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What makes you kick someone from group?

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I only ever kick for bad attitude. But generally the people that are toxic enough for me to kick are too self important to stick around while I try to teach the newer members of the group the mechanics of the fight we are having trouble on, and they end up leaving on their own before I have to kick them.

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I'd take someone 0AR through t4 fractals as long as they said whats up. "I quit pve since"

I used Arcdps, just to see a little more info about whats going on when I was doing pve.

I play zerk, so rezzing someone was almost guaranteed to kill me, it's safer to continue the fight without the person, generally causes less chaos/faster.


If I stopped to rez you, and you do the ele, theif, mesmer move/travel away from me shit, I'm gonna leave you for dead, and kick you directly in the shin.

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Depends on the group I’m in tbh. Bad attitude goes both ways imo, it’s about respect other players ways of playing.

Trying to get carried in a non-training / non-newbie group because you don’t know mechanics / have subpar DPS? Kick.

Obviously didn’t read the LFG description? Kick.

AFKs without saying. Kick. (If you write you need to AFK I wait 20mins and we carry on, if we can, without you.)

Disconnects, after 10 minutes you’ll get a vote kick from me.


> @"Eater of Peeps.9062" said:

> Frigging kick function should be banned and only allowed against inactive players after 8 mins. Otherwis it should not be used against anyone for anything ever.


Then plenty of groups would be wasting time waiting for people or trying to carry uncarry-ables. That’s not fun.


>So rude and unkind and unnecessary.


What’s rude is hindering your party and expecting other players to accept you when you go AFK / have too low a DPS / don’t know the mechanics. That is not fun.


>Life is life and ppl r ppl. **All types play**. Deal with it and be patient and kind and remove the stupid and elitist kick function


Even those that like to get through content as seamlessly as possible without the ball and chain that is an uncarry-able player. *All types play the game. Deal with it*



Form your own casual parties.


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I typically only kick disruptive, volatile people from groups.


When it comes down to it, I play GW2 for the experiences. Sometimes I'll slide into a dungeon group hoping to knock out the daily, and occasionally I get into a party full of people who are under-experienced and need/want more time to watch cutscenes or have phases of the instance explained to them. If I have the time, I'll adjust my schedule and help these people. That's kind of the whole point of this particular MMO.


If I _don't_ have time to waste, I usually remove _myself_ from the party and try a more specific LFG listing. This rarely happens though -- Why boot up a game if you don't have time to spend on it?

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I seldom rarely kick people. very very rare. I would have to be in a really bad mood with a combination of a few bad stuff happening to kick.. otherwise if I am not happy with the group usually is due to attitude clashing .. I will leave the group and say Good the bye bye.. have a wonderful day.

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Bad attitude at first, but still there's other reasons to kick someone.

What I hate especially in Raids is when people continuously repeat their mistakes to such a degree I have to consider it trolling.

I have certain expectations from people with 250 LI and I give them a lot of chances, but if they start acting and playing strange, I won't

hesitate to kick them.

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I'm surprised that kicking someone for playing a specific class isn't listed here as there used to be a lot of ranger haters back in the day for example. Did anything change about this mindset now?

I for my part rarely kick anyone and rather leave the group myself if I ever make a group because I'm anxious and shy af that I absolutely hate doing stuff via lfg. Don't know how that developed as I seemed to be pretty cool with everything like some years ago. Also I always put "be nice to eachother" for example in the title when using lfg to ensure nobody's being an a_sshole when joining.

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Fractal daily. Know the mechanics, how to play your character, and don't (purposely) sabotage the group. Shit happens, we work through and beyond mistakes. If your attitude isn't helping or is working against what the group is trying to do then you'll be asked nicely to leave. If you don't then a kick vote is required.

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> @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> I kick every charr from a group I'm in. Their kind furry fetish is freaky


Yes, because everyone who plays a charr is the same kind of person. Seriously, this is a reason why I hate people who love to generalize and assume.

Anyways, I'd kick for bad Behavior. But mostly people love to kick when you don't know the zone, which has outright prevented me from even attempting Fractals. I only ever did 1 or 2 fractals, but I'm afraid to even do fractal groups because of people who want the best of the best.

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I think honesty can go a long way even if you're new to certain content. If I'm leading a higher tiered fractal group and someone joins saying they only had a little experience with it, I have no problem explaining mechanics. If someone joins and is completely silent I expect them to be familiar with the content and prepared, but it's very frustrating when someone claims they are prepared only to die immediately when agony hits.

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Bad DPS: I don't use a DPS meter; I just have a reasonable idea in my head of how long fights should take. And based on that, I'm pretty well convinced that my ranger's pet does higher DPS by itself than at least a third of the players I meet.


Bad Gear: We can't see each other's gear, but Bad DPS can give us a hint.


Bad Fashion Wars: I've never seen anyone kicked from a group for it, but there are way too many people walking around in this game who seem to make it their personal mission to kill everyone else's frame rates. The people who wear full glowy suits of bright dyes like Celestial, so they're just a giant blinding blob of color on your screen, probably are the worst offenders.


Bad Attitude: The worst of all, and no excuse for it. I have zero hesitation when it comes to dealing with trolls, beggars, griefers, and other bad people.


And one left off the list...


Bad Attention: Like the folks who take forever to join the group in the instance, go idle in the middle of a run, or are more effective at yakking in chat than playing their character. Don't join up if you can't commit your time and focus to the group.

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> Rangers with longbows in dungeon/fractal. Zero dmg, zero cc, too far away to receive heal/boons, they keep their distance do not revive downed guys in melee range.


Then speaking as a longbow ranger main, those rangers aren't doing their jobs right. I do solid damage. Longbow 4 and 5 have CC, as do my preferred pets. I drop spirits and use shouts to add my own boons and regen splash to the mix. I stay mobile, get in range of the good stuff, and run around reviving people. And depending on the fight, I may just switch off longbow entirely and jump in with greatsword; I run around in a WvW roamer setup, so I'm not scared to get dirty. Don't judge all players based on the bads.

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There are three things that would make me kick people from a group.


~ If you're Afk / off in lorners pass doing god knows what while the group clear the dungeon or fractal, you're out.


~ If you don't speak ANY English, don't have any knowledge of your class or mechanics, AND nobody speaks your language... if we can't explain why necro minions are bad and why you have to stay in a shadow refuge until the house is gone, you're out.


~ If I can literally do a piece of content faster in 1/10ths the time it takes the group to do it (like the barrel run in Caudicus P2), you're out.


Otherwise, I would detest kicking people. People in this game aren't toxic or idiots, they're just average players who want to fight average things.

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