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Hello everyone, I am hoping that you can help me a bit. I love this game and like to explore a lot and make new characters. Therefore I have quite a few Gifts of Exploration. That gave me the idea of starting a legendary because those skins are really pretty. But now that I'm doing it I'm kinda stuck, because everystep requires a lot of gold and you earn that mostly by farming/killing stuff. Now that probably sounds lame but I don't really like to kill creatures :P I'm really more or an explore and adventure type of gal than agressive. So yeah it's pretty difficult to gain gold. I do like races too, collecting stuff and doing events when they pop-up (gathering stuff or retrieve stolen goods etc). I also got the unlimited tools so gather all materials that I can find and sell them if I dont need them. But still, that is a very very slow progress. So are there maybe some things that I can do to earn gold without meta's/killing a bunch of creatures? I tried flipping with watching gw2bltc but I always choose the wrong things so thats not really my strong suit. and no I'm not expecting 50g an hour with those activities but something more than just the 2g from my dailies and maybe 1g from selling would be nice :P

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The only thing that came to mind since you basically want to avoid combat is try and get your gold through the Trading Post. Put buy orders in for wanted items and then flip them for a higher value. It is a long weary road but I have a few friends that do this. I am sure there are a few guides on youtube that you can find. I wish I could help more but I have never personally done this.


The gold is in the harder content like Raids, Fractals, and PvP at least that is where I get most of mine.

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I don't know how many alts you have but have you looked into the more profitable farms/alt locations? It won't get you as much gold as fast as the active farms, but it could get you several gold per day with minimal to no fighting. There's also farming volatile magic on LW4 maps and buying material shipments with the VM and then selling the mats on the TP (you can also convert Eternal Ice into LW4 currency and turn that into VM to do the same thing).

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> Don't forget along the way you'll have to deal with pvp for the Gift of Battle. Don't wait until the last moment.


Holler if you need help with that. You can mostly avoid fighting other players and still get the Gift from WvW. I'm in NA and could give you a tour(s).


I agree, finding profitable gathering nodes/routes and parking your alts where they can minimize travel could help. I know Gw2efficiency has profitable gathering info on it, but other sites/tools probably do, too. Gw2efficiency will also lay out for you exactly what you need to make a legendary based on what you already have. Looking at that might shed light on whether or not how you are playing will support crafting a legendary. Again, holler if you need help with that.

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Only thing I could think of really is crafting. Explore for materials, craft and resell, it's going to be a slow process though. You can do the dailies (gathering, vistas, that's 2 already, finding a non fighting third one should be possible), and puzzle jumps, though these hardly reward much.


Arguably, if you have a high level cook, and the patience to find and cook Raid level recipes, you should be able to get a fairly good amount per, side possibilities, crafting dyes, or buying dyes with laurels and hope for something fancy (Never trust the RNG, the R does not stand for Reliable)

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You can make some gold with "can only be done once a day" things like ecto refinement and charged quartz crystals. Crafting is non-violent so get to the high levels in crafting, e.g. a level 450 leather crafter can ecto refine bolts of damask, elonian leather squares, and lumps of mithrillium once a day. Use those to craft damask patches and deldrimor steel ingots, which can be sold at a good profit on the trading post. The price of damask patches appears to have fallen from when I last looked but you can sell deldrimor steel ingots at a profit of about 1.5 gold if you buy all the materials on the trading post, if you use your own materials the profit is higher. You can turn 25 quartz crystals into a charged quartz crystal once a day and then make a number of profitable items like pieces of skyscale food or warming stones. There is a rich crystal quartz node in Crystal Oasis that you can mine for 10 crystals per day per character you mine it with so with a few characters there you will never be short of them.

Use https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator to find out how much profit you can make from any given crafted item. Stormcaller cores use a charged crystal and give a profit of over a gold.


Anyway, this kind of crafting doesn't involve killing things and doesn't take much time per day, and lets you use your own materials, which avoids the selling tax on the trading post.


