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Necro deserves a solid nerf; especially Reaper. In PvP and especially WvW.

Connla Dda.9407

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hello again. Yet again moaning how bad and casual i am as a player and ranger. Pathetic, i am not going to comment this toxic, as your profession and/or playerbase, comments. But someone of you wrote to kill a Necro, or Reaper is "wait until it leaves the shroud". Hmmmm. Why? Why should i wait until it leaves shroud? Because it is Overpowered. Otherewise i could fight it. But no. Shroud, just after chill stun kills not only me and my build. But most of the players. There is an argument, wrote by Necro itself that this class need a nerf. And saying Reaper needs a buff is a bad, bad joke. Not going even to comment this. Reassuming: Necro needs a SOLID nerf, especially Reaper shroud. and endless life force gathering from core Necro.


sigh, why start memeing after half a page... not good bait

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Its not only Reaper, it is the sustain of necro and toolset after dmg nerf is way ower top, i have actualy switched from ranger to necro solo roaming and do alot better than on my boon beast.

Been playing ranger solo roaming for 8 years and necro about 2 weeks, it is dishartening to se other classes so mutch more powerfull than my poor hated ranger.

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> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> Its not only Reaper, it is the sustain of necro and toolset after dmg nerf is way ower top, i have actualy switched from ranger to necro solo roaming and do alot better than on my boon beast.

> Been playing ranger solo roaming for 8 years and necro about 2 weeks, it is dishartening to se other classes so mutch more powerfull than my poor hated ranger.


None of your experience is evidence that necro needs a nerf.

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> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> Its not only Reaper, it is the sustain of necro and toolset after dmg nerf is way ower top, i have actualy switched from ranger to necro solo roaming and do alot better than on my boon beast.

> Been playing ranger solo roaming for 8 years and necro about 2 weeks, it is dishartening to se other classes so mutch more powerfull than my poor hated ranger.

I beat you playing necro, while playing ranger myself with 2 hours of training - guaranteed! You made not one single substantial argument here. Just the same "I can't win, so it must be broken" stuff over and over again ... like a broken record. And who cares whether you know someone, that is as bad as you and loses to necro too? What do you want to prove with that? Every ranger stating necro is overpowered basically states that he sucks at the game.


We get it, you can't get over a certain low level of skill. But that's not necro's fault. Leave him alone!

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Condi ranger? Equip shortbow and kite.

Most necromancer builds can't even keep up with their condition cleanses and you have enough gap-openers and damage negation/sustain to usually just drain them out.


Power ranger? Enable soulbeast, press 2, then press F1, repeat.


Ranger is vying as one of the strongest dueling professions in the entire game right now. Even if OP is skilled as a player, the build is just dreadful enough to the point where it doesn't actually matter.


I think even D/D thief is a stronger build than what OP is running. And that's WEAK.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hello again. Yet again moaning how bad and casual i am as a player and ranger. Pathetic, i am not going to comment this toxic, as your profession and/or playerbase, comments. But someone of you wrote to kill a Necro, or Reaper is "wait until it leaves the shroud". Hmmmm. Why? Why should i wait until it leaves shroud? Because it is Overpowered. Otherewise i could fight it. But no. Shroud, just after chill stun kills not only me and my build. But most of the players. There is an argument, wrote by Necro itself that this class need a nerf. And saying Reaper needs a buff is a bad, bad joke. Not going even to comment this. Reassuming: Necro needs a SOLID nerf, especially Reaper shroud. and endless life force gathering from core Necro.




Right here is where you prove you are not a good player. The basic concept of countering something with another thing you outright reject. "Why should i wait to leave shroud?" ... uhh because its got a 10s cooldown and its their only defense mechanism so you're taking advantage of it? No different than taking advantage of someone double dodging to hit them with a burst or CC.


Please tell me you are a troll post and people like this don't actually exist who can't understand the concept of counterplay.


Do you think endure pain, elixir s, or other class damage reduction buffs are OP too? or do you do the appropriate thing and just "wait them out"? What about rev heal or defiant stance. Do you keep attacking and healing them? No. You wait. Literally "not attacking" is a counter to many skills in this game, including blocks, heals, etc.


Sigh... I feel bad, but at this point you're just a troll and it shows.

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I wont go into why (apart from the insane sustain from life force) as i am no necro expert , been playing it only 3 weeks.

