy Armour All T2 armour are unlocked Light Medium and Heavy I have unlocked T3 Heavy and Medium because I have purchased the T2 but not light T3 because I have not purchased the T2 Light yet . The T3 light remains locked . In order unlock and to purchase the T3 you must purchase the T2 with Grand Master Marks First . NO EXCEPTIONS

Again When you go through the process of unlocking the tiers you CAN NOT get around buying or crafting the Grand Master Marks .


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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > You're missing the fact that the T2 is also in exotic which only requires tickets.


> T2 is not exotic , its ascended . Teir 1 is the exotic you receive doing the reward track .

> Teir 1 (Triumphant armour) is exotic [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor)

> Teir 2 (Triumphant Hero's armour ) is ascended [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) Which can be used for legendary

> Teir3 (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour ) Is Ascended Similar to Triumphant Hero's armour but with a blue glowing animation [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) but not necessary for legendary .


> Now look under Skirmish Supervisor Items offered Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor) " Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour. " These require Grand Master Marks

> Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour " Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 3) piece **can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece has been purchased**, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour.YOU CAN NOT SKIP THE PURCHASE OF T2 and go directly to T3 on the first time around .

> Once all T3 Have been unlocked once for your account Then you can skip T2

> I've gone through this twice already for Medium and Heavy Armour All T2 armour are unlocked Light Medium and Heavy I have unlocked T3 Heavy and Medium because I have purchased the T2 but not light T3 because I have not purchased the T2 Light yet . The T3 light remains locked . In order unlock and to purchase the T3 you must purchase the T2 with Grand Master Marks First . NO EXCEPTIONS

> Again When you go through the process of unlocking the tiers you CAN NOT get around buying or crafting the Grand Master Marks .



I highly suggest reading all of the wiki pages before you actually link them as backing up your claim.


>Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armor.




> Triumphant Hero's armor is a level 80, WvW-exclusive Exotic, Ascended or Legendary armor set.




You can even easily verify this in game.


It's also been confirmed by numerous people on the forums over the bast few years that the T3 availability is based on unlocking the T2 skin. Both the exotic and the ascended share the exact same skins. People have also verified that unlocking the exotic skin unlocked the option to purchase the T3 armor.


Oh. I missed this as well until I re-read your post. You told me to look at the skirmish supervisor wiki page. Guess what?


>Triumphant Hero's Exotic Armor


>Each Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armor (tier 1) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armor reward track. These pieces cannot be upgraded to Legendary armor.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > You're missing the fact that the T2 is also in exotic which only requires tickets.

> >

> > T2 is not exotic , its ascended . Teir 1 is the exotic you receive doing the reward track .

> > Teir 1 (Triumphant armour) is exotic [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor)

> > Teir 2 (Triumphant Hero's armour ) is ascended [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) Which can be used for legendary

> > Teir3 (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour ) Is Ascended Similar to Triumphant Hero's armour but with a blue glowing animation [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) but not necessary for legendary .

> >

> > Now look under Skirmish Supervisor Items offered Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor) " Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour. " These require Grand Master Marks

> > Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour " Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 3) piece **can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece has been purchased**, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour.YOU CAN NOT SKIP THE PURCHASE OF T2 and go directly to T3 on the first time around .

> > Once all T3 Have been unlocked once for your account Then you can skip T2

> > I've gone through this twice already for Medium and Heavy Armour All T2 armour are unlocked Light Medium and Heavy I have unlocked T3 Heavy and Medium because I have purchased the T2 but not light T3 because I have not purchased the T2 Light yet . The T3 light remains locked . In order unlock and to purchase the T3 you must purchase the T2 with Grand Master Marks First . NO EXCEPTIONS

> > Again When you go through the process of unlocking the tiers you CAN NOT get around buying or crafting the Grand Master Marks .

> >


> I highly suggest reading all of the wiki pages before you actually link them as backing up your claim.


> >Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armor.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor#Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero.27s_Ascended_Armor


> > Triumphant Hero's armor is a level 80, WvW-exclusive Exotic, Ascended or Legendary armor set.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor


> You can even easily verify this in game.


Why are you arguing with me . You confirmed every thing I stated .

Teir 1 is the exotic Triumphant Armour (These pieces cannot be upgraded to Legendary armor.) you receive these from the reward track which once acquired unlocks Tier 2 ascended Triumphant Heroes armour (These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armor.) which you must Purchase with Grand Master Marks to to make the legendary armour . Upon purchase of the tier 2 Triumphant Heroes armour the Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (Tier 3 ) is unlocked . T3 is not unlocked unless you purchase the T2 first at least once. T2 requires GRAND MASTER MARKS . YOU CANNOT jump to the T3 unless it's unlocked with the purchase of T2 pieces first .

