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Why do people still fail content from 2015...


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> @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

> I'm a noob at expansion content so unless it's something straight forward, it's something I need to get the hang of c:


If you a noob or first time in any content and don't know what is going on, then use GW2 wiki and look up on YT some video guide that explain what is going on. It is not hard to get the basics down and follow the rest in a zerg or squad. Keep open your map chat channel and you will also see some comments, for what is happening, if needed. Don't be afraid to ask question before a meta starts on a map.



Here is a list from AyinMaiden: https://www.ayinmaiden.com/heartofthorns


Dulfy is another one, but she stopped playing GW2 after PoF (or for around one year ago according to reddit comments).

There are several other streamer which go through step by step content in GW2 on YouTube, so you shouldn't have a hard to time find out how things work.

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> @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> > @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

> > I'm a noob at expansion content so unless it's something straight forward, it's something I need to get the hang of c:


> If you a noob or first time in any content and don't know what is going on, then use GW2 wiki and look up on YT some video guide that explain what is going on. It is not hard to get the basics down and follow the rest in a zerg or squad. Keep open your map chat channel and you will also see some comments, for what is happening, if needed. Don't be afraid to ask question before a meta starts on a map.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page

> Here is a list from AyinMaiden: https://www.ayinmaiden.com/heartofthorns


> Dulfy is another one, but she stopped playing GW2 after PoF (or for around one year ago according to reddit comments).

> There are several other streamer which go through step by step content in GW2 on YouTube, so you shouldn't have a hard to time find out how things work.


For sure. I don't mean to make it sound like I just stand there and don't try to figure out what's going on (ahead of time if I'm not just dropped into the middle of it) - more saying if I perform poorly, I'm trying but it's probably my first time doing that meta ٩◔‿◔۶

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> because GW2 has the dubious honor of attracting the worst types of players, not people who are simply bad but willfully bad and proud of the fact that they are bad and they will criticize anyone who tries to help others improve


> combined with the apathetic players who are just there because they happen to be at the same place at the same time as the event and you have a recipe for a pretty bad time


> > @"rrusse.7058" said:

> > There is a very wide spectrum of skill and knowledge some players have in this game. I believe Arenanet themselves have said the difference in damage output alone can be as great as 10x. Yet Arenanet is forced to develop content that is doable for players that fall into the lowest common denominator, but interesting and challenging enough for experts.

> > That's a tall order when you consider that, and the fact that a game like this has veterans that may stop playing, new people coming in for the first time, people that are casual, people that play daily, people that just do content 'x', 'y' or 'z'.

> >

> > That's why content even from 2012, or 2015 can still fail.


> On the one hand that quote is from long ago and there has been many patches.

> On the other hand someone can bring what they thought was a DPS build but manage to only barely out damage the heal druid.


Its a video game, not a job. People play it to escape the stresses of real life and not relive them in a virtual format.

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Oops, forgot to edit the info that this was about HoT stuff as I saw the Auric Basin meta fail for the first time in like forever again. I thought people might have gotten the hang of it by now. Just an info for clarification I forgot to add. This also applies to 2012 content as I see simple world bosses failing as well from time to time. Yes, I can use lfg but problem is that first all taxis are full despite saying not full (remove your entry please if the map is full because it's irritating) and second I'm too anxious and paranoid to use this these days as I get panic attacks easily because people always aim to judge me, or at least that's what I think...

However I'm just curious about why old content is still failing. so far there were interesting answers so far.

I know some people are just getting started or have a job but you can do at least a little research as a new player before attempting to participate. For the real life thing though nothing could be done about it but there's also adults who don't have a job, are freelancers, unemployed due to covid or unemployed because of medical reasons. However as far as I experienced there's still people who have a job that needs a lot of attention and are pro elite raiders despite it all and the fact that raiding needs all of your time commitment.


However it could also be that I experience events to fail due to my unusual playtime so that EU servers might not be that active around my time period.

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I've got a new one to add: some people make mistakes because they're trying to play GW2 as if it's another game, likely the last MMO they played.


Last night I was doing a public Dragon Response Mission on my ranger, using sword/torch against the boss and afterwards I got a whisper informing me that "hunters" are a ranged class and should stay "in the backline" at all times. Which is especially amusing considering the usual objection to inexperienced rangers in GW2 is they stay too far back to be much help to the rest of the group.


I did explain that GW2 doesn't have dedicated ranged or melee professions and it depends on what you're doing at the time, which is why all professions can dodge. But all I got back was "lol whatever. you do you" which I assume means they're certain I'm wrong but not interested in discussing it any further.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Also remember that most of us here are adults. With adulthood comes varying levels of sobriety, as well as the ever-growing-in-legality leaf.


