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Option to Toggle PvP Off/On In WvW

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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This is an option that has been available in other mmo's, and I think it would be a cool option for wvw.


There are many players who don't really want to pvp all that much in wvw. specifically people who want to karma train, resource gather or do dailies, would love the option to toggle pvp Off/On so that they don't get picked off by roamers or enemy zergs. I know quite a few players who get extremely frustrated when they are just trying to do the daily or are trying to get wvw rewards in k-train for the gift of battle for legendaries, and they have to engage in pvp that they don't necessarily want to engage in.


Additionally, those who play only for reward and want to rank up their wvw rank would love this option as well, as not having to fight enemy players results in less deaths, which means less running back to the train, and more efficient rank gain (having this option for EoTM would be cool too).


It's also great for making fights more fair, as players who don't want to fight don't have to, and only those who are flagged up and are willing, will engage in pvp on equal terms with others whom are flagged up as well.

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If you don't want to pvp why go to wvw?

Everything you mentioned, k-train, gathering, dailies, you can do in pve and in fact earn more gold for it, with the exception of earning the gift of battle, which you do not need to k-train for. Would you like to also not fight in spvp and just stand at a point earning rewards? Hey why don't we just turn raid bosses into chests so you can just walk in and earn legendary armors.


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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> This is an option that has been available in other mmo's, and I think it would be a cool option for wvw.


> There are many players who don't really want to pvp all that much in wvw. specifically people who want to karma train, resource gather or do dailies, would love the option to toggle pvp Off/On so that they don't get picked off by roamers or enemy zergs. I know quite a few players who get extremely frustrated when they are just trying to do the daily or are trying to get wvw rewards in k-train for the gift of battle for legendaries, and they have to engage in pvp that they don't necessarily want to engage in.


> Additionally, those who play only for reward and want to rank up their wvw rank would love this option as well, as not having to fight enemy players results in less deaths, which means less running back to the train, and more efficient rank gain (having this option for EoTM would be cool too).


> It's also great for making fights more fair, as players who don't want to fight don't have to, and only those who are flagged up and are willing, will engage in pvp on equal terms with others whom are flagged up as well.


It's World VERSUS World. Not PvE carebear land. The whole point of World vs. World is large scale fights... instead you want a bunch of PvErs to come and run around the map getting materials and hogging up spots for people who actually want to play the gamemode as it was intended.


There are many players who really want to PvP in wvw, specifically people who want to improve their gameplay, help their server, would love to keep picking off players who don't fight back.


This could be abused so much. You'd literally make people invulnerable in WvW and would possibly be the most broken thing in the entire game. You can toggle PvP off, go wherever you want in the map, walk through zergs, and then toggle it on when you want to take advantage of the fact that no one could damage you. This would break the entire gamemode.


Those who only play for rewards and want to rank up their WvW rank by not actually WvWing shouldn't be in the gamemode at all.







This will be abused so much. Can we all please not respond to this troll? I don't even know what to say at this point. I can't tell if this person is being serious or not. Anet addressing how insane these suggestions are would be fantastic. There's literally no way someone can think like this.


I mean honestly, if Anet brought back the Thumbs Down button, that would be fantastic. Enough thumbs down would result in negative stars to show people how seriously to take a person or not.

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I would love the option to select a player, right click and choose "PvP off" so that he can no longer PvP. This would make it much more efficient to kill otherwise useless players, no more time wasted avoiding their pitifull attacks..


I never read the OP but I am assuming this is what he is talking about.

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I'm actually kind of curious how this would work when taking an objective.


So if I have this option on, does that mean I can just stroll up to a gate, kill the guards, lay a ram and after a few hits as often happens, when some ganking defender comes, scooping out my biz, he can't touch me cause I "don't want to fight?"


Hey man, if that's the case, bring it on, it'd be so much easier to solo keeps.,

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> I'm actually kind of curious how this would work when taking an objective.


> So if I have this option on, does that mean I can just stroll up to a gate, kill the guards, lay a ram and after a few hits as often happens, when some ganking defender comes, scooping out my biz, he can't touch me cause I "don't want to fight?"


> Hey man, if that's the case, bring it on, it'd be so much easier to solo keeps.,


they can still wave at you or emote. From what I have seen, Very few players defend structures anyways and most buildings are desserts. so it's kind of a moot point.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > Wvw is a pk zone. If you dislike player killing or getting killed, pve game mode provides it, where you can focus on nps for more loots.


> Yah but you can't get wvw rewards from this.


Then accept the PvP aspect. Why? Because from the [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World):

_World versus World (also known as WvW) is a **Player versus Player game mode** where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists. It features open-world combat on five large maps with up to several hundreds of players per map._


The very notion of not being able to challenge players who are taking your objective is extremely idiotic.


