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A QOL for healer/supports

Wiin Prenite.9652

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A minor-intermediate problem in WvW is having a healer is pretty much required. As someone that prefers to play healer there are quite a few problems with the current loot system that limit how much a healer can/will get. Depending how much you focus on healing you can get anywhere from the same loot as a damage or the more likely scenario is you get somewhere around 1/3 to 1/5 the loot/participation/XP. In an already shoddy mode to get gold/materials/items from this can make it almost entirely pointless to play healer and to be frank it sucks ---. There are a few ways that i can think of that could fix this very very easily but the one i think would be the most viable or reliable would be, Based on the amount target-x heals target-z share target-z's participation on enemies with target-x

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Lootbags would be nice but honestly I don't really care about them.


The single biggest QoL for me when I play support would be to be able to see non-partied/squadded healthbars. When I play, I am either solo or in a small party like 95% of the time, and it gets a bit tiring and inefficient having to constantly mouse over players to observe their health, trying not to waste my heals.

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> @"Za Shaloc.3908" said:

> Lootbags would be nice but honestly I don't really care about them.


> The single biggest QoL for me when I play support would be to be able to see non-partied/squadded healthbars. When I play, I am either solo or in a small party like 95% of the time, and it gets a bit tiring and inefficient having to constantly mouse over players to observe their health, trying not to waste my heals.


Different issue but yeah, Doesn't matter as much now that they removed most 10 target healing abilities also at the bottom of general settings "disable pvp teammate health bars" fixes that i think. Also i care for the loot bags/ppt because i exclusively play wvw pretty much because i find it the most fun

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> The only major support with this problem is medkit heal scrapper.


> Firebrands not resolve tomes and tempests running any weapon at all don't have this issue. Just tag things. Retaliation counts, reflects count.


I mean that's just not true any support focusing on healing will get far lower target participation, And it's just because of the stats they have to run


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The reason why you don't get drops just for healing is so people can't afk farm. **That's** what it comes down to, because of PVE people running boon builds like herald at spawn points.


As long as you tag things in some fashion, if you have been healing or spitting out boons the threshold for tagging damage is lowered significantly.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> The reason why you don't get drops just for healing is so people can't afk farm. **That's** what it comes down to, because of PVE people running boon builds like herald at spawn points.


> As long as you tag things in some fashion, if you have been healing or spitting out boons the threshold for tagging damage is lowered significantly.


Boons don't last that long... and i'm not asking for boons to give ppt because they should'nt, anyone that isn't stupid will hit the needed limit on dmg in one ability for 5 or so targets, this will legit just help healers focusing on healing and pretty much nothing more



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> @"Wiin Prenite.9652" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > The reason why you don't get drops just for healing is so people can't afk farm. **That's** what it comes down to, because of PVE people running boon builds like herald at spawn points.

> >

> > As long as you tag things in some fashion, if you have been healing or spitting out boons the threshold for tagging damage is lowered significantly.


> Boons don't last that long... and i'm not asking for boons to give ppt because they should'nt, anyone that isn't stupid will hit the needed limit on dmg in one ability for 5 or so targets, this will legit just help healers focusing on healing and pretty much nothing more




Just make it so that healing others counts as "tagging" the enemy that the healed player hits. That way boons could also count towards tagging without being able to just stand in spawn applying boons and heals for participation because it requires the player who recieves a boon or a heal to tag an enemy player for it to register on the boon giver or healer as well. No afk farming possible then, and everyone's happy. Boon stripping and cleanses should also give loot. Boon stripping to count as tagging the enemy directly, and cleansing the same way as heals/boons, would require the cleansed player to be in combat tagging another player.

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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> Imo, real healer QOL would be to see condis in squad ui.


A "hybrid" squad UI where you see your party in full and then the little square icons for everyone else would be great, imo.


As would the ability to get full info for all 10 members in a raid-mode squad.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> I don't see an issue with the current system. Low risk = low reward.


How is being a healer or support low risk, lol? You're exactly where everyone else is, often right in the middle of enemy AOEs.

The only difference between DPS and support are that support don't tag enemies as much. But everyone is taking the same chances when in fights.

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> How is being a healer or support low risk, lol? You're exactly where everyone else is, often right in the middle of enemy AOEs.

> The only difference between DPS and support are that support don't tag enemies as much. But everyone is taking the same chances when in fights.


It should be obvious. Defensive stats, stability, stunbreaks, condition clears. A dps build has to sacrifice these things for damage.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > How is being a healer or support low risk, lol? You're exactly where everyone else is, often right in the middle of enemy AOEs.

> > The only difference between DPS and support are that support don't tag enemies as much. But everyone is taking the same chances when in fights.


> It should be obvious. Defensive stats, stability, stunbreaks, condition clears. A dps build has to sacrifice these things for damage.


I don't think you know much about supports. What normally goes into damage just goes into healing, that's all. There's no magical excess of points for the support to spend just because they don't focus on attacking enemies.


Their focus merely shifts from enemies to allies, the rest of the build remains similar.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > How is being a healer or support low risk, lol? You're exactly where everyone else is, often right in the middle of enemy AOEs.

> > The only difference between DPS and support are that support don't tag enemies as much. But everyone is taking the same chances when in fights.


> It should be obvious. Defensive stats, stability, stunbreaks, condition clears. A dps build has to sacrifice these things for damage.


That's not an argument. Especially not in WvW, DPS builds rely on boons for damage because everyone runs takny builds with toughness and vitality stat.

But even if that's not the case, they rely on stability, stunbreaks, and condi clears to not die. You can't dps when you're dead. So suport plays an equal role in the "general squad damage" just as much as a single dps build does. Your logic suggests that support doesn't contribute in any way to the group fights. Then switch to all DPS and see what happens lol, there's a reason most commanders are firebrands.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> I'm not saying support doesn't contribute. I just don't think this is a major issue in WvW. If you want more bags play dps. It's also a complete joke to suggest support doesn't have more sustain than a dps build.


Oh it's definitely not a priority, i agree.


But often in WvW you're not talking Minstrel's VS Berserker's/Viper's gear. It's more like Minstrel's vs Wanderer's/Trailblazer's. Both DPS and support are super tanky, it's just that one focuses on allies, and the other focuses on enemies, so both can have great sustain.


Bottom line is, everyone in the group needs to work together, and to suggest that just because DPS tags people that that's somehow more deserved of loot than supports cleansing, healing and boonstripping everyone so DPS can do its job is ridiculous. Everyone needs to pull their weight to win fights, but the reward for doing your job in WvW is heavily skewed towards DPS tagging.

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