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If in game marriage is introduced, do u have anybody in mind?


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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> If it has benefits, everyone will marry, it will be meaningless.

> If it has no benefits its just roleplay and you can already do that.

> Sounds like wasted resources to me


Dont' worry, as for housing is something which won't ever see the light.

It's just a talk about nothing :relieved:

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I would if they added a beneficial reason to do that for example.


Instead of having to party, your always together in the game unless the other person is off.


During story, the npcs would recognize you both. And that during story the marriage would show effection or concern during battle. Like in pof where you die. Or have the choice of who’s dies. You or your spouse? And your spouse mourns until you come back.


Split exp between each other earned when together.


Get mats split between each other, or share inv instead.


Share bank.


Share currencies.


A marriage mount where you both can ride something together.


And hopefully housing where you both live in the same house.


If they add this then I will consider it. But I don’t think we’re close to that.






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The only explanation anyone needs for being "forever alone" (all is vain):


>! @"mighty meak.6387" wrote in [2014](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/3350671)

>! > OK gusie listen

>! > im decent pvp

>! > but my gf left me

>! > coz of lederborsd

>! > i mean W T F

>! > i enter new leaderrbord after reset

>! > and i say i am decent

>! > i adapt

>! > i see no gaurd so i think ok go gaurd

>! > i go imba heal guard

>! > adn i am gona mid

>! > and i heal and i heal and i heal moar

>! > but w t f

>! > i am alone

>! > no one helps no loves

>! > 1vall

>! > i die no win

>! > next game i say ho ho ho no guard no gaurd at all i go imba power crit wahtever

>! > but guy at srat say ok gusy lisen plan

>! > 1 close 1 animal 1 far rest mid

>! > ok ok i say i am mid coz far is noob

>! > burt map say i am 1 mid rest animal no close no far

>! > and i die hard lol

>! > loost

>! > then enters next

>! > and i say lol i know now i follow plan noooobs

>! > w t f skyham

>! > i change imba engi canon trololol

>! > so caanon here i comes

>! > 1 mesmer hiding and pul no prob i push and push broken glass canon all mine

>! > i shoot a shoot b shoot c

>! > w t f

>! > non see abc

>! > they all canon gate coz it causy no push nothing just fight fight fight

>! > chase chase chse

>! > i say go b go a and go c

>! > all say lol noob u here for golds

>! > lossst

>! > gf now half interest

>! > i say ok lissen good i win next i go up 90%

>! > but i dont

>! > all ranks 10 for goold

>! > next is same and next

>! > 70% and down

>! > ranks down too

>! > i go guard i am mad no guard love

>! > i go engi bunker power right no nothing

>! > i do ele i go war ooops w t f war nerfes

>! > 69% and down

>! > gf dont impresss say she leaving now

>! > all is vain


(Collapsed using 'spoiler' code so as not to digress the thread too much. It's a classic post that shouldn't be lost to the old forums.)

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I find in-game marriage creepy. Anything with a deeply personal touch that can be done online with total strangers should be avoided, as it harbors dangers I'm not going to discuss here (RL stalking etc.).


I remember an online acquaintance, who is married in RL, talking about his "gaming wife" (whom he "marries" in every game where it's possible) as opposed to his RL wife. That can't be healthy.


See, I have played a lot of pen&paper RPGs in my time, where I find the concept of romancing another character okay, because those are your RL friends you play with, you all know each other, it's a different atmosphere and can add to the story development. But on the internet? No way (at least not for me), unless maybe it's your RL spouse.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> I'd rather have player housing. ;)


So you can sit in your lonely house, alone, staring at chairs you can't sit in with no bookshelf to pick interesting reading material from. :cry:


But at least I'll get a reprieve from dorky anime Charr hair, emote spammers, and the ironically-pink crowd. :P


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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I find in-game marriage creepy. Anything with a deeply personal touch that can be done online with total strangers should be avoided, as it harbors dangers I'm not going to discuss here (RL stalking etc.).


> I remember an online acquaintance, who is married in RL, talking about his "gaming wife" (whom he "marries" in every game where it's possible) as opposed to his RL wife. That can't be healthy.


> See, I have played a lot of pen&paper RPGs in my time, where I find the concept of romancing another character okay, because those are your RL friends you play with, you all know each other, it's a different atmosphere and can add to the story development. But on the internet? No way (at least not for me).


Agreed. Only if you personally know them. Not a random person. Don't be catfished.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > I'd rather have player housing. ;)


> So you can sit in your lonely house, alone, staring at chairs you can't sit in with no bookshelf to pick interesting reading material from. :cry:


> But at least I'll get a reprieve from dorky anime Charr hair, emote spammers, and the ironically-pink crowd. :P



Any charr using anime hair and not the LUSCIOUS, GROOMED MANE are doing themselves and everyone a disservice.

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If it's like those typical MMO marriages where there's 0 benefit but you might get like a special item/outfit and then maybe some "gift" like some kind of loot/gear/equipment boost item/food?

I would make a temporary character, shout in Lion's Arch who wants to get married, get that character married, take the equipment/items, then delete the character after the stuff is unlocked.

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