While the Halloween Labyrinth is one big massacre, you can also get trick or treat bags from racing a mount at the raceway, no killing involved, and you can just do the time trials if you don't want to actually race. And you can "rent" mounts if you don't already have them.

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I agree that gathering and crafting is the way to go. You can often make a fair bit of gold just by gathering in demand materials and selling them directly (this is the basis of the Elder Wood farm in Malchor's Leap) but you can make even more by refining them and in some cases crafting time-gated or otherwise hard to get items which other players need. That takes a bit of research to find items which will turn a profit because thost shift over time as supply and demand changes. It can also be a slow process, because if it was quick and easy to do everyone would do it, so it tends to be things which are difficult or tedious to get that are valuable.


However before you start crafting stuff to sell I strongly recommend you check what's required for all stages of the legendary you're making (if you haven't already done so), because they all require large amounts of some materials and it would be a real shame to sell something and then find you need it.


And as other people have mentioned be aware that to make a finished legendary you'll need the Gift of Battle, which only comes from World vs. World. You can get it without actually fighting other players, potentially even without fighting NPCs, but it will be a long process as it relies on specific dailies. [The 3rd reply in this topic](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25167/guide-to-getting-the-gift-of-battle-for-wvw-newbies) has details (and if you're interested the first post has info on how to get it by playing WvW).


(Also can I just say I love that so many people accepted the OP's prefered way of playing and looked for ways to make it work. On many other forums I've been on the vast majority of answers would be along the lines of "Well this game is combat focused, so you should be doing that, here's the most profitable places to farm mobs, get used to it.")

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How many spirit shards and karma do you have?

On my old account I financed 5 Legys with ghost shards and karma~ in a very short time (I also got a bit help from a friend with 1 Stack mystic coin. But for 1 Legy your own stuff should be enough)

On GW2effi there are lists for ghost shards and also karma. For the ghost shards I recommend the T6 Mats.

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> @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

> How many spirit shards and karma do you have?

> On my old account I financed 5 Legys with ghost shards and karma~ in a very short time (I also got a bit help from a friend with 1 Stack mystic coin. But for 1 Legy your own stuff should be enough)

> On GW2effi there are lists for ghost shards and also karma. For the ghost shards I recommend the T6 Mats.


736, is that enough for a legendary? If so that would be really great :D

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> @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

> > How many spirit shards and karma do you have?

> > On my old account I financed 5 Legys with ghost shards and karma~ in a very short time (I also got a bit help from a friend with 1 Stack mystic coin. But for 1 Legy your own stuff should be enough)

> > On GW2effi there are lists for ghost shards and also karma. For the ghost shards I recommend the T6 Mats.


> 736, is that enough for a legendary? If so that would be really great :D


Can't talk about today, but 1 1/2 years ago that would have been enough.

Just don't forget to keep the mats you need for yourself, and always make/take dailies and login rewards where mystic coins are in it, as they are one of the biggest posts.


And what I didn't quite understand, you only play events where you don't have to kill anything?

So almost no events. For example HOT or POF's Metas?

Because if you want to build the new Legys, you need the Gemstones. The one above with the mystic coins is even more important than ^^.

And stick with GW2Effi, the site is really a big help :).

Just don't forget that not all items are necessarily listed there. The site assumes that you have all the recipes you need, no matter what the price is.

My first Legy, where I was farming for, almost failed because of the recipes for Gifts that cost 10g or so per recipe~.


So, good luck :)

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> @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> Well its not that I kill nothing at all. I just don't like it all that much haha.

> And I am going for eternity, I like how it changes day and night. God I wish you could just buy it for 400 gems or something :expressionless:

> Getting gold is so difficult (yes I know I can change my playstyle)


If you are willing to spend 'Gems' for a Legendary, you can buy Gems and exchange them for Gold in the Gem Store.

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> @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> Well its not that I kill nothing at all. I just don't like it all that much haha.

