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Ideas for a new WvW abilities


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Lots of us have tons of unused WvW skillpoints... You don't have to be Diamond legend to have thousands of unused points and that feels weird.

We need more ways to spend these points, and I know a lot of people will think about balance when talking WvW abilities, but still ,here are two ideas for new ones:


- ****_Being able to rotate mortar and treb a bit quicker_****... I said A BIT :) not instant rotation. These are really a pain to use, and mortar has a way to ALWAYS be turned the wrong way! An ability that gives say 15 or 20% faster rotation would already be nice, and not game breaking...

- ****_Have a chance to obtain supply when destroying enemy siege weapons, a bit like when killing enemy dolyaks, when you're outnumbered_****. I play on Jade Sea, and when we saw we were flying solo for 2 months a lot of players left the server. A lot. Since then we've been outnumbered in the worst way I've seen in 8 years of WvW. Constantly playing vastly outnumbered and trying to find a way being 8 or 10 on a map while the enemy has a 30+ queue on every map. When you're 5 and the enemy come at 10 to defend every camp you can't even try to play guerilla style, and that's a pity. So here's the idea to help a bit when you're outnumbered: you're trying to retake a tower "fast ninja style", but you're 4 or 5, struggling to find supply... Destroying the 5 or 6 catas/rams/etc.. your fortunate enemy has used might solve a part of that problem. That would help people who don't have a zerg and whose server is struggling population wise... That one would need a bit of fine tuning, but we need abilities that help small parties in a WvW that only seem to favor zerg play :/



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1. Slow turning can sure be annoying, but speeding this up would absolutely ruin the possibility of shooting a very precise shots. It's already super annoying when you need to turn cata/treb/mortar a tick to left/right, you tap the button... and the siege does 2 ticks. So now you are one tick too much to the other side, so you try again... and the siege moves 2 ticks again.

Randomness of this process is nerve-wracking. I suggest that, after spending mastery point, not only siege turns faster, but you also have an ability to straight up select where it will be facing, just like when throwing siege. After selecting an "automatic turn" skill, you get an arrow and when you click the siege automatically turns to the direction closest to what you chose.

2. This would be a nice touch. Not a big deal, kinda makes sense and helps doing some quick repairing.

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> @"Samug.6512" said:

> 1. Slow turning can sure be annoying, but speeding this up would absolutely ruin the possibility of shooting a very precise shots. It's already super annoying when you need to turn cata/treb/mortar a tick to left/right, you tap the button... and the siege does 2 ticks. So now you are one tick too much to the other side, so you try again... and the siege moves 2 ticks again.

> Randomness of this process is nerve-wracking. I suggest that, after spending mastery point, not only siege turns faster, but you also have an ability to straight up select where it will be facing, just like when throwing siege. After selecting an "automatic turn" skill, you get an arrow and when you click the siege automatically turns to the direction closest to what you chose.


Yep... I understand that point. I don't feel it's a problem with catas, since it rarely needs pinpoint accuracy, but mortar often does. I usually fire the barrage skill even if the enemy is too far, because it allows you to point the mortar exactly in the direction you need. Siege weapons rotation could use an update, as do a lot of WvW contents.




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The unused action key could be a hidden gem for additional masteries, like

- Set action key to use a previously defined (like e.g. novelties) blueprint or trap to be placed

- Maintenance burst - spend all your supply (min. 10) to rest siege timers within 3000 unit range (2 min cool down); cool down set to prevent troll burning of supply

- Alarm burst - spend all your supply (min. 10) to display a "Structure under attack" in map chat (5 min cool down); cool down set to prevent map spam; it is meant as a emergency shortcut


I like both of the OPs ideas, but slow turns should still be possible.

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Yeah simple but agreeable ideas.

A way to address the precision is to make it increase speed the longer you channel it.


A mastery for the traps and tactics would be nice. Like faster deploying traps. Cheaper supply cost.


Another offensive warclaw mastery would be good too to boost the lance and chain pull in cooldowns, range and supply cost.

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> More mount speed would be nice, perhaps only in own regions.

> Perhaps something like a third dodge.

> And with the first attack perhaps hitting more than one target (what currently looks really really weird when attacking these white ambient creatures)


Wouldn't it be nice if the dismount could kill downed players as well?




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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Galmac.4680" said:

> > More mount speed would be nice, perhaps only in own regions.

> > Perhaps something like a third dodge.

> > And with the first attack perhaps hitting more than one target (what currently looks really really weird when attacking these white ambient creatures)

> >

> Wouldn't it be nice if the dismount could kill downed player as well?


> Lel.



I think this idea would be fantastic. Something to spend those extra mastery points.

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warclaw would offer a ton of options... they bashed it so hard, could easily add 2 more tiers for some hundred points with strong skills. one could be to re-add the 3rd dodge bar for it again and the other maybe to give it some seconds of iron hide / barrier. or a bubble, or dismount-protection etc etc


i'd also like my kitty to shoot lazor beams that instadown chars with less than 25k health when hit, but i fear that'll be asked too much.


also new siege would be a nice thing to get. how about a DERF sized golem for the start or something inspired by the new crazy charr wartanks. i mean please, nobody would ever say a tank isn't a cool think to have. just map the cap for this kinda stuff to 1-2 per map, so people cannot abuse them..


plus... auto turrets could get any use. really, that tactic is just the saddest sight existing. it was horrible when i started gw2, and it still is? who designs something like this, really now...

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