(been solo roaming for 8 years now)

Necro is realy overpreforming as a solo roamer.

It is the top roamer by far now, and in the same time the class that fills upp 40% of all wvw squads.

Leaving very little room to play other classes in wvw.

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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> How are you losing to a reaper as a ranger? Especially soulbeast. Run hyena... infinite leaps.. gtfo out of range.. axe us down... wow. Also, of condi necro/reaper... sigil of cleansing is OP as kitten.. just use it.


You are not mistaken there: Just keep kitting the reaper and the ranger should not have any problems. I play both in wvw (necro and rangur) and i have to say although reaper is a little bit oppressive at melee with the "spin to win" i don't think it needs nerfing at all because there is counters (stay at range).


_**The shroud energy generation needs a bit nerfing in some builds thou as the reaper can regenerate that faster than other players can deplete it .**_

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You should not lose to any necro build on any build as a ranger period. There is exactly only 1 necro build that can stall the matchup forever against the best of ranger builds. I will attribute you getting farmed to you having shit build or not knowing how to play the game or both. Reaper having great lf generation is the best joke ive heard all day. Also both your arguments that you put forth proving you are not bad at the game are irrelevant as having UD and playing the game since the beginning has no correlation to being skilled.

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> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> I wont go into why (apart from the insane sustain from life force) as i am no necro expert , been playing it only 3 weeks.

> (been solo roaming for 8 years now)

> Necro is realy overpreforming as a solo roamer.

> It is the top roamer by far now, and in the same time the class that fills upp 40% of all wvw squads.

> Leaving very little room to play other classes in wvw.


And then there is this already 4 pages long thread about an epidemic of rangers and thiefs in WvW in the WvW subforum. Not that I personally have anything against ranger and thief being dominant in the gamemode (I'm even glad that they rise), but this thread might shake a bit your point of view.


> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> _**The shroud energy generation needs a bit nerfing in some builds thou as the reaper can regenerate that faster than other players can deplete it .**_


Personally, I don't think that the LF gen need a nerf. I think that the LF pool is what need a nerf in sPvP/WvW. It should have been lowered from 67% of the necromancer's health pool to 44% of the necromancer's health pool in the February patch, this would have spared us most of the drama about necromancer's sustain since the patch.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Personally, I don't think that the LF gen need a nerf. I think that the LF pool is what need a nerf in sPvP/WvW. It should have been lowered from 67% of the necromancer's health pool to 44% of the necromancer's health pool in the February patch, this would have spared us most of the drama about necromancer's sustain since the patch.

Anet did already move from "we do just number tweaks" (multipliers, icds) to "we also do slight mechanical tweaks" (axe3 double hit threshold and different core shroud degeneration rates). If they move further to such huge impacts on how a class feels in the different game modes, then I am done with GW2.


If you are a developer and your game design is so bad, that you don't find other solutions than such splits, then you don't deserve my time and money.


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Sansar.1302" said:

> > I wont go into why (apart from the insane sustain from life force) as i am no necro expert , been playing it only 3 weeks.

> > (been solo roaming for 8 years now)

> > Necro is realy overpreforming as a solo roamer.

> > It is the top roamer by far now, and in the same time the class that fills upp 40% of all wvw squads.

> > Leaving very little room to play other classes in wvw.


> And then there is this already 4 pages long thread about an epidemic of rangers and thiefs in WvW in the WvW subforum. Not that I personally have anything against ranger and thief being dominant in the gamemode (I'm even glad that they rise), but this thread might shake a bit your point of view.


> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > _**The shroud energy generation needs a bit nerfing in some builds thou as the reaper can regenerate that faster than other players can deplete it .**_


> Personally, I don't think that the LF gen need a nerf. I think that the LF pool is what need a nerf in sPvP/WvW. It should have been lowered from 67% of the necromancer's health pool to 44% of the necromancer's health pool in the February patch, this would have spared us most of the drama about necromancer's sustain since the patch.


To be fair, the increased LF depletion rate on Reaper works pretty much the same way and thus, Reapers have ALREADY been nerfed to the level the person you are replying to is saying is needed. Obviously, anyone with a clue knows that it's absurd to say that a reaper can regenerate that (LF) faster than other players can deplete it (because if that was the case, Reapers would NEVER leave shroud right?) ... but hey, sensationalism is a hell of a drug isn't it :wink:

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So OP, you come to nerco forum asking for nerf. What did you expect? Players saying life force regen is overpowered, speed runes is overpowered etc etc.

