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A "don't waypoint when dead" fee?


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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > The only time Ive really been annoyed with people not waypointing has been at the Arah event where they are literally lying adjacent to an uncontested WP.


> Well 100 times getting rezzed instead of waypointing.. even when right next to it.. is about 1.1-1.3 gold


> My main having well over 2000 deaths, lets say half to a quarter of that is in a situation where id have to pay waypoint.. thats like 11-13 gold to 5.5-6.5 gold! Think of the profit!




If you are dying 1000 times at the Arah event you may want to add some vitality to your gear.

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I'm not in favor of a tax, participation expiration timer, or auto waypoint - I'd prefer if it was made so that being fully defeated meant you didn't scale up the event. Then if you don't WP (for whatever reason) you're not negatively impacting the people around you (other than visual or F clutter, but that's not too big a deal.) I've seen people claiming authoritatively that being defeated does and does not scale up an event, so I'm not sure what's the truth on that one anymore.

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0 participation if they stay dead seems far more appropriate. It will create a sense of responsibility to finally do something to contribute to the event, which isn't a bad thing given how many players often slack on the edges not doing much or just stay dead and collect gold rewards for hitting a couple times.


Seriously. Refusing to pay a silver to respawn is clearly insane. Literally insane.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> Yeah, thats what Im thinking too. If defeated people scale up the events upto the point that people get annoyed then it should be changed so that they don't scale up events.


They shouldn't be factoring dead or inactive players, but that'll probably never change considering this has been complained about for years. Nearby players scaling up events and forcing me to do 5x+ the requirements is far worse of a problem. Even if dead players weren't factored, there still needs to be a punishment, which is disabling their rewards, otherwise it only further encourages staying dead because it truly wouldn't matter. For a complete solution, they need to implement an actual contribution system, complete with leaderboards at boss events, but that'll never happen. Likewise, personal loot needs proper contribution, which would require you to contribute 1 enemy's worth to get loot; no more zerging for 10x the rewards.

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Well, thanks to ANets wonderful idea with the level 80 instant boosts, we have a great load of newbies in all highlevel (80+) zones in the game. Many of them have hardly played their personal story. Some have never played a single episode of any of the living stories. And a very good ammount of them has nearly no clue about the struggle we had in the jungle. Experience is something people aquire over time, but what these players lack the most are the games basics. I know, tutorials and manuals are for losers, true professionals need neither of them. ^^


A few days ago I have met a few newbies myself in the Crystal desert. They were quite suprised, when I told them how event-scaling and DR work. In the past, it was absolutely clear for us, that anyone who entered a level 80 zone has aquired a basic knowledge of the game, character controls and even some basic understanding about the game mechanics. Before we had the instant level 80 boost, the fast guys had their chars up within a week or two, the slow guys (me) took months for their first character.


So, yeah. Forcing anyone to WP or punishing people is the wrong idea. When I am doing an event with tons of people laying arround as corpse, I explain the event-scaling short on mapchat. I do not want to insult anyones intellect. I do not want to act like a teacher.


On the other hand we had/have the same situation with the CCs. When fighting a boss which needs CCs, I explain CCs in mapchat. Once the lines are read and understood, you notice a good improvement of the break-bar lowerage. It does not go to 0 instantly, but each round we get a little closer.


Please. If you are outside and notice something goes horribly wrong. Don't smash your keyboards. You have the experience and knowledge, tell the people what the problem is and how it can be solved, in a patient and friendly tone. Insults get us nowhere. It does feel weird, to explain game-basics to a character with a mastery-rank. I feel strange whenever I do it. But it is the only real way to manage and improve the situation. Knowledge is power.



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> @Zacchary.6183 said:

> > @Nemmar.8491 said:

> > Nvm i misunderstood the topic.

> >

> > It's not a good thing to force decisions on other players though, imo.


> But catering to a minority when it affects the majority as a whole is not a good thing either.


How is it "catering" to anyone when the game launched with this mechanic and it is only a HUUUUGE problem now?

This is just more silly GW2 blaming. Oh, this dead person is hurting us. This Bearbow is ruining everything. This person doing personal goals should not be in our farm instance. You should have to pass a test to do Triple Trouble, this noob is ruining it all. These idiots refusing to stack are FORCING us to spend 29 seconds longer on Claw. We need a way to stop people doing champs out of order!! Ect, Ect, Ect. blah blah blah.


sigh. Go do fractals with your "perfect" group who can GW2 without upsetting your delicate sense of how to do it.


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Threads like this remind me of a certain mega guild who privately contacted a GM, who was off work, to clean up their "private" instance of Battle for LA. He booted people for simply being there but not doing GW2 "right" by doing Debris instead of rescues. A lot of them were not AFK and got booted anyway even after a conversation.

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Whenever I get defeated I just tell players to ignore me and I'll just pop an orb since I got so many for some reason. I always try to get someone up if they are downed but if they are defeated I just tend to ignore them now. When the fight is over I'll rez someone unless they've been dead the whole fight.

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Can we punish those who don't get you up when your halfway down then also?


