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What titles do you use?

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I used **GWAMM** at the beginning when titles were bad and meant nothing, now there's plenty of good titles so :


**Duke of the arena**, cause it's the title I struggled the most to get, it's uncommon, and it's badass (much better than the old legend list imo).


**Kegmaster** too, probably one of the most hard-core title to get in the game, even if you exploit. I always loved events and festivals, and in GW, I was one of the crazy peeps who farmed gamer points for skillz titles, Kegmaster reminds me that grind.

BEST title list of all time : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gamer


**Veteran of the mists**, cause now it's an old title, rare and classy and the only cool wvw title I have.


I came from GW, so imo, titles exist to show some achievements, and it shouldnt be a black or white thing, like you got nothing or the title with an easily/impossible goal.

That was cool to see some 80% cantha explorer and a 100% tyria on Lion's arch, now it's 100% or nothing.

I never liked the title system in gw2, I think they really missed something. That was so good and motivating with steps to grind. Good old days...

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While I don't create an elaborate back story for each alt, I do have a general sense of what each one is like. One of my thieves is charming and cute so she usually uses the Honorary Skritt title. After all, that's a cute title and what thief doesn't like shinies? At the moment though she's doing Tag Daredevil runs through the Lab so she's temporarily a Festival VIP. Another thief has a darker side and is parked on a beach in the Caledon Forest to farm Krait every day for the underwater key. Her title right now is Bounty Hunter. Though when I finally get the Contract Killer title, she'll switch to that as it seems to fit her role better. My Slyvari Soulbeast proudly bears the title Mist Warden and of course wears the Mist Stranger outfit. One of my mains, the one I've played the most, alternates between the Been There Done That and The Be All And End All titles, both of which she earned. Those titles nicely convey her world weary, done it all attitude. My other main is currently displaying The Extra Life title because I like and support Anet's efforts there.


It's fun for me to choose a title that connects in some way to the individual alt. My ascended chef proudly wears her Gourmet title as she cooks up fancy meals for her alt siblings. I've used Loyal and Vanguard when those titles seemed to reflect something about the alt I gave them to. When I have goofy alt, the Chicken Chaser title often seems appropriate. A couple of alts are using Emissary of the Mad King right now because it seems timely. Each is wearing a different outfit that fits their title too. Personally I rarely notice other players titles and I don't bother trying to impress others with my titles. I like to use titles simply because they are fun. :)



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I have 9 toons, one for each profession, and I mostly match them to "personality" of the toon or the time.

My reaper necro, dressed in black reaper hood and garb is "The inevitable"

My falcon (human cultural skin) ranger with hawk wings glider is "Ruler of the Skies"

For Halloween, my lab-thief is "Emissary of the Mad King"

I'll sometimes switch it up, for instance on my elementalist, I switched to "Dedicated" at the eight year mark, or I might try "Emissary of Cantha" or what ever it's called if that's a thing when we can pre-order EoD :-)

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I often use Exalted Legend because I worked pretty damn hard to get to Legendary that season on my thief. If I was a better PvPer, I would have the equivalent title for other seasons, but never put in as much effort as I did that one season and wasn't successful enough to do so without that dedication.


I also use The Eternal because I had a lot of good memories getting that with the raid group I used to have.


I like the idea of using a "less prestigious" title based on the name of the title alone, but considering how much effort I put in to get some of them, it just seems like a waste to not display them, I guess. =P

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> @"The Fear.3865" said:

> I came from GW, so imo, titles exist to show some achievements, and it shouldnt be a black or white thing, like you got nothing or the title with an easily/impossible goal.

> That was cool to see some 80% cantha explorer and a 100% tyria on Lion's arch, now it's 100% or nothing.

> I never liked the title system in gw2, I think they really missed something. That was so good and motivating with steps to grind. Good old days...


I have to agree. I feel like a lot of the titles in gw2 are just given out as participation trophies. I don't feel the sense of accomplishment from earning one than when I did in gw1. Finishing carto felt GOOD! Now map comp is just oh, you did it, yay I guess.


Not gonna lie I super miss vanquisher too. That was fun times.

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> @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

> ...Yakslapper on my WvW character, because I slapped a TON of dolyaks for that title!

I'm diligently working on that title, slapping every dolyak I can but I still have 776 dolyaks to go before getting it. Sigh, the title I really want though is Leader of the Yak but I'm 2,102 dolyaks away from that one. It's a lot easier to slap the dolyaks than it is to lead them! :( Gonna keep trying to lead them though because that title reminds me so much of [this](

) that I smile every time I think of it. :)



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I’m honestly not really sure what’s the most prestigious or not so I stick to the two I *know* are rare: Maguuma Trailbrazer and Elonian Envoy - the trailblazer one being more rare. They’re rare because they only were available for preordering each expansion, but the trailblazer one shows I preordered the first xpac and have been playing over 5 years

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Professional Skritt is my favourite because I like shiny things :D


Honestly I usually just have a random raid title or Dancing With Demons, kinda took most of the fun out of titles to me when having to change it to that every time I want to do 100CM (which is usually daily).


Otherwise I really like Leader of the Yak, but mostly because I spent hours scouting home borderland Hills and escorting dollies there, fond WvW memories! Chicken Chaser, Slippery Slubling, Yakslapper and Silent Killer are good ones too though!

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I use "Hero of Lion's Arch" on my Sylvari main, because I still have fond memories of the Battle of Lion's Arch. I use "Been there. Done that." on my Human main, because map completion was definitely one of my goals when I started playing GW2. I also like "Ruler of the Skies", but I'm still raising my Skyscale. Hehe yeah going through the game slooowwwly ^^


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I tend to use Knight of the Thorn for my Sylvari, because... obviously. Some of my other favorite titles include: Illuminated, Ex Machina (this one is perfect for engineers), Dark Traveler, The Emperor, Master of Secrets, Mistwarden, and The Hunter.


I don't care much about the exclusivity/prestige of a title or if it was tied to a difficult achievement, but more about if I think the phrase or word sounds interesting to me or matches a characters "theme".

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I usually just pick something that flushes out the image or personality I am crafting for my character. For a long time my norn had “The demolisher” since it sounds like something a norn warrior would call himself. I just changed it to “Master Carver” since Eir was technically a master carver, so rooted in norn legend and society, and I am now also a spellbreaker which alludes to a more “violent” meaning with the proficiency in which the character uses his various blades. I’ll probably go back to “The demolisher” when I play berserker again. If I remember to change it.

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