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Exemplar Attire vs. Countess Anise's Attire


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I noticed that the Exemplar Attire outfit description is a lie and I really do hate the low quality skirt that we've been given instead of the higher quality that Countess Anise is wearing. I wish we either got the proper version or just split the corset and sell it as a lone armor piece. It would be a waste to leave it like that. Pretty please? :)

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By calling it a lie, you are almost suggesting that ANet is misleading on purpose. There is no evidence to support that claim. Rather, in my opinion, one might say that the description does not appear accurate. Calling out Anet as a "liar" is not helpful to support your position. Just my 2 coppers.

Good luck.

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What they [advertised](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/1/19/Countess_Anise.jpg). What we [got](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/7/73/Exemplar_Attire_Outfit_human_female_front.jpg).


If at any point they claimed we'd get what Anise was wearing, then yes they'd have lied (or misled at the very least). It is strange that they opted to change the design when they made it an outfit (it still has Anise's anklet for instance), and I can see how some people might have been disappointed by the differences.


Unfortunately, this isn't the first time they've done something like this. There was a [fiasco](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88967/false-advertising/p1) some years ago regarding the [Legionnaire's Chair](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legionnaire%27s_Chair) misrepresenting both the size of the chair and the posing for Charr - instead of fixing the false advertising, they simply changed the picture in the ad which I assume is all you'd ever see in response to the Anise outfit.


I doubt they'll go back and change the outfit now, but it'd have been nice if they had just given us Anise's outfit without adjustments.

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Simple mousing over the outfit in the preview window/outfits section of the Hero panel.

![](https://i.imgur.com/5dfyRoo.jpg "")


It still _is_ misleading, even if not intentionally.

As the Hanlon's Razor goes, however: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

There's a myriad of such things floating around Tyria. The laughable part is that ANet is not fixing them, but articles on the Wiki list them as anomalies or pieces of Trivia.


For the record, I like the currently available variant much more, because it looks more cohesive than the half-practical, half-fancy "mystery of the Shining Blade wardrobe" Anise is wearing. Or it could just be the hideous flap in front of her legs, and how many (light and heavy pants; medium coat) models are virtually unusable because of it.


For the trigger-happy snowflakes: the quote is an idea, I'm not calling anybody stupid.

I'm also aware that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Quit eyeing that Report button :X

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> @"Vyr.9387" said:

> Simple mousing over the outfit in the preview window/outfits section of the Hero panel.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/5dfyRoo.jpg "")


> It still _is_ misleading, even if not intentionally.

> As the Hanlon's Razor goes, however: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

> There's a myriad of such things floating around Tyria. The laughable part is that ANet is not fixing them, but articles on the Wiki list them as anomalies or pieces of Trivia.


> For the record, I like the currently available variant much more, because it looks more cohesive than the half-practical, half-fancy "mystery of the Shining Blade wardrobe" Anise is wearing. Or it could just be the hideous flap in front of her legs, and how many (light and heavy pants; medium coat) models are virtually unusable because of it.


> For the trigger-happy snowflakes: the quote is an idea, I'm not calling anybody stupid.

> I'm also aware that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Quit eyeing that Report button :X


yeah the flap on charr would be ridiculous lolz.

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Well, that's why I suggested selling the corset of this outfit as a lone piece on gemstore as it is the best part of it, or sell the outfit Anise is truly wearing as "Master Exemplar Attire", or just make it as a new set of cultural armor/outfit solely for human females.

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In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the product. The key is in the naming. It is not called "Countess Anise's Attire" but "Exemplar Attire". Whilst the description references the Countess' clothing, it does not explicitly state that it is a like-for-like copy.


For me, it would make sense for the outfit to be different from the Countess' outfit. She is the _Master Exemplar_, indicating that it is a rank _above_ Exemplar so subtle differences in clothing is natural.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the product. The key is in the naming. It is not called "Countess Anise's Attire" but "Exemplar Attire". Whilst the description references the Countess' clothing, it does not explicitly state that it is a like-for-like copy.

No, it states that _this is the very attire Countess Anise wears_. Which, clearly, is simply not true.


> For me, it would make sense for the outfit to be different from the Countess' outfit. She is the _Master Exemplar_, indicating that it is a rank _above_ Exemplar so subtle differences in clothing is natural.

Then the desciption should not try to pass it as something Countess wears.


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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> > @"Caro.2730" said:

> > BUT what if I'd like to wear what Anise wears? It's not like I want to dress like Queen Jennah. Fashion Wars demands it!


> There is only one Master Exemplar ;)

Sure, but it's not really a master exemplar uniform. It's just how Anise decided to dress up. And the "exemplar attire" is not how exemplars are supposed to dress either. There are _no_ "official" exemplar/master exemplar attires, because those roles are supposed to be _secret_. Thus, having specific design of wear attached to the rank, and worn when in public role, would be a weird choice.


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In this case, the item clearly states that it is the attire Anise wears, so having it be something else is really quite disappointing. I also think they should change this, unless people would like Balthazars Outfit to be change into a hawaiian shirt with flames, since we can just "bend" what is actually lore appropriate attire :)


If a item states it is something, it should be that.

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