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the griffon...

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I have unlocked the griffon, every mastery unlocked and tried in the past few days to understand how the griffon works. After several tutorials and extremely wrist pain I still dont get it. Diving and jump button wont get you any momentum . And the controls are just atrocious. I tried to map the the controls on my mouse but it feels very unnatural and uncomfortable. Since I'm left handed I tried to map on right ctrl and right shift and num0 to jump but my wrist starts to hurt after few minutes... there are way to many buttons to press simultaneously and I can barely reach them. I'm a bit salty now since I wasted every single coin I had on a mount I will never use, instead of saving it for skyscale. Will cost me another 2 years to get the gold for him. Even though I don't think I want him, too much farming and grinding.

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Griffon needs space to dive. Once you use the dive skill you can use the boost for a super speed dive. This then lets you either pull up and gain height back to your starting height or you can use your super speed to zoom across a large area.


Think of Griffon as a super Glider.

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Tekkit's workshop has a very comprehensive guide on how to control the griffon (video on top). In short:

- flapping (space-bar)the wings with the jump button will only keep altitude but not make you gain altitude. flapping requires a bit less than a full endurance bar

- regular diving can be done via either swoop (skill 1) or diving (mount ability 2, might not have a hotkey assigned yet). this accelerates you towards the ground and provides the first level of speed boost

- using flap during a dive initiated via swoop or dive will increase the speed towards the ground to a second level of speed boost

- stopping a dive movement at either a level 1 or 2 speed boost will provide that speed benefit towards the horizontal movement

- pressing backwards while under the benefit of a level 1 or 2 speed boost will make you shoot upwards and gain altitude again

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You guys must be overthinking it or something.

It's 3 keys, that's it.

Dive (hold button) when you have room to do so, let go of dive button and gain speed, hold skill button that lets you go up again when you want to go up.

Are you pressing instead of holding skills that you need to hold?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> Tekkit's workshop has a very comprehensive guide on how to control the griffon (video on top). In short:

> - flapping (space-bar)the wings with the jump button will only keep altitude but not make you gain altitude. flapping requires a bit less than a full endurance bar

> - regular diving can be done via either swoop (skill 1) or diving (mount ability 2, might not have a hotkey assigned yet). this accelerates you towards the ground and provides the first level of speed boost

> - using flap during a dive initiated via swoop or dive will increase the speed towards the ground to a second level of speed boost

> - stopping a dive movement at either a level 1 or 2 speed boost will provide that speed benefit towards the horizontal movement

> - pressing backwards while under the benefit of a level 1 or 2 speed boost will make you shoot upwards and gain altitude again


It is nice that you could explain it, since the game does a terrible job of that.

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When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.

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the best video i found for learning to fly my Griffon was Orpan/Alcira's video, you don't really need to worry too much about eh camera settings(i think that's more for for game performance), but it's definitely worth adding a keybind for the dive and rise skill to a side mouse button so you're not playing keyboard twister

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

> Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

> I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

> But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.


You can just hold space with griffon, no need to press it all the time :)

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> @"jokke.6239" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

> > Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

> > I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

> > But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.


> You can just hold space with griffon, no need to press it all the time :)


You can, but it's slightly less efficient. Holding Space will flap as the meter reaches 100%, but you can press Space as early as 80% full. The difference in height lost is all but irrelevant for most glides, but for particularly shallow or long glides, it helps.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"jokke.6239" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

> > > Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

> > > I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

> > > But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.

> >

> > You can just hold space with griffon, no need to press it all the time :)


> You can, but it's slightly less efficient. Holding Space will flap as the meter reaches 100%, but you can press Space as early as 80% full. The difference in height lost is all but irrelevant for most glides, but for particularly shallow or long glides, it helps.


Exactly, why its not useful ands that you need to manually flap.

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I was going to say the same thing: there's no need to carefully time pressing the jump button (or spam it wildly) for the vast majority of flights, you can just hold it down and it will flap whenever the bar recharges. It is slightly slower that way but not enough to make a difference most of the time.


The same is true of diving to gain speed or go further or swooping back up to regain height. It's useful to know how to do it for the times when it is needed but it's not something you're likely to be doing every time you use your griffon. Unless you're going a long way with nowhere to land in between (and you're starting from high enough up to do that) or you're trying to do the griffon adventures you don't need to worry about that at all.


