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[POLL] What do you want to see in future Mount skins?


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So, now that all of our bunnies and pet lizards have become spooky scary skeletons and are running all over the place, I've been extremely curious about what they're going to put out next. What do you guys want to see in mounts? ( These are a few of my ideas, along with many I stole from buried forum posts. )

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It's a tie between spirit themed mounts and steampunk machines for me, a mix of both preferably... But if I had to choose one, it would be steampunk machines. For a game that has so many machines in it, we sure don't have enough weapons/armor and now mounts with the same theme.


Not that sylvari stuff wouldn't be nice as well, but maybe we should finally give some attention to our Asuran and Charr brothers and sisters.

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I dont think all mounts need to come in bundles with themes. (And I also hope we'll never get dragon minion themed mounts since that would imply elder dragons have control over them, which is nooooot good).

Some examples I would are are Asuran tech, which works on all mounts.

Owl Gryffon, and Wyvern, for the Gryffon.

For the Hound I would love to see the sylvan hound.

For the Raptor.. the ones ridden by the Mordrem would be cool. They look like fleshy raptors so I don't think they count as dragon minions.

Maybe the necromancers can animate is a nice springer and skimmer.


(that said, I don't want mounts named after dragon corruptions, but normal elemental mounts would be fine.)


maybe.. anomaly mounts, steamtaur mounts,

.. ooh, nice idea for zhaitaffy festival: Shattered Holographic Mounts (that's gotta look weird)

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> @Chorne.8195 said:

> So, now that all of our bunnies and pet lizards have become spooky scary skeletons and are running all over the place, I've been extremely curious about what they're going to put out next. What do you guys want to see in mounts? ( These are a few of my ideas, along with many I stole from buried forum posts. )


I'll never be able to get on-board with the skin craze (mount, armor, weapon, or otherwise). If it doesn't DO something new, then what's the point? People put so much work into their look, and no one actually even cares or notices. This game is so starved for rewards that really matter.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Slightly different mount skins only avaible through bundles.

> No different beasts.

> Seasonal and **armored skins** would be appreciated.


This is the first wave of skins I'm expecting. I'm guessing we'll see these released with 4 dye channels, two for the mount itself and 2 more for all the doodads they slap all over them.

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My hope is that we see new mount outfits at every festival and new LS, i.e. about as often as we see new outfits, with a few that can be earned via achievements.


I'd like to see non-themed entries, too. For example, all the new ones this October were Spooky, but what about if the Raptor gets a HoT-style look, the sand puppy an Ascalon skin, the bunny-roo something from Maguuma Jungle, and the Ray something Asura-oriented. That works especially well for skins sold separately.


In short, I didn't vote because I want a combination of all of the above in the next 1-2 years; I don't really care which comes first.

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My 1st thought before Halloween was I wanted skeleton mounts.

Like actual skeletons or skins of what the inside of these mounts look like with all their skin and flesh and meat is removed. Could make a version leaving the guts inside them for a Necromancer look too.


But seeing the halloween thing, I'm going to assume that won't happen.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> I'm going to be honest, there are some amazing things they could do with horse skins. Like a Griffon Pegasis, or a skimmer floating horse, or a springer jumping horse. JUST GIVE ME HORSES.


![](https://img00.deviantart.net/b38e/i/2014/173/4/1/hover_bike_by_artofmarius-d7nggfq.jpg "")

Put a horse head on the front, then make it replace the Skimmer.

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Really I'd just like them to start out simple, give us a full set of CHEAP, but very simple mount skins that are identical to the defaults, but with four dye channels so that they can be fully recolored. But definitely cheap, since they should be well simpler to produce than most.


Beyond that, I don't really care what they add, but they definitely need to be individually sold, not just in a pack, because I know I'll probably like some of them, but probably not want to use others.

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