No because that would be silly, you can't punish people for not teleporting back with a game mechanic. If they don't run back then don't res them.


I personally will res them anyway because it doesn't bother me. What does bother me are people who refuse or ignore people who are half downed and just run by.


EDIT: Plus sometimes getting a fully down person up is less time then having them run back. WvW is a good example of this sometimes.

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> if they want to stay dead, let them stay dead, we have no obligation to rezz them.

> and your point on rezzing a downed player... it's better to get downed players up and contnue to fight, than have them spawn miles away at the WP and have them move back to the fight (takes way longer and reduces damage more significantly)


> Dying is already a punishment with the moving to a way point to "solo" rezz and having to repair gear. giving people a fine is kicking someone who is already down.

> What they could do is apply the same rule for being dead to long as being away to long (if they haven't already done this). where you will lose any participation to an event when you leave the area of the event for to long (this was to avoid people nipping in at all the events and then leave)


Participation will be lost without leaving the area. It takes around 3 or 4 minutes. Though that is just for HoT events. Not sure about other places.



> if someone just wants to watch the fight and doesn't care about losing the reward, let them do so, again **you don't have to rezz them**


Except that actively interferes with the fight such as attempts to res other downed people or if the fight requires picking things up.

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I do understand the frustration. I've been a commander during Tequatal where the megalaser not worked and Triple Trouble events where people didn't use the waypoint after they had fully died however that being said you and I or anyone else don't own the maps sure you can command in a map but people don't have to listen or play how you want them to play.


You are simply helping them and if they want to stay dead or not bring useful skills or wear blank type of gear they are allowed that option if that's how they want to play at best you can simply ask people to waypoint or tell they what to bring to make the fight simpler and say that staying dead might cause the event to fail. That being said you won't have the fight fail to a single person or even a few people as it take more than just a few people dead to cause a fight to be lost.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:


> If they got an IRL issue they can always port before dealing with it, it only takes a couple of seconds to click on the waypoint when you are dead.



Yes, because people should put the possibility of inconveniencing strangers on the internet ahead of: "the dog and cat are fighting and wrecking the living room;" "little Johnny is getting into the cabinet under the sink;" "work is calling; or "the pizza is here."


Reality check needed.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> >

> > If they got an IRL issue they can always port before dealing with it, it only takes a couple of seconds to click on the waypoint when you are dead.

> >


> Yes, because people should put the possibility of inconveniencing strangers on the internet ahead of: "the dog and cat are fighting and wrecking the living room;" "little Johnny is getting into the cabinet under the sink;" "work is calling; or "the pizza is here."


> Reality check needed.


When my sons were growing up I never managed to convince them to schedule when they planned to break things.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > Nothing you've said is optional. You want to tax players who choose to wait for a revive rather than running back.

> >

> > So waiting for a revive instead of running back is **playing** the game?

> >

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > It's a terrible idea to tax players for **playing** the game in a way you don't like.

> >

> >


> Yeah. And TP flipping is also how some people play the game too.


> I trust by your comment that you also are against level 80 boost and WP unlock as well?

> Yes or no.


> I just want to make sure your definition of "playing the game" isn't a house of cards.


TP has taxes and fees ...

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> If we want people to waypoint when dead, shouldn't we first start to ask about more waypoints being available in new content? Because, you know, the distance from the nearest waypoint does affect the willingness of people to wp quite significantly.


People don't wp even if the nearest waypoint is visible on the mini map, so I'm not sure how important distance is.

Very easy to see at Tequatl and at the Legendary Wyvern Matriarch for example, it takes less than 30 seconds to get back to the fight, less now with mounts, yet the dead are all over the place.

Running to a Bounty in Path of Fire is indeed a royal pain, especially those that require some tricky mount usage to get to, that's a different consideration.

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > Nothing you've said is optional. You want to tax players who choose to wait for a revive rather than running back.

> > >

> > > So waiting for a revive instead of running back is **playing** the game?

> > >

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > It's a terrible idea to tax players for **playing** the game in a way you don't like.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah. And TP flipping is also how some people play the game too.

> >

> > I trust by your comment that you also are against level 80 boost and WP unlock as well?

> > Yes or no.

> >

> > I just want to make sure your definition of "playing the game" isn't a house of cards.


> TP has taxes and fees ...


Perhaps everyone who fails an event or an instance needs to be fined as well. For their own good, to get better?

This is funny.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> If we want people to waypoint when dead, shouldn't we first start to ask about more waypoints being available in new content? Because, you know, the distance from the nearest waypoint does affect the willingness of people to wp quite significantly.


The WP for Golem MK II is pretty close but it's not unusual for to see a pile of staying dead during that event.

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The absolute simplest solution is just adding an option to the game to disable interacting with fully dead and maybe faster participation/scaling checks.


*Actual* dynamic scaling of events and mobs would be nice. That is one of the most disappointing unmet expectations since the game launched. An event can spawn with pile of scaled up lv83 HP sponges and they stick around regardless of whether or not those people are actually around.

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