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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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I do not want to compact my inventory bags ever, nor by accident. My stuff is in a specific order.

Please move or change the _Compact button_, so that it is not a single-click-with-no-confirmation button right next to the _deposit all materials_ button, which we use all the time. It is way to easy to hit it by accident.

And I'm guessing it is not something people switch back and forth between often, so.. shoo.. away with it. General options or such, or at minimum a drop down selection.

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> @"Kamp.9275" said:

> I do not want to compact my inventory bags ever, nor by accident. My stuff is in a specific order.

> Please move or change the _Compact button_, so that it is not a single-click-with-no-confirmation button right next to the _deposit all materials_ button, which we use all the time. It is way to easy to hit it by accident.

> And I'm guessing it is not something people switch back and forth between often, so.. shoo.. away with it. General options or such, or at minimum a drop down selection.


many bags dont have that compact function that could be a fix for u

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Honour the design decision made years ago: move the compact option out of the way. This was introduced due to overwhelming negative commentary of how easy it was to mistakenly compact your bags. It's really frustrating that the exact same design flaw has now been re-introduced (without the option to get it out of the way, such as hiding it).




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I use the compact button all the time. I have invisible slots for items I don’t want compact. I salvage for materials, deposit all, then compact. This location is perfect for quickly depo and compact. The problem right now is muscle memory. You just have to get used to the new layout. If it is easy to add an option to hide, I don’t see why not, though.

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Would be nice to add an option of hiding it or straight up removing it from the hot bar again. I'd rather go back to the previous interface where I had to press 2 buttons, rather than be at constant risk of misclicking and efffing up my inventory that has been organized in a specific way for years lol.

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Moving it or giving players an option to return it back to the co menu would be great. I never use it because I absolutely loathe how it compacts to the top only and I keep things I want in lower bags. Other bags may exist (and I do use invisible bags) but they are too specific about what they do and can affect where loot goes, and invisible bags require manually depositing things and require you to move an item to a different bag to sell it on the TP. It adds one QoL improvement(not having to worry about accidental compaction) at the cost of another (no longer being able to deposit materials with a single click).


Accidentally hitting compact kills the momentum and can require multiple minutes to sort out, which isn't great if you're in the middle of a meta, as well.


There's a reason why it was given the option to be put at the bottom of the menu so it stands to reason there should be a way to move it now.

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The solution is simple, before there was an option to put the compact option at the end of the list, now they can use it to hide the compact button, even if they want to, put the option to hide both, although I think EVERYONE uses the option to deposit material

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Agree. Confirmation and/or move it 'way' over to the left after the 'nn/nn' indicator.


Edit: or a way to disable the button altogether.


Edit 2: also, why not put all the options back in the gear where they were (in addition to the new buttons). After 8 years, it's muscle memory to deposit quickly using that menu. And the compact option was way at the bottom, hidden behind an extra line of safety. People can use the new buttons, and you can still use the options in the gear if you like.

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Is it me, or does the functionality of the new icons feel like they should be switched? The material storage is a grid of items, and the box with the downward arrow more of indicates compacting.


So many don't like the compact feature, so I guess go ahead and have an option to hide it or whatever, but maybe switch the icons too while things are being changed. To my eyes it makes more sense than what the current setup is. Just my two cents.

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Most of us are used to "Deposit All" being in the upper right of the screen. The Compact all button is the new button. An easy way to solve this would be to put the deposit button where the gear is, put the gear in the center and put the new compact button (which everyone has to get used to) on the left where the deposit button is now. It would solve all issues. No one really cares that there is a compact all button (of those that don't use it) but they do care that it is so close to deposit all. This way everyone could be happy, all three buttons would be there, all three could be used and yet the chance of clicking the wrong button greatly diminishes.

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So many questions; Was and or Who vetted this decision? Is game design headed by a Type A that wants the world orderly? Has a seperate materials button been requested by players for years? Was making changes to the UI the best use of resources. .... Zet

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Agree that there should be an option to remove one or both of the buttons from the top of the inventory and re-add them to the dropdown like before.


I don't understand why this update was needed in the first place - I haven't seen a single player have any issues with the previous layout. If it had an optional remove setting, I would have been much happier about it, as it would have allowed for some convenient UI customization for players who use the compact and deposit buttons frequently, but allowed those who don't use them as often to not mess up their inventory arrangement.

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