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Please help me understand WvW precursor armour


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I just got the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine. I mainly got it for the skin and I'm not currently planning to make legendary armour, but I might do it one day and I don't want to mess up any of the progress I've already made, but I also want to use the new piece in the meantime.


Am I understanding correctly that if I eventually want to make the Mistforged legendary armour I will need the Mistforged ascended armour, and the only way getting the earlier version helps is unlocking the Mistforged version on the vendor? (Meaning I can do what I like with the actual armour piece and won't lose progress?)


If not what do I need to avoid doing to the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine? If I tranmute it does it still work as a precursor? If I select stats then change them in the Mystic Forge will it work? I've only ever made legendary weapons before and then I avoided changing the precursor at all, but I was always working on the legendary and only had the precursor for a short time, so it wasn't really a problem.


(Also is there any downside to mixing WvW and PvE legendary armour? I know the skins are different, but other than that are there any issues? Is it better to focus on getting one full set from WvW and a different one from raids?)

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You unlock exotic piecd with reward track and you buy ascended one from vendor which works as precursor.


Transmuting keeps the same item, it just changes the skins. Dropping anything in mystic forge will delete old and give new item so never drop precursors in there.


Besides skins, there's no real difference among pretty much any gear piece, assuming it's same stats, weight and quality. You can get whichever and as many pieces as you want.


Probably not a great idea to have more than 1 full set of the same weight because legendary armory is being worked on.

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So does that mean I can use the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine as a precursor to make the legendary Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine? (Which must be the most absurdly named item in the game.)


I don't need to get the ascended version of the Mistforged armour first and use that as a precursor?


> @"steki.1478" said:

> Probably not a great idea to have more than 1 full set of the same weight because legendary armory is being worked on.

Yeah, I forgot to specify, if I make two sets it will be for different armour weights.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> So does that mean I can use the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine as a precursor to make the legendary Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine? (Which must be the most absurdly named item in the game.)


> I don't need to get the ascended version of the Mistforged armour first and use that as a precursor?


> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > Probably not a great idea to have more than 1 full set of the same weight because legendary armory is being worked on.

> Yeah, I forgot to specify, if I make two sets it will be for different armour weights.


I was trying not to comment on the forums so I could wait out enough time for moderators to forget me and be able to post without being spammed with warnings/bans.


This was confusing for me initially as well so let me help you out. Your current ascended piece AND the sublime armor are both precursors. If you don't plan to use the sublime armor for the skin, don't buy it as you can use your current midtforged as a precursor. Furthermore, only the ascended pieces are precursors. Not the exotics. The exotics must be purchased in order to unlock the ability to purchase the ascended.


Secondly, you can change skins on it using transmutation stones and it will remain a precursor. DO NOT however attempt to forge it to change stats as the forge will create an entirely new item and you will LOSE your precursor. Worst case scenario store it away on a mule or your bank as one day should you decide to make legendary armor, you won't have to grind out tickets which are awful for lower ranked players - I at rank 600~ make one piece every six months at the minimum because of having a job, girlfriend, a life - even then I play as much as I am able to. The limitations only being the tickets.


Anyways, hope this helps and that you get to read it before it gets removed and I'm either banned/warned again.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> So does that mean I can use the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine as a precursor to make the legendary Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine? (Which must be the most absurdly named item in the game.)


> I don't need to get the ascended version of the Mistforged armour first and use that as a precursor?




Ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine will turn into a Legendary Triumphant Hero's Brigandine

Ascended Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine will turn into a Legendary Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine


Basically whichever skin you start with on the ascended you will end up with the same on after upgrading to legendary. Turning it into a legendary has no impact on the skin.


If you want the Sublime skin you will have to get that separately.


If your ultimate goal is the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine and you haven't bought the ascended Triumphant Hero's Brigandine, you can buy the exotic Triumphant Hero's Brigandine which will also unlock your ability to buy the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine. This would save you a few gold and the grandmaster marks but you will still have to pay the same amount of skirmish tickets and memories of battle.

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I just wanted to add that the "Mistforged" set has the blue glowing effect, and can only be purchased once you reach a rank of 500 in wvw.


There are 3 tiers to WvW armor:

* **Tier 1** : Triumphant Armor, Exotic, which comes from wvw reward trek for triumphant armor.

* **Tier 2** : Triumphant Hero Armor, Exotic or Ascended, **No rank requirement**, the ascended pieces act as _precursors_ for the legendary armor, these are purchased from skermish supervisor vendor once tier 1 armor piece has been unlocked.