You would have been better off going to Ranger forum and saying..."i run so and so build and have issues fighting (insert spec here)". Players would have pointed you in right direction.


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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hi again, sorry to post it, but you are completely wrong. Can not kite Necro while chilled and/or crippled. It is just impossible to do. And you saying "learn to play" as i wrote you not to do that... I am a good, competetive player, not top, but i know my value. Over 250k WvW kills and ultimate dominator title, so i know how to fight. But as i wrote. It goes: chill, damage, chill, damage, pull if kited, fear dead. Always. And lately some of one reapers in PvP wrote: "I am a god. Just die in silence." Total overconfidence of Overpowered profession. I have seen in WvW 1 Reaper killing 3 players, so do not tell me Necro is not Overpowered. And this topic is about nerfing the Necro, not that i am bad ranger as you trying to implement.


I ranger main and love it. But I also play reaper & scourge enough to know them as well. I am still able to take out necros on a pretty consistent basis, although yes it is less consistent than it was a year ago before the patch. Nevertheless, it sounds like your problem is letting them get too close to you. You want to use the mobility & knockbacks before you become tied up in chill, not after. Once they start applying chill, you are playing THEIR game, not YOURS.


Necros are actually in a pretty balanced and good spot right now. While I am not entirely satisfied with all the nerfs SB Ranger has taken lately, in a 1v1 vs. necro my experience is still generally "I win". You might consider that the issue isn't necessarily how well you play over all and how many kills you have in PvP or WvW, but whether you have the right build for playing the way you do against necromancers. If you just cannot stay out of reach, then think about building in condi mitigation so that when they do get you up close, you can do something about it.

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Seriously cannot believe what im reading here, OP how much have you learned in all those hours of PvP?

im a returning player crossing back from ESO PvP to WVW in here as a Ranger.

With less than 100 hours or so in GW2 wvw even i have no problems with Reapers (Scourges on the other hand!).

LB/GS, Lightening reflexes, muddy terrain and use the Jacaranda because if owt needs a nerf its that bloody plant.


Honestly if shroud is an issue keep at distance and wait until its over - then toast um.


Even better just swap to a Druid, root root root, they never get close.


Be Safe

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> I'm going to come in and play devils advocate and say that Lich form is broken and 100% deserves a nerf/rework.


And I'm going to remind you that Rampage exists which does equally ridiculous damage but also comes with the benefit of CC's, mobility, and damage reduction.


Lich is slow, has a shorter duration, one CC _(Fear),_ most of its attacks are projectiles which means they can be destroyed or reflected, it doesn't reduce incoming damage, and pulses less Stability.


I absolutely do not disagree that the damage is insane, and I understand why a lot of people dislike it. If a Necro pops Lich on you it can 2 shot you pretty easy. With that said, it ain't hard to counter. Literally run away for 10 seconds and hide behind a wall or something and there isn't much they can do.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Personally, I don't think that the LF gen need a nerf. I think that the LF pool is what need a nerf in sPvP/WvW. It should have been lowered from 67% of the necromancer's health pool to 44% of the necromancer's health pool in the February patch, this would have spared us most of the drama about necromancer's sustain since the patch.

> Anet did already move from "we do just number tweaks" (multipliers, icds) to "we also do slight mechanical tweaks" (axe3 double hit threshold and different core shroud degeneration rates). If they move further to such huge impacts on how a class feels in the different game modes, then I am done with GW2.


> If you are a developer and your game design is so bad, that you don't find other solutions than such splits, then you don't deserve my time and money.



with the huge difference in life pools and pace between pve and both pvp and wvw splits have to happen or else a lot of skills become useless. instant casts are pretty good in any kind of pvp content but in pve your opponents won't interrupt you or kite or blind or whatever anyways, so casting time doesn't matter a lot. same thing for stunbreaks. a skill that only stunbreaks with no other effect is practically useless in pve while depending on cd it might be very strong in pvp content.


less splits would mean that pve comes closer to pvp -> higher mob damage across the board, more ccs, stunbreaks, no artificial pauses in exchange for lower mob hp. then we're in an elitist game and no longer in guild wars.

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