Sometimes I"ll see stuff like a player trying to attack our own supply yaks with cleave, and I think "maybe they've had too many".


Also was linked to a server recently that always had a baked Comm. Some really weird battles there.

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Such a question would imply that you think content has been getting progressively harder over the years or that the overall population should have improved by now, while in actuality neither has happened.

The population was, is and will continue to be rather casual. There are quite a few new or newer players and lots of long-time players who simply aren't able to improve past a certain point. Basically a level that they can't cross or aren't interested in crossing.

Content released post 2015 were toned down in difficulty for this very reason. HoT simply ended up frustrating a lot of players. Not to mention that old strategies and information may be forgotten about or entirely lost. Dungeons are a good example of this.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I just don't get why people still fail easy as kitten HoT metas so easily. No offense I'm just curious.

> This also applies to 2012 content. Just why...


When u can earn exp all the way up to lvl 80 just by walking nearby... it can happen: PvE content is kinda ez tho.

Dont get me wrong it is kinda good for leveling and to get "those living story skins",but it is also the reason why you gotta res 30 outta 50 doing a boss lol


- Lazy people

- Watching something on a second monitor

- People that just dont care

- lvl 80s and still cant dodge but HEY got a skyscale a mini and armors with unlookable color combinations.Some are so bad mobbs bleed out from looking at them.

- and so on...



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I've got a new one to add: some people make mistakes because they're trying to play GW2 as if it's another game, likely the last MMO they played.


> Last night I was doing a public Dragon Response Mission on my ranger, using sword/torch against the boss and afterwards I got a whisper informing me that "hunters" are a ranged class and should stay "in the backline" at all times. Which is especially amusing considering the usual objection to inexperienced rangers in GW2 is they stay too far back to be much help to the rest of the group.


> I did explain that GW2 doesn't have dedicated ranged or melee professions and it depends on what you're doing at the time, which is why all professions can dodge. But all I got back was "lol whatever. you do you" which I assume means they're certain I'm wrong but not interested in discussing it any further.


This, right here. Guild Wars 2 combat mechanics were (and I believe still are) unique among MMOs.


On another note, what's a backline and where can my Longbow-camping, lazy SoulBeast find it?

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I've got a new one to add: some people make mistakes because they're trying to play GW2 as if it's another game, likely the last MMO they played.

> >

> > Last night I was doing a public Dragon Response Mission on my ranger, using sword/torch against the boss and afterwards I got a whisper informing me that "hunters" are a ranged class and should stay "in the backline" at all times. Which is especially amusing considering the usual objection to inexperienced rangers in GW2 is they stay too far back to be much help to the rest of the group.

> >

> > I did explain that GW2 doesn't have dedicated ranged or melee professions and it depends on what you're doing at the time, which is why all professions can dodge. But all I got back was "lol whatever. you do you" which I assume means they're certain I'm wrong but not interested in discussing it any further.


> This, right here. Guild Wars 2 combat mechanics were (and I believe still are) unique among MMOs.


> On another note, what's a backline and where can my Longbow-camping, lazy SoulBeast find it?


Go to east move up to octovine look to your left there is a ledge you can pew pew from were no mobs can touch you

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I just don't get why people still fail easy as kitten HoT metas so easily. No offense I'm just curious.

> This also applies to 2012 content. Just why...

This is a game with no gear progression. Meaning, barring some nerfs, after a few years passed, content still stays as difficult as it was originally. It doesn't matter if it's from 2012, 2015, 2019 or from last week - we're not getting any stronger, and relative content difficulty does _not_ go down with time.


Sure, you can say that after you've done the content a lot of times you will gain some experience and become better at it, but that only affects veteran players, not more recent ones. And veteran players tend to concentrate on most recent (and/or most rewarding) metas, leaving the rest to less experienced community members.


From my observations, most of the players doing Verdant Brink and Auric Basin are relatively new to that meta. Been doing Tarir a bit lately, and saw a number of cases where i had to explain to everyone how each side mechanic works, because people were, for example, looking for bombs on west and north. For some reason i don;t seem to see as much problems with Gerent though - it usually goes smoothly if there's just enough people per lane. I don't know however if it's because it's for some reason more popular for vets, or because lane mechanics are clearer to understand.


Incidentally, if Marionette was not limited to LS1 only, and we'd still have that fight present, i'm quite sure that it would be a total disaster now, with how the platform fights were prone to failure due to even a single player not understanding mechanics.


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