* **Tier 3** : Mistforged Triumphant Hero Armor, Ascended, **Require rank 500** in WvW, have blue glow effect, these are purchased from skerm supervisor once Tier 2 armor has been unlocked(exo or ascended, doesnt matter which). These are also _Precursors_, for the mistforged legendary set.


Buying the Tier 3 chest will unlock the sublime skin (which gives the tendrils when in combat/weapons drawn), i'm not sure if tier 2 ascended has tendrils.

Both the Tier 2 and Tier 3 ascendeds can be upgraded to Legendary Armor, with the Tier 3(mistforged) having a higher ticket cost.


The WvW precursors have the same appearance as the legendary they become. Mistforge has blue glow (and more intricate design), regular triumphant hero does not.


for the second bit...

WvW armor has selectable stats, you can freely select stats the first time they are equipped, and you can socket infusions and runes and also transmog the armor without 'ruining' them as a precursor, the only restriction is that once stats are selected, you cant use the mystic forge to stat swap them, as the new armor piece recieved wont work as a precursor.


and finally, There no reason not to mix and match legendary armor pieces, if you've for some reason not got a full set of raid armor, you can substitute wvw or pvp pieces. only difference being the skins.

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Thanks everyone, that's really helpful!


I do want to eventually get the Mistforged skin, so I'll need to get another ascended version to use as a precursor, but I think I'll also give this one to a character where I'm highly unlikely to change the stats, and then hopefully if I ever do want to change then I'll remember to get a replacement. That way I'll have the option of using this one as a precursor too.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> [...] and then hopefully if I ever do want to change then I'll remember to get a replacement. That way I'll have the option of using this one as a precursor too.


That will take you a _long_ time then (i.e., several months) if you want to rebuy the same pieces as the legendary version is super expensive and you can gather only a set, limited amount of Skirmish Claim Tickets per week:



I wouldn't do that but use the pieces you've already bought instead. Otherwise, it wolud be a real waste IMO.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > [...] and then hopefully if I ever do want to change then I'll remember to get a replacement. That way I'll have the option of using this one as a precursor too.


> That will take you a _long_ time then (i.e., several months) if you want to rebuy the same pieces as the legendary version is super expensive and you can gather only a set, limited amount of Skirmish Claim Tickets per week:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor#WvW_Components


> I wouldn't do that but use the pieces you've already bought instead. Otherwise, it wolud be a real waste IMO.


I meant I'd get a replacement ascended piece with whichever new stat combination I want, instead of stat-changing the precursor.

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The ascended mistforge is indeed already a precursor.

You buy them stat selectable and that is where the caution should be;

If you select a stat on the ascended piece, you're stuck with it if you want to keep it a precursor for legendary armor.


Transmuting the item is merely changing the looks, it still says "transmuted Mistforged bla bla"

Changing the stats with a Mystic Forge recipe is changing the item. It will be REPLACED.


For example, if you use the mystic forge to change stats to Berserker... **your mistforged is LOST and replaced by Zojja's **


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As long as you don't mystic forge the triumphant hero ascended or mistforged triumphant hero armor you should be fine.


I don't recommend to make exotic precursor unless you have enough tickets to make legendary mistforged and the exotic version at the same time. For most players the added ~200g material cost of ascended for grandmaster marks is well worth it because you can make legendary triumphant hero and then take your time unlocking the mistforged version. The biggest time gate is skirmish tickets.


The only case where it makes sense to make exotic triumphant is if you have a ton of legendary armors already and are just going for the skin.

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Simple 3 tiers one exotic, one ascended(the precursor), and the ascended that is only for visual purpose which is the most expensive. Although like others have pointed out that the highest tier is just for visuals its really a waste plus requires even more time with time gated tickets if you do it that way. Although if you want it to take a LONGER amount of time than it takes then you could do it that way. Pretty much though all of the people who are long time WvW veteran players got like their first three sets of this years ago now. Is why the big uptick in where are alliances posts because the legendary armor was served as a time gate while they claimed to be working on it but now for these veteran players that time gate has long passed but still no alliances.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The exotics must be purchased in order to unlock the ability to purchase the ascended.


not quite exact.


T1: only exotic

T2: exotic + ascended. ascended works as precursor for legendary with the same skin

T3: only ascended. ascended works as precursor for legendary with the same skin


T1 you get from the reward track box.

T2 can only be purchased if the matching T1 skin is unlocked

T3 can only be purchased if the matching T2 skin is unlocked.


If you want to buy the T2-ascended, you only need the matching item/skin from the reward track. No need to buy an exotic.


Only if you want to buy the T3-ascended, you first have to buy the matching T2-skin-item. You should buy the T2-exotic for this because it is cheaper. But of course you could also buy the T2-ascended to unlock the skin for the T3-ascended.


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