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how do you pick you legndary wepon


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I don't really have a criteria to follow when I choose which legendary weapon I will make next. It's generally if I like it, and if I want it -- whether or not it will be used or not. It's not the most effective approach, but having the weapon makes me feel accomplished. For example, I just completed the Chuka and Chumpawat collection with intentions to create the legendary even though the classes I play the most aren't eligible to use the weapon. I just really like the tiger theme to it, and now some alts can use it now!

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Both. It had to be a weapon I'd use a lot to justify making it, but it had to look good for the same reason. That's the main reason I I didn't start making one until I'd had the game for about a year and a half.


In the end I picked the Dreamer. My main is a ranger and I like the short bow, and I LOVE the absurdity of a bow that shoots unicorns, even now I've had it for a few years it still makes me smile.

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At some point I decided I liked the steam-punk // magitech look.


So I got Incinerator. Shortly after that HoT came out and I reallllly wanted it to pair with HOPE for the matching aesthetic.


Then I heard rifle was coming to thief in PoF and I naturally decided to get The Predator to complete the collection of high-tech energy weapons.


I guess you could say I picked a theme and stuck with it.

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> Pick the weapon you use most often. I made predator as my first legendary and I've only just stopped regretting it because of Deadeye.


Pretty much this. I made the minstrel first because i used my mesmer quite a bit..then i made the dreamer because i main a ranger. Regret buying the pre for the shield because i hardly play my guardian ;-;

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I choose the least ugly option available and then dont make it because least ugly of a bunch of ugly options seems like a terrible justification for spending that much time and effort.


I honestly don't like any one legendary enough to want to sink the amount of resources necessary into making one. Sure, some of them are cool, but legendaries in general just don't seem practical. Even though I have the supplies and funds to make 2-3 legendaries, I'd much rather outfit my 8 characters with multiple armor and weapon sets, dyes, ascended trinkets or armor, and aesthetics than blow a ton on one weapon. Part of the fun of this game, for me, is being able to swap builds pretty easily to try a lot of different play styles. When doing that, I want to have distinct aesthetics per major build I use often enough on each character. If I blow tons of resources on a legendary (which aren't really necessary stats wise as they are a nominal increase in power, just like ascended armor - no content in the game even necessitates anything beyond exotic gear either), I won't be able to have such a variance of builds and aesthetics across all of my characters.

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> @lothefallen.7081 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I choose the least ugly option available and then dont make it because least ugly of a bunch of ugly options seems like a terrible justification for spending that much time and effort.


> I honestly don't like any one legendary enough to want to sink the amount of resources necessary into making one. Sure, some of them are cool, but legendaries in general just don't seem practical. Even though I have the supplies and funds to make 2-3 legendaries, I'd much rather outfit my 8 characters with multiple armor and weapon sets, dyes, ascended trinkets or armor, and aesthetics than blow a ton on one weapon. Part of the fun of this game, for me, is being able to swap builds pretty easily to try a lot of different play styles. When doing that, I want to have distinct aesthetics per major build I use often enough on each character. If I blow tons of resources on a legendary (which aren't really necessary stats wise as they are a nominal increase in power, just like ascended armor - no content in the game even necessitates anything beyond exotic gear either), I won't be able to have such a variance of builds and aesthetics across all of my characters.



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Funny story: I'm currently working on HOPE. The reason however is where the funny sits. See, my wife was only planning on crafting Dreamer recently and I made a passing comment about shooting tigers instead of unicorns, and she looked at me and asked if there was a bow that did that. I informed her that yes there was and she looked into it. She then cursed the day I was born (or something along those lines) for letting her know that existed because a) it meant that now she had to get that one instead, and b) she'd have to play content she hadn't planned on playing to get it. So in a show of solidarity with her, because I felt bad for changing her mind and dragging her kicking and screaming into HoT maps, that I'd make HOPE along side her so I could share in her pain.


And help her on those HoT maps.



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