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WvW = Dead game mode

Vieux P.1238

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**WvW should be trashed just like ESL.** It's a dead game mode. It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW it's not working. There is no other solution but to trash it & implement open world pvp in the regular pve world **in reserved map zone for it**. & they have to implement a system that instead of just fighting for control of castles, players actually fight for something. Like fight for resources such as wood, minerals & plants that must be brought back to there main city and sold to different vendors. The more vendors have resources, the more they can sell buff & other useful items to players of that city. Among other rewards. This promote the real reason to compete. **Money$$$** incentive like in real life. Yes balance is an issue, but is nothing if you have no reason to fight for. And before you go on a rant and post that you dont want pvp in your pve, read my post again. I said **pvp in reserved maps**. Meaning you can still pve in none pvp zones. Think about it.

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ESL was cancelled because it wasn't worth it for ArenaNet in their opinion. Unless they are losing resources or money by hosting the servers for WvW, they have no reason to cancel it, it's pretty interesting because Gems are bought pretty often for WvW related uses, be it more bag slots, transfers, or gold for gear.

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No matter how you spin it, ESL was just pointless just like tournies organised by anet. Same old players wining it with same old meta. So participation was minimal by the community. So it got trashed! WvW is kinda the same. So you can talk about gems & all but the problem still remains. Same old servers & players playing it & minimal community participation. This mode needs to be trashed.

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> @Grimjack.8130 said:

> ESL was cancelled because it wasn't worth it for ArenaNet in their opinion. Unless they are losing resources or money by hosting the servers for WvW, they have no reason to cancel it, it's pretty interesting because Gems are bought pretty often for WvW related uses, be it more bag slots, transfers, or gold for gear.


ESL dropped GW2 not GW2 dropping ESL, and ESL dropped GW2 because of the declining Population actually participating in the ESL events...

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ANet invested in eSports entirely for marketing purposes. It was never intended to be a major game mode on its own; just something to let people know that GW2 existed. In that, it succeeded.


WvW isn't dead by any stretch of the imagination. Tons of people still play. It's stale and hasn't fundamentally changed in 5 years (although it's more rewarding than it used t be), so inevitably veterans are burnt out. (Not to mention the exhaustion caused by the drama that ensues with any social groups that last more than a few months.)


If the OP doesn't like the current state of WvW, then they should stop playing it. But they shouldn't dictate to others what is or isn't fun for them.

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > @Grimjack.8130 said:

> > ESL was cancelled because it wasn't worth it for ArenaNet in their opinion. Unless they are losing resources or money by hosting the servers for WvW, they have no reason to cancel it, it's pretty interesting because Gems are bought pretty often for WvW related uses, be it more bag slots, transfers, or gold for gear.


> ESL dropped GW2 not GW2 dropping ESL, and ESL dropped GW2 **because of the declining Population** actually participating in the ESL events...


The declining Population is my point & except for the same servers & players this same decline is what always & still happening in WvW.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> I was just reading a topic about how the PvE feel the game is too easy and wanted some kind of "Hard Mode" for the core maps, Personally, I think this would be a perfect solution.


Yes it would keep the core map's population fresh with players harvesting & competing for resources. But With out competitive incentive of harvesting first, it would be as useless as the game mode stands now.

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WvW is not dead. There are less players now compared to few years back (at least it feels that way) but there could be less players overall playing the game. It is difficult to check how many players do open world PvE but it has probably declined too, so you could as well demand "PvE is dead mode and should be trashed". Or "whole game is dead and should be trashed".


If I understand the proposal correctly, it would lead to massive positive feedback loop, where those who are strongest/richest/bestequipped will get huge rewards and become even stronger/richer/bettergeared. So if you lose fight to enemy today, you will get nothing from it, but your enemy gets access to pile of useful stuff which makes them even more difficult to kill in the future. The gap between winners and losers increases with every fight and every reward cycle.

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> If I understand the proposal correctly, it would lead to massive positive feedback loop, where those who are strongest/richest/bestequipped will get huge rewards and become even stronger/richer/bettergeared. So if you lose fight to enemy today, you will get nothing from it, but your enemy gets access to pile of useful stuff which makes them even more difficult to kill in the future. The gap between winners and losers increases with every fight and every reward cycle.


No, obviously you do not understand & nothing i said on my OP even remotely suggest a zero sum solution gap between winners & losers. The useful stuff as you say would be the actual stuff that exist already. So nothing unbalance or new. But you got to be more imaginative. For example, you want to make a new legendary. Besides buying stuff threw the TP, other option is harvesting resources threw out the pve map. Imagine **in certain pve maps** open to pvp you would race to harvest, fight and compete for does ressources before they get them. So you can sell, trade or what ever to make your legendary item. this is just an example. But nothing i described has been map out so that 1 group gets all & losers gets nothing. That's impossible. worst would be 1 side gets lots & the other gets less. Makes more sens! & yes, vendores would have a limited amount of resources to sell reason why to go out & fight for it so to replenish there stocks.



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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW...


LOL, all that has been proven over the years is that Anet will not bother to put the resources in to make a meaningful attempt to fix it, it is a fine example of why a 13 year old MMORPG that charges a sub still has more players than a much newer F2P/B2P MMORPG like GW2.


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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW...


> LOL, all that has been proven over the years is that Anet will not bother to put the resources in to make a meaningful attempt to fix it, it is a fine example of why a 13 year old MMORPG that charges a sub still has more players than a much newer F2P/B2P MMORPG like GW2.



Idk, Anet put up some good time, ressources & energy on PoF & up to now, it's pretty good. Imagine if they did the same on the rest of my idea.

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> Open world pvp is old topic only gankers wants it for real ... It will never happen in this game it would alienate pve base for ever (and game $ incomes as well)


No it would'nt alienate pve players. If you took the time to read my short OP you would of read in bold letters & understood **(Open world Pvp in certain reserved maps)** Because of the gankers. dha! See it all balances out.

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What if WvW had something this http://www.playragnarok.com/gameguide/features_warofemperium.aspx as some kind of mechanics into the game. Maybe Anet can be inspired by this old classic MMORPG and transition something like this into WvW. WvW maybe can have one of those Keeps or SMC can only be attained during certain hours and those hours can be rotated amongst different timezones so that all timezones are covered. I'd rather type and post some constructive feedback than complain it doesn't really help at all. But anyways WvW can evolve also like PvE and give people to log-in and fight each other for items and currency. Just tryin to brainstorm...

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Complaining is what makes things evolve. With out it the game would of died a long time ago. Adding to the complaints constructive criticisms helps out as well.


**Phizeke.9536**: I'm not convince that Your time zone idea would saved WvW since the main problem of the game mod has been identified. & it's the goal or incentive of the game that's at fault. Anet tried to fix it with rewards & new reward tracks but to no avail. That's why i suggested a more financial oriented incentive such as fighting for resources. Many awarding games has such a system making players come back for more & more to gather what they think belongs to them.

**It's greed & it's human nature. **


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