I do wonder exactly what troll thread you will come up with next based on with you 'I am the defender of people' attitude. And if you are not trolling I am very glad that everything you propose for the reasons you propose it will **never** make it into the game mode.

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> @Sigmoid.7082 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > Wvw is a pk zone. If you dislike player killing or getting killed, pve game mode provides it, where you can focus on nps for more loots.

> >

> > Yah but you can't get wvw rewards from this.


> Then accept the PvP aspect. Why? Because from the [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World):

> _World versus World (also known as WvW) is a **Player versus Player game mode** where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists. It features open-world combat on five large maps with up to several hundreds of players per map._


> The very notion of not being able to challenge players who are taking your objective is extremely idiotic.


> I do wonder exactly what troll thread you will come up with next based on with you 'I am the defender of people' attitude. And if you are not trolling I am very glad that everything you propose for the reasons you propose it will **never** make it into the game mode.


That's not nice, there are a lot of people who just want a few rewards, the daily or gift of battle without being harassed. A lot of players like being left alone.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Sigmoid.7082 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > > > Wvw is a pk zone. If you dislike player killing or getting killed, pve game mode provides it, where you can focus on nps for more loots.

> > >

> > > Yah but you can't get wvw rewards from this.

> >

> > Then accept the PvP aspect. Why? Because from the [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World):

> > _World versus World (also known as WvW) is a **Player versus Player game mode** where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists. It features open-world combat on five large maps with up to several hundreds of players per map._

> >

> > The very notion of not being able to challenge players who are taking your objective is extremely idiotic.

> >

> > I do wonder exactly what troll thread you will come up with next based on with you 'I am the defender of people' attitude. And if you are not trolling I am very glad that everything you propose for the reasons you propose it will **never** make it into the game mode.


> That's not nice, there are a lot of people who just want a few rewards, the daily or gift of battle without being harassed. A lot of players like being left alone.


Pretty much everything in WvW, including rewards, revolves around objectives. If a team want prevent you from taking their objective they should be able to do so or it defeats the draw and main mechanic of the game mode, PvP. PvP is part and parcel of WvW. If you don't want to PvP at all you are in the wrong game mode. Despite you, yet again "defending" these unspoken oppressed players of WvW, not wanting to accept this as a fact is is a fact.


If you dont want to participate in the game mode you should get nothing for it.



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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> > I'm actually kind of curious how this would work when taking an objective.

> >

> > So if I have this option on, does that mean I can just stroll up to a gate, kill the guards, lay a ram and after a few hits as often happens, when some ganking defender comes, scooping out my biz, he can't touch me cause I "don't want to fight?"

> >

> > Hey man, if that's the case, bring it on, it'd be so much easier to solo keeps.,


> they can still wave at you or emote. From what I have seen, Very few players defend structures anyways and most buildings are desserts. so it's kind of a moot point.


First it was a joke, and second alot of people still defend. It's probably hard to tell when you're in a large zerg though.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> There are many players who don't really want to pvp all that much in wvw. specifically people who want to karma train, resource gather or do dailies,

EotM already exists for exactly that.


If you don't want to play WvW, don't play it. There are other ways to gain karma and do dailies that don't require you to worry about PvP.

PS don't worry about what other games do, because then we'd have things like competition for resource nodes and loot stealing.

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Sounds like a good idea. They should also implement this in PvE to allow players to do map completion without being harassed by those pesky monsters.

You are either the most subtle troll or the most carebear person I have ever seen but you are slowly becoming my favorite OP with these ideas and demands of yours.

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I will take the bait one last time (granted, this particular post is certainly the most amusing), with all due respect OP - this suggestion of yours is not very well thought out for the following reasons:


* Not being attack-able allows you to follow enemy movement anywhere and everywhere aka Spy Wars 2

* You could practically camp in enemy objectives after they've taken them and nobody would be able to do anything about it

* A lot of games have _Godmode_, I doubt Gw2 needs it and definitely not WvW

* EOTM still exists if you really wish to go k-training/badge farming etc


I wish you well on your endeavours in life.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> There are many players who don't really want to pvp all that much in wvw. specifically people who want to karma train, resource gather or do dailies, would love the option to toggle pvp Off/On so that they don't get picked off by roamers or enemy zergs.


I honestly do not see any point in this. If you do not want to fight other players then karma train, gather resources and do dailies in PvE maps. The whole point of WvW is that you can be attacked by anyone at any time at any place. You learn not to stand in unprotected spots, you learn to join groups and zergs to fight enemy groups and zergs, you may even learn how to roam or duel or gank enemy players yourself.

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