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Closed servers are demoralising much of the WvW player base.


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> @dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:

> > @"Boris Losdindawoods.3098" said:

> > > @dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:

> > > a bunch of hardcore WvW players with no guild leader stuck in T6 unable to get back to their friends.

> >

> > If you or anyone you know is "stuck in T6", you have a really serious problem. There are only 4 tiers.


> Fair enough, technically you are correct but technically you knew what I meant and you're just being a pedant.


Or he was being funny to lighten the discussion. Maybe on your end try being a bit more factual and you won't have to make excuses like others being "pedant".

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> @Vova.2640 said:

> Every time I see someone saying "open servers" its basically the same as saying "open blackgate"...


why? im not even from NA but i see my server bleeding out also it onces used to be a great server and still is based on Tiers but the amount of toxic idiots left on it makes me wanna leave also but if i regret it i wont be able to return EVER.

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i would say is more like awfull Anet dev's demoralizing WvW players...


> @dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:

> > @LetoII.3782 said:

> > If any resources are invested in WvW going forward, setting up a tournament is waaaay waaaay way way way down the priorities list.


> They've already said another tournament isn't on the cards, ever.


The gameplay atm is horrible no mattter how much sigestions, bad or good players want to talk about... this guys dont f** care, its a pve game only.

So a tournament with how servers are(a mess even with links) and the horribad balance and class design??

No it would not be a good thing, unless u are from a link that basicly love to fight other empty server gates...


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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> Closed servers are closed because of over population and stacking, pretty simple, they automatically open up if the Server population actually drops below a threshold. Maybe players shouldn’t over stack servers and they wouldn’t be closed, again pretty simple.


Different Servers have different population Anet stated once .. they even been lowering numbers of max players hoping that players would spread equaly all over the world i think .. somebody should tell ´em it didn´t work and maybe won´t ever so they can try a different solution ?! :)

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> The server imbalance issue has existed since the game launched. ANET has never addressed it and never will. WvW is a joke.


Locking servers. Linking servers. Adjusting cost of transfer based on server statice. All steps to minimize or control imbalances. But sure, let's go with dishonesty and claim that never addressed it. I mean, can agree there are issues, but lying about aspects certainly will not resolve the issue or motivate those you are lying about into action.

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WvW guilds cannot make interesting transfers anymore, and the real wvw players cannot join the competitive wvw teams, because almost all wvw focused servers are locked. Wvw players/guilds are indirectly forced to move into low population tiers, and its killing the game wvw experience for everyone. This indirectly has caused a spread of the real wvw population thin across many non wvw focused servers and its hampering new interesting competitive wvw matchups. Even worse is that server population slots are being filled up with PvE farmers that wont be here after they finish farming their stuffs. We are losing more and more of our long term player base due to these issues.


I havent been in a good competitive wvw matchup for many months now! Its just terrible the way things are atm. There are too many servers for the actual active wvw playerbase & the server caps are way too low!

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> @dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:

> > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > It isn't that they're good, it's that everyone else is locked.

hahaha no... really we are good at playing wvw as intended not calling for fights only nor such BS. AND do not dare to open my server I do not want any lame & useless guild to bandwagon here and believe they are the king of the hill.



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> @kmfart.7480 said:

> WvW guilds cannot make interesting transfers anymore, and the real wvw players cannot join the competitive wvw teams, because almost all wvw focused servers are locked. Wvw players/guilds are indirectly forced to move into low population tiers, and its killing the game wvw experience for everyone. This indirectly has caused a spread of the real wvw population thin across many non wvw focused servers and its hampering new interesting competitive wvw matchups. Even worse is that server population slots are being filled up with PvE farmers that wont be here after they finish farming their stuffs. We are losing more and more of our long term player base due to these issues.


> I havent been in a good competitive wvw matchup for many months now! Its just terrible the way things are atm. There are too many servers for the actual active wvw playerbase & the server caps are way too low!


Limiting the choices players have in regards to transfers is intended with the new threshold algorithm. It is a lot easier now for servers to close and stay closed then in the past. It is designed to bleed off the population of larger servers into the smaller ones to bring up their numbers. This creates a quality problem for servers, especially since new players also have limited choices when selecting a server. These new players who jump into WvW will naturally seek the safety of a zerg, and most likely will prefer to ktrain, further inflating a servers activity and giving a false impression of the servers actual health.

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Right....you forgot to mention how statistically the full servers are still the ones that win a fair amount of the time.


Shouldn't we be more worried about the servers that always lose most of the time? Or these people are the minority....i forgot, we don't care about the minority whom is demoralized and waiting to be snipped off so the rest of the tree can grow. Clearly the losing servers are losing cause they don't try! Clearly you are right and full servers are simply full of more people who try and they should be rewarded rather than punished.


I see the folly in my ways. I shall like your comments for now on, forgive my impudence. I'm glad anet is not like me, they always saw the truth and always rewarded the full unpaired servers with gifts throughout the years. WHAT A FOOOOOOOL I've been. Maybe if I try hard enough I can make our server t1/t2 material. I shall embark on the crusade immediately to make DB not the weakest server we have ever ever ever ever ever been paired with.