Have 2 sets of legendary armour one set of medium and one set of Heavy. The Light Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (Tier 3 ) pieces will remain locked until I purchase the T2 pieces first . This is confirmed in game . ALL T2 pieces require Grand master marks .

I suggest YOU read the the wiki pages before making your claim.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > You're missing the fact that the T2 is also in exotic which only requires tickets.

> > >

> > > T2 is not exotic , its ascended . Teir 1 is the exotic you receive doing the reward track .

> > > Teir 1 (Triumphant armour) is exotic [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_armor)

> > > Teir 2 (Triumphant Hero's armour ) is ascended [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) Which can be used for legendary

> > > Teir3 (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour ) Is Ascended Similar to Triumphant Hero's armour but with a blue glowing animation [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor) but not necessary for legendary .

> > >

> > > Now look under Skirmish Supervisor Items offered Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor) " Each Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant armour (tier 1) piece has been unlocked through the Triumphant armour reward track. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour. " These require Grand Master Marks

> > > Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armour " Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 3) piece **can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armour (tier 2) piece has been purchased**, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armour.YOU CAN NOT SKIP THE PURCHASE OF T2 and go directly to T3 on the first time around .

> > > Once all T3 Have been unlocked once for your account Then you can skip T2

> > > I've gone through this twice already for Medium and Heavy Armour All T2 armour are unlocked Light Medium and Heavy I have unlocked T3 Heavy and Medium because I have purchased the T2 but not light T3 because I have not purchased the T2 Light yet . The T3 light remains locked . In order unlock and to purchase the T3 you must purchase the T2 with Grand Master Marks First . NO EXCEPTIONS

> > > Again When you go through the process of unlocking the tiers you CAN NOT get around buying or crafting the Grand Master Marks .

> > >

> >

> > I highly suggest reading all of the wiki pages before you actually link them as backing up your claim.

> >

> > >Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased, and have a minimum WvW rank requirement of 500. These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armor.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Supervisor#Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero.27s_Ascended_Armor

> >

> > > Triumphant Hero's armor is a level 80, WvW-exclusive Exotic, Ascended or Legendary armor set.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor

> >

> > You can even easily verify this in game.


> Why are you arguing with me . You confirmed every thing I stated .

> Teir 1 is the exotic Triumphant Armour (These pieces cannot be upgraded to Legendary armor.) you receive these from the reward track which once acquired unlocks Tier 2 ascended Triumphant Heroes armour (These pieces can be upgraded to Legendary armor.) which you must Purchase with Grand Master Marks to to make the legendary armour . Upon purchase of the tier 2 Triumphant Heroes armour the Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (Tier 3 ) is unlocked . T3 is not unlocked unless you purchase the T2 first at least once. T2 requires GRAND MASTER MARKS . YOU CANNOT jump to the T3 unless it's unlocked with the purchase of T2 pieces first .

> Have 2 sets of legendary armour one set of medium and one set of Heavy. The Light Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armour (Tier 3 ) pieces will remain locked until I purchase the T2 pieces first . This is confirmed in game . ALL T2 pieces require Grand master marks .

> I suggest YOU read the the wiki pages before making your claim.


No I didn't. I confirmed that you were wrong and that T2 is both exotic and ascended. **READ THE WIKI PAGES**


It's also fairly obvious you didn't even read my post as I quoted a part of the wiki that specifically states that Triumphant Hero's armor (T2) can be exotic.


Here's a picture to help.



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In all seriousness, if you have ascended crafting it takes about 25 weeks of diamond track completion. This is a journey not a sprint, so take a long view and enjoy the mode while you are here. There are lots of good fights, lots of salty children, and people you'll love playing with. Find a guild for WvW, hop into their discord and just have fun.


Getting your rank up is important as it gives you more pips, but you do not even need to get to +1k rank. I think I had my leggy armor after I hit rank 700.


Get any WXP boost you can. Black Lion booster, guild buff, birthday booster, banners, and ascended food that people drop at spawn. Roll a zerg build and go join the ranks. You'll level the quickest that way. If you are just looking for pips ask in team chat for someone to whisper you where outnumbered maps are. Always play on outnumbered maps when maxing your pip gain. Run in a circle on the map and cap camps, then hang out while waiting for them to be taken by another team. Always kill the vet warg, harpy, and wurm when you pass their spawns. Always do the ghosts.


Don't be afraid to play a class that is more fun/easier even though you are making the armor type for another class. I made my Warrior legendary armor, but I used my Reaper to do it. This was before the Berserker rework and I found Reaper was consistent performance wise. So, if you are having trouble, switch classes, ask for advice on how to beat other classes.


I'd say farm all the mats you need, and then decide whether you want heavy, medium, or light armor. You're choice may end up changing depending on what you play to get there. Mine didn't, but I definitely want a cloth set for my necro at some point.



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