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Why ppl say GW2 is dead? :|


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

> Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.


> Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.


I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.

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people always says stuff like that just because they're either disappointed with the game, or afraid to spend time and resources in a game that might not be doing well enough for them.

the thing is GW2 is one of the top MMOs, and among the most played ones. Devs keep on adding content often and consistently, so it's very much not dead, for MMO standards.


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> @"coso.9173" said:

> people always says stuff like that just because they're either disappointed with the game, or afraid to spend time and resouorces in a game that might not be doing good enough for them.

> thing is GW2 is one of the top MMOs, and among the most played one. Devs keep on adding content often and consistently, so it's very much not dead, for MMO standards.



Ye... in my opinion this game is a great MMO. Nowadays you can't find good MMOs.. only mmos p2w

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I have been seeing people claiming that the game is dying since at least 2014, especially in WvW. People seem to like saying that because they are either mad or frustrated with the game or because they just need to be dramatic to get attention. Its the nature of every game that players will come and go, with fewer numbers trying out the game as it ages but GW2 still has a very strong player base and I see no signs of that changing any time in the future. Are there fewer players now than at launch? Of course there are but that does not mean the game is dead or dying.

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They have been saying GW2 is dead since like two weeks after release.

It's normal that after so many years the population decreased a little, especially before the release of a new expansion. I still meet tons of people everywhere, even just doing map completion and levelling. I don't see all this 'death'.

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Let's sort some things out. Frist semantics: dying and dead became more of a term of a constantly declining popularity/population which is true. Also a lot of friends I know quit playing the game, but of course there are new players coming. Then there are some other issues: the MMO genre is on the decline since the peak times of 2008-2010. The MOBAs came and now Battle Royale. Just trends, they come and go.


Then there is the personal perspective or perception: I don't play it anymore or rarely, hence I feel the game does not well. Then there are some facts: the presence in the internet and general popularity declining ("this game is still online?"). And of course the facts about money and income of reports. Nonetheless MMOs usually have a very long lifespan and many studios keep their game up for as long as possible - even with a small playerbase.


I think - even if the game and the genre in the whole - won't be back in the days anymore, this game will surely get some player influx caused by steam and the new expansion. So pretty sure you'll be safe for the next couple of years if not even longer.

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I've always gotten annoyed at people saying "dead game" because when you go around the maps, you'll see a lot of people, you'll see full maps, people active and chatting. The game certainly isn't dead, but I have noticed a decrease in players for sure.


Recently I'm mostly spending my time doing raids and t4 fractals/cms, and I noticed that whilst Halloween was active... it was so hard to fill an LFG that would normally have taken 5-10 minues. It didn't matter what time of day it was, sometimes I was leaving them up for 30-45 minutes before giving up (this is mostly for raids, it was usually possible to always find a fractal group, it just took longer than usual). Now since the festival ended it has gotten a lot better again, but it still feels like there's less and less people each week.


I notice it a lot with my friends and guildies, they're usually very active around new story releases, playing every part of the game again... and a couple of weeks later they start logging in 1-2 days a week again rather than every day, and seem way less motivated to do anything because they feel like the game is out of fresh content and the releases have been disappointing, and the "promised features" either aren't being delivered or talked about, or seem way too far off.


Personally I still love the game and I'm gonna keep logging in every day, it's just sad and frustrating that it takes so long to find groups for content sometimes, and I haven't been enjoying the story releases as much as I used to, and it sucks having friends burn out.

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Its far from dead as a whole, but some maps and activities are. Your best bet is to finish that content when it is relevant before it dies down or you will have a heck of a time on certain achievements and such. Its a problem but its still possible to complete old masteries and achievements, its just not nearly as easy as it was when those maps were relevant and would definitely give you the sense of dead game if you don't understand whats going on. This game basically funnels its players to the newest meta farm map and once that map is outdated it loses like 90% of its population. Some old map metas are still relevant, but everything outside of that event will most likely be dead.

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If you want dead, go walk in the Qeynos newbie grounds in Everquest. I actually log into Everquest from time to time, in that particular zone and listen to the very sad music that starts to play when you come near a stone marker. A zone dead for 15+ years, the memories, that music, it's like a requiem. Lovely.


Nothing wrong with a dead MMO, as long as you have the memories(and are a sentimental fool). Actually GW2 does a *way* too good job of luring players into cities and zones that have been around for all 8 years. How will I ever be melancholic in Tyria!?

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Yes it is dead because when someone says something on the internet, it must be true. Joke aside, you should ask your friends why they believe the game is dead. As a whole the game is populated and active, but there are parts that are dead. Some are "officially" dead, like Raids, while others simply have no team working on them, like Guild Missions, bounties and legendary weapons. Fractals were considered "dead" for 2 years but they were revived recently.

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I still see a lot of players online. Might be because some events/collections take you to lower level maps. But then again: There are a few new players there as well.