Most of the time my way of using the griffon is to hold down the jump button to keep flapping and use the mouse to point it in the right direction.


If you do want to use the dive then I think rebinding the keys so they're easier to reach will help a lot, especially since you're left-handed and the defaults are set up for right-handed people. Ages ago I re-bound jump to \ instead of space so I could reach it while using W, A, S, D and then I bound the mount skills to E and R. It's not the most comfortable set-up but it works and it fits around everything else I had bound.


To get the speed boost you need to hold down the dive key for a few seconds, then release it, press jump once to flap, then hold down the dive key for another few seconds. Once the griffon has sped up (you'll know when it happens) you can release the dive key and glide. Going from one to the other takes practice but as long as the keys are within reach you can do it. If you need to regain height after getting the speed boost you use the climb skill (it will only work after diving), but it slows you down a bit so you should wait until you definitely need it - for example if you're doing one of the adventures and need to climb for a ring I recommend waiting as late as you can so you go through the bottom of the ring (you can cross them from any direction and it counts).


If you want to learn diving my advice is to find somewhere with a steep drop-off you can get back to easily and use that to practice. The snowy part of Desert Highlands is where I did it, there's a griffon adventure there too which involves some long dives so it gives you plenty of time to get the dive, flap, dive routine right (and if you mess up the adventure will teleport you back to the start).

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Griffon is a joy to manoeuvre once you get a hold of it. Griffon courses are great fun since they are just challenging enough, got gold on all of them. I love the four wind festival one where you need to hit the narrow corridor at full speed and fly through the building.

To get the full boost I do the following. My keys are flap "space", dive "1", back/climb "S". This is default I think. That is all you need. Now bind your keys to suit you. I did it for other mounts but Griffon felt just fine with this.


First, you will need enough altitude, a nice cliff. You will want full endurance bar during the dive so do not flap before you dive. You can jump from a cliff a little bit (without flapping) with just tapping space to get a little bit of altitude before dive but that is minor and not necessary (maybe one course require it, not sure - 4 winds).

Jump of a cliff. Use "1" to dive. Just hold it, don't let go. You can spiral with your mouse to make it look fancy or to get the exit angle right.

So we are diving with "1" (holding it) but this is off course not enough, we want full speed. So during diving, you press "space". This will make Griffon flap during dive going into super speed. Voila we are at super speed crashing to the ground. Now you want to level. Just release "1". You are levelled at super speed and can now zip through the map like mad. You can flap all you want. At some point, the speed will diminish.

Now you want to gain altitude. Just press and hold back/climb key, for me "S". Hold hold hold and you will climb climb climb. Press flap "space" to get some extra height. You can reach almost original height. Just like diving if you want to gain max height you will want to have full endurance before you start climbing so you can flap.


Basically, both diving and climbing work the same. Press and hold the corresponding button to dive/climb and press flap to get that extra boost.


While flying around at full speed you will need to adjust altitude a little bit without losing speed. You want this for courses or just to look pro while zipping through narrow corridors or buildings. You can do this with short presses of dive or back/climb. There is a short animation so you will need to get a hang of it if you want to hit low ceilings.


In the end there are only 3 keys. I hope I did this right because I did it from memory and I don't really think while doing it.

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> @"OldGamer.2986" said:

> I wasted every single coin I had on a mount I will never use, instead of saving it for skyscale.

Actually, gold isn't much of an issue with Skyscale, you need charged quartz and LS4 map currencies...might want to start farming/buying and charging quartz, and maybe get the LS4 home instance nodes.



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> @"OldGamer.2986" said:

> I have unlocked the griffon, every mastery unlocked and tried in the past few days to understand how the griffon works. After several tutorials and extremely wrist pain I still dont get it. Diving and jump button wont get you any momentum . And the controls are just atrocious. I tried to map the the controls on my mouse but it feels very unnatural and uncomfortable. Since I'm left handed I tried to map on right ctrl and right shift and num0 to jump but my wrist starts to hurt after few minutes... there are way to many buttons to press simultaneously and I can barely reach them. I'm a bit salty now since I wasted every single coin I had on a mount I will never use, instead of saving it for skyscale. Will cost me another 2 years to get the gold for him. Even though I don't think I want him, too much farming and grinding.


If you can't control the griffon then God help you on the roller beetle lol

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