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World Linking 12/4/2020

Cal Cohen.2358

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There is already so much stacking on RoF, that people will be forced to transfer away due to the queues, when FSP was already quite active.


At least some servers opened up, although if Deso gets unlinked, it will be a big struggle without a link, after losing another 21 players this week, in addition to the 7 guilds who transferred to link servers.

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> Updated population before relink and after weekly calculation :

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/V0aQAeB.png "")


> Link for better quality : https://i.imgur.com/V0aQAeB.png


You Eu guys really know how to exploit the system. Next move is the we''ll show Wsr and that transfer to Rof and a whole bunch of guilds transfer to like BT to stack them. Then you can have full/full vs another full/full in t1 and best bandwagoners win. Honestly anet just lock anyone that transferred from wsr to a link back to wsr and then now to RoF from transferring again because those guys are the real problem. Stop letting them exploit the system and lock them from transferring for like 6 months since they got 6 months of full/full stacked ruin the mode for anyone else in T1.

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My suggestion would be fixing the system, not locking people out of transfers.


1. **Reduce reasons that people stack:** Defensive powercreep, mono midrange superspeed meta, upgrade times, no stopping larger groups even with siege

2. **Fix the transfer costs:** There shouldn't be 500 gem servers with lot of population in the linking: Count populations as totals on the linkings

3. **Make it so that server timezone/player distributions don't go anew every 2 months causing people/commanders/guilds identity issues unless they're within transfer stacks:** Remove relinkings and delete link servers permanently



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I really prefer some of the changes from "the table", like alliances, better rewards for defending, map changes and so on. But the "stacking" problem has a much easier and cheap solution: count population across links, not for individual servers. When a link combination is "full", both servers have to be locked. That shouldn't be difficult to implement, and would stop that "link stacking" immediately.

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Many people made suggestions about how to fix the population problem. In the end, one of the ideas should be done. My favourite is as a short term solution to limit the number of transfers to a server per week to 100 accounts. Yes, we would still see a massive transfer but not as crazy as now and the solution would require only few lines to code.

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> @"Corma.7268" said:

> I really prefer some of the changes from "the table", like alliances, better rewards for defending, map changes and so on. But the "stacking" problem has a much easier and cheap solution: count population across links, not for individual servers. When a link combination is "full", both servers have to be locked. That shouldn't be difficult to implement, and would stop that "link stacking" immediately.


Majority of organized guilds have had alt accounts for years on every server so all of that will do nothing so the longer the hesitate to delete all the servers it only will get worse. Plus the whole transfer system is flawed anyways it has no structure what so ever so anyone with the currency and the availability of a server being open is all that is needed to move from server to server. Plus also things got so bad that PvE guilds have come because its less of a chance they will get reported for botting in wvw with pip farming.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Remove relinkings. Its obvious alliances aren't coming, lets go back to old working system. Just remove the link servers and give them free transfer


Anet promised to remove the links if they didn't work.


They don't work and they are easily manipulated.

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man i wish i'd ever see all the people of full Desolation.


...ah yeah, there they are. the "Farmer A, B, C", the ranger 1v1'ing a brakish scale NPC (and nearly losing) for hours, the 5 afk piphunters and the 10 against-a-cliff runners at some edge of the map.


@"Kat.2849" yeah and the links don't really work since ages, and nothing got changed on that. the alliance system had a solution to this, but got cancelled apparently. with still no info. and the tumorous link system still seems to be continuing...


@"gloflop.3510" erm 100 accounts transferlimit? not even full WSR goes over that i think, and they live literally nomadstyle.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> man i wish i'd ever see all the people of full Desolation.


> ...ah yeah, there they are. the "Farmer A, B, C", the ranger 1v1'ing a brakish scale NPC (and nearly losing) for hours, the 5 afk piphunters and the 10 against-a-cliff runners at some edge of the map.