Also as someone explained before (page 1 of the thread): People rushing the content are a problem. They quickly complain because they see GW2 as a single player game immediately rushing released stuff and constantly crying for new "DLC". :D (Instead of just playing other games as well.)

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Yes guys, I realized why some people say the game is dead or dying. Because of the frustrations that developers don't make the game exactly the way they want. You thank people the hardest. They will never be satisfied. I also saw the Road Map and it sounds promising and will not die in the next 10 years. I guarantee for Guild Wars 2 that it will not die in the next 10 years because the Developers are still dealing with the game and only very weak MMOs appear on the market .. what is currently playing is GW2, WoW, BDO and ESO .. nothing else is better if we think about it.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

>only very weak MMOs appear on the market .. what is currently playing is GW2, WoW, BDO and ESO .. nothing else is better if we think about it.


That's the reason many people are still playing this game. Because everything else out there is just as bad if not worse than gw2. Wow has maybe 10x the amount of population than gw2 currently, but WoW imo is worse than gw in many way. It was at it's peak during WoTLK which i was lucky to be playing it at that time.


Personally, I'm biding my time until Cyberpunk and waiting for a good MMO to surface....who knows when that will be. But I'm not sticking around gw2 much longer that's for sure.


Again just my opinion.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> I also saw the Road Map and it sounds promising and will not die in the next 10 years.


WildStar had a roadmap too. Tabula Rasa had two years before getting taken behind the shed and shot with its designer unlawfully terminated. City of Heroes was shut down right after a big content patch while it was still very much profitable. Good times. What I'm saying is, you may trust Arenanet but never trust NCSoft. The executives there would pull the plug on their own mother's life support for a sufficient sum of money. Don't think of what may or may not be here tomorrow. Just strap in and enjoy the ride while it lasts.

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Well, I can only speak about my own experience, but I have had the game since launch and have about 80+ people on my friends list. Nowadays, I generally only see 3-4 of them online when I login for the daily. So most are inactive now & moved on to other games and life.


Granted, most on the list are from the days I was active in WvW, so maybe things are better if you’re a PvE player. And I’m sure new players replace a portion of those who leave, though Anet year-over-year revenue has often been declining since HoT.


But you can still probably have a good time in the game. It’s a ton of content for the B2P cost, and I would bet many of the people who no longer play still feel they got good value out of their GW2 experience. Mega-servers makes it so that you can still run into people in the open world, even though the player base isn’t what it once was.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

> > Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.

> >

> > Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.


> I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.


I think the vocal minority push this idea more then most the casuals that are still playing this wonderful game blissfully unware.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

> > > Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.

> > >

> > > Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.

> >

> > I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.


> I think the vocal minority push this idea more then most the casuals that are still playing this wonderful game blissfully unware.

"that are still playing".


Although if you were to actually ask those casuals, you might find that they may have just a tiny bit more complains than you think.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > Some people are just unhappy about the state of the current game and the direction it is going.

> > > > Those I find are the ones who say the game is dead/dying.

> > > >

> > > > Most of us disagree and don't feel the same way.

> > >

> > > I disagree with the misguided direction the game is going, but never have I considered that the game is dying or dead.

> >

> > I think the vocal minority push this idea more then most the casuals that are still playing this wonderful game blissfully unware.

> "that are still playing".


> Although if you were to actually ask those casuals, you might find that they may have just a tiny bit more complains than you think.



Yes! People are still playing because they enjoy the game and all that it has to offer. So they have no need to come and complain on the forums.

Especially if you are new to the game and are hearing "this games dead" makes No sense what so ever because there is tons of stuff to do! Even when i joined the November after launch it felt like there was lots of stuff (no where as near as much stuff now). I mean for the longest time i didn't know the forums existed. I was one of those blissfully unware, satisfied players. (but ya know things change.) :D And when i saw the forums for the first time and what people were saying it was a 180 from my own experiences. I often find though that in most of my gaming communities I've been apart of it is the age of the player and & their life situations that make people leave the game not necessarily just the games content. Still though the hardcore are still here in my guild whether they really love the game or not. I think it has become more about the community then just the game itself.

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> @"Zereqiel.8249" said:

> this game is not dead. just google or youtube mmorpgs with high population and you will always see gw2 in that list. people who say this game is dead are the ones who are dying if not liferally then in some other aspect of their lives. sad people.


> you may also go to a map with an active meta and enjoy the lagfest. make friends, join a guild whose activities and interests align with yours (farming or wvw) and youre golden.


Thanks for advice bro!

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I say gw2 is dead or dying because the pvp population is way lower than previously and the pve content quality and frequency of patches/changes/balance over last 2 yrs feels like their being produced by a team quarter the size of other mmo's. Pve areas are still very populated, atleast few months back when I logged in. For a new player there's a incredible amount of content to experience and explore.

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