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Orichalcum Nodes

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Is it me or is the lack of Orichalcum Nodes after 2 Expansions getting a bit tedious now? I've just noticed as I'm going for another Gen. 2 Legendary that these Nodes are so few yet the level of the areas are 80, why wouldn't there be more in these areas?


I wonder if Arena Net will put more of these nodes in come the next expansion because the material really isn't that rare in terms of its use, it would be more beneficial to players to be able to find more of these instead of having to rely on the Trading Post for purchasing a large amount of it in the future. Might just be me but it's just an idea.

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I doubt most gather them they just play obtain a ton of unidentified gear and champ bag type things and open and salvage and get them that way. If you do find that rich node you can hit it on all your alts once a day until it moves when update or that map closes. There used to be static one's in the same spot like in southsun but idk if those still around where we used to park our alts back in the day

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It is definitely you. I have over 3750 ingot sitting around and that is after crafting more than 30 legendary weapons and leveling every crafting profession to 500 twice. Also one of the materials I never really had to farm for unlike mithril, elder wood, platinum and iron.


> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> I doubt most gather them they just play obtain a ton of unidentified gear and champ bag type things and open and salvage and get them that way. If you do find that rich node you can hit it on all your alts once a day until it moves when update or that map closes. There used to be static one's in the same spot like in southsun but idk if those still around where we used to park our alts back in the day


There is a static rich one in Crystal Oasis. Static non-rich one Auric Basic but that one is really not worth the effort. Several other easy to find locations in AB. Also good for Ancient Wood too.


There is a rich one in VB that moves around but finding it is fairly easy. Even easier with mounts.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > I doubt most gather them they just play obtain a ton of unidentified gear and champ bag type things and open and salvage and get them that way. If you do find that rich node you can hit it on all your alts once a day until it moves when update or that map closes. There used to be static one's in the same spot like in southsun but idk if those still around where we used to park our alts back in the day


> There is a static rich one in Crystal Oasis. Static non-rich one Auric Basic but that one is really not worth the effort. Several other easy to find locations in AB. Also good for Ancient Wood too.


> There is a rich one in VB that moves around but finding it is fairly easy. Even easier with mounts.


There's also a rich node on the peaks in the middle of Kourna, which I always end up mining once a week because it's in my volatile magic gathering path for the Kourna daily. I think it moves around a little bit but not too far.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> It is definitely you. I have over 3750 ingot sitting around and that is after crafting more than 30 legendary weapons and leveling every crafting profession to 500 twice. Also one of the materials I never really had to farm for unlike mithril, elder wood, platinum and iron.


> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > I doubt most gather them they just play obtain a ton of unidentified gear and champ bag type things and open and salvage and get them that way. If you do find that rich node you can hit it on all your alts once a day until it moves when update or that map closes. There used to be static one's in the same spot like in southsun but idk if those still around where we used to park our alts back in the day


> There is a static rich one in Crystal Oasis. Static non-rich one Auric Basic but that one is really not worth the effort. Several other easy to find locations in AB. Also good for Ancient Wood too.


> There is a rich one in VB that moves around but finding it is fairly easy. Even easier with mounts.


Not to be mean but I think a dude w 30 legendary and lvl's crafting 2 times for w/e reason is not exactly the typical GW2 player to compare to him and say It's def you

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There's rich nodes in the expansion maps, they can spawn in all maps from HoT onwards, although I think there's only a few in fixed locations. Also the main source of Orichalum and Ancient Wood is mostly salvaging UID gear from meta events.


If you do happen upon a rich node remember you can spam multiple alts at it once per day.

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