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Was this water dragon statue always in DIVINITY REACH?


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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I'm pretty sure I remember it from fairly early on, and was disappointed that I couldn't actually climb on it.


Yeah that disappointed me too. Bits of it have collision, but mostly around the bottom and it doesn't match the artwork so you end up standing inside it and falling through in random places. I guess they thought as long as you couldn't run right through it that was near enough, especially since back then climbing on anything that wasn't designed for it was much harder.

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Yeah, I guess it was always there. Just like the artwork for the 3 headed dragon or triple dragons (can be seen as the background on the [client downloader page](https://account.arena.net/welcome)). I bet the Tengu are really gonna be pissed when this thing goes rolling up on the Dominion of the Winds and whatever the Tengu place next to Lion's Arch is. Dragon(s) is probably taller than their wall. lol


Both their head designs (concept art and in-game statue) are similar. Both also resemble the heads of saltspray dragons. Also the wingless and more serpent like form definitely seems Canthanesque. Weird how things have stared at us in the face for the past years, but only now we begin to notice them.

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