Well imagine your server is full for a year, don't you think all experienced players would move away during the months where open commanders are inactive? The state of the server is partly caused by the facts that no guild, experienced player or commander can enter.


That is why always having the 6-7 fun servers with actual community full is so weird (Surprise surprise, people want to be with active communities) At least limit the amount of full servers to 2. It would also be bigger profit gathering transfer money from very high servers than medium ones.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> @"gloflop.3510" erm 100 accounts transferlimit? not even full WSR goes over that i think, and they live literally nomadstyle.


Let us say one guild are 50 players. Then 100 players are 2 guilds. But before we now start a long discussion about the numbers, Anet has the actual transfer statistics and can decide about a sutiable limit themselves. I would just like to see one to slow the transfer-problem. It is not a solution, just a mitigation.


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@"Threather.9354" u probably haven't been there when deso dissolved, was like november 2019. we have been app permafull, but with guilds mainly. they got bored and split up around servers, some also just joined new guilds on other servers. we lost like 180 guild players, but that was across the year. we never gone to link population count (which can happen as we know from aurora glade for example), but somehow straight became full again after the first 120 leavers within one month.


what we got in trade was a far bigger amount of rarely active players of completely random guilds. and that's part of the problem. if there's like 50 different guild tags on a map, you know something is wrong.


the idea that was made within the concept of Alliances was, to make specific "Wvw guilds" if i recall that correctly. that would have finally given guilds a bigger meaning than just prestige or a upgraded guild hall, or the plain ability to claim objectives.


... i overall just wished they had given the finished concept of alliances at least a try. packing it into the cupboard sneakily and not giving information about updates other than some kryptic postings that announce "big changes" just to reduce damage coefficients of various skills as these... yeah, idk.

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friendly reminder that BB [EU] needs to be closed asap. having constant zerg coverage of 35-40 people over 12 hours is just a bit too insane.


@"DragonSlayer.1087" "major" server as term means nothing really. every server can become a link, if its population count just drops enough. many servers even get carried by their links. my own server is also really dead, pretty much nothing left, without a link we get like maximum 30-35 ppl squads. idk the exact server capacity numbers but having 90% of the population just extreme casuals destroys the identity a server one have had, as sad as that is.

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then they'd have probably 24/7 blob coverage instead of "just" three zergs parallel, that's not even much difference.


somehow i think it'd be good if EU wvw would just close at 1am~ and re-open at 8am or sth alike. that would make it less attractive for the american groups to zerg everything down at nights. it's just a bit unfair that really 25-30 guild pepes like on BB stalk exactly through these times, so the normally few night players cannot do anything at all.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> then they'd have probably 24/7 blob coverage instead of "just" three zergs parallel, that's not even much difference.


> somehow i think it'd be good if EU wvw would just close at 1am~ and re-open at 8am or sth alike. that would make it less attractive for the american groups to zerg everything down at nights. it's just a bit unfair that really 25-30 guild pepes like on BB stalk exactly through these times, so the normally few night players cannot do anything at all.

They already solved the effectivness of nightcapping with the skirmish system years ago. The fact that they are online and zerging at that time is a non-issue.

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nah, ppt is out of hand overall. player distribution is horrific as well. this system probably only exists bc the transfers bring enough gems.


also, i still want to know how desolation can ever be full? we never have srs numbers anywhere... and then u get screenshots from Far Shiverpeaks with 20ish queues on every single border lmfao.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone explain me what is going on with WSR or the current skrimish pairings?

We are a Medium Server fighting against Drakkar (Very High) + Vizunah (Medium) and Jade Sea (High).

It's a desaster. Green rolling over everyone.


I have no clue of past occurances and not yet understand the relevance of server jumping.

Buuuut why aren't we getting linked with anybody? :'(

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> @"Cpt Dave.5068" said:

> Can someone explain me what is going on with WSR or the current skrimish pairings?

> We are a Medium Server fighting against Drakkar (Very High) + Vizunah (Medium) and Jade Sea (High).