...anet plz open the good servers so I can leave this kitten.

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> @Chaba.5410 said:

> > @kmfart.7480 said:

> > WvW guilds cannot make interesting transfers anymore, and the real wvw players cannot join the competitive wvw teams


> Hey, here's an idea! Stay on the server you are on now!


And train the other people. Offer training, work with new players.


Guild groups that feel as if they have to move can and should move to a lower tier server. That can help to train and bring new players to the mode up to speed.


Granted, there will ALWAYS be players that feel like they don't need help, or are just there for the rewards, but we have gotten new people in with the new Xpac.


If you want to let the mode die, belittle them, treat them poorly, and shun them from your groups.


Or maybe, truly offer to help in a way that doesn't sound like: 'you stink git gud we will teach you how to not be a newb'

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> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > The server imbalance issue has existed since the game launched. ANET has never addressed it and never will. WvW is a joke.


> Locking servers. Linking servers. Adjusting cost of transfer based on server statice. All steps to minimize or control imbalances. But sure, let's go with dishonesty and claim that never addressed it. I mean, can agree there are issues, but lying about aspects certainly will not resolve the issue or motivate those you are lying about into action.


Since the imbalance is worse now than it has ever been the things you mentioned have been an absolute failure. After 5 years of this BS it's pretty safe to say ANET is completely incompetent when it comes to server balance.


Addressing the issue means getting positive results. THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED.

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Just my opinion. Permanently merge the current linked servers and open all servers. Change outnumbered so it is based off the entire WvW population across all maps instead of a single map. Instead of reward bonuses for Outnumbered have it increase the base stats of those affected by it. Outnumbered would also need to scale depending on how outnumbered the server really is. This would allow players to switch to the server they want to switch to and give no incentive for over stacking a single server.

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> @Crius.5487 said:

> Just my opinion. Permanently merge the current linked servers and open all servers. Change outnumbered so it is based off the entire WvW population across all maps instead of a single map. **Instead of reward bonuses for Outnumbered have it increase the base stats of those affected by it**. Outnumbered would also need to scale depending on how outnumbered the server really is. This would allow players to switch to the server they want to switch to and give no incentive for over stacking a single server.

Recently there were only 4 team members on our bl when a twenty man zerg came rolling in. It was in the early am when most are sleeping in NA. Our EB players were not much better off so we couldn't call on them for support. The stat boost for four players to face down a zerg running team builds would have had to be just shy of God mode. If we had that, and won, the salt would have been so epic it would have drowned GW2 forums for months lol.



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> @Crius.5487 said:

> Just my opinion. Permanently merge the current linked servers and open all servers. Change outnumbered so it is based off the entire WvW population across all maps instead of a single map. Instead of reward bonuses for Outnumbered have it increase the base stats of those affected by it. Outnumbered would also need to scale depending on how outnumbered the server really is. This would allow players to switch to the server they want to switch to and give no incentive for over stacking a single server.

So in a hypothetical scenario of *all* the servers being full, but one server end up outmanned at a random point in time... it's everybody fault for stacking the other servers so they should transfer to another full server?


Last I checked players arent robots that play in their allocated timeslots 24/7. You're playing the blaim game and propose to give stat increase to "outmanned" people that will without a doubt exploit it to gank people instead. Because that's what humans do. I dont see how 3 players in a 3v1 scenario deserves god mode just because there is a 50 man zerg clear across the map.

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Just set it up so commanders can have 1v1 pokemon battles to determine the outcome of skirmishes.


Each commander has 20 pokeballs (their players). They select one player to throw into the pokemon stadium to take on enemy players, 1 at a time. When one player dies that player's commander throws in the next player, not giving the other player time to recover their cooldowns. Once one side's ~~pokemon~~ players have all died that side wins the skirmish and everyone on both sides gets a shitton of free stuff.


That way server population doesn't matter at all, either side can still win based on the overall skill of their side's players, and commanders can take advantage of type advantage. Like how guardians have type advantage over thieves. And how mesmers have type advantage over rangers. And how warriors have type advantage over anything with a health bar.


~ Kovu


edit- Oh, I like that idea about free stats on outnumbered maps. I always roam around outnumbered maps, I'll enjoy any advantage I can get against the enemy roamers/scouts.

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I've been saying for two years, we can't compete against the Developers, so why bother? That's what's been demoralizing WvW, it's been the Dev's and not the players. The dev's seem completely oblivious to the fact that, by manipulating our populations, they've removed competition from the mode. Also, by consistently reducing World populations, they've made it feel like the game is stuck in a perpetual state of decay. Which certainly isn't fun or motivating either. The dev's never even realized the bleached and sterilized environment they created on the forums reduced our emotional investment in our worlds, the mode, and the game overall. Stifling self expression and removing competition are not what gamer's are interested in.


They need to step aside and get out of our way!

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