> And I am going for eternity, I like how it changes day and night. God I wish you could just buy it for 400 gems or something :expressionless:

> Getting gold is so difficult (yes I know I can change my playstyle)


400 gems is pretty cheap for a legendary dont you think?

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> @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> Well its not that I kill nothing at all. I just don't like it all that much haha.

> And I am going for eternity, I like how it changes day and night. God I wish you could just buy it for 400 gems or something :expressionless:

> Getting gold is so difficult (yes I know I can change my playstyle)


In case you don't know, Eternity is three legendaries: you make/buy Sunrise, make/buy Twilight, then combine them in the Mystic Forge to make Eternity. Or you straight out buy Eternity for something like 3500 gold. Whether you make the first two or buy Eternity, you get all three skins.


So that's an ambitious first legendary goal, I'd say. I made Sunrise, and love it!

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How about killing ugly Plants in HoT?

Loot Tarir, you have to help (or leech) killing 2 plants, that close the entrance.


How about killing a mad golem mark II that protects environmental pollution, that make the creature around sick?


How about releasing undead?


Even if you dislike killing creatures, there are some others to fight story wise.


Maybe you can play Raids or WvW-Zergs as healer/boon-generator.


Do Jumping-Puzzles to loot the reward-Boxes (once per day per char per JP)

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> > Well its not that I kill nothing at all. I just don't like it all that much haha.

> > And I am going for eternity, I like how it changes day and night. God I wish you could just buy it for 400 gems or something :expressionless:

> > Getting gold is so difficult (yes I know I can change my playstyle)


> In case you don't know, Eternity is three legendaries: you make/buy Sunrise, make/buy Twilight, then combine them in the Mystic Forge to make Eternity. Or you straight out buy Eternity for something like 3500 gold. Whether you make the first two or buy Eternity, you get all three skins.


> So that's an ambitious first legendary goal, I'd say. I made Sunrise, and love it!


I know but its the only one I like haha. Now I just gotta try and get 3k together, no an easy task for a girl like me :(

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> @"GoldenPants.1468" said:

> I have quite a few Gifts of Exploration.


> I don't really like to kill creatures :P

Pick one.

There's no way to world complete without killing creatures in this game.


>I also got the unlimited tools so gather all materials that I can find and sell them if I dont need them. But still, that is a very very slow progress.

The best gold you are going to make "without combat" will be gathering Iron, Platinum, Hard wood and Elder wood in core maps. Develop a solid efficient path and you can reasonably make yourself around 10g/hour give or take. This is however half what you will make Farming Dragonfall and a full third what you would make with the equivalent time investment in Drizzlewood.

-Learn where the static rich nodes are and their proximity to waypoints.

-Learn which gathering spots are always good, versus those that are dependant on how the map spawned

-Make sure you have decent glyphs in your gathering tools to maximize the value of each swing,

-Ensure you are pumping magic find via food and gathering bonuses from boosters and guild hall.

-Use a class with high mobility and burst damage

-Understand that the Quickness buff can drastically impact gathering speed.

-Camp your Griffon not your Skyscale....and know when its time to be on your Raptor

-Get your Cooking to the point where exotic seeds drop

It will however still require combat as in order to efficiently gather you will need to manage aggro from trash mobs from time to time.



-Do your daily ascended time gated crafting and value add your gathering results by turning them into Ascended materials

-Leverage your login rewards properly into raw gold

-Learn to upconvert crafting materials to t6 by using Spirit Shards

-Max out the masteries in Bjora for that sweet Eternal ice gathering.

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@OP: Perhaps you should set your sights on a legendary as a long-term goal and look at the other, more easily acquired options.


Eclipse is quite nice and has a little quest to get it, adding to its charm:




The jotun greatsword only costs a bit of karma, and has a nice glowy effect:




Peacemaker is also available for karma, but more expensive. Also has a glow.




Cobalt costs like 1g and has a blue flaming blade:




Otherwise, you might want to look through the greatsword gallery to find something within reach that you can be happy with until you get to the point of making a legendary.



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