> It's a desaster. Green rolling over everyone.


> I have no clue of past occurances and not yet understand the relevance of server jumping.

> Buuuut why aren't we getting linked with anybody? :'(


Long story short, WSR was full enough according to Anet's data to become an unlinked server (along with BB and whatever other server happens to be most full at the time of relinking, Jade Sea this round). For various reason which I will not get into, most WSR guilds hopped ship to Dzagonur? not 100% sure on that one. So you're now left in T5 with an unlinked server that barely has anyone on it. Good news is that next relinking WSR will be a link server again, so all of the players that transferred off will probably come back (as they have in the past). Bad news is that this will likey cause WSR to go unliked again in the 2 months after that, so you will be stuck in this same situation.


If your specific question was why Anet won't do anything about it right now? Simple, relinks happen every two months, no questions asked (unless of course there's some kind of special occasion like the December holidays) which means even if massive population imbalances happen in the meantime (spoiler, they always do) Anet will wait until the next scheduled relink before doing anything about it.

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> @"Cpt Dave.5068" said:

> Can someone explain me what is going on with WSR or the current skrimish pairings?

> We are a Medium Server fighting against Drakkar (Very High) + Vizunah (Medium) and Jade Sea (High).

> It's a desaster. Green rolling over everyone.


> I have no clue of past occurances and not yet understand the relevance of server jumping.

> Buuuut why aren't we getting linked with anybody? :'(


the real WSR isn't the people who stay on WSR every time it gets unlinked. the core of the server are guilds like NIKE, KILL, LAYS ... in sum like 80~ people i'd guess, if not more, that just hop server once u get unlinked. after a recent history lesson about Wvw, WSR been one of the three huge stacking servers... and by now it's the one that has the most veterans still i think.

unlinked server = not enough ppl for ppt (or at least, it'd be extremly stressful in a very negative way, and ppt is pointless anyways), so you'd get stuck in t5 (where you need to become #1 to go t4)


this again means ur stuck in the same matchups till relink, and a fighting oriented server like WSR doesn't want that (message 2 anet watching: nobody, wants that. that's why t1 is equally bad as t5)



btw dazgonur is the next chosen dead server. became full, relink @ end of this month, WSR full open ... so mister capitano dave, you're at the most broken server in two weeks again, grats.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> > @"Cpt Dave.5068" said:

> > Can someone explain me what is going on with WSR or the current skrimish pairings?

> > We are a Medium Server fighting against Drakkar (Very High) + Vizunah (Medium) and Jade Sea (High).

> > It's a desaster. Green rolling over everyone.

> >

> > I have no clue of past occurances and not yet understand the relevance of server jumping.

> > Buuuut why aren't we getting linked with anybody? :'(


> the real WSR isn't the people who stay on WSR every time it gets unlinked. the core of the server are guilds like NIKE, KILL, LAYS ... in sum like 80~ people i'd guess, if not more, that just hop server once u get unlinked. after a recent history lesson about Wvw, WSR been one of the three huge stacking servers... and by now it's the one that has the most veterans still i think.

> unlinked server = not enough ppl for ppt (or at least, it'd be extremly stressful in a very negative way, and ppt is pointless anyways), so you'd get stuck in t5 (where you need to become #1 to go t4)


> this again means ur stuck in the same matchups till relink, and a fighting oriented server like WSR doesn't want that (message 2 anet watching: nobody, wants that. that's why t1 is equally bad as t5)


> edit:

> btw dazgonur is the next chosen dead server. became full, relink @ end of this month, WSR full open ... so mister capitano dave, you're at the most broken server in two weeks again, grats.


...and suddenly I don't wanna be relinked any more xD . Now I understand the problem, ty Kami and V Winter for the explanation. So it's just as is, because the "true WSR guys" want to easily stomp others. And I happen to be on a server, that's being bled out for this procedure.


I guess thanks Anet to allow that? :anguished:

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